I got my belt and went in search of her ass when she didn't show. I wasn't quiet when I opened the million and one doors in the place or when I walked through the closets. I must've known I was gonna end up with a princess because what the fuck did I need with walk-in closets as big as the damn bedrooms? "Gabriella, front and center, now." Not even a peep. It took me damn near ten minutes to find her.
Her ass was in a cubicle in my closet. "Get outta there." I snapped the belt that I had folded in half. Her eyes were glued to the leather, and she wasn't looking like she was about to climb outta there anytime soon.
"Did you hear me?" she opened her mouth, about to scream. "You do that shit; it'll only go worse for you, now get your badass out here and take your licks. You wanna do the crime, do the fucking time. How many times must I tell you? If you're not willing to bear the consequences, don't do the shit that's gonna get your ass beat."