Fu Hua stopped in his steps and glanced at her with creased brows and asked, "Do you want to say something?"
Jia Li shook her head in a negative affirmation.
Fu Hua wanted to walk off again, but her hold on his clothes became tighter. And before he could say anything to her again, Jia Li took a step and embraced him.
She circled her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his shoulder. She was afraid he would push her away, but still, she was ready for it.
After there was no movement 5 seconds later, Jia Li concluded that he wasn't going to push her away, so she relaxed comfortably in his embrace and shut her eyes.
"Please can we stay like this for a few minutes?" She asked in a soft tone without raising her face.
This was the first time Jia Li was making a move on him and Fu Hua didn't know her reason. But since she asked to stay like that for a few minutes, he wasn't going to push her away.
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