100% Lovers turned Gods!! - Percy Jackson / Chapter 2: Chapter 1.

章節 2: Chapter 1.

Damiens POV:

In the tiny bedroom, warm light from a window peered through shabby floral curtains painting lines on the dark brown carpet. On the squeaky bed, a 19-year-old boy awoke to the sound of yelling that pierced through the room's thin, discolored walls. He yawned, staring at the warped overhead fan blades spinning silently clockwise on the low, water-stained ceiling. 'How can she sleep through all that noise?' He shifted his gaze to the left, his upper lip curled in delight at the gorgeous girl with long, light golden blonde hair sleeping on his arm.

The boy maintained his gaze for a few minutes. 'Last night was pretty incredible.' He leaned over to her ear, "It's time to wake up, my queen," he planted a kiss on her cheek.

The girl opened her eyes, rolling onto her side. Her cheeks flushed rose red. She snagged the dark blue bed sheets and jerked them over her head, "g-go-good m-morning D-Damien!!"

"Good morning Jasmine," Damien gently tugged on the bedsheets." I understand you feel embarrassed about last night, but it's what couples in love do.... unless you don't love me?"

Jasmine yanked the blanket off of herself. Her forehead wrinkled. "I-I doo.... l-love you." Her voice softened. "I just g-get nervous about things l-l-like S-SEX!! Y-You know t-that."

Damien reached forward and grabbed Jasmine's arm, pulling her closer. A sweet aroma of vanilla greeted his nose as he embraced her. "I know. I just enjoy teasing you. We should get our day started. It's Saturday, and we've got tons of stuff to do."

Jasmine gazed into Damien's eyes. "I-I really want to go to that bookstore, the lady from the dinner yesterday recommended. I-Is that okay?"

"Of course, that's okay." Damien let go of Jasmine, raising both his hands squeezing her cheeks like an old granny. "When we get back, I want to watch catch up on some anime, then go dirt biking, but you have to join, though." He stopped pinching her cheeks and narrowed his eyes.

"Fine. But we should leave now, hehe." Jasmine's light-blue eyes sparkled. She leaned forward, giving Damien a quick peck on the lips. She stood up quickly, causing the bed to squeak. Jasmine then stepped towards the brown gingerbread color cabinet in the left corner. Its doors chipped, dangling askew slightly. She moved the doors a little and pulled out a solid knot baby blue dress, then placed it on the side of the bed. "Hurry up and go shower. We can stop at that bakery. You were eyeing yesterday. After we visit the bookstore if you hurry."

"Yes, ma'am. Somebody seems really excited." Damien stood up and walked into the bathroom. After showering and brushing his teeth, he stepped out of the bathroom in his underwear, grinning while drying off his hair. "You know ordinary people get excited about going somewhere exotic for their summer vacation, but you wanted to come to this little town and stay in this creepy motel."

Jasmine opened her mouth, her right hand raised index finger pointing upwards about to say something, but no words came out. Her shoulders slumped back down. *hem* She cleared her throat, "w-we need to save money, and this place looked way better on the website."

Damien rushed towards Jasmine throwing his arms around her waist. He picked her up. "You're so adorable. But seriously, I choose the next hotel or motel we go to when we visit another old country town."

Jasmine wrapped her legs around Damien's abdomen. "O-Ok, that seems reasonable." Jasmine leaned back, lifting her chin slightly. She folded her arms, glaring downwards at Damien. "Wait, I thought you didn't enjoy coming to this old country town. Since it's not where ORDINARY people like to go."

'Oh god.' Damien smiled, showing his pearly white teeth, and chuckled. "Haha, yes, ordinary people wouldn't enjoy going to an old country place, but were not ordinary." Damien, still holding Jasmine, turned and faced the bed, placing her down gently onto her back. He hovered over her, his lips in front of hers. He gazed into her large, light blue eyes. "We were never ordinary, my queen, and I don't think I'd ever want us to be. Leave that to the mundane, boring people. Let them go on their typical vacations. We are the ones who are creating memorable stories to tell our children in the future."

Jasmine's lips curled into a lovely smile. Her cheeks turned a dark crimson red hue. "Y-you have such a way with words, y-young Romeo, you're forgiven."

"Oh, thank you, my dear Juliet." Damien put his hand on his chest, balling it into a fist, acting dramatic. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."

Jasmine laughed, "Hehe, my god, your such a dork."

"mmm, yes, but don't forget I'm your dork." Damien nuzzled Jasmine's neck, kissing the base of her neck working his way up slowly. He stopped and gazed back into her eyes, glittering with bits of desire.

Jasmine wrapped her arms around Damien's neck. The heat from her body drew him closer. As he brushed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss. It lasted for a few minutes before he reluctantly pulled himself back. Damien stood up. "We should go."

Jasmine's breathing was erratic. So Damien gave her a cocky grin and a wink. Jasmine rolled her eyes and stood up, not looking at Damien. She grabbed her dress and walked into the bathroom.

"What did I do now? " Damien sighed as he walked towards the messed-up cabinet, pulling out his clothes. He put on some black shorts and a white t-shirt, and a pair of Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG' University Blue.'

Jasmine stepped out of the bathroom wearing her solid knot baby blue dress.

Damien's eyes widened as his heart began hammering." You uhm look frantastic...I mean fantastic."

Jasmine chuckled, "hehe, thank you. You look very handsome." She grabbed her pair of Wmns Dunk High 'Aluminum', putting them on. "let's go." She grabbed Damien's hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

After leaving the motel, Damien and Jasmine held hands, strolling along a sidewalk dotted with sapling trees. An old gulf green Chevy pickup truck sped down the single-lane road with faint, broken yellow lines, its engine chugging.

They wandered past a small flamingo pink flower shop and stepped towards a burlywood brown store with an enormous window displaying books. Giant yellow latte letters were on the window that said, 'Aunt Sally's Book Worms Union.'

Damien reached for the door with his right hand, opening it. "Ladies first, my queen."

"Oh, such a gentleman. " Jasmine gave Damien a quick peck on the lips and then stepped into the bookstore.

Damien followed behind, smiling. The store was rich with scents of coffee and cinnamon. "This place is pretty nice. Nicer than our motel."

"Oh shut up, but you're right. It is really nice." Jasmine glanced around, walking past the round tables holding novels on display.

A short woman with a pixie cut and gray hair, her wrinkled skin was a tawny beige. She wore an orange shirt standing behind the front desk waved. "Hello, welcome ta aunt sally's book wawms union. We faheet faw y'all's raheet ta read ayy darn good book. Is there anything ay ken help ya, younguns faand"

"Oh no, ma'am, we're fine, just looking around. If there is anything we need, we'll be sure to ask," Jasmine replied.

"I have a question. Are you by chance, Aunt Sally? Also, may I have a cup of coffee?" Damien pulled out his wallet. He then glanced at Jasmine. "Would you like any?"

"No, I'm alright. I'm going to go look at the books." Jasmine drifted off towards the shoulder-high bookshelves in the middle of the store.

Damien stepped closer to the counter. He noticed another table behind the old lady with a mini-fridge and an automatic espresso machine next to it.

"Yes, ay am aunt sally, ayn' what type av coffee would ya like? lemme guess you ayy mowcha type av man." Aunt Sally turned around and opened the mini-fridge, taking out a gallon of milk and a few chocolate bars, placing them down. *Fzzzzz* The automatic espresso machine began brewing.

"Yeah, I am a mocha type of man. How'd you know?" Damien rubbed the back of his neck.

As the coffee brewed, Aunt Sally turned around. "So young man, are y'all ayn' that there lovely gerl ayy couple?"

"Uh yeah, we are. We've been dating for three years now." Damien's brow raised as he smiled, "Ma'am, How'd you know I like mocha?"

"Y'all's folks would be overjoyed that there ya two are dating." Aunt Sally's lips curled into a creepy grin. She glanced down at the watch on her right wrist. "Well, let the fun begin, boy."

"BWAHAHA!" Aunt Sally burst out in laughter. Throughout the bookstore, the deep, evil laugh echoed.

Time seemed to have slowed. Damien's heart pounded in his ears. He spun around. "Jasmine!!" He sprinted towards the shoulder-high bookshelves in the center of the store.

In the blink of an eye, the world went black.

Damien found himself standing on a cold, uneven surface. The smell of moist mildew failed to mask the stench of blood and decay. His heart was still thumping. He tried to glance around. There was only darkness. 'Where's Jasmine?' With each breath, Damien's stomach churned. "J-JASMINE!! WHERE ARE YOU!!"

"D-Damien," A faint, unsteady voice came from the right.

"Don't move. I'm coming to you right now! Keep saying my name." Damien scrambled over to Jasmine's voice. He raised both hands. After a few seconds, he felt a warm, soft texture on the tip of his fingers. "I-is that you, Jasmine?"

"Y-yes," Jasmine replied, wrapping her arms around Damien, sniffing. "W-Whats going on?"

"I have no idea, but we have to stick together, okay?" Damien massaged her back with his right hand. The front of his shirt felt a little soaked.

"A-Alright." Jasmine sniffled, pressing her head further into Damien's chest.

Above Damien and Jasmine, a sphere of white energy appeared, illuminating the surrounding area, revealing a caved-in ceiling weighed down by vines, dead leaves, and an enormous tree root. Clover green ropy vines covered the sandstone walls that surrounded them.

The white ball of energy took on the form of a human.

"D-Damian D-do… A-Are you s-seeing this?!?" Jasmine's voice screeched like a rusty hinge. She tightly clutched the back of Damien's shirt, pinching his skin a bit.

"Calm yourself, child... My name is Ener." The white energy being was featureless. At least ten feet tall, with a chiseled physique. "I'll make this short and sweet. I'm here to send you both to a world and give you both a few wishes. Why am I doing this? Simple, someone more powerful is having me do it. Will I tell you who they are and what they have a plan for you two?... Absolutely not!!... I won't be risking my life for you two... no worries, though. Nothing terrible will happen to you two. I think..... well, decide on the world you'd like to go to and on your wishes. You both get 4."

Ener raised its right arm and snapped its finger. *puff* A bone-white throne appeared behind it as it sat down, floating, glaring downwards.

Damien froze, feeling a wave of heat run throughout his body. He felt a bit light-headedness. 'W-wait, this can't be real, right?' He glanced down at Jasmine, who was trembling in his arms. 'I can't show fear. I have to be strong.' He placed his index finger beneath Jasmine's chin, lifting her head slightly gazing into her teary bright blue eyes. "We need to decide. You already know I'll protect you wherever we go, right? We've been through so much together. We got this. You decide where we go, and I'll help with your wishes."

"Y-Your right. W-We got this as long as we're t-together!" Jasmine answered. Her eyes were teary. She leaned all her weight against Damien while taking a deep breath. "I t-think we should go to the P-Percy Jackson world."

"What a brilliant choice!" Ener declared, lifting its right leg over the left, placing its hands folded together on its right knee, "Now decide on your wishes."

"I'll go first then. I know what I want." Damien raised his head, staring at the entire white being glowing. His heart began thumping. His leg muscles tightened, "F-For my first wish, I'd like for my soul and Jasmines to be linked, making it possible for us to find each other or teleport to one another no matter where the other is. Also, please make it so no entity can separate our souls. My second wish is for me and Jasmine to be gods. I'd like my divinity to be magic, with an affinity for all the elements and war for my second divinity. I'd like to have Sage arts from the simple-looking sword saint is nevertheless the strongest for my third wish. For my last wish, If I kill a demigod, titan, or god, I want the ability to absorb their divinities."

"Splendid wishes! But aren't you afraid I'll say no? You're asking for quite a bit, young man. Haha," Ener chuckled, where its mouth would be an evil grin appeared.

Damien's neck stiffened as his mouth became slightly parched. "I-I figured because we're going into a world of gods and monsters. I should make the most of my wishes."

Ener put his right hand on his chin, stroking it," I see...very well, I'll allow it" Ener then glanced back down. "Well, now it's your turn to make most of your wishes, little lady."

Damien suddenly felt light and then leaned towards Jasmine's left ear and whispered. After a few seconds, Jasmine glanced up. "M-my f-first wish is for me and Damien to have psychic immunity. My second wish is for m-my divinity to be l-love and h-healing. For my t-third wish, I'd like a zanpakuto that works like Damien's weapons, able to absorb divinities. My fourth wish is for me and Damien to have hypercompetence. And I'd like to have the same powers as Storm from X-Men." Jasmine glanced at Damien. He smirked, giving her a thumbs up with both thumbs. Jasmine smiled and mouthed, '~dummy~.'

*Klap* *Klap*

Ener clapped his hands, which resonated throughout the chamber. "Ah, excellent wishes... but first, I should warn you that the Percy Jackson world won't be the same. The gods and monsters may be a lot more powerful. No worries, though. Both of you will have a powerful parent who will make things easier for you. Well, I hope. And it should be effortless for you both to learn how to control your divinities and powers with your potential and learning abilities. I honestly don't know what will happen to you two after attaining god-king status. So, I'll give you both a status window and a private dimension for now. When you both become extremely powerful, I'll visit to ask for a small favor, nothing outrageous of course.... goodbye... hehehe and good luck to you both." After one last laugh that sounded familiar, the white entity Ener waved bye and vanished.

The chamber became dark again. *Crk* *CKRRRRR* A cracking sound erupted all over. The ground trembled.

A surge of adrenaline rushed through Damien's body. He instinctively grabbed onto Jasmine.


"D-Damien, w-what now?" Jasmine tightened her grasp on Damien, yanking on the back of his shirt.


"I-I'm not sure," Damien put his right hand on the back of Jasmine's head, holding her close. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Ener wouldn't grant us wishes, then kill us." 'I hope.'

As the words left Damien's mouth, his eyelids grew heavy. He kept blinking. 'I'm not even sleepy. What's go-' He tried to resist the urge to close his eyelids, but they became too heavy.


The lovers vanished.

A low, waning, gibbous moon hung in the night sky, casting a dim light on towering chestnut oak trees that scraped the night sky as a breeze rustled through the leaves.

Damien opened his eyes, feeling light-headed. He glanced back slowly. He was sitting against a massively rigid dark brownish bark. To his right, a blonde girl with a petite physique, shiny golden hair, flawless skin was lying against his arm. 'W-Why does Jasmine look so young?' She was considerably shorter and more beautiful.

"Hey Jasmine, wake up." Damien placed his right hand on her left shoulder and shook her gently. 'Wait, w-why is my hand so small!?'

"I'm awake," *ahhhh-hhaaaaaa* Jasmine yawned, opening her eyes slowly, and glanced around. "W-Where are w-we??" She grasped onto Damien's arm.

"Some forest. I was hoping you could tell me where exactly." Damien stood up, helping Jasmine stand to her feet. Damien gazed into her light-blue eyes as the stars flickered in them. "You know I'm not familiar with Percy Jackson. As for Greek mythology, I only know the basic stuff, so you'll have to guide me as I learn more."

"O-Of course." Jasmine let out a huge breath and smiled a little." Y-You'd be a lot more f-familiar with it if you read with m-me all those times I asked you to. W-why do you look like you did in the 8th grade? You're also a bit more handsome."

"Well, it doesn't matter if I read it or not. I have you with me, my personal encyclopedia." Damien wrapped his arms around Jasmine's waist and smiled gently. "It seems like Ener enhanced our looks and altered our bodies to what we looked like when we were 14."

Jasmine leaned her head on Damien's chest. "W-what are we going to do, n-now?" Her voice pitched an octave higher.


A phone notification went off. Jasmine leaned back a little, reached into her hoodie pocket, and pulled out an iPhone 3G. "I-I found a phone in my hoodie that just received a t-text that says...' Hello there, Jasmine and Damien. I left you both in Camp half-blood forest. The camp is located to the east. Also, I gave you each a bank account with $1,000,000 to play with. Anyway, best of luck... Until we meet again... -Ener."

"Well, that's what we'll do for now. First, we go find the camp, and then we can figure out more. One step at a time." Damien raised his right hand and moved a strand of Jasmine's golden blonde hair out of her face, placing it behind her left ear. "Let's go find the camp, my queen."

"A-Alright." Jasmine straightened her shoulder and back, smiling.

Damien grabbed her right hand and strolled towards the east. As they wandered further into the dark forest, the echoes of needles and twigs crunched beneath their feet.

After roaming for a while, Damien's nose picked up on the smell of campfire smoke. "I think the camp is just a few feet in front of us." He raised his right hand, pointing to the warm orangish-yellow glows emanating from the gaps between the trees.

As they approached, the orangish-yellow glimmers. Damien put his finger over his lip with his free hand. They stepped closer and stood behind a large tree. Ahead of them, teenagers were eating, laughing, and chatting around bonfires. A few wore Greek-style armor, while some wore green, orange, pink, and blue camp shirts that said, 'Camp half-blood.'

"It seems we're here. "Damien whispered as his lips curled up into a smile. He let go of Jasmine's hand, putting his left arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. "This is where our adventure begins. It's us vs. the world, my love." He planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Y-yup, this is where it all starts." Jasmine smiled, looking straight ahead. "S-should we go n-now?"

As Damien was about to say something.

A gentle, deep voice hollered. "Come out. No one will do you any harm!"


"Sorry for being gone for so long; I was suffering from writer's block, but not in the traditional sense of not knowing what to write next; rather, it was odd in that I knew what to write but didn't know how to write it. I kept overthinking things since I had learned so much about writing. So, I'm hoping you notice a shift in my writing style. Also, I'll try and get the next chapter out soon." - IamAsura

IamAsura IamAsura

Hope you enjoyed the chapter [3,334 words]

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