23.71% Even if I am an Ugly Bastard I want to be a good person (English) / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Trust is Hard and Simple

章節 20: Chapter 20: Trust is Hard and Simple

"To begin with, this little girl is me, or it would be better to say that she is part of my soul ~" - Enma smiled as Loli Enma raised her head with pride.

"Soul?" - I decided to ignore Loli Enma since it bothers me that a girl younger than Rinka is naked, the loli looks 10 or 11 years old and it is really disturbing to have her close to me.

"There are many people who want to kill me so one day I thought I would do a little experiment to try to clone myself and have my clone become the target of my enemies while I kept doing little pranks, the experiment went wrong and a piece of my soul separated of my body creating this little loli "- Enma smiled with amusement.

Loli Enma looked annoyed - "Because of that silly experiment we are now vulnerable, if I die she will lose her magic, if she dies then I will also die, besides that we cannot get away from each other and our senses are connected so what she does I will feel it "

"...." - Oh shit.

"Fufufufu, Master if you're wondering the answer is yes, she felt EVERYTHING we did ~" - Enma started laughing as Loli Enma blushed.

I sighed and decided to drop the matter for the moment mostly because I don't want the FBI to hunt me down. - "Is it okay for you to tell me this?"

"Fufufu, Master trusts me so I will trust Master ~" - Enma smiled, but this time it was a sincere smile that was so beautiful that I almost wanted to see her smile forever.

I pretended to cough to hide my embarrassment. - "Ahem, now explain what happened to Asagi"

Enma's expression turned serious. - "Master, if your bodyguards left you to continue with their lives, what would you do?"

"Give them a goodbye gift" - I did not hesitate to answer.

If they want to leave me that's fine, they are my employees and I respect their freedoms.

Enma's expression turned grim. - "That is the problem Master, you are treating us as equals, but we are the property of the Master"

"What are you talking about?" - I blinked several times in confusion.

"Number 4 lives feeding on the life force of the Master, in return, she will stay with the Master until the Master dies"

"I do not fully know the circumstances of Number 3 but I understand that she will die if the Master dies."

"I myself belong to the Master since our contract establishes that we will be together until the day one of us dies"

"Asagi is different, she has nothing to keep her tied to the Master, she is an employee with a fixed salary, she can leave whenever she wants, it is not safe to have her around since she can betray the Master" - Enma looked at Asagi who was still sleeping.

"Asagi is still vulnerable, if the Master presses a little more then I can finish the slavery ritual, the mark that Asagi has belongs to the Incubus King, although the mark lost its power and will only react with the power of the Incubus King in person it was a pleasant surprise that the brand was activated with the Master"

"Originally I thought to study the fluids of the Master that seem to contain a special curse that generates addiction and thus create an aphrodisiac more powerful than the candies that the Master used to consume, but seeing Asagi's reaction I began a ritual for her to become the Master's slave using the mark of the King Incubus "- Enma shrugged.

I was silent for a long time until I was finally able to speak.

"Why?" - I was having trouble talking. - "Why did you want to do this? Don't you see Asagi is suffering? "

I clenched my fists. - "You don't mind that Asagi suffers ?!"

Enma smiled. - "I don't care even if she dies, I am the Master's slave and this is the only thing that matters to me"

"..." - I gritted my teeth as I didn't know what to say.

"Master, I think you don't understand one thing" - Enma smiled. - "I am one of the most feared witches of the underworld, there are mountains of corpses to my name, the suffering of the innocent is my fun, causing misfortune my hobby, there is nothing I enjoy more than causing despair, negative emotions are my delight and even my devotion to Master won't stop my love for chaos ~"

"..." - I looked at Enma who had a strange smile similar to a serial killer in a horror movie.

"What does Master think? Do you still trust me? Do you still think it's good to have me around? Fufufu, I'll keep doing whatever I want, but don't worry Master, you will always benefit as I am Master's slave ~ "- Enma's smile was haunting, making my chest ache.

Within all the madness and depravity in Enma's expression, I saw myself and that hurt me.

"Enma, I will still trust you" - I smiled.

Enma reminds me of the loneliness I feel, the way violent thoughts overwhelm me every time I'm upset, but more importantly, I don't want Enma to suffer since her actions were to help me so what happened with Asagi is my fault and not hers.

"Fufufufuahahahahaha! The Master is really fun! But I know, I can see it, the Master's darkest emotions, all that hatred, so much violence, the desires to destroy everything you don't like, the possessive desires every time you look at the maid, Asagi and me, even I can see your anger when Asagi murmured her lover's name, Master has so many negative emotions that he is similar to a demon, don't act like a kind and benevolent man as I can see what you really feel but it doesn't matter since even if the Master is a demon I will continue helping because I am the Master's slave "- Enma stood up and began to speak like a crazy woman.

"Is this your true face?" - I stood up and stood in front of Enma.

Despite my short stature, Enma is practically my size so we met her eyes.

"Fufufu, disappointed? Excited? What do you feel Master? " - Enma smiled like a lunatic.

"..." - I did not respond and just hugged her.

"Eh?" - Enma froze.

"Even if you like killing and hurting others I will trust you, even though you hurt Asagi it was to help me so I will trust you, Enma thank you for supporting me, even if one day you take a knife and stab me in the back, my last thought will be that I still trust you"- I hugged Enma tighter.

Maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe my few interactions with other people make me see things that don't exist, maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see, but when Enma showed her evil I could only see loneliness.

"Master, you are an idiot" - Enma's voice lacked emotion.

"I'm an idiot, but I'm the idiot who won't leave you alone" - I kept hugging Enma while tears came out of my eyes.

Maybe Enma doesn't feel anything I imagined and it's only my own loneliness that is speaking, but even if I'm just a naive, unimportant idiot I want to be able to trust someone, I want someone to trust me, and more than, I do not want to be alone.

When I fall I want at least one person to be willing to offer me a hand to help me, and that is why I will trust Enma.

Even if it is the wrong decision and I regret this, I will trust her.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I also want a hug waaaaaaaaa! " - Loli Enma held on to my waist and began to cry.

I let go of Enma and hugged Loli Enma.

"Take care of me too! That idiot won't admit it, but we want someone who will trust us! We are tired of being persecuted and hated! Although it is fun to hurt people, it is very lonely not to have friends! Waaaaaaa! " - Loli Enma clung to my shirt as she cried and screamed with all her might.

Enma glared at Loli Enma. - "Shut up, you're the idiot!"

"Look at her she even yells at me waaaaaaaaa!" - Loli Enma cried louder.

"Stop acting pitiful to Master! You just want to be spoiled! " - Enma tried to make Loli Enma let go of me, but the loli clung to me like bubble gum.

"I do not want! The Master is the first person who treats us well! If you screw this up, I'll kill myself so you lose your magic and the orcs come to turn you into a sex toy! " - Loli Enma began to scream in a threatening way that was honestly a little scary.

"Would you kill yourself just to piss me off ?!" - Enma screamed furiously.

"I'm tired of not being able to play and eat candy! Always fighting and killing, we never have a break! I want a cat! I want to see anime! I want cookies! I don't want to continue causing genocide! Even now we continue to ruin the lives of others! I can't even enjoy sex in peace because you connected our senses with the two bitches who insulted Master into feeling what it was like to be fucked until they were knocked unconscious! I want vacations! This is child exploitation!" - Loli Enma released words like a submachine gun and I couldn't understand everything she said, but I had a feeling that it was better not to know.

"Shhh don't say it, it's supposed to be a surprise!" - Enma was able to make Loli Enma let go of me and covered her mouth.

Definitely I did not hear anything, ignorance is a blessing and I want to ascend to divinity, I did not hear anything.

The two Enmas continued to fight until Enma waved her hand making a green portal appear that sucked in Loli Enma.

"Nooooo! Don't send me to my room! I will be good!" - Loli Enma screamed in despair and then was sucked into the portal.

"She will be alright?" - I felt uneasy when I saw a girl being swallowed by a portal of dubious origin.

"She only exaggerating, she hates her room because there is no television" - Enma fixed her messy clothes, although considering that they are only suspenders that do not even cover her genitals it seemed an unnecessary action.

"... Maybe you should give her more freedom, when we're at home let her watch TV" - I sighed.

"Fufufu, could it be that Master liked my loli version better? The Master is a lolicon ~ "- Enma smirked.

"..." - I sighed, I can never get rid of the lolicon label.

"Leaving aside that the Master is a lolicon, what will we do with Asagi? The Master already heard her, she has a lover, I investigated a little and it turns out that Asagi has an adopted son who is the younger brother of her first lover, Asagi's first lover died at the hands of demons, Asagi adopted the child and with over the years the boy fell in love with Asagi, that idiot named Kosuke was so stupid that he allowed himself to be deceived by the demons and was cursed turning into a demonic tumor "- Enma looked with Asagi with a smile, but her look made me a little scared.

"When Kosuke recovers, the Master will lose the chance to have Asagi ..." - Enma looked at me with an evil smile. - "Unless the Master allows me to finish the ritual ~"

"Forget it Enma, she has someone she loves, I will give her the money she needs to save her family" - I sighed while feeling uncomfortable.

"Master, even a blind man can see that you don't want to let Asagi go, why are you doing this?" - Enma looked at me with a frown.

"I don't know" - was all I could answer.

The idea of ​​Asagi having a lover makes me uncomfortable, but I still want to help her find her own happiness.

"Maybe I am an idiot?" - I smiled wryly.

"Yes, the Master is an idiot" - Enma also smiled. - "And since the Master is an idiot, it is my duty as a slave to make sure that no one hurts the Master ~"

"Thank you" - I put my hand on Enma's head and caressed it.

"Fufufu, there is no need to Master ~" - Enma showed me that charming smile again.

"Let's pick up Anida and go home, I'll make lunch" - I'm hungry after so much exercise.

"Fufufu, sure, Master wants me to transport Asagi?" - Enma smiled at me.

"Sure, just don't do anything to her, I trust you" - I smiled.

"It is cheating for the Master to say that" - Enma pouted.

Did Enma pout?


"Look at you, you're so cute!" - I pinched Enma's cheek.

"The Master has strange fetishes" - Enma pulled my hand away and made an annoyed face.

"Okay I'll leave you Asagi, I need to go to the bathroom" - I couldn't stop smiling.

Enma pouting is extremely cute.



(POV 3rd person)

After fat Satou left the lecture hall, the witch Enma stroked her own cheek with a kind smile.

After a while, Enma left her cheek and looked at Asagi with a disgusted expression.

"If you keep pretending to sleep I'll send your butt to an orc lair, I understand you have experience with them ~" - Enma waved her hands and a red portal appeared next to Asagi.

Asagi's body flickered and she disappeared from the couch appearing across the room.

Asagi glared at Enma with extreme fury. - "If you mention that again, I'll cut off those breasts that you like to show off so much"

"Fufufufu, how terrifying ~" - Enma shrugged as the portal disappeared. - "Now that the Master is not here let me make something clear to you, you are the Master's bitch and if you dare to betray him I will make your pathetic son have an even more miserable existence than the one he already has, then I will look for your daughter and convert her in an orc incubator, I will finally take your dear sister and make sure that the hell you went through with the Incubus King is a paradise compared to what I will do to her "

"..." - Asagi didn't reply, her eyes overflowing with hatred as she looked at Enma.

"Fufufu, good look for a bitch that kept begging to be penetrated ~" - Enma's smile grew.

"Why are you so obsessed with that man?" - Asagi clenched her fists furiously.

"I like him and he gave me the best fuck of my life, that seems enough" - Enma continued smiling.

"You're just a bitch, if the Incubus King put his hands on you, you would betray the man you want to protect" - Asagi looked angrier.

"Ahahahahahaha! Do you think that I am you? I'm sure that sex with the Master was the best of your pathetic life "- Enma started laughing as she held her stomach.

"Shut up! My heart only belongs to Kosuke! " - Asagi yelled furiously.

"Fufufu, you didn't even deny it, admit it, you want more" - Enma smiled upon seeing Asagi's expression. - "But it won't happen ~ Not unless you give up your stupid lover"

"The Master will have a lot of sex, many beautiful women just for the Master, I myself will be able to enjoy it while you watch from a corner masturbating as you usually do ~" - Enma bit her lip as if thinking of something delicious.

Asagi turned pale. - "How?!"

"How did I know? Do you forget that I was the one who made the cloak of shadows? Do you think I did not know that you used to look at the Master having sex while you masturbate and then you start crying while you lament? And all because you have not had sex since you escaped from the Incubus King ~ Fufufu, if your companions knew the nympho bitch you became, they would lose what little motivation they have left ~ "- Enma continued smiling.

"Do not you dare!" - Asagi got into attack position.

"I won't ~ They are useful to the Master so they need to be able to fight, and who knows, maybe they become the Master's toys" - Enma smiled nonchalantly.

"I won't allow it!!" - Asagi looked on the verge of freaking out.

"Fufufufu, then offer your body to Master ~" - Enma smiled. - "Or I'll make sure that the nickname Taimanin Bitches becomes a reality"

"..." - Asagi didn't answer, but she relaxed her posture.

"Fufufufufu, good, an obedient bitch is a good bitch ~" - Enma started walking to the door to go with Satou.

"If I'm a bitch you are too" - Asagi spoke with a frustrated voice.

"True and I love it, instead of a miserable person without shelter I prefer to be a happy animal with a home" - Enma let out one last smile. - "And I will not let anyone ruin my new home"

So Enma left the classroom leaving Asagi.

"I ... I don't know what to do ... Someone help me ..." - Asagi gritted her teeth as small tears fell to the ground.

Bukaro Bukaro

https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro

If you can support me in Ko-Fi I would appreciate it, there are no benefits since I do not upload additional chapters but they would make me happy <3


A person in my family got sick with covid so maybe I won't update as often these days due to lack of motivation, sorry.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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