22.44% MHA: A Cat's Story / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 : Going Through Changes

章節 10: Chapter 10 : Going Through Changes

*A/N* : Hello guys! I just wanted to add that some personalities may not match canon, like I said in the previous chaps, their past is pretty much empty. So yeah. You prolly guessed but Nemuri is Midnight real name. And there's no way in hell I'm writing a 4 year old acting like her canon self lol. People do change, even more after 11 years ( 4 --> 15). So this change brought to her personality isn't canon, but she will match her canon self later, or not, or maybe even more perverted? It all depends on how Kurai changes the world *evil laugh*...

Here's the discord link: https://discord.gg/pRaqNADp7C

Oh and if we reach top 3 in the weekly rankings, I will add huh... let's say 3 too! So 3 more chaps!


Everything was too fast for Yu to understand, one moment she thought death came to knock at her door, and the next moment she was saved by a dazzling black cat.

She had her eyes wide open the whole time, so she clearly saw how the cat saved them with its jump. Its soft fur swaying in the wind and its golden eyes looking right back at her with human intelligence.

""Beautiful."" Another voice was heard with hers, both muttering unconsciously, but she paid it no heed, because she was already lost in the cat's eyes.

This very instance, the memory of the cat saving her, became something unforgettable. She wanted nothing but to hug it, unfortunately it disappeared in a black haired woman's bosom.

Her mom then came from behind and hugged them, "Girls! Are you alright?!" She examined their bodies hastily. Anxiously checking for any possible injuries, making sure they were alright.

Miku did the same for Kurai while Akio was calling the police, after memorising the plates; his quirk helped him stay rational, and focused on the most important thing.

He tried to reach the police and a few of the heroes he knew personally, all the while cursing under his breath.

But the passers-by surrounded them already, and started filming the scene, even if it was already finished.

Miku finally released her cat, 'Ah! Light!' Exclaimed Kurai.

She looked at him directly, making sure he was alright. "Fuuu… my heart stopped beating for a moment there, Sweetie!" She wanted to scold him at first but she couldn't bear to do it. Her little boy saved two lives after all.

She turned her attention back to her husband but she couldn't see him because of the passers-by.

"What the hell are you filming instead of calling the police?!" She shouted, Kurai silently agreed. 'I can't understand why they would film the scene to post on social-medias first, instead of reporting to the authorities… where the fuck are their priorities?!'

Yuna heard her shout, and after making sure her 2 girls were fine, she glanced at Miku. The 2 women exchanged a look and stood up. "Should we find a place to talk privately?" Asked Yuna politely.

"Yes, let's go to a nearby café." Miku sent a notice to her husband through her phone. Picking up Kurai, she followed Yuna who was passing through the crowd holding the little girls' hands.

Fortunately no one was hurt, and with Akio's influence Miku was sure the driver would be charged something.

During the silent walk to the cafe, probably because of the tension, she noticed that the blond-haired girl kept on looking behind her, more particularly at Kurai.

Miku smiled at her while caressing his head, "Do you want to hold him, Cutie?" She gave her a genuine smile.

Yu hesitated, she really wanted to pet him since the beginning, but she was a bit embarrassed about petting a stranger's cat.

"Don't worry, he's very kind and smart!" Miku continued, proudly.

Yu looked at Yuna, searching for a sign of approval, which she obtained after seeing Yuna nod.

"Umu, I do!" She finally relented.

Miku delicately gave Kurai to her, he was a bit big for her but Yu didn't seem to mind and started rubbing his head directly. From there and until the coffee shop, she kept caressing his head with a smile.

The 3 girls around her were dazzled before such a cute scene, Nemuri more particularly, who couldn't tear her gaze away from it. 'So cuuute!' She didn't know whom she was complimenting.

In the coffee shop.

After ordering a coffee for both of them, and 2 juicy drinks for the girls, Yuna and Miku looked at each other.

Suddenly, Yuna got up and bowed her head. "Sorry! Because of my negligence I endangered your cat's life!" She apologized, looking at Kurai for the last part.

The said cat jumped with agility out of Yu's hands on the table, "Wait—!" She instinctively said, having forgotten the situation she was in for the last 10 minutes, where she solely focused on petting him.

Kurai approached the end of the table, and stopped just before Yuna's head. He raised his paw and put it delicately on her head. "Meow."

Miku smiled, "It means he forgives you Yuna-san!" She added, feeling thankful for her cat's intervention because she felt bad seeing her bow like this.

Yuna straightened her back and smiled, "Thanks…?" She rubbed Kurai's head.

"He's Kurai, my little Sweetie!" Miku helped her finish her sentence with a full blown smile.

'Kurai…' A silent murmur, only heard by Nemuri escaped Yu's mouth.

Yuna nodded, "Thanks Kurai!"

At that time the waiter arrived and served them their drinks.

"Anyway Yuna-san, my husband said that the law could only punish the driver with a heavy fine since no one was hurt…"

"Humph! He should be glad I didn't catch him or I would've shown him what the Kayamas are made of!" She said imitating a boxer.

"Miaouw!" Kurai who got back to Miku, meowed too, as if he agreed with Yuna.

Miku smiled, "Ouuh Sweetie, you wanted to punch the driver too?"

"Ahah! Thanks Kurai! Together we would've shown him our claws!" Yuna added, still keeping her boxing form.

The 2 little girls were overshadowed by the cat's cuteness, forgotten in the background. Nemuri, who was quite meek usually, didn't feel anything wrong with it. But Yu felt shy too, it seemed like the accident had shaken her a bit.

They both only looked at Kurai, admiring him, it was both their first time seeing such a beautiful cat with black fur.

"Anyway, are those two Cuties your daughters, Yuna-san?" Miku asked.

"No, only Nemuri, the purple haired girl here!" She rubbed Nemuri's head.

The latter glanced down, blushing, "Hi…" She shyly added.

"And, this little girl here is Yu Takeyama, my best friend's daughter!" She said, doing the same to Yu. Who only blushed a bit.

"Hello Oba-san…" She started normally, but hesitated, she didn't know if she should have saluted Kurai too. In the end she couldn't muster enough courage to do it.

Miku smiled at her, "Do you want to hold him again? I saw you looking at him all this time with your friend Nemuri-chan."

The 2 girls looked at each other and nodded.

"Here keep him, Nemuri-chan!" She took Kurai, who didn't mind the situation at all.

"B-but…" Nemuri looked at Yu's frozen smile.

Yu noticed her gaze quickly and shook her head, "Don't worry Nemuri-chan you can have him! I already held him before!" She said returning to her cheerful self, genuinely smiling at her friend.

Yuna and Miku chuckled at their interactions, seeing how Yu's friendship was more important than her desires.

Nemuri grinned at her best friend, "T-thanks Yu-chan!" She stuttered because of her excitement.

Kurai walked to Nemuri and settled in her arms. 'Aaah, finally relaxing!' He closed his eyes. Seeing that, the girls around were stunned.

'Soo cute!' They all thought at the same time.


Miku faked a cough and resumed her talk until Akio came back. He brought them good news concerning the driver, well not so good for him. The poor man was charged to pay a 2 200 000Y fine. Yuna, true to her character, openly rejoiced in his misery. Per her words "Dumbass deserved it, his action could've had way bigger consequences!"

They stayed in the coffee shop for at least 30 minutes discussing , until Akio and Miku had to leave. They had to go back to Aichi prefecture and the journey was long enough. The Kayamas along with Yu saluted the couple and the cat, and thanked them a last time before they left.

When they left, Yuna took the little girls' hand and went to her car, more carefully this time. "Here Yu, not a word to your Mom okay? Nothing happened, right? We've only met a beautiful cat, right?" She nodded exaggeratedly.

"Umu! A very cute cat!" Yu, full of innocence, fell in her trap.

Yuna rubbed her head, "Good, good!"

On the other side of the parking lot, at the same time, Miku and Akio finally reached their car after a more or less awkward walk. The reason was that they didn't know how to react or even talk to Kurai now that they were alone with him. Even though he was still sleeping.

They still entered their car where Kunishe was already waiting for them with the dinner prepared in boxes.

"Greetings, Sir, Madam," He saluted politely.

This time surprisingly he didn't get any word back, which made him raise an eyebrow. One of the biggest reactions people could provoke. He directly understood his masters' tension.

Even more so when they actually closed the soundproof windows.

This is also what woke Kurai up. 'Um, what happened?' He stretched his limbs.

Akio and Miku were looking at him with complex gazes, meanwhile Kunishe started the car. It wasn't until they reach the main highway to Aichi that Miku meekly muttered, "Umm... That was an impressive speed Kurai."

Both adults observed his reaction, 'Welp, I guess that's it, no one would want to keep a monster cat home...'

His thinking wasn't wrong for his earthling standards, even he personally, couldn't think of what he would do if his nearly 4 years old cat boasted speed and intellect way above average...

'Anyway, not gonna lie, but those years were the most peaceful years I ever had. I could've gotten used to it...' His feline eyes squinted a bit and his tail unconsciously dropped.

Seeing this Miku added, "We were very shocked you know..."

'Which is an obvious reaction...' He lamented.

'Maybe I should escape before something bad happens to me like that mouse—' His train of thoughts was interrupted by a female squealing.

"Kyaa! Our special little Kurai!" Miku took him in her arms, rubbing his cheeks with hers.

'Huh?' Kurai didn't know how to react. 'What happened? Shouldn't she be scared or something? Why is she happy?'

His thinking though, wasn't yet adapted to an 'anime' world, even if this world wasn't one now thanks to his presence here, some traits still persisted. Just like the ability to trust too fast.

Only Akio stayed more or less neutral, not believing in coincidence like this but it wasn't like he was on full guard, from his point of view Kurai was just a cat with above average speed. It's not like he never saw crazy shit happening in this world, 'And he's not the only one.' He thought back to Nezu.

Miku stopped rubbing her cheeks on him, "Anyway! We should take you to the doctor right away to see what you're able to do! Maybe it's a quirk!" She said excitedly.

"Wait! Darling! We should take him to a more specialized place!" Akio discreetly signaled his wife.

'Ah I knew it! They want to experiment on me too! Shit! Shit gott—'

"Oh you mean to him?" Miku tilted her head.

"Yeah so everything remains secret, it might become a big talk if the world came to know"


"But I don't like him that much, Dear!

"I know, I know, but he's your old classmate and one of the best doctors out there! At least do it for Kurai." Akio tried to persuade Miku.

'...?' Kurai was confused.

"Ummm..." Meanwhile Miku was still pondering.

"Listen, he's in Hiroshima, just like your other friend. This way you can hit 2 birds with 1 stone, give the book to her and go to the doctor to see if Kurai has a quirk or not. We could also examine his body to see if he's fine."

'...??!' Kurai was bewildered.

"Alright! Alright I got it! I just didn't want to scare Kurai by bringing him to an unfamiliar place!" She finally agreed.

'Did I misunderstand the whole thing...' Kurai reflected on the discussion. His old habits took over and he started doubting everything, even the people that housed him for more than 3 years. But old habits die hard, and it's always better to be on guard than not.

"Um." Akio nodded. "I'll make the call Dear, since I know you don't like him that much." He teased her.

Miku hugged Kurai instead, not liking the fact that her husband teased her so easily. 'Humph! Let's see who will have the last laugh tonight!'

She didn't talk to him during the trip, but Akio's back was full of sweat, for a reason he would only come to know later.

'I pity you my guy...' Unfortunately for him, Kurai understood Miku's look toward her husband instantly.


Contrary to Kurai's misunderstanding, the couple didn't ask for anything more, their behaviour didn't change either, 'If anything they became more caring?' He was a bit weird out, but in a good way for once.

That's how he woke up one day, precisely a week after the accident, coincidentally the day he had to go to the doctor. He still had his guard up ready to run at any mishap happening there, but so far the couple seemed genuine. 'Or they really made a fool out of me.' Which he doubted, in his whole career very few people managed to fool him.

'Maybe that's the 'naive' thingy the Goddess told me during my reincarnation?' He concluded, in a way it was truly naivety to be this trusting, but it's not like it didn't benefit him.

'Anyway let's wake up—... Ummm?' Trying to get up, he felt that his body was heavier than usual and when he opened his eyes, what greeted him instead of his whiskers was the tip of his nose.

He then looked at his paws, now human hands. 'For a morning surprise, this is really good!' He thought excitedly.

He stayed on the couch, relishing in his new skin, now caramel-toned, getting back the sensation of a human body after 4 years.

In his excitement, he didn't see Akio and Miku coming down. "Huh?" Kurai heard a sound and met 2 pairs of eyes looking at him questioningly.


Miku came down the stairs while Akio was already preparing his phone, "Who are you?" She asked suspiciously.

'What should I do now?'

WolfStar14 WolfStar14

Nothing much to say, I hope you liked this chap! His quirk finally appeared along with his human form!

If you want to see his face come and join the discord, I posted a pic of him!


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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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