"It's already late," Elise murmured when she cast her glance around her. The night sky still had a tinge of orange and pink from the sunset.
Since it was summer, the sun went down really late. Elise thought that must be the reason why they didn't remember the time when they chatted after not seeing each other for months. The last time they were together was in winter where the day was short and night came early.
Loriel thought the same thing. It was late. Ahh... where did the time go?
The king rose from his seat and wiped his forehead. The king only realized that he was dirty after the long trip. He needed to take a bath and change his clothes.
However, there was unwillingness in his heart to part with Elise. They had just seen each other after a long time being separated.
Yeah, right! We can save water. XD