After they were done with dinner, Jade encouraged their father to unwrap the gifts they had gotten him. Lucy quietly excused herself and went upstairs to get him the gift she had gotten him.
"Dad, you know you can request anything else you want too, right?" Tom asked, and Desmond smiled happily over the rim of his wine glass as he took a sip of his favorite wine.
"I know. Thank you. You kids have done more than enough already," Desmond said before reaching to unwrap the wristwatch box.
When he was going about it too slowly, Evelyn, who was dying with curiosity to see what they had gotten him, reached over to help him tear off the wrap, but Desmond slapped her hand off, "No touching," he warned, and the others around the table laughed just as Lucy returned.
Thankful that no one was looking her way, she subtly hid her gift behind her as she sat down beside Tom.