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pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
"ROOM," Horizon unconsciously says aloud, the moment his feet touch the ground and light hits his eyes, standing in the middle of what looks like a collapsed mountainside in USJ.
"RNGH!" he turns just in time to see a massive hulking villain. 300cm tall and built like a hulk, black-purple skin with tears exposing the muscles beneath. Its brain was exposed for him to see, with a beaklike mouth.
The monster cleared the two dozen meters between them in a blink.
Horizon casually slashes out, his slash reaches the other end of the USJ dome and leaves a line in the concrete wall. Buildings collapse as they were simply in the way, but Nomu remains standing.
He stumbles and flinches, but to Horizon's surprise, he doesn't get divided in two, the slash across his chest immediately heals and he swings at Horizon.
He picks a random rock from the landslide zone and swaps with it, appearing behind Nomu, just in time to see the air pressure from its punch carve out a piece of the mountainside, a ten-meter-wide trench extending for dozens of meters.
"Super-Power?" he questions, and expands his room to encompass the entirety of USJ, already hearing explosions echoing out across the dome.
"What the hell is going on here?" he mutters to himself as Nomu instantly turns and rushes him again. An unintelligible shriek is the only sound it makes.
It was far too fast for his eyes to keep up, but thankfully that's what his room was for.
He swaps with a rock directly beside it the moment it swings another strong right hook at his visor.
SCAN! the moment his hand touches its side, and everything freezes.
He feels it shifting from a strong right hook to a backhand at his head, and the rest of the information floods in, and all the information floods in.
'All my classmates are here in USJ, and the Warp Gate villain is at the fountain fighting Eraser and Thirteen with a few dozen villains. My classmates are scattered about but look to be holding up, at least for now. But this thing...
It's like Frankenstein's monster, a cobbled-together assortment of body parts, fused with science, Quirks, and Drugs, its mind doesn't have any sentience, only the ability to follow commands.
And it's Quirk...no, Quirks. I can feel multiple Quirks. Super-Power, it has super dense muscles with a layer of elasticity...Shock Absorption. And Stem cells, Super-Regeneration, that's why Amputate didn't work, it healed as my slash was dividing it, effectively healing around the cut before it was finished.
But nobody knows how Amputate works, they think it's Air Slash, so this guy wasn't built for me...he was built to kill All Might. But All Might's Quirk is an accumulation type, starting from zero and getting stronger through his life, I don't think this thing can hit the same highs, it's more like Deku, starting with a lot of power that can't increase, Super-Power.
And if it's here to kill All Might, and he isn't here...then why is he attacking me instead of the Pros?'
Horizon feels a Warp Gate preparing to open down at the fountain.
'The Warp Gate villain said 'Hor---' before I shut the gate in his face, my name maybe? But they can't know about my Quirk...a spy? But he probably locked onto us when he first entered USJ so if I warp everyone anyway he'll just drag us back, best leave everyone to deal with the fodder while I take care of this guy.
If any students or teachers die here my class and graduation could be in danger, and that puts my contract in danger... I'll deal with this guy before sickly All Might shows up and gets hurt even more, or worse, the villains get lucky... I won't let anyone die or get hurt, I won't let some stupid villains put my contract at risk!'
An obscene amount of information was processed and a plan formulated, all in the time it took Nomu to realize Horizon had warped to his side and touched him.
He narrowly warps away from a vicious backhand, another swath of destruction carved out by the air pressure.
'The Hurricane Zone would have been perfect for this fight, I could have used the rain, but I can't feel it, so power is probably out in a few places...'
He constantly flickers about, evading strike after strike while slashing into Nomu.
'NO!' he feels the Warp Gate villain opening a gate and immediately slashes down in its direction, toward the main plaza and water fountain.
The slash cleaves through the entire mountain zone, dozens of meters of solid rock before hitting the air and reaching all the way to the fountain, slamming into the Warp Gate and closing it.
Their game of extreme tag continues, every time Nomu would swing Horizon warps away and slashes.
The entire mountain zone was slashed and smashed to pieces, becoming more and more unstable by the second.
'This thing isn't alive, so let's try something drastic,' he sees Nomu turn and beeline toward him with a left hook, grips the hilt of his sword tightly, and prepares himself.
One of his throwing cards appears in his left hand and he throws it above himself, and the moment the punch is inches away from his visor.
He swaps with the card, appearing directly above Nomu's exposed brain.
"Incision!" he yells and thrusts his sword down into Nomu's brain, feeling the Super-Regeneration trying to literally push the blade out of its body. "Counter Shock!"
Arcs of blue electricity flow down from his hands and into the blade, reaching the brain and spine of the Nomu.
'Shit, SHAMBLES!' he disappears with a rock meters away as Nomu reaches up to crush him in a massive hand, not even phased by a shock to the brain.
Their battle continues as Horizon tries to form a new plan.
'I haven't sensed a Warp Gate for a minute, Eraser must have used his Quirk on him, that means if I take this thing down there and he blinks things could go very badly, I'll have to deal with this solo...but since it has no organs, it's just a ball of muscles and nerves, not to mention if I remove the brain it'll probably grow back... I need to think of something drastic...'
Horizon predicts an obvious grab at super speed, stepping outside of the arc and making direct contact with his blade. Metal against flesh.
He feels the shock absorption kick in instantly, as if he swung a kitchen knife against a steel wall, the recoil rattling his arms. 'figured as much, my enhanced direct slashes don't work...its as if this damn Power Type was built to counter me...'
Nomu takes the chance and raises both arms up, slamming down and destroying the landslide zone.
"Shit!" Horizon yells as the entire mountainside begins to crumble, and all of USJ rattles.
He disappears, swapped with a villain in the conflagration zone before the shockwave killed him. Now within the smaller red dome were a few five-story buildings, the zone where everything was on fire.
"I'm not sensing it rampaging anymore," Horizon mutters, feeling Ojiro fighting nearby.
The basic thugs around him come to their senses and immediately rush him, proving to be no challenge.
The first was just a muscular man, two meters tall with large fists. As he tries to land a sloppy punch Horizon swings his sword, cutting the man's right fist in two leaving a bloody stump before kneeing him in the torso, knocking the wind out of him, and taking him out of the fight.
The final two were twins, two women with Quirks that gave them guns for index fingers, taking aiming and firing a constant stream of bone bullets at Horizon.
'Trash,' he thinks to himself before swapping for one of the women, causing both sisters to riddle each other with spiked bullets.
"Horizon!" Ojiro yells as he lands beside Horizon, clearly happy to see an ally. "Dude, what's going on?"
"Just some---" Horizon freezes, then looks up to a certain part of the dome. "Shit!"
Nomu comes crashing through the top of the dome, shaking the entire structure and causing spiderweb cracks to spread through the roof of it.
Nomu brings down two buildings and tears up the road as he makes his entrance, immediately locking onto Horizon and rushing him faster than either student could see.
They both swap with nearby rubble as Nomu punches where they were, Ojiro's heart skips a beat when he sees the air pressure of that punch bring down multiple buildings.
"I'll deal with this, you stay with the Pros," Horizon says before swapping Ojiro for a villain near to Eraser.
"Huh?" The man asks confused, "argh!" he yells as Horizon stabs him in the leg from behind him.
He looks up in time to see Nomu already about to punch him, 'SHAMBLES!' he swaps out for rubble, and the villain he just stabbed become red mist when the punch connects.
"Ok, let's go..." he says to Nomu, challenging the monster...
---4 Minutes Later...
Half the class was rushing toward the main plaza, the first to finish up their fights. Most notably was Deku, being carried by Sato because of his broken legs, shattered when he used his Quirk to push Mina to safety from falling debris.
"What's with all the shaking?" Todoroki asks, leading the pack beside Bakugo and Kirishima.
"It's Horizon!" Ojiro says. "He's fighting some super strong villain, they've been moving between zones and tearing them up..."
Some people silently nod along, having seen pieces of the battle earlier as they warped and jumped between all the different zones.
Bakugo just grits his teeth and keeps quiet, head on a swivel as he feels quakes happening all around them as the duo constantly move their fight.
Down in the main plaza Eraser is panting, quickly running out of energy, one elbow slightly disintegrated, the skin gone to reveal muscle beneath. Thirteen wasn't faring any better, currently fighting with one hand, the other hanging limply at her side, broken.
"Kurogiri, get us out of here!" Shigaraki demands, scratching his skin to the point of drawing blood, his disheveled blue hair and all the hands attached to his body and face giving an eerie feeling to all the students around.
"I can't," Kurogiri says. The purple mist man tries to open another Warp Gate only for it to instantly collapse. "Horizon keeps cutting them, we need to kill him, but somehow Nomu still hasn't managed..."
"Damn it," Shigaraki scratches his skin even more, staring at the heroes opposite him as the standoff continues, Eraser having canceled his quirk for the moment but Thirteen standing guard with her Black Hole Quirk so he couldn't rush in. "He's the secondary target, but we weren't told he'd be this strong..." he turns to see a dozen students rushing at him.
Todoroki, Bakugo, Momo, Tokoyami and Kirishima led the pack.
As they were ready to jump in and break the deadlock, Horizon swapped places with one of the basic thugs, he ignored everyone and just looked toward the water fountain, 'exactly what I need.'
"Horizon, what---" Eraser is cut off by what sounds like a massive explosion, a huge gust of wind pushes everyone back as Nomu lands in the plaza, scattering everyone. Eraser blinks, and Shigaraki feels his Quirk return.
The monster wastes no time rushing Horizon again, faster than any of them could see, Horizon warps away, thankfully his back was against the water causing the Air Pressure to make a rift along the lake.
Standing at the fountain he slashes down with one hand, holding a throwing card in the other. A massive slash reaches out, cutting through Nomu and the water, slicing the ship floating on the lake in two and leaving a thin slit in USJ's dome.
'That thing is strong, like All Might,' everyone thought, 'and he's been fighting it all this time...'
Nomu is staggered for a moment before his Super-Regeneration kicks in, then he immediately turns and digs his bare feet into the stone floor, cratering the ground as he pushes off.
Midway through the rush, two attacks reach out to intercept before Nomu gets to Horizon.
"DIE!/ Heaven Piercing Ice Wall!" Bakugo and Todoroki launch their strongest attacks, ice, and a powerful explosion.
The heroes and villains alike are amazed by their power, but Nomu just backhands the air and destroys all their efforts.
In the same instant that it ice and smoke are swatted away, causing everyone to crouch down as the wind tried to rip them off the floor, Nomu swings out at Horizon.
Before their eyes, he warps Nomu above him, swapped with the card he just tossed over the fountain.
'C'mon, make it rain,' Horizon thinks as he feels Nomu now falling, twisting its body down to punch directly under it, inches away from Horizon's skull.
The moment the punch is about to make contact he swaps with a piece of ice close to his classmates.
An explosion of dust and water forms a mushroom cloud of debris dozens of meters high, as if it were raining.
"Game over," Horizon says, a vicious smile on his lips, but all they could see was the blank visor as he shrinks his room. From covering all of USJ to only the main plaza, he swaps to one of the water droplets in the air, and swaps Nomu for another.
The Room shrinks to only cover a few dozen meters around them.
Before anyone could realize what was happening he slahsed out, AMPUTATE!
Nomu flinches, the cut across its face instantly healing.
'Change the angle, make the lines cross, separate the pieces,' Horizon decides.
Another clean slash.
Before it can heal he appears on the other side of Nomu.
It crosses the previous slash, effectively cutting a piece of the monster out.
He fails to warp the piece away before it heals.
"What the hell is he doing?" Kirishima asks as the students stare in wonder.
Seeing Horizon and Nomu constantly flickering about, but nobody has time to realize or even give a response.
After the first dozen slashes, he finally gets the first success, SHAMBLES!
A chunk of Nomu's arm swaps for a drop of water and hits the floor.
Then another piece of the monster. Then another, and another.
"NO!" Shigaraki screams, "That's impossible, Super-Regeneration is still active!"
By the time Horizon was done the entire floor and fountain were sliced and diced into little pieces, and Nomu was a still living puzzle on the floor, waiting to be put back together.
Shigaraki was seething with rage, "damn it, you cheated! Kurogiri!" he turns, and finally notices Kurogiri already frozen in a thick block of ice. "No!"
Horizon's ROOM immediately collapses as he drops to one knee, over a hundred slashes in such little time completely emptied out his stamina.
"Stupid, villains," Horizon glances over to his classmates as he takes exhausted breaths, then looks toward the villains. Kurogiri is a popsicle and Shigarai is already pinned down by Eraser. "So much for UA being a breeze huh Nezu."
'I guess I've got a lot of work to do...' he decides, realizing that there were some situations that he just didn't have a proper answer to...
Hyper-Regeneration is a really damn bad matchup for Law, the more I thought about it the more it makes sense, and thematically someone with that Quirk would counter a doctor. Didn't feel like making USJ into a 5 chapter mini-arc so let's just get to the fun stuff.
I finished writing this volume recently so this week its daily uploads, curious to see how many power stones we can get :)
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Minutes after Nomu was defeated, Kurogiri and Shigarami were already knocked out.
All Might and the other Pros arrived and quickly swept up the other villains, which leaves us where we are now.
With Horizon standing at the fountain speaking to detective Tsukauchi.
"Are you sure it's alive?" Tsukauchi asks, looking at the dozens of pieces of Nomu on the floor, all the police officers standing around with disgusted looks, metal cases ready to store the pieces, while others kept loading up villains.
"It is," Horizon says, "it's a walking corpse made from a few different people, it wasn't really alive in the first place, more like the muscles were just getting commands. But it's alive, if you put these pieces in the same box you'll have to deal with it again so don't do that."
"Freaky," the detective says, noticing one of the eyes still looking around as part of its head was still intact. "What kind of monster would think to even do this..."
"No clue," Horizon says. "Now since you know I didn't kill anyone can I go join the others?"
"Right, I'll be over in a bit to get all the other stories..."
Taking a rather exhausting walk up the massive staircase and out of USJ Horizon sees a dozen prison busses parked outside, a small army of police cars accompanying them.
Off to the left, he sees all his classmates standing with Present Mic at a UA bus, clearly waiting for him. Quietly chattering about their first villain experience.
"Horizon!" Mina yells excitedly, causing everyone to turn toward him. "You were super cool in there, the way you cut up that villain."
"Thanks," he says in a tired voice. "We ready to go?"
"Yup," Mic says. "We were just waiting for you, Eraser and Midoriya are already at Recovery Girl, Thirteen too..."
"Great, let's get out of here..."
Everyone boarded the bus and Horizon immediately gets a text from Nezu, 'My office,' was all it said.
'Of course...'
Present Mic sat at the front while the robot was driving, with Horizon only one seat behind him, sitting beside Momo and Jiro.
Everyone is still chattering about what they just encountered when Todoroki's voice cuts through the noise.
"Horizon," his monotone voice silences the bus, sitting closer to the back while Horizon was at the front.
"Yeah?" Horizon asks, leaning back and trying to relax.
"We know the villains made that creature to kill All Might, but how did you beat it, it was as strong as him, it even shrugged off our best attacks," he glances at Bakugo who was one step from exploding at the memory. "But you beat it by yourself, how?"
Even Present Mic turns to look at him, not sure what kind of answer to expect.
"Simple, because I'm better," Horizon shrugs. Everyone just glares daggers at him before he continues explaining. "I had to overcome its Quirks, Shock Absorption, Super-Power, Super-Regeneration, and anything else it had. Power types are easy for me, but the regeneration was a real pain, without that I could have handled it in one slash. Plus the fact that I had to deal with Kurogiri, every time he made a Warp Gate I had to take a second to close it before he decided to move any of you around again, honestly it was more of a challenge than I ever expected to face at UA."
They look both amazed and horrified that a student could deal with a situation like that.
"Your reaction in stressful situations is also admirable," Momo adds. "You instantly warped us back to our homeroom from USJ when the villains arrived, if he wasn't able to warp us back then I'm sure you would have done that again."
"Man to think you got the final boss while we had to clean up those street punks...not that I could have done anything to help, I mean one of his punches was destroying buildings, I'm not ready for that yet," Kirishima whines. "Good job Class Rep!"
Everyone echoes his cheer, and they could slowly feel the distance between them and Horizon widening. No, not widening, they were simply realizing how far ahead he really was.
Shoto quietly sits and stares at Horizon, 'I wonder how much he suffered to become this strong, I can't imagine what he survived...'
Bakugo just glares out the window, a new sense of numbness spreading in his chest, as if his body didn't have that burning desire to catch up anymore, as if he was slowly realizing how hopeless it was.
Iida was proud of himself, he now knew for sure that he made the right choice voting for Horizon.
And sitting directly beside Horizon, Momo frowns and tunes out Jiro who was chatting with her. Suddenly there was an infinite chasm separating her, the Vice Class Rep, from the Class Rep. Her doubts and insecurities about her own value suddenly amplified to heights unheard of for her.
Jiro notices the change in Momo's mood and rests and hand on her leg, giving her a concerned look, but Momo just puts on a weak fake smile, not even fooling herself.
Stepping off the bus Horizon ignores everyone and makes a beeline to Nezu's office, quickly entering and laying down on one of the couches, not even wanting to activate his Quirk to swap his hero costume.
Leaning his sword against the coffee table he closes his eyes and nods off, taking a small nap while the Pros finish up...
---2 Hours Later...
Horizon wakes up groggily, seeing Yagi standing over him tapping his visor as if it were a fishbowl.
"Mmm," Horizon groans and sits up, looking around to see Nezu and Tsukauchi on the opposite couch already. "How long was I asleep?"
"It's only five," Yagi says, taking a seat beside Horizon. "You've had a long day, makes sense that you're tired."
"Yeah, from doing your job..." Horizon groans, and everyone frowns in response. "So why am I here?"
"We just need to ask some questions, mainly about the Nomu," Tsukauchi says.
"Right, go ahead."
"What can you tell us about it?"
"Pretty much everything," Horizon shrugs. "Well they cobbled together four corpses to make it, one was a base and the others for the Quirks. Shock-Absorption, Super-Power, Super-Regeneration, a perfect All Might killing combo."
"That matches what Eraser said Shigaraki was boasting about," Nezu says.
"You got all that from touching Nomu?" Yagi asks.
"Yeah, it was nasty," Horizon says. "The thing was a walking corpse so I didn't mind cutting it up. It wasn't even sentient, only the parts of the brain needed to accept commands were working, the strain of multiple Quirks is too much for a body to handle, something had to give."
"Any idea of how it was done?" Yagi asks, a bit of trepidation in his voice. "With medical operations or did it seem a bit more...natural..."
Horizon raises a brow at that, "well I could tell it involved a lot of drugs and operations, the pieces were put together and grafted before the brain was rewired, Super-Regeneration helped pull it all together, but that's a one in two hundred thousand Quirk, if it's even that common."
Yagi, Tsukauchi, and Nezu share a look of relief, glad to hear that it wasn't as simple as someone placing a hand on a villain and giving him multiple Quirks.
"And about Kurogiri?" Nezu asks.
"Warp Gate guy," Horizon sighs. "Didn't get to touch him, I just kept canceling his Warp Gates from wherever I was in USJ at time. It has a pretty obvious tell for me, not the first Warp Gate I've encountered."
"Really!" Both Tsukauchi and Yagi are surprised, but Nezu just nods along.
"Right, her, but this was of a completely different nature," Nezu says.
"Plus this one didn't need an anchor," Horizon adds. "Worked by either coordinates or lock-on, not sure. But After I warped everyone back to my homeroom he pulled us back into USJ, our feet were already in the mist so I didn't want to cancel it or try to rip us out---"
"Good call," Yagi says. "That could have gone bloody."
"I figured as much," Horizon says. "Then I just cut up Nomu, you pretty much know the rest."
"I see," Tsukauchi finishes writing everything Horizon said. "Anything else?"
"Yeah, I think the villains were targeting me, anything on that?" Everyone in the room stiffens at that.
"There was mention of that from Aizawa," Nezu says. "The villains said that since All Might wasn't there they would kill the secondary target, you. But the fact that they were also able to identify you, that is concerning."
"Unless they got in touch with one of my patients or something, but that's unlikely," Horizon says. "Nobody would hand over a miracle cure. Coupled with the fact that they knew we would be at USJ and who would be there...you've got a leak."
"Possibly," Nezu says. "But I'd rather not jump to that conclusion, we need to have a united front instead of all suspecting each other, especially right now."
"I just hope you find the leak before I do," Horizon grumbles out.
"For their sake, I hope so too," Nezu says. "Anyway, now we only have to deal with the matter of our PR nightmare, all eighty villains have been arrested and are already en route to Tartarus, including Nomu."
"And the school was searched, so my job here is done," Tsukauchi stands and politely nods to everyone. "I'll let you all deal with this while I continue investigating this League Of Villains."
"Thank you for all your hard work Tsukauchi," Nezu politely bows to the detective before he leaves the room.
After Tsukauchi leaves Horizon relaxes a bit more, "so, is this crap stopping the Sports Festival, because that really messes up my plan..."
"I think it best that we continue as usual, with added security," Nezu says, ignoring Yagi's worried look. "We need to show the public and our students that this incident won't hinder us at all."
"I suppose that's right," Yagi says. "And M---our students need the opportunity to make their proper debut to the world."
"Good, because I've had the info packs ready to send to news outlets for a while," Horizon says. "When I win the sports festival and everyone is searching my name they'll find what I want them to find."
"Careful now Young Horizon," Yagi says. "If you're too confident victory could slip away from you. People are most vulnerable when they think they've won."
"I'm not arrogant," Horizon says. "It's a proper assessment of my skill compared to everyone else I've seen, honestly the closest is probably Bakugo and he's hot garbage compared to me."
"Well I'll be sure to watch your performance closely," Yagi says.
"One thing, since my Quirk is warping, it's legal for me to summon my sword right?"
"Completely, after the game officially begins that is," Nezu says. "But if you cause too much damage with it you'll be disqualified, the same goes for everyone and their Quirks too."
"Easy win then," Horizon says.
"Well now that we've handled those things, I just need to figure out the PR nightmare this situation has caused. People are already demanding All Might step down for the safety of the students," Nezu says sadly.
"Why not tell the truth?" Horizon asks flatly.
"What do you mean?" Yagi asks.
"Well, if you just consider it all at face value, villains made this incredibly intricate master plan expending a crap ton of resources to kill All Might, only to be stopped by a class of first years three days into school, their homeroom teacher and a rescue hero that almost never fights. Villains suck and UA looks good and---"
"And," Nezu cuts him off. "You'll want us to name you specifically and credit you with taking down their weapon and disrupting their Warp Gate user, playing an instrumental part in our victory, and putting the spotlight on yourself even before the sports festival."
"Well," Horizon shrugs. "It's not like we'd be lying."
"But we'd place our students in the crosshairs of any revenge attacks, and antagonize the villains by humiliating them," Nezu points out, a serious frown on his face. "That's why I already disregarded this option, while I am proud of my students we still don't know the full extent of the League Of Villains."
"Yeah, but you'd put most of the heat on me, and I'm certainly good bait," Horizon says
"Hmm, if another attack happens and any student gets hurt we'd be in a lot more trouble after pulling such a stunt," Nezu says. "I already plan to more properly insulate the school and all our teaching schedules."
"Smart move," Yagi says. "And I should make a better effort to actually be here, I got sidetracked doing heroics and wasn't even here when my students needed me..."
"Agreed," Horizon says harshly. "You made a deal, honor it, no matter what. Breaking contracts is grounds to be put down, remember that."
Yagi just looks at him a bit nervously, "right...yeah."
"Well I should get the press statement out," Nezu says. " I'll follow Horizon's plan, showing that everyone at UA is capable will look much better, I don't want any students scared to come to our school."
Nezu immediately takes out a tablet and types up a proper statement. And twenty minutes later it's posted.
"Already at five million views and it's only been seconds!" Nezu chuckles.
Horizon's phone immediately begins going off, he unlocks it to see his 'Yay!' profile going crazy.
"And I'm already at a million followers," he can't help but laugh. "Man those hero-worshipping idiots are too easy..."
"Hey now, you shouldn't call your fans that," Yagi says.
"Tch, fuck those sheeple..."
Yagi's phone goes off, he reaches for it so quickly you'd think it burnt him.
"Emergency Hero Network alert," he says, then his face looks drained of all life as he sees the article. He places it on the table for Nezu and Horizon to see, an entire city block turned to rubble. Dozens of armored trucks and cop cars were crushed and tossed about as if they were nothing.
"What the hell did that, where is that?" Horizon asks.
"That, was the League Of Villains convoy," Yagi says. "Apparently they were attacked by something, hit with a EMP and attacked before anyone could respond, no survivors or witnesses, but lots of missing prisoners, including a certain trio..."
"Let me guess," Nezu groans. "Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and Nomu..."
Yagi just nods sadly, knowing this fight was far from over...
So I failed to explain properly the interaction between Amputate and Super-Regeneration last chapter and a lot of people got mad, it'll come up again and I'll go more in-depth at that point, just need you to trust me until then, Law is still op :)
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene