Since he said that everything would be alright, Jia Li stopped worrying a bit, and sent FangSu a text, asking her to call her as soon as she got time to make a call.
FangSu was currently speaking with the two detectives at her agency. They had come directly to her workplace to speak to her, concerning Mark and Bai Jun.
FangSu initially, did not want to mention Mark doing drugs before they broke up, because she wanted Bai Jun to rot in jail, but on second thought, she said the truth, especially when the detectives asked for the reason she broke up with her boyfriend.
"Miss Fu, do you think that Miss Bai who is your ex-best friend, has nothing to do with the hard drugs in the room she lodged in? Do you think she is innocent?"
FangSu smiled and said, "I wouldn't say she is innocent, because she is aware that Mark is into drugs. Since she knew this, she shouldn't have gotten involved with him."
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven