Despite all of the drama that had been going on with everyone else, once it was time for the wedding, they all made their way to the garden at Sonia's backyard, where love was about to bloom.
The setting sun cast a warm glow on the blooms, and their fragrance mingled with the hushed anticipation buzzing through the air.
Holding on to Andrew's arm, Sonia, the radiant bride, glided down the makeshift aisle, formed by the bridal party and groomsmen who stood on opposite sides, facing each other.
Despite the occasional grimace from morning sickness, Sonia's eyes sparkled with love as they locked on Bryan, who stood at the altar, handsome and nervous, ready to embark on this journey with her.
Almost all eyes were on Sonia, Lucy's especially, and her cheeks hurt from smiling so much as she watched her best friend, while Tom watched her.