50% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 6: 5 NIGHT IN THE FRIGHTFUL FOREST


Noah, Ryan, Zach and Alan ventured into the home dimension of cartoons and comics' heroes - the city of Nootra. Nootra Security Forces considered them as intruders and chased them. Some heroes, however, came to their rescue and stopped the agents from taking them away. Among these were the children of the most renowned Saiyans of the universe; Trunks, Gohan and Goten. These three with their friend Krilin decided to take the Earthlings to Secret Base L4. Now, to reach L4, they had to cross a forest, which was inhabited by villains. Although they wanted to be discreet, Windfang, the man who was transformed into a winged creature, spotted them and destabilized their flight. The Saiyan crew made a crash landing in the heart of the Frightful Forest and found themselves surrounded by a gang of villains and beasts with Freeza and Wrath-Amon at the head. These didn't seem like they wanted to give the heroes a warm welcome.

Gohan: "Stand down, Freeza. We're only crossing the forest. We mean you no harm."

Freeza: "Mean me harm? You must be kidding, Saiyan. Things have changed since our last encounter. I got stronger thanks to my friends here. Nootra didn't know they were doing me a favour by sending me to this forest. Your prison cell is a villain's paradise. I have made extraordinary encounters with people who have the same goal as me and they contributed to my evolution. I would gladly test my new powers on you, Gohan, but to Trunks be the honour."

Wrath-Amon: "I have nothing personal against these children, but crushing them means weakening Nootra's forces and that, I'm totally for."

Goten: "Brother, let's prepare for combat. They're not willing to let us go."

Freeza: "Let you go when you're our dessert tonight?"

Gohan: "Listen men, NSF sent you here for reformation. The best place in the city has been allotted to you so that through its spirituality, you may reflect on your ways and change from evil to good. Why do you persist in bringing down Nootra? Freeza, Wrath-Amon, you've turned this place into a villain's den, dragging down with you all those who want to change for real. What do you gain from doing this?"

Wrath-Amon: "A child thinks he can sermon me, the dreadful Wrath-Amon? Weigh the word when you talk of evil, kid for you do not know what true evil is. You and all of Nootra will soon witness the rise of the reign of chaos."

Trunks: "Only in your dreams, Wrath-Amon. Mark my words also. I am Trunks, son of Vegeta, prince of Saiyans: never will evil reign in Nootra. Your cause is a lost one. We're open, but the choice is yours. If you refuse to join us, you're doomed."

Freeza: "Trunks, your father worked for me as many other Saiyans did. But the values Goku acquired in Nootra influenced him and he rebelled and turned good. It is I who destroyed planet Vegeta,[1] Saiyans' home world. Saiyans had been barbaric until your fathers settled here and instead of fighting the Nootrans, they joined them in upholding this monstrous civilization that seeks to eradicate evil from the world. But Nootra and its heroes won't succeed. I made it my mission to exterminate your race and I succeeded so far until I met you stubborn Saiyans. Unless you serve me, you will suffer the same fate as your stiff-necked compatriots. And when I finish with the offshoots, I'll deal with the fathers and Saiyans will be wiped out forever."

Freeza laughed out loud after finishing his discourse.

Goten: "Talking doesn't help with this band. Did you hear them? It's impossible to reason with these people. We must fight, Niisan."

Gohan: "You read my mind, little brother. Krilin, protect the Earthlings. Goten, cover the five of them. Trunks, you and I will engage Freeza and his band."

Ryan: "Zach and I know something about the arts. Krilin, we're counting on you to protect Noah and Alan."

Krilin: "Have no worries, friends. I grew up with the Saiyans and I don't fail when it comes to protecting my friends."

Goten: "The least you can do in battle is to trust your companions."

Trunks: "These are tough opponents. Zach, Ryan, you're sure you want to fight them?"

Zach: "I came here to challenge Son Goku, one of the mightiest heroes of the universe. How could I if I can't even fight these guys?"

Ryan: "You said it, Trunks; evil can't prevail in Nootra; so we're bound to win."

Gohan: "Everyone to their assignments."

Noah: "Be careful, guys."

Alan: "Don't worry, Noah. Agape is in them so everything is going to be all right."

A fight broke out in the forest between the villains and their band on the one hand, and Gohan and his companions on the other. Son Gohan and Trunks fought Freeza and Wrath-Amon, Krilin protected Alan and Noah while Goten covered these three by deflecting the fires of Windfang. Ryan and Zach confronted the enraged beasts of Wrath-Amon. Son Gohan noticed the strength of Zach and the fighting skills of Ryan impressed him. Although Saiyans and friends fought hard, they were outnumbered and they couldn't drive out Freeza and his gang. It was then that a voice called from an underground tunnel.

Voice: "Come with me if you want to live."

The battle was pressing hard on them and finding no respite, Son Gohan ordered his companions to follow the Voice. One after the other, they dived into the tunnel, slid a long distance and came out on another part of the forest. The passage closed instantly once the last of them came out. They got up and followed a silhouette that went towards a baobab. On reaching the tree, they found friends who had come to their rescue - Rahan, Son of the Dark Age, Conan, the Adventurer, Tarzan of the Apes, Samba and Leuk the Hare. Seeing that his enemies had escaped from his claws, Freeza got in a rage, furious that the Alliance had joined the Saiyans. He threatened with a loud voice.

Freeza: "Saiyans and the rest, you won't leave this forest unharmed. You will all be crushed by this time tomorrow and I'll finally take my revenge on Trunks and deal with him as I dealt with his grandfather."

Wrath-Amon: "Quit shouting; they're all gone. But our objective hasn't been attained. We must destroy them to weaken Nootra's forces, and then our friends at large will overthrow NSF and get us out of here."

Freeza: "That will be the end of Nootra. We'll establish a reign of chaos and rule with an iron fist. This is our big chance. Gather everyone on the spot."

Wrath-Amon: "Don't give me orders, Freeza. Let it be clear; I do this for my own interest and not because of you. Windfang, keep on patrolling so that none of them escapes from the forest before our army is set. My loyal beasts, you're not trapped here like us. Get quickly to our comrades outside and tell them they're expected here before dawn."

So the enemy prepared for the battle that would take place at dawn. Meanwhile, darkness had fallen in the forest. Tarzan and his companions of the Alliance led our friends to a cave, a place to spend the night safely.

Tarzan: "Sorry pals, but you'll have to do with this. We must stay here tonight. It won't be to our advantage to fight Freeza's band in the dark. Wrath-Amon's beasts are more ferocious at night."

Samba: "These guys go crazy any time a Saiyan comes this way."

Leuk: "It's Freeza. He's bent on avenging himself on one of them."

Trunks: "He addressed himself to me specifically. I don't know what he meant by wanting to take revenge on me personally. What did I do to him?"

The Alliance looked at each other and said nothing. Noah wanted to speak, but Gohan covered her mouth so she wouldn't reveal to Trunks the truth behind Freeza's words.

Gohan: "Don't worry, Trunks; he was just saying anything. Alliance, thanks for coming to our help. We would be crushed by this hour if you hadn't intervened."

Conan: "Save your gratitude for tomorrow, son of Goku. The real battle hasn't begun yet."

Goten: "I see the Alliance continue in their activities. I can't believe brave men like you live in the forest with these villains."

Krilin: "Part of Nootra Security Forces is in the Frightful Forest. It's indeed an effective means of containing villains and very strategic of NSF."

Tarzan: "The forest is first of all our home, Krilin. We live here and try to put some order though a few villains want to turn everything upside down. We also help anyone who might find themselves in danger here."

Gohan: "That's just like NSF. You can't get anywhere in this city without finding allies."

Trunks: "The agents of West Side wanted to arrest these strangers from Earth without hearing them first. Those big guys have become too wary. And I thought Captain Nootra never played Batman's game."

Leuk: "It's because they used the cloning and passed for citizens. You should know that security has tightened since the recent assault on HQ East. Domes are over residential quarters and heroes now guard the gates. But don't fear, friends from Earth. The Alliance belongs to Nootra Security Forces, but we're not directly accountable to them. We'll see you safely out of the forest."

Conan: "Well said, Leuk. I don't always call 'danger' what they call 'danger'. We, the Alliance, judge from our own perspective before taking action."

Noah was glad to meet Rahan. She approached him and asked.

Noah: "May I sit next to you, son of Craô the Sage?[2] I'm Noah of Earth."

Rahan: "Of course, Noah. I'm honoured to meet those-who-walk-on-two-feet from planet Earth."

Noah was over the moon when Rahan allowed her to stay close to him. He put his chain around her neck and let her play with his knife. The knife of Rahan was a famous white instrument serving not only as a weapon, but also as a compass to show him the direction to take whenever he left for any of his endless journeys. After the Alliance had acquainted with their guests and delighted them with treasures of the forest, they all found a place of comfort to rest. Then Rahan began to think out loud.

Rahan: "Those-who-walk-on-two-feet are complex in their line of reasoning. The people you call villains have a cause and they'll fight for it."

Krilin: "That ideal of yours, which wants all men living together in peace is popular yet quite utopian. How can you be at peace with people who want to harm you and bring chaos to the world?"

Conan: "I'm with Krilin. No need to try to understand those guys. Give them a chance and you'll find yourself regretting it all your life."

Ryan: "I think it's good to stick to one's convictions, even if they sound utopian. That's where our honour lies."

Goten: "Are you also a thinker, Ryan?"

Zach: "We admire Rahan for his virtues: courage, loyalty, wisdom, resilience, generosity. People respect him on Earth because of these values."

Trunks: "Are people guided by these virtues in your world?"

Alan: "Our world is similar to yours. There are good as well as bad guys there. But it's up to everyone to choose the path to follow. What I'm convinced of is that good always triumphs over evil."

Rahan: "Perhaps the faith and hope of the good towards the 'evil' is what matters. Heroes are not those who have physical strength. Heroes are those who accept all those-who-walk-on-two-feet as they are and believe the best for them. This faith transforms them into better people. That's how good eradicates evil."

Alan: "You mean the good things we think about people can turn them into good people?"

Conan: "Anyone can, except Wrath-Amon. He's evil itself."

Samba: "Don't categorize people, Conan; every man is perfectible. Never give up on anyone."

Conan: "You wouldn't say that if you knew who Wrath-Amon really is."

Goten: "I agree with Conan. Wrath-Amon's speech on installing a reign of evil frightened me a lot."

Rahan: "Goten, fear is a negative force. If you allow it to gain ground in your mind, you'll never achieve anything great, but if you have faith, everything will be as you want it."

Samba: "Don't be afraid because of what they said. The enemy has only one weapon at his disposal: fear. He has no power, no strength; nothing at all. But if you're trapped in fear, he'll have you without you even putting up a fight."

Tarzan: "Well, Rahan, your thoughts on 'the evil can turn into good if you believe the best for them' are noble and I'm familiar with them, especially when I'm with the animals. Many won't believe animals have feelings despite their wild nature. I deal with them and trust me, the wildest can sometimes be as gentle as a lamb. But you must watch out and be on your guard against people like Freeza and Wrath-Amon. Such are hard to learn. We fight them first, then pray they change."

Rahan: "We could do the opposite as well, Tarzan. Friends, I'll be by your side and I won't allow any of them to harm anyone. They may have a cause, but their method isn't right. They can't go against people's freedom to realize their dreams. Any cause demanding that those-who-walk-on-two-feet suffer isn't right. Yet I must believe the best for them. That's the peace I'm after."

Conan: "It might take you long to find that peace. Believe me; I know what I'm talking about."

Trunks: "I have questions on the existence of evil in the world. I used to wonder why some men choose evil instead of good when the heart of every child is filled with love. Childhood mindset is the apogee of a human being. In this state, a man believes, loves and lives in happiness. Why is it that when some people grow, they choose evil instead?"

Samba: "Trunks, there are many reasons why people turn bad. The presence of evil can be explained casually as consequence of the Fall. That was when things started to oppose man and he discovered that he wasn't happy. But this is no excuse for people to practice evil. There are billion cases of people who went through hard times and came out with a heart full of love; keeping still that 'good' nature with them. A human being is divine and has the capacity to rise from his ashes unto beauty."

Tarzan: "As you said, Trunks, childhood is proof that man was born to love and do good. In my opinion, the reason why people turn to evil is because either they don't know what happiness means or have never experienced it. Another reason may be that they do know yet deliberately choose to hurt. There's nothing you can do about it, except as Rahan said, believe they'll find happiness and become good. Without any controversy, a happy man is good. The revolution that shall change the world is that every man finds happiness and be happy."

Ryan: "In our world, Agape came and preached love for friends as well as for foes. He put on humanity and reversed the consequences of the Fall in His body."

Goten: "Wow! You're lucky to know Him. My father has been looking for Him ever since."

The Earthlings looked at each other in amazement as regards what they heard with their own ears.

Alan: "Revelatory! (To Ryan) And you came here looking for Him!"

Rahan: "So it was on Earth He did it."

Conan: "We know the Cause and what Agape did for its benefits to profit everyone. Agape is the hero who saved all men by becoming one with them."

Rahan: "Legend has it that Agape planted a seed in Nootra ground. Its influence over this planet prompted our ancestors to raise this civilization on love, justice and faith. This seed is responsible for giving superhuman abilities to those who want them."

Gohan: "Agape gave us our powers yet none of us can compare to Him; not even my father or Superman."

Tarzan: "The glory He received on our behalf propelled His fame to the most distant galaxies. All people of all planets have benefited from this victory He got on Earth."

Trunks: "And the most fascinating thing is He didn't use His fists to do that. Love is the most powerful weapon there is."

Alan: "I'm a hundred percent with you, Trunks. With love, you take down the whole band of villains in one round and there's no need for a rematch."

Samba: "You said it, Earthling. Agape's love for man is indescribable. What He did out of love for us is the noblest thing ever done in existence. There's nothing bigger."

Goten: "But who can love like Agape? If we could, we would have wiped out evil already. My father is determined to meet Him, so he visits the galaxies to gather information about Him. He's convinced the knowledge of Him will enlighten him on the love that turns everything into good. This is the dream of Son Goku."

Ryan: "I'm glad Son Goku and I have the same dream."

Tarzan: "Earth must be sacred if He chose it as the site to obtain salvation for all men. I'm sure your people are special."

Zach: "Earthlings are humans like you, though without super powers. Yet this is the first time I realize how unique we are among the peoples of the universe."

Ryan: "Agape fills the whole world, but His life is yet to be experienced by many. There are people who have His Spirit and they dispense His kingdom everywhere so that all may know what He is for them. His earnest desire is that men know themselves the same as He knows them. Our union with Him is the original thought that inspired creation."

Gohan: "Pikkoro used to say people don't see the worth of something when it's near. We have believed the testimony though it didn't happen here. What He did on Earth benefits all humanity, whatever planet or epoch they are. I'm sure when the entire Earth knows Him, that will be the age of the manifestation of the perfection of all things."

Krilin: "Friends, Goku will definitely visit your planet after hearing this."

The Earthlings rejoiced because of what they heard. They didn't know these things as regards their cartoon heroes.

Rahan: "May I tell you the story of how Agape helped me adopt my vision of life?"

Conan: "Not one of his stories again. Doesn't he ever tire of telling them? I can't understand how some people repeat the same things over and over again."

Samba: "These children are strangers here. It would be a pity if they left without hearing one of Rahan's stories, which we all have. And this is the perfect atmosphere - a clear night with millions of stars, and a gentle breeze all over the cave."

Tarzan: "Rahan doesn't do it for his own sake, Conan. His stories are inspiring. I assure you, these kids will be thankful for hearing it."

Leuk: "Remember the sensation you get when you hear any for the first time."

Krilin: "I heard news of your stories, firehair and I can't wait to listen to one of them."

Rahan opened his mouth and began to talk. Noah was resting close to him and the others, Earthlings, Saiyans and Krilin, sat around him. They were all eager to listen and they paid reverent attention to what he said. When he started to talk, Noah handed him the chain he gave her and he took it and put it around his neck. He kept on touching the beads as he related the story. The five bear claws of the necklace represented the five virtues he inherited from his father, which had guided him all along.

Rahan was filled with wisdom, which he received from his insatiable quest for identity and purpose. He found his Nindo[3] through the things he experienced and his difficulties only strengthened his convictions. What was peculiar to him was his deep reverence for those-who-walk-on-two-feet, be they good or 'evil'. He was committed to finding that peace, which would cause men to respect each other and have them live together in unity. His story captivated the Earthlings and Saiyans, as they explored the riches of his person through that astounding narrative. Even Conan, Samba, Leuk and Tarzan fell once again for the wonder of his incredible adventure. What a blessing for all of them to hear the blissful tale of the man who crossed land and sea, space and stars to get to the sun's lair, the place where Agape dwelled!

When Rahan finished his narrative, there was complete silence in the cave and all around the surrounding forest. Only the noise of the gentle breeze, which developed periodically into stronger winds, was heard. This reinforced the feeling of awe already formed in each of the people present in the cave at that hour of night. They all cherished the magical sensations mounting in them, drawn from the depths of the heart of the son of Craô the Sage. Under this unspeakable enchantment, the children fell asleep and the Alliance kept watch.

[1] Planet Vegeta is the home planet of Saiyans in DBZ.

[2] Craô the Sage (Craô le Sage) appears in Rahan, Le Fils des Ages Farouches.

[3] Nindo: a personal way of life someone takes upon themselves to guide them.

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