6.89% Naruto Fanfiction CopyWrite / Chapter 2: Chapter 1-2

章節 2: Chapter 1-2

I like most humans didn't think about how I would die, I knew I would die someday, but I certainly didn't think it'd be truck-kun cutting my life short at the age of twenty.

Before truck-kun had struck me down, I had just finished my stint in college, studying to be an electrical engineer.


My life was going well, I was on my way to getting a job, making some cash, maybe finding that special someone and settling down.

But before my life even started it ended. It was tragic or at least I'd like to think so.

As I was laying on the street, conscious fading, I looked around and saw no help in sight, truck-kun slowly, mockingly, driving away, my world starting to get dark.

I was upset but accepted that there would be no tomorrow for me, I wouldn't see my brothers, my dog, my mother.

All the things I loved gone, out of my reach.

'I haven't seen my father in like a month… I wish I had spent more time with him' was my last thought as my world faded to black.


But then I was reborn, my world didn't end as I expected it to.

One moment I took my last breath and the next I took my first.


Everything blurred and with a cold intake of air and blurry vision I could hear what sounded like footsteps and the chatter of a crowd.


I spent time fading in and out of conscious, trying and failing to discover where I had been reborn, I was an above-average student, nothing of note there's plenty of those.

I lived in the city so I took the bus to and from college I had 3 brothers, parents that separated, nothing special in 2020.

So why was I reincarnated? It wasn't something I wished for or deserved but it seems that was how it was going to be.


Time passed and my vision improved and sounds became more audible, and with my improved senses, I discovered where I'd been re-born, looking at my mothers blank white eyes, the constant mumbled "Hyuga-sama" from what must have been branch members as my mother passed them, I'm most likely a Hyuga.

'Hopefully, not a branch member' were my last thoughts as I drifted off to sleep.


My first birthday came with lots of revelations.

First, I wasn't a branch member, I'm the grandson of a recently deceased elder, my mother being his only daughter kept her from being sealed and will hopefully keep me from being sealed as well.

Second, I likely wasn't a full Hyuga, I was half Kaguya, from what I could hear from the gossiping branch members my mother was captured by some hidden mist ninja when she was on a mission with her Genin team.

She returned wounded as the only survivor after two weeks of "torture and integration".

From what I could hear my white hair was quite the hot topic among the Hyuga many speculating that more than interrogation happened when she was captured.

But from what I can tell mom has kept quiet so far and claimed that my father was a Konoha-nin, so it remains speculation so far.

Three I found out my name Shiro Hyuga, as sad as that sounds, my interaction with my mother was minimal.

She rarely came to see me and when she did she just stared at me, neither picking me up nor changing me when my diapers were soiled leavening that job to the branch members who also didn't talk around me leavening me starved for attention and lacking in vocabulary.

My birthday was a quiet affair as most Hyuga birthdays are, my mother holding me for the first time in months and carrying me around showing me to the elders and the clan head, none of who I recognized as Hyuga members from Naruto's time likely putting me somewhere between the first and third shinobi war. While being carried around my thoughts wandered, I thought about the future what I could achieve what I could and what I should do.


Time passed as time does, I turned 2, I started blabbering as much as possible to every available source probably annoying the branch members taking care of me.

I developed motor skills and started to run around, I also started playing with my chakra and trying to unlock either of my bloodlines hoping to get an advantage early on.

I experimented with pushing chakra to my eyes, bones, and generally just circulating it around my body trying to train my control with very little success.


Time passed and I became 3 and I was almost certain I didn't have the Shikotsumyaku I spent a considerable amount of time sending chakra to my bones and was met with no success.

But I did have a healing factor, I fell and broke my arm while wall climbing in my room and within minutes my arm was fully healed when the branch members came and examined my arm they didn't find a problem even though I heard a snap.

I was dismissed as a child overreacting and the incident was over with.

I'd had minor success with the Byakugan I was able to activate it but was unable to see more than 1 meter around myself.

As it was, it limited my vision more then it helped, but it did allow me to see my chakra network from the neck down and had been a great help in making me conscious of my chakra and subsequently controlling it


Yet more time passed I became 4 and started officially training, doing light exercise, katas, and chakra control with the other Hyuga children.

I stood out like a sore thumb, a mop of straight white hair among a crowd of black, most of the children avoided talking to me, which was fine but disheartening none the less.

This might be a prelude to my future in the Hyuga clan, so far nothing has endeared me to them and I don't think anything will.


I spent about 3 weeks training and I was soon called a prodigy, my taijutsu was nothing special yet, but my physical strength, stamina, and ability to control my chakra was noticed very quickly and put me well above the other Hyuga kids training with me.

I outclassed them all in all areas during the lesson so it was decided I was to be separated from the rest of the children and given a personal instructor from the branch family to take over my training from then on.

Nothing much seemed to change in my life after that, I got faint praise from my mother a "Good work you're doing the clan proud" and a pat on my head after she watched my training and that was it, she remained distant and uninterested in my life, but that was fine I already had a mother and I didn't blame her for disliking her rape baby.


Yet more time passed, I trained all day until with my new teacher Tokuma until I was unable to move.

I was then was promptly patched up by my healing factor during a break, in which Tokuma would go over tenketsu positions, organ placement, and where to strike to inflict the most damage with our Taijutsu afterward I was told to train more.

So, I did exactly that not wasting any time.

I repeatedly asked to be taught medical Jutsu and was shot down, again and again, finally, I was told I needed better control but when I proved my self by passing Tokuma's control test (water walking), I was told upfront that it was unbecoming for main branch members to learn useless skills like medical ninjutsu…



I continued my pursuit of medical ninjutsu.

I constantly badgered my teacher about how I wanted to use medical ninjutsu to heal my self and train more and the Hyuga clan proud but was met with zero success.

So, I gave up for the time being promising to come back to medical Jutsu, trusting my healing factor to get me through until I start the academy.


Days passed I continued my training using the evening to experiment on my own with my Byakugan following the path my chakra took through my brain and through my eyes increasing the flow in tiny increments in different parts of my brain and eyes being extremely careful and desperately praying to any deities above hoping to avoid injury.

I was met with success when I realized I could change the scope of my vision changing the almost 360-degree vision to the normal 170-degrees.

Using the narrow field of vision I could see much farther and could still see chakra and through walls.

Overjoyed with my success I continued to experiment with my Byakugan and brain, and soon discovered that I could slow my perception which was a huge win in my books it's almost like I got a discount Sharingan.

I couldn't stop smiling for days afterward.


I continued experimenting hoping to find some way to improve my memory by further my brain enhancements with chakra, but my luck had run out.

I got cocky and tried going off the already automatic chakra paths that the Byakugan used and started to try enhancing different areas of my brain, that stunt landed me a week in the hospital and a stroke, as a result.

I had to weave a story about trying and succeeding in awakening my Byakugan but getting distracted and pushing too much chakra into my eyes, the story was tentatively bought by the doctors not earning much more than a 'hmmm' from my mother.

Sadly, or perhaps not sadly my healing factor was noted during my stay...


My release from the hospital was uneventful, strict orders not to train without supervision and I was on my way only taking a second to note the number of faces on the Hokage monument.

My training resumed this time with much stricter with more physical workouts, spars, and with medical ninjutsu and Byakugan lessons in between.

Sadly, this was cutting into my free time but it was welcome as I had no one to spend time with and decided that I probably should stop messing with my brain for the time being.

Or at least until I was sure my healing factor or medical ninjutsu could reverse any damage I'd done to myself self which would likely be far into the future.


Thus, I continued my harsh new daily training, I was experimenting with my perception and Byakgan when I had free time but not daring to venture into the unknown in my brain.

The training wasn't fun but it put me ahead of the rest of my age-mates and further cemented my prodigy status which I needed as I had plans and aspirations.

For those to come to fruition I needed strength, I was practically given the best possible start for a second life.

With both the Hyuga and Kaguya blood I had a chance of awakening the Tenseigan and the Shikotsumyaku in the future, there was no need for body snatching, no Hashirama's cells.

I had a lot of protentional at my fingertips and I intended to use every second I had and every resource provided to climb my way to the top and possibly to eternal life.

I had plenty of ambition and plenty of potential, I hoped to use it to make the most of my new life in the Naruto-verse.

I recently turned five, I spent most of the year having the gentle fist burnt into my body and mind, muscles torn, then healed and refined by my healing factor, this gave me extremely good strength and stamina for my age.

Just recently tokuma moved on to the eight trigrams declaring my gentle fist "passible", after months and months of work.

The Eight Trigrams are not just one technique there are more than 10 Eight Trigram moves, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms, Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms, and so on so forth.

The 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven' being the one Neji was called a genius for using was sadly not available to me, tokuma explained that it was only for the clan head and heir to learn and not taught every main clan member.

I decided that as cool as creating a giant dome of chakra was it was probity draining and better in the first place to not be hit so I decided to put it out of my mind and focus on the rest of the eight trigrams and come back to it later

"The eight trigrams use the Hyuga's innate ability to expel chakra from every tenketsu in their body"

Bla Bla Bla, Tokuma never seemed to tire of his voice, sometimes explaining things like I was retarded or something, seriously Tokuma could blabber on all day.

I sometimes thought about asking for a new teacher but Tokma was the best taijutsu expert the Hyuga had not counting the clan head, so I put it out of my mind and mentally prepared myself for years of mind-numbing teaching done by the stoic yet talkative Tokuma.

My time spent being taught by Tokuma was cut short and replaced with standard, math, reading, and calligraphy, a royal pain but nowhere near as bad as the clans' propaganda filled history lessons.

Thankfully I'm not being tested on history so I've managed to make up for some lost time by practicing with my chakra as well as trying to find other ways to make up for lost time.

What I came up with was asking for weights or weighted seals if they existed, my Idea of weighted seals was approved… then immediately vetoed by my mother of all people who unbeknownst to us was quietly watching my training that day.

She said a soft but firm "No!.. you'll stunt his growth" and then left walking off slowly, a visibly nervous Tokuma let out a sigh of relief, and I blew an annoyed breath out of my nose wondering what her deal was, did she care ?, I decided that it was not worth the thought and dropped it.


Days passed and I continued to study and train, making great progress in my taijutsu, but mediocre progress in my reading, writing, and calligraphy.

It was slow going but I trudged forward and slowly made progress and soon it was decided that I could go to the academy and 'not embarrass the Hyuga clan' as my mother had put it, and so off I went to the academy…

The Academy is quite large and is comprised of several buildings, the building had that iconic tree in front of it with a swing on it and a giant sign with the kanji for "fire" (火) on the top center tower of the building. I left my mother with a quiet "Goodbye" and left towards the interior of the school.

Something I didn't know myself was that the academy and the Hokage's office were in the same building perhaps to protect future generations.

The Classrooms in the Academy are unnecessarily large and have high ceilings, 'perhaps so the chunin don't feel trapped and have a good old PTSD episode and murder rape a group of children' I choked back a chuckle at the thought as I meandered my way to the far corner of the room happy that I could claim the protagonist seat by the window.

I had hoped for a grand entrance ceremony with the Hokage giving his fabled speech about the will of fire, but my hopes were unmet.

There was only a grumpy looking genin taking your name and telling you what classroom you were in. I took my seat ignoring the room of squealing 5-year old's and looked out the window and drifted into idle thought, recently my mother handed me a book and told me to read it, being the good son I am I started reading the book that night.

The book was about a nin that was protecting a rich merchant family.

Anyway, the nin and the family were hiding in a hidden room in their manor trying to stay undiscovered but the family had a baby and the baby was crying and making noise, doing what babies do.

And so the story goes the nin made a hard decision and snapped the baby's neck, sadly that's not the worst part, the worst part is that they were still found regardless.

The book was a bummer but I get the idea, sometimes you have to make a decision that will break you, and even then it will perhaps be meaningless in the end. Not a lesson a five-year-old should get but I apricate It none the less.


In front of the blackboard is a podium, situated far from the students' desks, and put in a position where the teacher can view everyone.

Standing at the podium is one average and forgettable ninja staring quietly and waiting for the class to notice him, I mean-while took my time to look at my classmates, there were quite a few familiar faces Kakashi, Asuma, and a very ugly young Might Guy who was quite loudly shouting about youth.

'I figured Kakashi was way younger than Obito and Rin, maybe they meet when he gets moved up a grade?'

"Ok brats quiet down"

'for that matter why am I the same age as Kakashi, that's suspiciously well-timed' no doubt the work of whatever reincarnated me here.

Other then that nothing of note has happened.


The days trickled on by, my training continued as did the academy classes

So far I've got the gentle fist, and some variations of the eight trigrams under my belt, I've also learned the Mystical Palm Technique and the Diagnostic Technique, but other then that the jutsu I can call on during a battle is limited as I focused mainly on taijutsu, I decided that I should spend some time learning ranged attacks.

I felt unsure about how useful kunai and shuriken would be for anyone other then genin, so I put them off leaving it to the academy to teach me.

I instead decided to focus on the vacuum palm, it didn't seem to do any real damage it just sort of pushed enemies over from what I could tell.

It wasn't much but it was heavily connected to the eight trigrams being called 'eight trigrams: vacuum palm so I figured id give it a go and see what comes of it.

I had a vague idea of using the shadow clone jutsu as well, but until recently I didn't have a reason to know it, weirdly it seems that just about everyone knows it.

If my teacher can use a shadow clone to watch the class while he takes a dump perhaps it's not so hush-hush after all, so reason secured I proceeded to ask the closest adult about it when I got home which happened to be my mother.

"The shadow clone jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make. Because of this, usually, only those of at least jōnin-level can safely use the standard Shadow Clone Technique"

'Wow that's probably the most she's said to me at one time'

"Can you teach me it or have Tokuma teach me it?"

She shifted forward a bit and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Hmm... you have enough chakra… I'll show you, watch closely, Tiger!, Serpent!, Ram!" In a poof of smoke, a Shadow Clone appeared behind mom.

"Ok thanks, Oka-sama"

I spun on my heel and left trying to escape as fast as possible, I sat on my bed feeling weird about that whole conversation.

She's never said more then a couple of words a month to me, that threw me off…


I'll think about it later, with that out of the way I proceed to write down the hand signs and ponder my next steps and how I would find time to practice the shadow clone jutsu in my already packed schedule.


Learning the shadow clone jutsu wasn't hard as I soon found out, I figured it'd take me 2+ months to learn but that wasn't the case, it only took me a week.

It would have been shorter but I had exhausted my chakra for the first time and ended up laying in bed for 3 days.

Though I had quickly learned the jutsu it wasn't quite what I hoped it would be, my clones couldn't slow their perception.

And when I and/or a clone are performing tasks that require concentration I'm unable to have more than a few shadow clones active at a time.

Although I had enough chakra to have 5 or so active it felt like my brainpower was being split 5 or so ways, and so 2 clones seemed to be my limit, still, I'd take what I could get I had hoped to swarm any future battlefields with hundreds of fast ass-kicking white-haired Hyugas, but it was not to be.

Although I could only use 2 clones that still left two bodies to pursue other stuff while I trained my physical body, I figured id to get started right away and sent one of the clones to harass Tokma into teaching me the vacuum palm and another to go get scrolls for the academy three and learn them.


I spent some time trying to get along with my classmates with little success, Kakashi took my attempt on a friendly spar too seriously and throat punched me, and I in a moment of vengeful wrath threw him into the air and kicked him into the ground, safe to say id given up on young Kakashi.

I and Guy, on the other hand, became fast friends, we spent a lot of time talking about taijutsu, training and sparing, my new favorite pastime was joining Guy and Duy(Guys Father) for some after school training, well the training was always silly and ridiculous though it was working and somewhat fun so I had no complaints.


More time passed it was about the first quarter of the year and we just started sparing, most of the year so far was spent on ordinary school subjects such as history and mathematics, we were taught the basics of ninjutsu(the academy three), taijutsu, and a little bit genjutsu.

We also spent a good amount of time learning "survival" outside, survival was probably the most interesting for me, it was pretty much basic bushcraft, fire starting and covering your tracks, all the stuff I had no clue about and probably wouldn't have learned had it not been mandatory.

Sparing was fun for the first few days, I fought…. Well I poked my way through the other students using the gentle fist, then the instructor started pairing me with Kakashi, and Kakashi was a little shit, he throat punched me again!

Kakashi being an ass aside, he was a challenging opponent, forcing me to constantly use my bullet time and slow my perception, because of how fast he could change his tactics.

I had to fight in constant slow motion and constantly watch and make sure he wasn't setting some kind of trap, he got me quite a few times, forcing me out of the arena when I was too focused on fighting him, kicking dirt into my eyes and taking my feet from out under me thus ending the fight.

Overall my academy life was going great I made good improvements, made a friend and rival, learned the shadow clone jutsu things were shaping up.

Sadly it wouldn't last, I knew the third shinobi war was most likely going to happen within the next year and I didn't feel ready.

I could probably beat a standard genin or run from a chunin but I don't think id last against a jonin.

And that worried me I had hoped to make more progress then this but it was unrealistic to have expected so.

I was doing fine, at five years old I was about low genin level, I took a deep breath trying to stop my self from spiraling into a panic.

Worrying wouldn't help I should try to awaken my Kaguya bloodline again, this time using Yang heavy chakra.

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