45.78% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 75: Well that just happened...

章節 75: Well that just happened...


Hia! An early chapter because I felt like being early with at least one thing.XD just overslept for my lessons and am currently driving through the City with a tram which won't get me on time no matter what, especially that the lesson starts in a... now. LOL

This chapter was a sudden stroke of inspiration that took me over five hours to complete and some of you might not like a few parts but I don't care. This chapter is awesome for me XDD



"Gosh, Rarity! How many of those outfits do you actually need?" Twilight asked in exasperation as they walked into the backroom of the boutique dragging behind them the carts of gemstones.

Rarity giggle awkwardly.

"Don't worry Twilight...I-I Just need to make five of them before midday tomorrow, but I'm sure I can have it done in a jiffy if I work a bit past my bedtime..." She said as Twilight looked at her unamused, and then turned towards the window, where the sun was already setting behind the horizon, and back at rarity before sighing.

"And I thought those dogs were the highlight of the day...Alright what can I do?" She asked causing Rarity to look at Twilight in surprise.

"You...Do you want to help me?...I-I couldn't-" She was stopped with Twilight placing her hoof on her muzzle.

"Shh... We're Friends...no... we're sisters! I would never leave you after seeing what you put on your shoulders. Now help me with those gems and tell me what to do so that we can be done before tomorrow." Twilight said giving Rarity a reassuring smile.

Rarity was about to object but finally sighed before smiling back at Twilight and giving her a hug.

"I'm so happy to have a Sister like you."Rarity said before finally starting to explain what she needed to do to start waving the clothes.

Twilight started to write down a list and when she was done she quickly scribbled a note that she send to Starfall explaining her absence.

"Alright, let's get to work!" She said and Rarity nodded.

"Yes, let's!" Rarity agreed.


"Okay everyone! Now slowly! make sure not to hurt Bloomberg!" Called out Applejack as she watched Big Mack and Applebloom pulling on a rope attached to a dug up apple tree.

Applebloom rolled her eyes in exasperation and mumbled a reply through the rope she held with her teeth.

"Amd way awenp u hewpin?!" She asked but Applejack didn't pay attention, too focused on watching over the Apple tree.

Applebloom just sighed and went back to pulling.

"Alrighty! It's almost there!...Yes...Yeees...yep! Now onto the cart! Great we got it!" She exclaimed as the other two managed to safely transfer the uprooted tree onto the cart.

Applebloom spit a few strands from the rope and looked at applejack pampering the tree.

"Applejack! Why didn't you help us?!" She asked as Applejack put a blanket on the tree while an amused Big Mack tried to keep a straight face while watching his sister's quirkiness...

Applejack slowly turned to AppleBloom while still mostly focusing on her favourite tree.

"Sorry Bloom. Did you say something?" She asked causing Applebloom to scream in frustration and leave towards the house while Big Mack finally couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

"What? What did I say?" Applejack asked confused before shrugging and starting to prepare Bloomberg for transport...


"Woah! That was amazing Rainbow! how did you do that!?" Exclaimed Scootaloo when she saw Rainbow Dash do an extremely difficult stunt which almost gave the impression of being impossible...

"Haha! Training Scoots! And a bit of help from a friend..."Replied the Pegasus remembering Starfall's recent lesson on pegasi magic.

"Cool! I wish I could do that..." Said Scootaloo a bit sadly.

"Why can't you? You're the coolest little Pegasus filly in Ponyville. I see no reason you couldn't learn." Asked Rainbow confused.

Scootaloo wasn't cheered up by the words and just sighed.

"It's..."Scootaloo teared up. "...It's because I-I can't fly..." She said with tears in her eyes before running away surprising Rainbow for a second.

When she finally recovered from her surprise, Rainbow instantly dashed after Scootaloo and caught her while she was passing by a small bridge on her scooter.

"Hey Tough Stuff! Stop running! This is not the behaviour I expect from my biggest fan!" She said holding the small filly who didn't want to look her in the eye.

"Now tell me everything. I won't leave until you do alright?" Rainbow dash said, finally slightly calming down Scootaloo.

They walked over to a tree and sat under it with Rainbow slowly caressing Scootaloo's head.

"Here. Now can you tell me?..." She said while Scootaloo crouched into a ball.

What followed, was a surprisingly emotional conversation where Scootaloo slowly told Rainbow Dash about her situation. How her parents were always away on adventures and she was taken care of by her aunts that came over every few days to check up on her.

She told of how her wings were always so small and that she couldn't ever lift of the ground despite always dreaming of becoming the best flier ever.

How she turned towards her scooter which provided at least a bit of the thrill that she so longed for.

But mostly she cried how she just wanted a family that was there for her when she needed them, and how she felt jealous of her friends who all had such loving families and sisters that cared about them.

Rainbow listened to the little filly and couldn't help but feel annoyed at her parents, but what she felt most was the need to protect Scootaloo.

She hugged the Filly and let her cry out her pain...She would never have imagined herself doing something like this before, but being with Starfall helped her to grow in some areas and now she felt like a better Pony.

She knew that she couldn't leave Scootaloo alone so she made a decision.

"Hey Scoots... I know I'm not related to you...But would you like to become my honorary sister?" She asked, and at that moment Rainbow Dash knew that she made the right decision when Scootaloo merged with her belly like a tick from how much she was hugging her...

The following conversation saw a much more happy Scootaloo talking adamantly with Rainbow about all the things they could do as sisters, and Rainbow as a single child herself found out that she was also looking forward to it...

"Hey Sis..."She asked at one point as something came to her mind. "I don't want to give you false hope, but...One of these days, we should visit my Coltfriend, I'm sure you know Starfall..." Rainbow said with a smirk causing Scootaloo to blush. It wasn't a secret that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were slowly developing a relationship with their draconic, male member who just so happened to be Starfall's, her Coltfriend's 'son'...

"Umm...but why?" Asked Scootaloo trying to act normal and not think about potentially meeting Spike there and having some fun time k-kissing... Sweetie Bell was surprisingly open to the idea of making a herd after that cockatrice incident...

"Well...Starfall is an amazing guy. I mean, he knows a lot about his stuff, and if there's someone who could find a reason or a solution to your wing problem then He'd be my first choice to ask. Also, he once told me that a Pegasus without magic wouldn't be able to fly. While im not certain that it's the reason you can't fly, It wouldn't hurt to ask him about it..." She didn't get to finish as Scootaloo was already hugging the life out of her while screaming "thank you! thank you! thank you!" one after another. The filly was crying as no one ever felt the need to so much as take her to the doctor, and here Rainbow was already looking for a solution. Even if it didn't work, she would still be grateful as for once in her life she felt that someone really was there for her when she needed it...

'Well...there are also the girls and Spike...' She thought with a blush as a small smile spread over her face.

Rainbow hugged Scootaloo for all her worth and they remained like this until dinner.


Scootaloo blushed while Rainbow giggled.

"Someone's hungry it seems." What do you say we go to the Sugarcube Corner? My treat." Rainbow asked with a wink and Scootaloo nodded happily.

Together, the duo departed towards the town each of them richer by a single sister...


"Umm...One Poppy muffin please." Said Fluttershy as she stood in front of the counter.

"One Poppy muffin coming right up Darling." Replied Mrs Cake before leaning under the counter and taking out a large muffin with a flower on top, wrapped in a decorative paper.

"Here it is! Ah, by the way! Would you like me to tell Pinkie Pie that you're here? It's almost her break time anyway and she was stuck in the kitchen for the better part of the morning preparing treats for tomorrow's party." Asked the mare to which Fluttershy nodded smiling.

"I'm ok with that. I wouldn't mind the company" She said with a blush to which Mrs Cake beamed.

"Splendid! She'll be here in a jiffy I'm sure" She replied before putting her head behind the doors to the kitchen and calling for Pinkie Pie.

It didn't took long for the bubbly pink mare to appear before Fluttershy as they took a seat in the back and engaged in conversation.

It was a tiring day for both of them as Fluttershy had to take care of some sick animals and Pinkie was preparing a party for Diamond Tiara's birthday, and the small filly always liked her parties grand...

"So, umm...have you seen Rarity today? I went to her boutique earlier but it turned up closed." Asked Fluttershy and Pinkie shook her head.

"Nu-uh, but i heard she had a big order from some fancy Pony and ended up lacking on gemstones. Maybe she went to mine for more...?" Pinkie mused and Fluttershy looked worried.

"I hope she didn't go alone. Who knows what could happen." She said but Pinkie just smiled reassuringly.

"You don't need to worry! The diamond dogs wouldn't be able to give our Twilight any challenge!" Pinkie said causing Fluttershy to look at her in confusion.

"What? But i thought that..." She started to say but was interrupted by Pinkie continuing her speech.

"Now it would have been more of a problem if Spike had a crush on Rarity but I'm sure Fireworks would look awesome as flowers on Matilda's wedding." She said completely loosing Fluttershy.

"Riiiight...Umm...And what about Rainbow Dash?" She asked trying to change the topic. Sometimes she really couldn't follow when PInkie started talking...

"Oh she's right there! Hey Dash!" She waved towards the counter where Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were currently buying sweets.

Rainbow noticed Pinkie and waved back before pointing at Scootaloo and indicating that she'd stay with her for now.

With that done Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie got back to their previous conversation and Pinkie managed to have Fluttershy recount her first time with Starfall to the Shy Pegasus' embarrassment and Pinkie Pie's delight...


"Phew! All done! You really outdone yourself Rarity! Those Dresses are beautiful! I'm sure Sapphire Shores is going to be satisfied!" Twilight said as the last of the dresses received its final ruby.

Rarity with a tired sigh of relief laid her head on the sewing table.

"Thank you so much Twilight...I'm not sure I would have been able to do all this alone." She said, but was nudged by Twilight who shook her head smiling.

"It's not true Rarity. I know you. You would have finished these clothes even without me, although with much more pain and sweat." Twilight slowly caressed her back.

Rarity giggled weakly.

I guess you're right. But I'm still very thankful. Look" She pointed at the clock on the wall. It was just a few minutes before midnight."You see this clock? If not for you, I'm sure I would have still been working on those clothes a few hours from now. You saved me from an entire night of hard and inefficient labor." Rarity turned towards Twilight and the two smiled at each other.

"What are friends for, right?" Twilight said.

"Of course. What are Sisters for." Rarity added with a wink and both of them giggled before leaving towards the bedroom.

"You wouldn't mind me staying the night, right?" Twilight asked with Rarity rolling her eyes.

"Oh poulisss Twilight. Do you even need to ask? Come here." Rarity pulled Twilight onto the bed making the purple unicorn scream in surprise before both of them laughed as they found themselves in entangled eachother's embrace.

"Oh my, I didn't expect you to be so forward Girl!" Twilight teased causing Rarity to giggle.

"You want forward Darling? I'll give you forward!" Said Rarity before surprising Twilight by kissing her on the lips.

//Yep...I'm gonna do it. deal with it Mwahaha!//

Twilight was surprised at first but she quickly reciprocated the kiss, surprising Rarity in return. She originally meant to kiss Twilight in order to tease her but she didn't expect her to return the kiss with passion. Surprisingly though, she didn't dislike it.

As they finally separated, Twilight looked at Rarity with a smirk as her cheeks radiated with heat.

"Well, well, well. I didn't expect that of you Rar, but sadly, you just made a fatal mistake!" Twilight said excitedly suddenly mounting Rarity and giving her another deep kiss.

It was at this moment, that She knew, She bucked up...

Rarity didn't realize untill now that Twilight was open to both genders, but surprisingly, it only made her more excited...

Her fatigue dissapeared as if it wasn't there in the first place and her vagina slowly moistened.

Twilight didn't waste time seeing that Rarity wasn't opposed to the idea as she went down towards her crotch and leaned her head closer to take a whiff of the pussy which her beloved Starfall already deprived of virginity...

Rarity was about to say something but just at that moment Twilight placed her tongue on her clit before sucking on it, causing Rarity to scream in pleasure.

Neither o them spotted a tiny white filly peeking at them from behind the doors before closing them quietly, a full on blush on her face as she galloped back to her room already forming her own ideas and wondering whether her Spike could also do stuff like this with her...


Back in the room Rarity continued to moan as Twilight explored her vagina, the experience so much better thanks to Twilight's own knowledge about her own most sensitive spots in the same area.

her long tongue explored her clit before slowly passing her labia and forcing its way inside teasing Rarity with its size nowhere near Starfall's member's but good enough to bring her an inexplicable amount of pleasure nonetheless.

"Of yes! Twilight! Sweet Celestia I'm Cumming! Rarity screamed ad juices exploded from her insides, coating Twilight's face and forcing her to back up a little as she drunk the liquid and licked her lips afterwards.

"You taste delicious Rar." Said the Purple unicorn causing the heavy breathing mare to blush in embarrassment.

"That was amazing, Twi...I..." She whispered sure of what to say and causing Twilight to giggle.

"Well...That might be true but...You know I wouldn't mind if you returned the favour..." Twilight said causing Rarity's blush to deepen, but the white mare nonetheless sat up and brushed her dishelved hair aside before slowly pushing Twilight into her back.

"I- I'm not sure whether I can be as good as you. This is my first time doing something like this...." Rarity said but Twilight just giggled.

"You really have nothing to worry. It was my first time too. You'll figure it out." Twilight said surprising Rarity

"Really?! With how good you were I'd have expected you to have been training beforehoof haha!" Rarity said this time making Twilight blush in return.

Without further ado, Rarity leaned over Twilight's exposed cunt and gave it a long sensual test lick, causing Twilight to moan

"Oh yes!" She said and Rarity encouraged by Twilight's moan started to experiment and move her tongue towards where the entrance to her pussy gaped, clearly expecting their Coltfriend's member to ravish her insides.

But that wasn't what happened when Rarity pushed her tongue into Twilight causing her to scream her lungs out from all the pleasure she received suddenly.

Apparently Rarity hit the so called G spot and seeing the effects, decided to capitalise on it by continuously moving her tongue over that little sensitive part, causing Twilight to moan even more, until finally the purple unicorn exploded as Rarity imitating Twilight tried to suck up most of the juices of the mare, and in the end failing as there was just too many juices to drink...

The two Mares laid back together staring at eachother in wonder.

"So...what are we now?" Rarity asked and Twilight just snorted.

"The same as we were before. Now we can just enjoy eachother's presence a bit more and maybe think about a triangle " She wiggled her eyebrows and Rarity giggled before becoming dreamy eyed as the though of Starfall taking both of them at the same time made her already calmed down crotch to once again produce some moist liquid. But with no strength left in their bodies, they didn't plan to continue playing and soon fell asleep in eachother's embrace.

This ended up to be a very productive day in multiple ways...

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