When Fu Hua walked into the labor room, Jia Li was ready for labor. She was already in a position for pushing and delivering with the delivery mat under her. A drip was already connected to Jia Li's veins and an injection was given to help start the labor off.
Jia Li felt her heart relaxed when she saw Fu Hua. She smile in between her tears and stretched her hand out to him.
Fu Hua quickly went over to hold her hand. "Everything will be fine." He said while patting her hand.
Jia Li had sweated a lot before coming into the labor room, so her clothes were taken off but a sheet was used to cover her naked body.
Jia Li nodded and shut her eyes. She was feeling so much movement within. She wasn't expecting the delivery to be that painful.
"Mrs. Fu, please get ready to push when I tell you to." Dr. Clinton said to her.
There were 2 doctors in the room including Dr. Clinton, plus 3 nurses, so Fu Hua was a bit reassured.
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven