33.13% Dominator in DxD / Chapter 55: Chapter 47 - Vali Vs Ai/Sairaorg Vs Ai

章節 55: Chapter 47 - Vali Vs Ai/Sairaorg Vs Ai

"Hoh, they are fighting here," Ichigo entered the arena, which, while staying inside the space of the park, was visible from afar. He wasn't the only one that entered this place.

"This place is amazing," Uryu leaned over the railing when he heard the chewing sound, making him look at Sado and Ichigo eating popcorn and holding a drink, "Where did you get those?"

"There, they are free," The two pointed at a table beside them, filled with popcorn boxes and cold drinks.

"Oh," Uryu looked up, seeing three girls on the other side, and froze. He hid himself using Sado, peeking, "Oye, look over there."

"Hm?" The two of them looked over, only to see Asia, Koneko and Xenovia. Ichigo waved his hand, "Hey guys!"

The three girls noticed them too and walked over, each and everyone acting like nothing had happened, greeting them, "Ichigo-san, Uryu-san, Sado-san."

"Yo," Ichigo waved at them while Sado nodded, "Your Peerage members aren't here?"

"They are on a mission," Koneko lightly said in her childish form, "But there are many others here."

"Yeah, guess you are right about that," Ichigo looked over, and he saw his mother sitting with a group of her friends, and Tsunade, alongside everyone from the Soul Society. Though, he was worried since he didn't see either Decimo or Jay.

Other than them, who had come in full force, many representatives were here; even the Hashirama came with his wife. For those who didn't know, the girls were introduced.

"That's Sona Sitri, with her sister, a Satan, Serafall Leviathan, and a few members of her peerage. That girl is Irina, a reincarnated angel, and that big guy beside her is Vasco Strada. I heard he refused to be reincarnated since he wanted to die human. He's an absolute beast," Xenovia kept going, "There are so many people here."

"Well, it's a curious fight," Uryu finally got his bearings together, but he still had a blush over his cheeks.


Still, before he could explain, Orihime's voice made him jump, and they looked behind, seeing her and Tatsuki walk over. The two of them slowed down for a moment before Orihime hugged Asia, "Asia-chan!"

"Orihime-san," Asia happily smiled, being hugged by her, and Koneko glared at Tatsuki, who patted her head, "Kid, we can fight later."

Koneko's ears twitched while Tatsuki fist bumped with Xenovia. During their time in the mansion, they had come to respect each other as fighters, even if it was only for a few days.

"What are you guys talking about," Tatsuki asked.

"I was explaining why there are so many people to see this fight," Uryu cleared his throat, "Vali Lucifer and Sairaorg Bael, they are contenders for a position. Also, one of the strongest among the younger generation. Strongest, if you remove Ichigo, who got help from his brother, a God who built this ship."

"Yeah, yeah, you have reminded me that enough times. No need to be so jealous."

"I am not jealous!" Uryu shouted, shaking his head, "Whatever. Now, all of a sudden, a girl is here, and she is challenging not just them but their whole peerage."

"Oh, I thought it was the dragons and them being destroyed," Tatsuki pointed at the wooden dragons that were broken apart, and their pieces were falling.

Vali had used Dividing Divide to weaken their durability, while Sairaorg punched them with fighting spirit imbued in his fist, using his full power to break them.

Ai focused the Transparent World on Vali's Sacred Gear, the soul inside, 'That's a Sacred Gear.'

She gripped the Sword of Memories, dividing it into two, "Fine. Since you can keep up, then I won't hold back."


Vali swooped in before Sairaorg; his punch collided with the sword, stopping the other one. Sparks came out from the clash, but Ai let go of them, turning on her feet and smacking him in the face. She took her two swords before they touched the ground, 'I am slower. That dragon sure is broken. System. How long before he could use it again?'

[10 Seconds]

'So can't let him continue, can I?' Ai took a deep breath, focusing her senses, changing her breathing pattern. The world she visited had breathing forms, the ones that imparted swords with different powers. She, too, had Jutsu's, which she harnessed into Breathing Forms. From combining the two came Breathing Forms at the same level as Sun Breathing, Wood Breathing, and Curse Breathing.

"Grand Thunder Breathing First Form – Chidori's Thunderclap and Flash!"

The sound of thousand birds covered her blades and body; before Vali could even react, the thunder resounded in his ear, and with that came the burning feeling. His body shot to the ground, creating a crater, and his wings broke apart. He blanked out for a moment, realising that girl in Yellow Kimono was standing beside him, with crackling lightning surrounding her body, "All of you…are boring me to death. I have had enough…get serious, and let me vent, or I will kill you all."

She moved away when a punch from a giant landed where she stood, and Bikou took Vali away, regrouping with others.

He narrowed his eyes, "Oye, this girl isn't the same."

"He's right," Arthur adjusted his glasses, "This one is like those Ninjas, with different elements and Jutsu's. Combined with the ferociousness and deadliness of those Shinigami over there. Her fighting style is quick, varied and precise."

"Perfect for me," Vali had a wild grin on his lips, and he looked towards Sairaorg, who got serious too, seeing this. The two of them wanted the same thing, push her to her limits, and see how strong she was, even if it meant ganging up on her.

"All of you, with me," Vali narrowed his eyes, "Buy me time."

"Ok," Arthur summoned Fenrir (who was in the stands), whom they had managed to capture after Loki's defeat. Fenrir grew the more it stepped closer, becoming larger than them. The Golem Gogmagog stood up, and Bikou duplicated himself into many, while Kuroka created illusions of Bikou to hide in his duplicates and blast fire inside them.

Le Fay Pendragon, Arthur's sister, grinned, pointing her staff forward, "Go, Goggy!!!"

"Huh, impressive," Ai raised her swords, "Let's see. Which one should I use to take all of you out?"

"You think you can!!" All of Bikous jumped towards her, with Fenrir in the wait and the Golem above. Arthur with Excalibur Ruler and Ley Fay and Kuroka with magic sent a barrage of magic and attacks toward her.

Ai was thinking about which move to use when she felt even calmer than before, 'No…I want to reach higher.'

She dodged Bikou, and her swords danced without elements, cutting apart the duplicates. And in them, there were duplicates she avoided. She zig-zagged, dodging the magic spells thrown at her, and her swing was stopped by Arthur, "You are a sword—"

Ai didn't care what he had to say; her sword pierced forward, grinding against the Excalibur when he felt a push back, tripping over the leg behind him. He widened his eyes when the hilt hit his neck, causing him to curl up, coughing, holding his neck in pain.

"Get away from him," Bikou opened his mouth, and she shoved the hilt of her sword inside it, raising her knee, nearly crushing his head between the two. With the power in her body, she could have easily broken it, but she was satisfied with him fainting.

She saw Kuroka and Le Fay combining their magic, but she didn't move towards them; she moved back, swinging her swords, cutting the empty air, and the two fell forward, coming out of hiding, holding their bleeding body.

"How," Kuroka fell on her knees, watching the green eyes behind the specs and her emotionlessly.

"Goggy…Vali will defeat you."

"Wood Breathing Thirteenth Form – Great Clap."

Two wooden trees came out rapidly, turning into hands and palms bigger than Golem and Fenrir, slapping down, trapping them under their palms. They thought that was it when more gigantic trees and hands came out, clapping on top of each other until the Golem and Wolf couldn't even resist.

Le Fay puffed her cheeks, rolling over her back, giving up, "Not fair!"

"Divide!! Divide! Divide!!!! Divide!!!! Divide!!! Divide!! Divide!!!"

Ai raised her eyes, looking at the man in scale mail coming towards her, and her strength, speed, durability, everything was getting divided.

(I was born as the First Generation Vampire and a Senju. Possessing Supernatural Condition. I thought I was great and not to toot my own horn. I am a prodigy, even without those bloodlines.)

She barely countered his first attack; the second hit her squarely in the stomach, and the third slammed her to the ground. Her body rose up and blocked the kick, barely in time. She rolled in the air, landing on the ground.

(And then…I met those guys. Demon Slayers. Humans. They were doing their best to save as many people from the Demons. Even with the breathing forms, they were outnumbered and couldn't save everyone even though many of them died. And yet, they fought, putting their lives on the line, their bones breaking, their body near death, and yet, they fought. I…fell in love. With not a person…but them, all of them, and the more I loved them…the more I hated myself. For…not being human.)

Every time she exchanged a blow with him, her power got divided, and it went further down, further and further, yet, her swords kept scratching against his armour. Though all they could do was scratch, and at one point, they barely even left the mark. He swung the sword down, which stopped at his armour and stopped moving.

"Your strength…it's the same as humans. You can do nothing against me anymore. Give up," Vali looked at her in disappointment. He thought she would have used more of her tricks, but then he noticed a smile on her lips.

"Do you think…at this moment…I am truly human?"

(I didn't hate myself because I was blessed. I didn't hate myself because I wasn't fully human out of disgust. I hated myself for not being human…because no matter what, I did. How well I did. I couldn't truly beat them because I wasn't the same as them and wasn't human.)

"Yeah," Vali tilted his head.

She looked at him with a zeal that made him take a step back, grinning, "Then, at this moment! I can surpass them!!"

"Surpass them? You are just human now?"

"So are they," Ai gripped the sword that seemed heavy to her, and the transparent world convulsed, expanding, and she saw more, the energies, the Sacred Gear, Scale Mail, and more, its weaknesses, "I…will go beyond."

Vali was entranced, by the sword moving towards him, slow, to the point it was crawling, and yet, he couldn't move out of the way of the piercing sword. Its tip touched his armour, and it cut it like butter, going through his chest, coming out from the other side. He slowly started falling backwards; the blade slid out of his chest, covered in his blood, yet he didn't feel pain. He could hear her voice whispering to him, "Thank you…for making me human. I needed it…to move on."

Vali's body hit the ground, his wound healed, but he didn't. He was still in shock, and more, he seemed to have accepted defeat. And since he had divided her powers, the winner would probably be Sairaorg.

"That was impressive," Sairaorg clapped his hands, watching her, "We can continue this fight tomorrow."

"Why?" Ai wiped the sweat off her cheek, breathing heavily, weak to the point that one of the swords slipped her hand.

"You are at the end of your robes."

"Ah, about that," Ai rested her palms on her knees, "The Techniques I use…the Breathing Techniques. Do you know the strongest one?"

"Enlighten me."

"Sun Breathing. It's the strongest. But with my Senju Blood, Wood Breathing was as strong as the Sun Breathing. Then, I came across a Thousand Year old Lingering Curse, which helped me Master Curse Breathing."


Ai closed her eyes, "Three of the Strongest Tiers…and then…I started combining them. From Sun and Wood came Life. From Sun and Curse came Death. And from Life and Death?"

She raised her body in a flowing motion, pulling up the sword, and the aura of the whole arena changed, "Higher Order Breathing. Karma Breathing Eleventh Form – Severing."

The past, present, and future of Divine Divide, Severing the Karma between them with a single slash. It not only returned her strength to her but also caused her to become immune to this technique.

With the return of power, the pressure of her existence started spreading out, reaching in all directions, covering them all, "Now then. You were going to show me what you had to offer."

"Regulus Rey Leather Rex!!!"

Ai turned her eyes towards the kid in Sairaorg's team, who transformed into a golden lion, much to the audience's astonishment, and then again into the armour, merging with Sairaorg.

She closed her eyes, smiling, "Impressive."

She could still see him through the transparent world and stepped forward, blitzing toward him. She swung her sword sideways, using her newfound insight to cut, but there were multiple layers, fighting spirit, magic, and armour. She couldn't cut all of it. Her sword got pushed back, and she slashed down to counter his punch. The two of them got faster and faster, exchanging blows faster than many could see, and in a while, there would be a blow that connected the most and shockwaves spread through them.

Ai watched her sword being chipped away, 'I can't continue like this. My weapons aren't as strong. They'd break if I continue.'

'More, more, more, I need more than cutting. I need something else. I can't fight him head-on. I need to…deflect.'

She changed the swinging motions a little, and these times they dragged more against the fists with each hit, and Sairaorg stepped back. She watched him, "What? Backing away now?"

"You…what are you trying to do?" Sairaorg cautiously watched her.

"You have a problem?"

"No. I just needed to adjust," Sairaorg disappeared, appearing behind her, and she turned, barely blocking his attack. He moved again, appearing on her side, and she somehow managed to block the attack. He continued the new attack pattern, and she managed to keep blocking at the last moment. Slowly, she adjusted to the rhythm, and it almost seemed like she was dancing, blocking his every more, no matter where he came from.

He didn't realise until much later that the speed at which he was attacking had changed. Rather than the one leading, he was being led this time. The golden and green energy swirled together and started exchanging frontal blows again. For one moment, it seemed they wouldn't stop, and something abrupt caused them to stop.

Sairaorg's punch, the power behind it, slammed to the side and nothing else. He couldn't understand and punched again when she slashed; the middle of the blade met with the punch, which caused another shockwave to go sideways. One moved above and the other down, blasting at their feet.

Sairaorg stayed back; he could feel a bubbling in front of him, he knew it was her area, and the moment he entered it, his energy would fall under control. He looked at her and uncontrollably gulped, "You are something."

The tips of Ai's sword pointed downward, her body gave off heat and steam, and she focused on him, letting out a breath. She reattached the swords, turning them into a giant broadsword, putting on her back, "haaahhh. That was some good training. I think I am done for the day."


Ai cracked her fingers, taking in a deep breath, "I am done, done for sure. I don't think I am going to make any progress anymore."

"Wait, this fight isn't over. We haven't decided who's stronger!"

Ai scratched her head, closing one eye, tilting her head, "That? I can tell you I am the strongest. Much stronger."

"Yes, that is what we have to decide!"

"Uhhhm," Ai looked up at the reddish sky of this dimensional Arena, "Does this place have some kind of security measure? What if one of us dies?"

"The First Floor has a Rule. We can't die here. Even in places like this, in Dimension, where both sides want to partake, fighting is allowed. We won't die."

"We won't, huh? That's good," Ai held the sword, "I'll show you the difference between us."

"Wood Breathing Zenith Form – Calamity From the Sky."

She didn't make a move; she didn't even list the sword but turned and walked towards the exit.

Sairaorg wanted to stop her, but it didn't take long for him or anyone else for that matter to notice when the red sky turned green. He looked up, seeing the green auror, and from that auror, something tore apart. A tip, which further came down, covered in fire, looking like a sword or broadsword, and soon the hand was visible. Of the creature made of wood, but before they could even get a look at the creature, the sword touched the ground.

Sairaorg wasn't much far from it, and he separated from Regulus, smiling, "This is going to hurt like hell."

Ai looked over to the arena, fitted in the park, the size, watching the white flash cover the whole dimension, "Oops, I forgot about the audience."

She flicked her hair by her hand, shrugging, "Ah, whatever. Now that the morning training is over…let's get something good to eat."

She put her hand on the back of her head, walking, smiling, "I wonder if Mom will get angry. I guess I am not eating at home. Hey, System. What is Dech Daddy doing?"

[Dech Daddy? Really?]

"What? You have anything better?"

[…Can I calculate?]

Ai mischievously smiled, laughing, "No. You absolutely can't."

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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