69.81% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 74: Chapter 73 - Shiro's Training

章節 74: Chapter 73 - Shiro's Training

By Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves


"So you stalked this Shiro guy," Scootaloo started.

"I did not stalk him," Micro muttered.

"Oh right. Your female form stalked him." Micro groaned at that. "And after finding him to be a good guy, you fought a dungeon with him, and discovered he could help train us."

"That about sums it up."

He and Scootaloo were walking from class to their lockers.

"So anything else I should know about him before meeting him?" Scoots asked.

"Well...he is a bit of a flirt…"


The young Draco Kin was smiling. After yesterday, he had thought for a while. Finally, he had made his decision, and it was time to act on it. He swung by the bathroom to check himself in the mirror, and now, it was time to ask her out.


The hints weren't going through. She tried subtle flirting but it wasn't working. Now, it was time to try the direct approach. It was time to ask Spike out. She had her hair done up nicely, and wore her favorite sundress.

She made her way to the hallway where Spike's locker was. Taking a deep breath, Sweetie turned the corner and saw Spike with his back to her. She was about to call out to him, when she saw who he was talking to.

"So...um... Diamond?"

"Yes Spike?" Diamond asked. She was wearing a white crop top with a light purple jacket and black shorts.

"I was wondering, since yesterday was more just us connecting...do you want to go on an, um, actual date tonight."

Sweetie felt a pang in her heart. Even more so when Diamond said yes. She turned and ran down the hall to the restroom. Her first magic lesson was that afternoon, and she wasn't about to show up with running makeup.


"Are you ok Sweetie?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Silver added. "You look a bit bummed out."

"It's nothing," Sweetie mumbled. She just wanted to get to the training to get her mind off things.

Suddenly the world around them shifted in a way Scootaloo knew to be the ID creation.

"Alright, ladies," Shiro said, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "Are you girls ready to learn to shoot lightning from your arse?"

"Sounds like a neat part trick," Scootaloo said with a chuckle.

"Oh, it is," Shiro agreed. "Ask Pinkie what she thinks about it next time you see her."

Shiro had gathered Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Sweetie Belle in an ID of the park. Gathered around him were a few odds and ends, including three fully stocked weapons racks, several wooden target dummies, and a table whose contents were hidden beneath a white sheet.

"Alright, so... each of you are here because you want to learn how to make the elements bow to your will. I can teach you how to rain fire on your foes, or turn an ordinary swing of a kitchen knife into a tempest. This is a magic known most commonly as sorcery."

He held out his hand and a bolt of lightning struck beside him. He grabbed the bolt as it took a solid form of a spear with a massive, bladed head.

"There are two kinds of sorcery spells; Caster spells, and sword spells," Shiro continued. "Fundamentally, they're the same. The difference lies in their role on the battlefield. Caster spells are what most people think of when they think of sorcery." He shot a hand toward a nearby department store, launching a bolt of fire at it. The bolt shattered the window and lit several racks of clothes on fire. "These are meant for the ranged and support caster types.

"Then, there's sword spells," He continued, he and Scootaloo ignoring the spreading fire in the store, while Sweetie and Silver look on in worry.

"Um-" Silver was about to speak, but was cut off.

"Sword spells are spells that are channeled through a weapon or object," Shiro continued. "They aren't usually as powerful as caster spells, but they require less mana and can more easily bypass an enemy's magic defence. These are meant for the melee caster."

He rushed toward one of the target dummies, driving his speartip into its chest. As soon as he did, shards of ice ripped out of the back of the dummy, tearing it to shreds.

He pulled his spear out and after a second, the pieces of the dummy reassembled themselves, making it look good as new.

"Any questions so far, about what I mentioned?" He asked.

Sweetie pointed at the store, now an inferno. "Should we call-"

"Good!" Shiro clapped his hands. "Now, first things first, we need to activate your mana pool, and your mana syphon."

"Our what?" Silver asked.

"Your mana pool is where your mana, the energy needed to cast spells, is stored. The mana syphon is what refills your mana pool as it's used," Shiro explained.

"And how do we activate them?" Scootaloo asked.

"In a very awkward and uncomfortable way," Shiro answered cheerfully. "You see, the mana pool is located in the belly, just below the navel, while the mana syphon is located where the esophagus splits into the bronchial tubes where it can draw mana from the air you breathe."

"Why is it awkward and uncomfortable?" Sweetie asked.

Shiro's smile fell and the girls could have sworn he reddened slightly.

"Well," he said. "It's awkward because I'll have to touch you in those specific areas... directly... as in bare hand against bare belly and chest." He quickly added, "I don't mean 'bare chest' as in, completely bare, just the chest about right here," he placed his hand on his chest, just below his neck. "No lower than a lot of shirts show off."

Sweetie and Silver blushed, while Scootaloo gave him a suspicious look and asked, "So in order for you to be able to train us, we have to let you grope us?"

Shiro groaned. "I won't be groping you, just... touching very close to personal areas. Hence the 'awkward' part."

"What about the uncomfortable part?" Sweetie asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ah, that will be because it will feel like a dozen eels are writhing around in your esophagus and intestines."

The three girls blanched.

"I'm sure Micro would've mentioned something about this if he experienced it!" Silver cried out.

"His was a natural part of his ability, like with Spike being able to breathe fire since he is a Draco Kin. Normal humans or Tigerians like me don't have those natural techniques, so we have to do things this way." Shiro's eyes stared off into the distance, a haunted look in them. "It really is the single most disturbing feeling you will probably ever feel... But it's all worth it." His face softened, as if reliving a most pleasant memory. "Because after that feeling subsides, you feel as if you suddenly got a piece of you that you never even knew was missing back. You feel whole like you never have before."

Scootaloo stepped up, lifting her shirt enough to expose her belly. "Might as well get this over with. If your hand wanders, you lose it, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Shiro said. He placed one hand on Scootaloo's belly and one on her chest, taking extra care not to touch anything he wasn't supposed to. "Ready for the suck?"

Scootaloo opened her mouth to answer, but the only sound to come out was a garbled mess of gags, groans, and hacks.

After several seconds, he released her and she collapsed, puking up her lunch.

"Oh.. right," Shiro said, wincing. "I should have mentioned the puking part. It doesn't always happen. Only if you had a big meal. Probably should have mentioned that yesterday. My b."

"Y-ya think?!" Scootaloo groaned. "I should kick your... woah."

Shiro wore a shit eating grin as he said, "What was that?"

"Never mind," Scootaloo's voice went distant and dreamy. "Wow..."

"Told if feels amazing, after," Shiro said, smugly.

Silver Spoon slowly stepped forward, unbuttoning the top few buttons of her blouse. "I... I guess I might as well get this out of the way."

Shiro repeated the same thing with Silver, and once again, she writhed and squirmed before collapsing, heaving on the ground, only losing a little of her light lunch.

"Um... Shiro," Sweetie said, hesitantly.

"You ready?" Shiro asked.

"N-not exactly," Sweetie said.

That was when Shiro noticed that Sweetie opted for a sundress that day. "Oh... Well..."

Shiro turned around, looking around the nearby shops.

There was only one clothing store.

And it was currently ablaze.

"Well shit." Shiro turned back to Sweetie and said, "Well, we have two options. First, we end the lesson here and you come back tomorrow wearing something that works a little better, or..."

"Or I have to take my dress off," Sweetie finished.

"Well, you don't have to take it completely off," Shiro said. "You can just, you know, pull the top down... you're wearing a bra, right?" Sweetie nodded. "Alright then, so..."

Sweetie looked at the other girls. "C-can you give us a moment. This is already embarrassing."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "We'll be over here."

Sweetie took a breath and pulled the top of the sundress down to her waist, pincing. Shiro smiled, looking her in the eye.

"You really have nothing to be ashamed of, you know," he said, trying to help her relax. "You're a beautiful girl, Sweetie."

"R-really?" Sweetie asked.

"It's taking all my willpower not to look at you right now," Shiro said.

"Oh," Sweetie blushed. "W-well... If it's really that difficult, I don't really mind."

Shiro smiled. "Let's get on with it, shall we?" He looked her over, admiring her body. "Well, you certainly have fine taste in undergarments. Very cute."

Sweetie blushed at that. "Thank you. Rarity made them for me."

"Alright, are you ready?" Shiro asked, placing his hands on her chest and belly.


With that, he activated Sweetie's mana pool and syphon. When the discomfort passed and the feeling of completeness settled in, Sweetie just stood up, pulling her dress back on.

Shiro let out an exaggerated sigh. "Well, it was nice while it lasted."

Sweetie giggled. "I'm sure you can find other ways to see me in my underwear."

Shiro grinned. "Was that a challenge?"

"Maybe." Sweetie smiled back.

Shiro gave her his signature smoulder. "Any chance I might see you in less?"

"About the same as a volcano spewing snowballs," Sweetie replied.

"You guys done?" Scootaloo shouted from behind a tree.

"Yeah," Shiro replied before saying more quietly so only Sweetie could hear. "For now.

"Alright, now that all of you have your mana unlocked, we can get started," Shiro said as he walked over to the table.

With a flourish, he pulled off the sheet. On the table were several objects made of metal, wood, and leather, all with various handles, probes, straps, and holes. Front and center, though, was a trio of glass orbs.

"First things first, we have to find out what your elemental affinities are. That's what these are for." He grabbed one of the orbs and instantly, it was filled with arcing lightning. "As you can see, I have a lightning affinity."

He tossed the one he was holding to Scootaloo followed by the other two orbs flying to the other girls.

The inside of Scootaloo's orb burst into flame. "Woah, awesome! I got fire!"

Sweetie's held a miniature typhoon, while Silver's had spikes of ice piercing a bed of sand.

Shiro smiled and said, "Ah, Sweetie, you have air and water. Silver, stone and ice."

"Wait, why do they get two?" Scootaloo asked. "That's no fair."

"It's quantity versus quality," Shiro explained. "Their affinity is divided between the two, while yours if focused in one, meaning it's stronger."

"But I want to shoot lightning from my fingers," Scootaloo complained.

"You still can," Shiro assured her. "You aren't limited to elements of your affinity. After all, even though I have a lightning affinity, I cast a fire spell at that store over there." He pointed to the blaze.

"About that," Silver began.

Shiro didn't give a chance to continue. "You can still cast lightning magic, it just won't be as good as your fire."

"Awesome," Scootaloo said, pleased with his explanation.

"Alright, now we learn how to actually channel and mould your magic." Shiro walked to the table.

He grabbed three devices; A wooden bucket attached to metal handles, a long metal spike with a 'T' bar on top, and a leather cone with straps by the small end.

"These will help give you a feel for channeling magic." The first went to Sweetie, the second to Silver. Shiro told them, "Hold onto the handles with both hands."

He held the last one to Scootaloo, small end toward her. "Put your hands in here and grab the handles inside." When she did, he tightened the straps around her wrists.

Shiro directed her to face away and lift her hands to point the cone toward the street.

"Alright," with that done, Shiro turned toward SIlver. "You, over here." He guided Silver away from the others. "Stick the spike in the ground, here."

With that done, he looked at Sweetie. "Just stand where you are. Now..."

Shiro Went back to the table and grabbed a little rod. "You're about to feel a pull. Don't fight it, go with it. Let it guide you."

The rod in his hands started to glow, and with it, so too did the handles on the devices. "Alright, now, feel that new feeling in your belly? Like a tugging? Grab hold of that feeling and pull it into your-"

"Gah!" Sweetie jumped in alarm as water splashed on her shoes. "Where did...?"

Sweetie looked down into the bucket, now brimming with water.

"'Well," Shiro said with a smirk. "We got a natural."

"Did... I fill the bucket?" Sweetie asked.

"You did," Shiro confirmed. "Now, dump it and do it again."

It took nearly an hour and a half before Scootaloo's cone had a steady flame coming out of it and Silver was surrounded by a ring of shifting, undulating earth.

Shiro clapped his hands together, smiling. "Okay, now, we get to the good part, spells. Now, first, lets try casting a basic caster spell; Elemental Bolt. Sweetie, if you'll please come here and put this on."

Sweetie followed his directions and took the offered object. It was a silver ring, inlaid with a blue sapphire.

"This is a training ring," Shiro explained. "This will attune your mana to the proper element for you. You will only be using this is training for today, to get the feel of casting. After that, you'll have to learn to attune your mana on your own."

Sweetie put the ring on and awaited further instructions.

"Alright, now channel your magic into your hand like you did with the trainer."

Sweetie focused, pulling her mana into her hand. She gasped as droplets of water swirled around her, forming a tight ball floating in her palm.

"Good, now, force your mana out at the target dummy," Shiro instructed.

Sweetie pointed her hand at the target and released. The water ball hurtled toward the dummy, striking it on the shoulder and taking a chunk out of it.

"I did it!" Sweetie cheered.

"Great, you really are a natural," Shiro said with a congratulatory pat on the back. "Now, keep practicing. You two, do what she did. Once you get a handle on this, I'll teach you how to attune the mana into the prober element on your own."

Soon enough, rocks and fireballs joined the water balls flying through the air.

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