91.26% Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+ / Chapter 115: A reincarnated soul part 5 the last

章節 115: A reincarnated soul part 5 the last

(AN: Sorry guys, not for uploading more chapters. I'm really busy these days.. after changing my previous job. Anyway ...this will be the last chapter about MCs daughter POV. After that I'll continue the politics And kingdom building stuff, Hope you'll enjoy it. I like everyone's opinion of my ff So comment all you want. And I also want you guys to recommend me some new fanfics cause I've been absent from webnovel for sometime.)

290 AC On board the ship that making it's Trip from Bravos to westeros 'The Great Eagle' A little girl is practicing her singing at the ships bow. The Songs she remembers from her previous life. And the said Song is unfamiliar to the native world, She started with a familiar one like one from "Titanic"for example..... It's was a pun obviously.

. Even though the event is something very unique... But her audience's aren't paying much attention. So she started another one maybe this time they pay attention.


This night is cold in the kingdom

I can feel you fade away

From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and

Your steps keep me awake

Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste

I once was a girl with dignity and grace

Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace

So please, please...

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile

As I'm walking down the corridor

And I know we haven't talked in a while

So I'm looking for an open door

Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste

I once was a girl with dignity and grace

Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace

So please, please

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly.

Ellyn's POV....

Fuuuhh .... it's seems some things that are never ment to be forgotten, Even after being Isekaied/ Reincarnated in to another world.

I think my singing skills can get me huge amounts of Cookie points. From my father of course. Because currently nobody else is appreciating her work.

After I finished my song I disappointedly looked at the direction of my half-brothers whom are not paying attention to her instead they are minding their own childish things the childrens do.

Aenar and Jonnel.... The two (not so Twins) Boys are too busy with arm wrestling. And my other brother is very much absent mindly starring at the direction of the seven kingdoms ?

But I wanted someone to clap hands or at least pay attention to my excellent singing performance. And it's seems nobody is paying any attention and busy with their own stuffs.

Arggh ....men! They have no appreciation for finest entertainment.

Hmm... what the hell is Lyonel thinking so hard about?!

"What do you think about my song Leo ?" I asked him.

And he just nodded.

So it's good I guess?

"That was some great gibberish, you said, Lyn," answered Aenar after losing the wrestling match.

I turned to him, eyes wide. So they were listening to her song? But Aenar's comment made her unhappy for some reason. Because she put all her talent in it too remember it from her previous life. And no small accomplishment in my opinion.

"it's not true Aenar..."Protested Jonnel.

That brought a small smile on her face. it nearly seems like a compliment?

then again her smile died when Jonnel finished his sentence.

" It was utter garbage I tell you. The lyrics she came up with is fine. But the main problem is her voice, It sounded like a dying Boar. ..... hahahahahaha" He finished with huge smirk, Then the two of them started laughing at their own jokes.

And she didn't like their insulting words very much....

And bcause of them her good mood is ruined.

It's seems they don't understand how much it hurts if someone disrespect an artist about his/her art.

Should I go full Sasori/Deidara on them?

No... it will be too mercy on these corrupted souls.

Even though I'm fuming with anger they didn't stop making fun of her.

There is a limit for everything, And I'm currently at my limit and i could no longer control my anger in any longer. How dare they! ... making fun of her so much.

I need to teach them that they should never insult my beautiful voice ( An:Even it was not that beautiful) I should throw them out of the ship.

No... ! first beating them with footwear will do then toss them to the fish.

I removed one of my footwear and took it in hand, And The face of the two boys gone pale immediately and it seems they understood what is a life threat . And somehow sensing the imminent danger they ran away. She wished she could beat the Wesley twins to sooth her anger.

She made vow to get her revenge though she needs to think of cruel one , something befitting of those devil's. She knows that it's really childish, And she's too mature inside to carry on this kind of things.

But some parts of me also happy that I get live a child's life for the second time. And some parts of me still enjoying the mischief.

But insulting her art cannot go unpunished!

Then I noticed that Lyonel is still at the same spot, silent and absent from their shenanigans. He's just staring at the direction of our destination, though it's not visible Yet.

" What is it Leo ?" I asked my black haired gentle giant half brother.

Well, in age he is few months younger then three of us, but in hight ,the boy is least a head taller. So call him gentle giant because he's Soo quiet and.... kind.

"I am thinking about father dear sister,And our other relatives and half siblings. I'm too excited to meet them and I can't sleep at night." Answered the boy.

Really? your that exited?Even though I clearly do not see any excitement. Maybe he is...

on the inside?

Hmm... understandable. Meeting his legendary father for the first time is really exciting for a boy. And I don't blame him,I would too,,,, if I didn't have the mentality of an adult.

"Don't think much about it bro, he might be as excited as we are. I heard that if the weather is good we'll be able to see Gulltown next morning. So get some rest It will be a big day."

He just nodded did what I told and left to his sleeping quarter. Lyonel is such a good boy.. But why is other two is such douchebag? I know the two of them are two months older than me but they act like they are two years younger. Did their mother dropped them on the floor when they were little? Anyway....I need to sleep it's really cold in the night and sailors are getting annoyed And one of elder one seems almost fed up with our shenanigans. So I returned to my cabin.

Ah... my sweet bed...i missed you.

Now I can brainstorm all I want.

I'm almost prepared for what is to come. My regular history lesson with Sir Rick was very fruitful. (AN: more of a questioning/ Eating his brain out of the poor knight)

Timeline is badly damaged for my taste.

The Robert's rebellion Ark ended with the Rhaella Targaryens surrender of dragonstone.

And the surprising thing is that except for the mad prince Rhaegar and the mad king Aerys, All the other Targaryens are alive.

like seriously? how the hell that happened?

Well, Sir Rick explained that tywin Lannister betrayed the King in the last moment and joined the other rebellious lords John Arryn,Hoster Tully, Ned stark, Bobby B. And helped them taking over the city of Kingslanding from the Targaryens. And the alliance didn't sack it because it would create more problems.

Heh....How thoughtful of them.

Well, their thoughtfulness earned them open welcome from the city residents. And Rhaella Targaryens surrendered her kingdom to have better treatment of her family. She cleverly sent Her son Viserys to joined the Nightswatch and made a deal with John Arryn about her unborn child.

The deal was that if she gave birth to a daughter then that daughter will be betrothed to John Arryn's Son Artys.

Though the question is how the hell that old Lord of Vale acquired a son in the first place?

Well, I think I know the answer. And I believe that the Old lord worked really hard with his young Bride Lysa Tully.

Or someone else worked really hard for him...(pun intended.)

Though I don't want to dive deep in that subject. The Lord of the Vale got a lot from his third marriage. An alliance with the Riverland, A healthy Son and A daughter though that also costed his last wife's life. Which also saved him from the future assassination by poison.

Anyway, it's kinda good thing that she died earlier. And saved us a lot of trouble.

So back to the Targaryens, Rhaella and her daughter get to live in the Vale under house Arryn's protection. And when Daenerys come of age she will marry the Arryn heir.

So that's why I never heard any rumors in Bravos about the exiled Targaryen siblings.

That means they were never exiled in the first place!

And the things I learned about Viserys Targaryen is very unique as well.....Currently he is serving at the Castleblack and The Wall as a black brother. A huge demotion for a dragon prince to become a celibate Crow metaphorically speaking.

Ser Rick told me what he knows from the Rumors of The Wall and about Viserys Targaryen. The young exiled Targaryen is respected by many and the silver prince rose through the ranks of the Castleblack, and became a ranger captain of the watch along side benjen Stark.

To me it's feel like he is a completely different Viserys. Not like the show or book version of bagger King Viserys, the one that khal Drogo had dramatically kill with melted Gold.

Maybe he is different Viserys Targaryen because in this timeline he is raised by different set of good followers like Ser Arthur dayne, Oswal Whent, Gerold hightower, And many other good Targaryen followers.

And lastly and most significantly he was take cared by his own great great uncle Maester Aemon Targaryen.

And I also heard that the Nightswatch is now a very Rich organization, Because of their ice export. I wonder who gave them that idea ?

Well, That's a good news overall, cause if the Nightswatch is strong then the White runners or was it white walkers? will have hard time passing it.

And this timeline unfortunately or fortunately I don't know which one it will be. We don't have any dragons. Cause nobody is going to hatch them. Because Daenerys is living a awesome life with her mom and fiance in the Vale , and not in the Dothoraki horde with three dragon eggs.

Oh ..! And Daenery's other relatives are doing very well too , cause all of them somehow survived the chaos of war. The interesting things that happened was that Rhaegar's Daughter and son the Royal Targaryen childrens Aegon and Rhaenys was somehow escaped the city before the Allied lords could occupies the Redkeep. They are living in Dorne.... Sunspear specifically.

And Ser Rick even slipped some of the classified information about some of his old comrades had a hand in escaping the two Elia Martel's royal childrens. This made me confirm what I suspected.

My father somehow played on the both sides without exposing himself.

I was quite happy he did that. And made affort to save Elia Martel's childrens.

Her story was a tragic one I admit, And I'm glad that something so horrible that happened in the Canon didn't happen. And the Martel's are not out for blood.

But this move does not going very well for the current crowns. Each day Aegon Targaryen grows up and the problem for the Baratheon dynasty increases. Because he is the rightful ruler of the iron throne and when he fully grown up he will find many Targaryen supporters. From the words of Sir Rick, Dorne is already become a huge threat, and some people says that they are waiting for the right opportunity and gathering strength if rumors are true.

And If i think about it, Aegon is born in the year 280 Ac, same year we were born. So he's currently ten years old and not warrior enough to lead an army and take back his ancestors property.

But he's living presence is already created lots of problem for King Robert. I also heard from Ser Rick that King Robert is getting paranoid every year. Because he sees Targaryen everywhere and couldn't do anything about it. So he is putting the crown in so much debt that.... if the Targaryens regains their control, they would have to pay for it as well. Well, it's just my theory of what Robert Baratheon would do. hahaha.

Well, John snow is alive and living a good life in Winterfell. Though unfortunately his mother is not with him. And actually he's not a snow anymore , Because in this timeline everyone knows about his parentage.

The story goes like this.... Elia's Martel informed her brother Doran via raven that Lyanna Stark being held in tower of Joy. Unlike the original timeline she was rescued a month earlier by the forces of Sunspear. They captured all the kingsguards alive and badly beaten, So much so that Robert forgave them and offered them to take join the nights watch. Doran Martel's men took Lyanna Stark to Sunspear and John is born with proper care of a skilled Maester.

After that

Doran brought them to Kingslanding in exchange for Elia Martel and peace treaty.

Doran didn't told Lyanna the full story of what happened.

So when she learned everything the story became more tragic. Because Lyanna Stark could not handle the things that happened to her family. Her father was burned alive and brother strangled to death. The man she loved and escaped/runway with died in the river of trident.

She confessed to everyone that Rhaegar's did not kidnapped her and she willingly gone with him.

This news made Robert Baratheon heartbroken.

And after that Lyanna Stark committed suicide. Because she couldn't handle that because of her foolishness killed her father and older brother. And the following war that came and with it thousands of people died in the war, all because she wanted to escape from her fiance.

She killed herself because of that extreme guilt.

So Robert Baratheon could not get to marry Lyanna Stark and Lyanna did not become the queen of the seven kingdoms, And Ned stark took his nephew back to The North to keep him safe and named him John Stark. Which suspect made John Arryn smile.

Though he also has a Targaryen name as well, John's grandma Rhaella Targaryen named him Aemon Targaryen.

Lyanna Stark's death brought sadness to those she interact with, but majority of people was happy that the bitch is dead. The story is sad but in a long run it was a good thing that Lyanna killed herself. Because if she became the queen everyone would have blamed her for the deaths of thousands of people that died in the war.

Fast-forward .....

Robert Baratheon married Cersei Lannister and have four children. The black haired first princess Jocelyn Baratheon, followed by Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen.

And I believe except for the first princess others childrens might have some hair color problem.

Maybe my timeline is not so bad , Because some of the people already dead. like Gregor Clegane and Varys the spy master for example. My father already made a short work on them and I believe he already took measure against others that could cause a problem.

Well, if didn't or couldn't then I can help him with that.

We're family after all. It's all for family.

Damn I almost forgot about the Greyjoy rebellion....!!!

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