61.61% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 235: CHAPTER 231(The Calm After)

章節 235: CHAPTER 231(The Calm After)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Fuck..." Horizon mutters as he sits on the floor, inside a small crater.

The port island was a complete mess, torn up not just from the metal storm and Wolfram's Quirk, but from his reaction to it all.

He now sat in this crater, with his jacket shredded apart and pants torn up, exposing the body glove beneath.

His visor was cracked, but still intact as not to reveal any of the features beneath, even as a small steam of blue energy vapor was seeping out of it.

Both his hands, up to the elbows, were drenched in blood and bits of flesh, but he himself was completely fine, even now as he tried to catch his breath and focus his mind.

Feeling himself crashing after the high he just experienced.

In the small crater, at the middle of it, was Wolfram, or at least what was left of him.

His face was smashed in, no, it was missing.

His head and upper torso were beaten until it looked like ground meat, his right arm was mangled with chunks of flesh being torn off.

And his left arm was completely torn off from the shoulder, the separate limb resting only a few meters away within the crater.

His entire torso suffered the same fate, being beaten into a pile of unidentifiable meat, with bits and pieces of his guts scattered about.

Taking a few deep breaths Horizon gets up, swaying side to side, feeling as if he's experiencing the worst hangover imaginable.

He looks down at his bloody hands, and decides not to think about that right now, instead reaching up to his visor and tapping the side of it.

"Call Pantu," he commands, while walking out of the crater over to Melissa.

Swaying with each steps he feels his legs burning as he steps out and sees the girl, laying on the floor with some cuts and bruises across her body.

"Horizon," Pantu's voice is projected into his visor. "I assume this is good news..."

"Not particularly," he says while walking over to her.

"Did you retrieve Melissa Shield?" Pantu asks.

"Yes, she's right here," he steps on Melissa, not using his Quirk right now but nudging her, hard enough to make her groan, which she does. "She'll be fine."

"Well then, the only reason you'd call me is if something went wrong, and if she's alive...what went wrong?"

"I was a bit too heavy handed with Wolfram, I need your cleanup crew."

"How heavy handed?"

"Bring a mop," Horizon sighs. "I got a bit...I honestly don't even know."

"Were you conscious when you fought him?"

"Mostly, I can't explain this over the phone," Horizon says. "Can you send your team."

"Yes, and I'll keep the press and police away from the scene until they're done, the last thing we need is the news getting wind of this."


"I'm not doing this for you," Pantu says. "Japan simply can't afford to be put in a position where we could lose you, drop the girl off at UA and come see me, and don't tell anyone but Nezu exactly what happened."

"Got it," Horizon hangs up and takes a deep breath, looking around at the destruction.

---1 Hour Later...

Standing atop a skyscraper in Fukuoka, Horizon is leaning on the railing while watching the port island be swarmed by police boats and helicopters.

The news drone and helicopters were barely seconds behind the emergency services and first responders, and he breathes a sigh of relief as the most stressful part of this is now over, at least for tonight.

After he called Pantu she sent in people she trusted, so they had to wait on the port island for almost an hour.

But her people made short work of cleaning up the crime scene.

Officially nobody was allowed to venture there, so he had to warp her people onto the island for them to do their jobs, then send them back to the city.

Now the regular emergency services and media were allowed to venture to the island to investigate and spin the story in a positive light.

Minutes later he takes out his phone, held by his cleaned gloves. His jacket and pants were shredded beyond any usable state so he cast those aside, given to Pantu's team for destruction. Now he was simply wearing the body glove.

Luckily they were high above the roof so nobody would see, especially since nobody was focused on the city itself.

He sees the first news feed to go live is from Chitose's media outlet, as usual.

"We're here live on the port island, just miles away from Fukuoka!" the woman says, gesturing to the city behind her.

She then begins walking as the camera follows her, showing the completely destroyed man-made island being scoured by other news crews and emergency services.

"The destruction of this island will set Japan back countless billions of dollars in trade, not to mention the repair and reconstruction cost of any infrastructure that was here just over an hour ago.

The Hero Public Safety Commission has released an official statement of what happened here, assuring the public that the matter has been completely deal with."

The woman begins walking over to the crater, not able to get too close but just enough for the camera to zoom in on it, nearly 10m wide and half as deep.

From the drones above the public could see inside, and there was not a drop of blood or any semblance of DNA within the crater to be found.

"As it turns out, a international mercenary and Villain, codenamed 'Wolfram', used his Metal Manipulation Quirk to battle Horizon here.

This villain entered Japan weeks ago and Horizon had been diligently tracking him on his own, this led to a confrontation at this port where Wolfram was making arrangements to import extremely destructive and potentially nuclear weapons.

This same Wolfram was also responsible for the now confirmed sabotage at the Keito Nuclear Reactor. This confirms our suspicions that the gas leak scare within that city was simply a cover up, but the Hero Public Safety Commission assures us that the situation there was resolved via the combined efforts of everyone's favorite disaster rescue Hero, 13.

As well as Horizon who greatly assisted in containing the radiation. We believe that Wolfram used that as a trial run to see exactly how capable our Pro Heroes are at dealing with nuclear threats, and when his attempt was thwarted, he resorted to trying to buy large scale nuclear weapons.

Thankfully Horizon was able to intercept his order, and not only was it stopped on our end, but the sellers of such heinous devices oversees were simultaneously apprehended."

The woman continues talking while Horizon nods along, genuinely impressed, 'Pantu came up with all of that so quickly, no wonder she's the head of the Commission...'

He sees the woman pause for a moment and hold her earpiece, then she smiles brightly. "We now have confirmation that not only was no one hurt, thanks to Horizon warping all the civilians and workers away from the port and into the city. But Horizon himself is entirely unharmed, as we've come to expect from our strongest guardian.

In addition to that wonderful news, Wolfram has been secured in a facility and is awaiting private trial to pay for his crimes!"

Horizon nods along, thoroughly impressed, already seeing some notifications from his social media accounts flooding in.

He hops over to his 'Yay!' app, and the first thing he sees makes him chuckle.

'Ryukyu's boyfriend is so strong!' as the caption, followed by a picture of the destroyed island.

He immediately takes a screenshot and sends it to her, knowing when she wakes up to it that'll annoy her.

He then quickly scrolls past thousands of posts singing his praises before hopping back over to the news.

Most of the world would believe this, they'd think he solved this serious matter, saved millions of lives and arrested Wolfram without suffering so much of a scratch.

But then he got one message from someone who could see through it all, a simple, 'Are you alright?' from Ryuko.

'I'm perfect, handling paperwork,' was his only response.

Just in time to hear groaning beside him.

Because this entire time Melissa Shield was laying on the floor, completely knocked out.

"How are you feeling?" was all he asked, not even looking at her as she gets up, all the cuts and bruises healed, yet she stumbles slightly before holding onto the railing.

"Where are we?" she asks. "What happened?"

"Wolfram kidnapped you, I saved you, now we're in Fukuoka, how are you feeling?"

"Sleepy," Melissa says as she now focuses her mind, and sees the island in the distance being swarmed by boats and helicopters. "Is that where we were?"

"Mhm," Horizon casually reaches out and rests a hand on her forearm, using Scan to check on her, but mostly to know if she's lying. "I'm just running another checkup, I already healed you earlier."

"Oh, ok..."

"How much do you remember, what do you remember from the fight?"

"I remember you blinking about everywhere, then I got knocked out, then I woke up here," she says, and luckily for her, he doesn't detect any lies.

Then the concussion wasn't that bad, "he lets go of her and continues scrolling."

"Is my dad alright?"

"He should still be asleep," Horizon says.

Melissa breathes a sighs of relief, then just leans on the railing and begins quietly crying.

Horizon stops his scrolling, glances over at her, then just goes back to scrolling.

"Sorry for all of this, for causing you so much trouble," Melissa says.

"Yeah well, its the job," Horizon shrugs. "You really don't have to feel bad about it. You just got caught in the crossfire of your dad and Tech."

Melissa sighs at the thought of that, "yeah, I guess you're right."

"I usually am."

Melissa chuckles at that, and actually manages to crack a smile, "you know, you aren't as bad as I initially thought you were...and certainly not as mean as your classmates make you out to be."

"I've literally never been mean to them, ever," Horizon says.

"Well I wouldn't say that, but at least you've mostly been nice to me. And now that everything is over and the danger is gone, its kind of nice having a strong hero protecting me."

"Sorry but the last thing I need is to have a third girl at UA trying to get my attention."

Melissa scoffs at that idea, "oh god no! You're a great Pro Hero, but as a person...you're kind of, the worst."


"Wait, that sounded super mean! I mean I'm thankful for all you've done especially with saving me, but just, you're not my type you know!"

"I got what you mean, and believe me its a relief on my end too, even if you're one of the few girls at UA I actually respect, it wouldn't work out."

Melissa looks confused at that, "you actually respect me? Why? Aren't you like a all powerful god who always speaks down to everyone?"

"I'm not all powerful, and I don't speak down to anyone," Horizon says. "I speak to them in a manner appropriate for their worth, they just happen to mostly be trash."

"Jerk," Melissa mutters.

"But as for respecting you, well, you're Quirkless, which means anything you can do, someone with a Quirk can do better. In fact, a certain bear-mouse thing with a High Spec Quick is more of a genius inventor than you and your dad combined, but, you still try."

"Because I try, you respect me?"

"Because you succeed," Horizon says. "Most Quickless people are worse than trash, because not only can they never match up to people with Quirks in a competitive sense, they're also genetically weaker.

I mean you guys don't even have the ability to regrow teeth, or the inherent superhuman adaptability, its like you're humans from hundreds of years ago. But most Quirkless people make themselves even worse by dwelling on these aspects their entire lives and allowing it to destroy them, they don't even bothering to try.

And if they do try, they don't do enough work to be competitive, much less succeed. But you did it, and so did your dad. And as for him, well, if he didn't cause such a big headache for me I'd like him a lot more..."

Melissa looks at him in a new light, taking his words to heart and almost crying again, being recognized by the man most of the world looks up to as the pinnacle of superhuman potential.

"You know, if this was the side of you I met first, maybe I would have fallen for you," she says. "Good thing I saw the jerk side of you first, saved me a lot of heartache."

"Tch, you wish you could get a guy like me," Horizon says. "Besides you're leaving UA at the end of this semester and moving across the world, so its for the best really."

"Yeah, but if you ever come to America, we should catch up."

"Ha! Pantu doesn't even like me leaving Tokyo and Musutafu, like hell she'd ever let me leave Japan, now lets get out of here, or ride just called me..."


章節 236: CHAPTER 232(HPSC Favors)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Sitting in Pantu's office, Horizon has his feet up on the coffee table, arms spread out on the back of the couch, head laid back as he tries to relax.

His entire body was still sore from...whatever happened earlier tonight.

Now it was past midnight, and most of Japan was resting easier knowing Wolfram was arrested and locked away, because Horizon swooped in and saved the day.

Perfect and flawless as always...

Beneath the visor Horizon had his eyes closed, doing his best to stay awake, but he could feel his mind and body begging to just get to bed.

But that would have to wait, first he'd have to get through this meeting, after he'd already debriefed everyone who needed to be informed at UA. Of course certain details were withheld from most people, but that's besides the point.

Now he had to finish up this meeting, then go take some samples of himself at Horizon tower, maybe then he'd get some rest.

'With my luck the moment I lay in bed a bank gets robbed near the tower,' he recalls when he was in a similar exhausted state after the first raid against the League Of Villains recruiting site, and that's exactly what happened after.

'I wonder how Endeavor is dealing with that Dabi nonsense, haven't heard from him in a while. Shoto hasn't been extra moody lately so I guess he doesn't know, smart move. Waiting till he has confirmation is better, at least let me get my hands on Dabi to test it myself.'

As he's trying to relax he gets a message from Ryuko, because only she would be texting him at this hour.

Opening one eye he reads the message displayed inside his visor.

'Are you going to Tokyo like usual?' she asked. Usually he'd head to Tokyo Wednesday night -which is in 18 hours-, do hero work from Thursday to Sunday, then head back to UA.

At least this is his new schedule for the past few weeks, Yoroi Musha being killed certainly changed how much Pantu and Nezu wanted him out in public.

"Response," he lazily commands his visor to start writing a reply. "Finishing up a meeting, will be there in a few hours. Send"

With that he goes back to relaxing on the couch, for all of two seconds.

Because the door immediately swings open for Pantu to stroll into her office.

Her usual guards remain outside, but Horizon doesn't even react to her entrance. His Quirk was off, giving his brain time to recover, but he just didn't have the energy for a casual greeting.

Pantu had a few sets of documents in her arms, hundreds of pages of work she had to complete before getting some rest.

"Are you asleep?" Pantu asks as she takes her seat, starting up her computer via optical scan -a new addition since Horizon is a frequent guest here-.

"Yes," Horizon says.

"Would you care to know how much your fight will be costing Japan?" Pantu asks as she begins reading the documents. "You did destroy our main port for trade to South Korea and most of Asia and Europe after all."

"Does this mean I won't get paid this month?" Horizon asks.

"Your payment will be the favor I did by sweeping Wolfram under the rug..."

"Can't I at least get paid for stopping the nuke from getting into Japan?" Horizon says jokingly.

Pantu stops, gives him a deadpan stare for a moment, seeing him still relaxing on the couch, then goes back to work.

"How bad was it?"

"Extremely bad economically," Pantu says. "Luckily Wolfram was wanted by most major nations so they sent their thanks, in the form of money. And the United States sent a sum since he's one of their monsters that went rogue, and the last thing they want is us telling the public that little detail."


"He was a special forces operative that didn't like the pay they gave," Pantu says. "A lot of nations wanted him dead or in a cage...preferably a wooden or glass cage."

"I didn't know he was that bad, hadn't even heard of him till this."

"Probably because he wasn't in the same circles as you. He wasn't a assassin, he's the kind of person you hire to train a private army or a terrorist cell, but he did have a knack for collateral damage."

"I noticed..."

"You're in no position to talk," Pantu says. "Arsenal is infamous for the trail of bodies she enjoyed leaving in her wake, what she did in Los Angeles is still hundreds of times more horrific than anything All For One or Wolfram have done in terms of sheer scale and loss of life."

"That...was unavoidable, considering the specifics of the job, which I won't go into."

"And I won't pry, but clearly you don't appreciate the effort that goes into covering up what you did, considering how casually you're treating this."

"Well, you make it look so easy, what can I say?"

"You can start with what happened, and I don't want you killing villains to become a habit. Overhaul was...unavoidable, but from what you said this one was because of mistakes on your end, so, explain, now."

Horizon sits up properly, taking his feet off the table, and looks over at her, seeing the woman sitting back in her chair awaiting his explanation.

In all the time he's known her, and all the times he's tried to get under her skin, even now, after covering up a death, she remains without expression.

He can't help but wonder what kind of things she's done and seen from that chair.

"Consequences?" Horizon asks.

"You mean the contract?"

Horizon nods.

"Our contract states that if you are found guilty of breaking any laws, you forfeit your position as that will get you expelled and barred from the Hero Course programs across Japan," Pantu says.

"Which means this counts."

"Yes," Pantu says. "And normally in a matter like this, you could be taken to criminal court."

"Quirk Court," he corrects her. "This was a Quirk issue, not a issue of intent."

"That's...possibly even more concerning," Pantu says. "But, Japan isn't stable, in fact we're quite far from it. So for now I'll sweep this away, and bury it beside the files on Overhaul. We can't afford to have you expelled from every Hero Course and leaving Japan, but if it came to that..."

"I won't hold it against you," Horizon says. "Honestly if you wanted to use this as a grounds to make the contract null and void, I'd understand, and we'd simply part ways right here."

"Because you're the one who broke the terms of it?"

"Of course, I signed it, so I can't get mad when you simply follow the rules we agreed to, I'm just lucky that you're unlucky enough to need me here to stabilize Japan."

Pantu detects no lies, which is quite a relief.

While what she said about needing him is true, part of her was terrified that using this to dissolve the contract would cause him to lash out at her, or worse, at Japan itself.

But for better or worse, he's a man of his word.

"I suppose that's one way to look at it, so from this moment we have a clean sheet, as if the incident tonight never happened, assuming you can do one thing for me."

"And what's that?"

"Tell me exactly what happened, and why Wolfram is dead," Pantu says. "You mentioned Quirk Court earlier, that means this is a matter of you not controlling your Quirk rather than you trying to hurt him. But from the pictures I've seen, you were quite clearly trying to hurt him."

"Its my Quirk," Horizon says. "During the summer camp when I fought All For One. I got pushed to limits and levels I didn't know I had, that I guess I didn't even know existed since he was always a myth to me.

After that I encountered some difficulties with my Quirk. I hit glass ceiling of power that I can feel cracking, but every time it cracks and I feel my access to my full potential growing closer, its like my body or mind aren't ready.

Tonight it came out, like a rush of adrenaline and...euphoria. And I guess my training just took over, and obviously not the Hero Course kind. My mind got cloudy, and one minute I'm defending from his attacks, the next minute I'm waking up as my body is tearing him apart piece by piece."

Throughout his entire explanation, Pantu doesn't react, she simply focuses on his words. But she detects no lies.

Obviously she knew he wouldn't tell her the whole truth, that simply wouldn't be smart of him, but this raised even more alarms in her mind.

"So you were pushed to your limits mentally and, your Quirk simply took over?"

"I'm not really sure, but we can go with that for now," he says, and she detects no lies.

"And have you made any progress in controlling these, outbursts?"

"Yes, and it won't be much longer until I get it under control. And when that happens, I'll be so much stronger than even I could have imagined..."

'Fuck,' was the only word that popped into Pantu's head, even while her ice cold façade was maintained. 'So he becomes some kind of a rage monster that's even stronger than the regular version of him if he feels threatened? Seriously?'

"I see, well then, thank you for informing me, and keep me posted on your progress," Pantu says. "But do remember, I won't be covering up any more bodies for you, one more incident like this and you'll have to fight it in Quirk Court, without my help, understand?"

"I understand," Horizon says.

"Good, now why exactly did Wolfram kidnap Melissa Shield?"

"He wanted to force David Shield to make something, or at least give him the plans for it. Someone named Tech hired him and apparently already made the device, but Wolfram got paid and wanted to finish the job anyway."

"Devoted to his contract, sounds familiar."

"Yeah, but I think maybe he just wanted to fight me, to really make a name for himself."

"A foolish decision, and what was this device."

"Sorry, but I can't say. Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all that," Horizon says jokingly, but she doesn't detect any lies. "But now it should be safe for the Shields to leave, which is one less thing for me to worry about."

"Good, that gives you more time to focus on your Quirk, I can't imagine solving Quirk problems are easy for you, since you're one of two Mystery Class Quirks in the world, you have no studies or research to help you."

"I'll manage, now, is that all?"

"Yes, if anything else comes up I'll notify you," Pantu says. "Aside from that, have your full report done and send it to me within 24 hours, I'll falsify a report matching the story we fed the media and upload it onto your Hero Network account."

"Thanks, now I'll get out of here, because I really need some rest," with that Horizon instantly warps away.

As he leaves Pantu sighs and relaxes back in her chair, looking at the stack of paperwork she had to deal with.

'So he definitely isn't perfect, but that imperfection makes him even more dangerous. If anything happens to him before he solves his Quirk problem, he lashes out and falls back on the instincts Arsenal instilled into him...which makes him one of, no, THE most lethal person on the planet.

And when he does solve this Quirk problem, he ascends from what is seemingly a god to...whatever comes next. Hmm, I should figure out how Wolfram was able to push him that hard at least, it should give me some insight...'

With that Pantu makes a quick call, and surprisingly the man picks up on the first ring.

"Lady Pantu, this is quite unexpected," Dr. Garaki's voice greets her.

"Goodnight doctor, I have a body I'd like you to examine regarding a certain associate of ours..."


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