"Who was that lady you were speaking with just now, and I saw you take her to Grandfather, is she your 'girlfriend'? YingPei asked as a mischievous smile played on his face.
Fu Ling put his hands inside his front trouser pockets and replied, "Yes."
"Where did you pick her up from?." YingPei asked with interest. He wanted to know his cousin's tactics with picking up girls in less than 24 hours.
"She works for me, she is my personal assistant." Fu Ling replied.
"What!" Fu YingPei exclaimed in surprise before going forward to ask, "You are doing office romance now?"
Fu Ling frowned. "What office romance? All of this happened on short notice, and it was convenient for me to pick her. She works for me, and she will be able to relate more to my situation."
YingPei placed his hand on his shoulder and asked, "Are you planning to date her?."
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven