"Where is Lucy?" Jade asked when Tom joined her on the patio, and she didn't see Lucy with him.
"I left her upstairs. She has to make an important phone call," Tom said, and Jade nodded.
"I suppose she is telling her twin brother about his ex-fiancee?" Jade asked thoughtfully since that was the only thing she could think of that would keep Lucy upstairs. Not that she thought Lucy didn't have other important things to attend to, but from the way Tom had said it, she could tell it was an unpleasant phone call.
"That must be tough. You should have stayed up with her," Jade said, and Tom's brows pulled together.
"Maybe I should have. But lately, I feel like I'm being overly protective of her and treating her like she is too fragile and would break under the least amount of pressure. I figured I give her space to handle this on her own. She loves being independent," Tom said with a shrug, but Jade could tell that he was worried about Lucy.