As the plane touched down and Aaron, Candace, and Jamal made their way through the bustling airport, Candace scanned the crowd, half-expecting Harry or Andy. But before she could wonder too much, she saw her dad's face break into a warm, happy smile, his eyes lighting up as he spotted someone.
There, just a few steps away, was Debbie, waving and beaming as she walked over. "Aaron!" she called, her voice bright and full of excitement.
Aaron chuckled, his whole face softening as he opened his arms, and Candace couldn't help but smile as she watched her dad step forward to hug his girlfriend.
"I missed you," Debbie murmured as she squeezed him tightly. "I thought I'd surprise you since I couldn't wait to see you."
Candace exchanged a knowing smile with Jamal, who was bouncing on his heels beside her. "Looks like Dad wasn't expecting this," she whispered, and Jamal nodded, grinning.