7.31% Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic) / Chapter 1: Prologue

章節 1: Prologue

~December 22, 2000~

~~Ishijin Kurome's POV~~

Sigh...damn, I can't believe I lost track of time.

"I knew I should've just watched one movie..."

Can't help it though. I mean, I just went here to buy myself a new charger, then watch 2 movies, but I ended up adding another movie...

"At least I got to watch those and be free the whole day..."

I put my hands in my pants' left pocket, and I got my phone out. I pressed the power button, and checked the time.

"Damn, it's 7 PM. I spent quite a lot of time inside there, didn't I?"

Time to go home, I guess, with my plastic bag in my right hand.

~~???'s Mother's POV~~


"Shhh sh sh sh....don't cry..." I whispered.

'I mean...I can't help it...' I started thinking.

"We're almost there, Tenma...."

'He said that he'd come back after buying some milk....Well, where is he now? It's been a year since he left. I never knew buying milk would take a year...heh.'

'Well, I guess this is goodbye...'

I set him down gently on the ground, so as to not make him cry too much. As he was set down on the ground though, he cried quieter and quieter...until when I finally let go of the basket, he did not make a single sound.

I stood up, turned to my back, and put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie that had a pink color with white flowers all over it as I walked back to the direction of my home.

"Welp, time to find another man.~"

'Though....I know where Tenma's father is now....he's spending time with another woman....he had the balls to be with that cheap whore of a slut, and not confess to me about it. Not even a little message through the phone? Well...why can't I do the same though? That asshole deserves it....he fucks 5 girls? I fuck 5 men. Equivalent exchange, am I right?'

~~Kurome's POV~~

"Hmm....I wonder what I shall have for dinner...?"

I guess I'll just be eating some ham and ramen for dinner. I'm too tired to cook vegetables or anything good right now. I bet Dr. Akina's busy at this time.


I stopped as I looked at a little basket at the side of the street near some sort of...building?

"....a baby...?"

I chuckled. The parents just abandoned this little child or something? I don't wanna go to conclusions but that's kinda messed up....Not to mention, these people are just walking by. Some might've rolled their eyes, but the rest just walked by like this baby's non-existent.

I went closer to the basket. Seeing a little baby wrapped in a white cloth.

The baby had white hair. I don't know what his eye color is, but he's white-skinned too. It's also ironic. He's snoring quietly...like there's nothing that's bothering him.


'I might get into trouble for this, but uh...screw it.' I thought.

I picked him up from the basket, carefully making sure that the cloth was still on, and rocked him slightly.

'I feel kinda bad for him...Is this how a woman should...carry a baby?' I thought.

I don't know much. All I know is just fighting in the battlefield, and a couple other hobbies and knowledge. I was never taught these things. Hell, I'm not even a mother. I'm still single.

I see that he's still snoring quietly as I rocked him in my arms. It turned my straight lips to a smile.

"What a brave baby you are..."

Just this, and it's enough to calm him down? Not to mention, he should've cried at the side of the street.

'I think I should put him back, and take him to an orphanage. Poor baby needs shelter from the cold, and a caretaker.'

I tried to put him back in the basket, but just as I was about to let go, he started crying, which made me jump a bit, so I put him back in my arms, and sweat dropped.

"Clingy, I see." I giggled nervously.

'Though...I'm one to talk...' I thought.

I smiled, and giggled once more.

'You don't want to be left alone either, do you...?' I thought.

"Well, you're hopeless....I guess I'll take you back to the base then."

I may have gotten myself in a bit of a predicament. I reap what I sow though, so this is the consequence of my own action.

I carried my bags, laid the baby slowly and gently inside the basket he was from, and I rode a taxi towards the base.

As the taxi took me to the base, I kept looking at him. He was sleeping soundly, and whenever I'd take my hand out, he'd cry a bit. He loves to hold my index finger too....a really really clingy baby. He was too cute though. I'll admit that.

After paying the driver, I carried the baby inside the base. Lights were on near the entrance, and I was immediately saluted by some officers there that stood guard near the entrance gate.

"General Kurome!"

"I'd like to request assistance from Doctor Akina."

"Roger that!"

The soldiers spread out and I went to my home inside the base.

I waited for a couple of minutes, just looking at the baby, rocking him back and forth, and I sang a very common lullaby in English. I lowered my voice just to make sure he's still sleeping soundly.

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.~ How I wonder what you are.~ Up above the world so high.~ Like a diamond in the sky.~ Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.~ How I wonder what you are.~" I giggled afterwards.

I heard my door creaking, and I looked forward, seeing a blonde girl with glasses on that also had quite a big "personality" and wide hips with a slim stomach.

"Ah, Akina, you're finally here." I said while putting my index finger perpendicular to my mouth.

She nodded, and she walked slowly towards a chair near me. She pulled it, and adjusted her position, making sure she's comfortable before we started engaging in conversation.

"So this is what you were asking assistance for...?" She looked at the baby.

I nodded.

"Mind explaining it to me?" She switched and looked at me in the eyes.

"Yup. So...."

I started explaining to her the whole thing from start to finish, and she deadpanned at me after the whole story.

"So...you just picked this baby up from the streets out of curiosity, and now you're this baby's 'mother'?" She sweat dropped.

"Well...yeah." I giggled nervously.

"Well, this is your consequence." She pushed her glasses up with her middle finger.

"Though...what should I do? I don't think women who have never given birth yet can lactate, right?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know your body, but try to breastfeed him. Some women can lactate, even though they never gave birth. None of us girls here in the military are married, nor are we mothers."

The doctor knelt depressed on the ground, clearly shaking.

"I have big boobs, a juicy butt, and a sexy body, with glasses, yet no man has ever gotten the courage to confess to me..?! THIS IS HERESY!!"

'G-Glasses really are a fetish, huh...?' I thought to myself and sweat dropped.

"Well, that's because, despite you being a doctor, you're very good at making men tap on the ground." I deadpanned.

"Well, true that. I used to be a Jiu Jitsu black belt, but you know I was more interested in medicine. At least I'm fit!"


I removed my shirt, leaving my whole top exposed, but I still needed to remove my bra.

I raised my bra, exposing my big boobs, and I blushed a bit.

"This is kinda embarrassing..."

"Don't worry. It's just us and this baby. You got all the curtains closed, so nobody can see us. Just give him your breasts and he'll start sucking. We'll see if you're able to lactate. I mean, obviously, I'm gonna be getting actual mothers for the baby, since induced lactation doesn't have all the milk a baby needs. This is just temporary, Kurome."

I giggled nervously at what Akina said.

I raised the baby up to my left boob, and he grabbed on tight while putting the nipple in his mouth.

"Ooh! He's a strong sucker." I giggled.

I looked at his face as he kept sucking on the nipple like his life depended on it.

"Look at how cute he is..." I said.

"Hmm...I'm surprised. This boy is unique. Usually, they'd be weak and tiny, but this boy is solid....surprisingly, he didn't even cry when he was out there in the cold night, right? Even with a cloth, a baby needs protection. Do you know anything about him?"


I chuckled after thinking of something that's been lingering in my head for a while.

"....I think I've decided now."


"...I'll make him my son."

She deadpanned, and cleaned her glasses with her microfiber cloth hidden in her breastpocket before putting it back on.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I'll make him my son-"

"No, I heard you the first time, but..."

She sighed.

"Really? You'll make him your son? Shouldn't you drop him in the orphanage? You still gotta do papers, and you gotta change his diapers, and all that baby stuff." She asked.

"I know, but..."

I smiled.

"I don't know. It's just been a couple of minutes, but I've grown to like this boy."

There's something about him...not that he's cute, or that he's a unique boy. It's just that there's something in him that...makes me feel connected to him. Something that just takes me back to my childhood. Something that....makes it feel like fate connected us.

....I'll admit though, he's very cute...

Akina sighed.

"You're hopeless." She smiled.

"What shall you name him?" She asked as she looked at the baby.

"I'll call him...Shiro! I don't care what his name was, if he was ever given one. His name shall now be 'Shiro'! And that's final!"

"I see..."

We both looked at him.

"'Ishijin Shiro', huh...? That sounds like a nice name."

"Yeah....a name that I'll remember for the rest of my life." I giggled.

~1st Timeskip~

Shiro: 5 yrs old

"Mom! Wake up!"

"U-Ugh....?" I groaned and wiped my eyes and blinked as my vision went from blurry to clear.

"Hmm? It's 8:00 AM now?" I asked.

He nodded.

I got up from my bed, stretched, and did my usual routine. Cook eggs, heat up water, and make my coffee and his milk.

"Gomen, Shiro. Your mom stayed up at night planning some things on a whiteboard and a map..."

"It's okay, mom! I bet it's hard work!"

"It is." I giggled.

I gave him milk, and I sat in front of him eating bread and drinking coffee. The morning was nice. The men outside did their business, and another day for me to train some privates.

"Say, how's your homework?" I asked.

"It's good. Everybody in the base is nice! So are the teachers!"

"I'm glad." I chuckled.

"Say, mom. What does a soldier do?" Shiro asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"My English teacher asked me what I'd like to become when I grow up. And I thought I'd like to hear what mom's job is like and see if that's what I'd like to become!"

"Really? Well…"

I started with the easy parts, like what a soldier is supposed to do, the challenges you have to face when you finally get enlisted, and the morals a soldier should possess. Then I worked my way to the harder parts, like what we have to do in training, and how real life military work is different from TV shows.

"I had to wrestle a bear before, you know?" I said.

"Eh?! A bear?!"

I nodded.

"It was biiiig and heeeavy, but I took care of him afterwards. Bears were nothing compared to my sensei!"

'I would know from experience. Alex-sensei has no chill.' I sweat dropped.

"That's so cool! Ne, mom, soon enough, will you teach me how to be a soldier?"

I nodded.

"Though, I'll be honest, Shiro. It's not easy. I don't just swing knives and aim carelessly. It takes a lot of practice. I remember one time I practiced with knives. It took me 3 good months before I got decent. And besides, it's risky. You can die if you're not careful. Are you sure about this, despite knowing the risks? There are other ambitions for you to choose. I'm sure you'd like to become a doctor or something else. Maybe a musician?"

I was never a good fighter before, but hey look, I'm one of the best military generals here. I even teach privates here.

"I don't care! As long as I can become as strong and brave as you, I'm happy! I also wanna be a hero and save a lot of people, like you!"

"Really? Well, you're my son, after all....interesting fellow." I giggled.

I took a sip of my coffee, wondering what I'm gonna let him do to achieve that goal of his without letting him go through the real thing yet...

~2nd Timeskip~

Shiro: 8 years old

"Um...." A nervous Shiro can be seen gripping tight to my pants as he hid behind my leg.

He looked up at the adult man with a gold watch. He had a nice smile. It was a smile that was welcoming.

"Shiro, don't be scared. This is my friend, Motoaki Tanigo. He's a good man." I said.

Tanigo knelt to his level, and smiled wider.

"Hello there. What's your name?"

I could feel Shiro's grip getting tighter as he hid more behind my leg.

"Shi...Shiro....Ishijin Shiro."

Tanigo giggled, and stood up again.

"This is your son?"

I nodded.

"Please take care of him while I'm away in Africa. Don't let him do dangerous stuff, okay? Make sure to prepare him a small meal after his exercise routine. It has to include egg and vegetables, okay? Other than that, feel free to give him meat and any other food you'd like to add. Cut down the sugar though, and only give him 2 cups of rice."

He nodded.

"Shiro...me and you are gonna be best buddies." Tanigo grinned.

Shiro slowly released my pants, and stood in front of my right leg, finally standing in front of Tanigo.

Tanigo ruffled his hair, and Shiro groaned a bit. That made Tanigo giggle.

"I think we can get along." He said.

I giggled from the different reactions that the two have. Like a friendly man and rebellious kid.

"Shiro. This is gonna be your Old Man from now on. Treat him like a father, even though we're not really married, nor romantically interested in each other."

"Welp, I have a fiancee, Kurome." Tanigo said with a giggle.

~3rd Timeskip~

Shiro: 12 years old


Shiro dropped to the floor after doing archer push ups, and rolled on his back, panting a lot and sweating a bucket.

"Are you able to keep going, Shiro?"

He nodded.

"I can do one more set!"

He sat up a bit.

"Time to do level 4 abs!" He shouted.

He got up on the pull up bar, and started doing reps.

"Good. Keep that posture...."

"1....2...3....4..." He mumbled.

~Dinnertime for the Ishijin Family~

His eyes sparkled as he saw our dinner. His mouth watering from his favorite Filipino dish that he ate once in the Philippines when I visited my sensei.


I nodded.

"You like chicken, don't you?"

"YEAH! Mom, let's get straight to eating!"

"Hai 2x." I said while giggling.

We both sat down at the table, Shiro audibly giggling from seeing the chicken, and we both put our hands together.


We got our spoons and forks, and Shiro cried in happiness when he took the first bite like a soldier who hasn't eaten in a cuisine for months.

"It's been a solid 2 years since I ate this....Ne ne, mom! When am I gonna see Alex-sensei again?"

"When he's free. Don't worry." I giggled.

"I see...ne, what are your other experiences there in the Philippines?" He asked.

I frowned a bit, remembering the memories I had there.

"Well, it's fun, for the most part...."

"Hmm? What's your worst experience there?"

"...I remember assisting a bunch of Filipino guys there in fighting the NPA...poor bastards died."

He blinked twice and put down his spoon and fork on the plate, looking down a bit and frowning.

"What does NPA stand for again...? I've heard that term a few times, but I never actually searched its meaning."

"'New People's Army.' Some people say they're the 'voice of the poor'...I remember one time they killed a pregnant woman in my sights back around the lands of Mindanao....'voice of the poor', my ass."

"Mindanao, huh...? That's where Alex-sensei is located."

Shiro frowned more, processing what I said about the group.

"...I hope those poor souls are resting in a better place." He said, getting his spoon and fork again as he tried to cut the chicken into smaller pieces.

"Yeah...those were bad memories." I said.

I changed my expression from a frown to a smile.

"Well, in the end, we won anyway, and the NPA have been struggling to come back ever since. Besides, that's not our business anymore. I doubt they're gonna be on high profile again."


We continued eating our meal while talking about other things, and especially how he has a lot of followers on Soundcloud. Said he had 100. I never knew Shiro was doing some music online. I'm happy for him, actually. I'm just worried if he could balance it once he finally gets enlisted.

~3rd Timeskip~

Shiro: 20 years old

We sat down on two chairs, and looked at each other in the eye.

Men shouting in the background, the sound of everybody jogging to their areas. It was another day like any other day for these operations...but this day was kinda special for him. It was the day where he can finally get the rank "General". The day where he can finally rise up another rank and stand beside me.

"Shiro...you're very talented in a lot of things. Music, English, Science, Math, Language, and other subjects. Even fighting. It's almost like you're a perfect human honestly." I said to him.

"That's not true, mom. It's all because of you that I became this 'perfect' human." He chuckled.

"Now...you're definitely surpassing me, Shiro. Of course, I'm getting old, so that means I'm getting a bit rusty, not to mention I'm getting slower." I chuckled.

He softened his eyes a bit like he didn't like what I just said.

"...I don't wanna be a better you though. I just wanna be me..."

"Shiro, sometimes the torch has to be passed onto somebody. I know you like being yourself, but...you get the point."

I grabbed his shoulders.

"Look at me." I said.

He kept looking down at the ground before finally making eye contact with me.

"Your red eyes...so fiery...like your spirit." I smiled.

"Remember my saying?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"'Those who are weak are left to die. Those who are strong persevere.'"

"You need to stay strong, not just for me, but for you too...besides, your mom's starting to become an old hag. I'm becoming weak, just like how an old hag should."

We laughed.

"Oh, mom, you and your silly jokes..."

He held my hands.

"I'll make you proud...well, I'll also make myself proud in the process, but you know..." He giggled a bit.

"Good boy." I smiled.

I stood up, and he followed me as I walked towards the place where all of our men are gathering their equipment.

"This mission will involve Japan and Russia...AGAIN." I emphasized the last word.

"Again? We've been at it with the Russians for quite a long time. If I remember correctly, even before you picked me up?"

"Yep, and yes, the Russians are not stopping for some reason. Even though we took out their leader a long time ago." I said.

Shiro chuckled.

"Our objective is to free the Japanese hostages, and neutralize the Russians there." I said.

"Mmhm...Mom, if I die-"

"You won't die. I promise you."

I looked at him.

"Besides, the worst you've gone through was almost taking a bullet to the head. This mission is trivial compared to that time."

Just before I took another step, I felt his arms wrapped around my neck.

"I thank you for all these years you've taken care of me, mom. I'll be strong. I promise that I'll also look for a way for us to live normally after I've done my service here...!"

Tears started forming in my eyes, and before I finally knew it, I was already turning around and hugging him back....but I have a different reason for crying...

'...I know you're gonna hate me for this, Shiro...but it's for the best.'

"Enough mom and son time. Now's the time to fight." I said.


We put on our gear, got our weapons and went into the 1st helicopter, where my squad and another squad in the 2nd will work together.

We started flying towards our destination, and we can feel the cold breeze as we approach near Russia, smelling the cold ocean, and seeing the sky slowly go into night from morning time in Japan.

"Alright. Point A? Point B. Team 2 will take care of the reinforcements and distract everybody away from the camp with mortars. Point B is where all of the hostages are at, and that's where Team 1, which is my team, will go to. There are 20 buildings in total, so Team 1 will do 4 each. Team 1? You're with me. Team 2? I wish you good luck with the other squad."

They nodded.

"Remember, the camp is secure, all over..."

She pointed to the front.

"The front is so secure, but if we cause a ruckus in the front? Most of the ones in the back would naturally come to help. We strike from behind, take out the remaining guards and then we start saving the hostages. Understand?"

They nodded.

"Good. May God be with you, everybody."

~~Shiro's POV~~

The cold's starting to seep into my body. Luckily our outfits do the job well in making sure we ain't getting frostbite anytime soon. We got off the helicopter, feet sorta sinking into the snow as the cold came like a train and leaving our footprints as we walk, and we started making our way to the camp.

We had to take out a few squads along the way. Making sure to take the men and dogs down in sync to not cause attention.

After taking down 3 squads, and finally arriving at our spot, we lied on our stomachs, still holding our weapons, but laying low on the ground, avoiding unnecessary attention.

My team had to be on the right side of the camp if you were facing the front, but just far enough so that the Russians couldn't see us. We were on high ground too.

My mom used binoculars, went away for a bit to look for their positions, then came back after checking the whole area.

"4 at 12 o'clock, 4 at 2 o'clock, and 4 of them at the back of the premise. Wait for my signal before we charge in..."

She put the binoculars back in her pockets, and then got her walkie talkie.

"Team 2, it's time to go. Commence the bombing when ready."

"Ryoukai, General Kurome." Team 2 responded



BOOM! We heard a big explosion to our left, though we didn't stand up yet.

We heard a lot of Russians shouting in the front, and fighting off Team 2 as the bombings kept going.

When we finally saw there were "no more men" in the back, we all stood up.

"Let's go!" My mom said.

We went up and around. When we went to the back, my mom got out of cover and shot about 14 bullets. There were 3 pauses, so I'm guessing there were 3 standing by there.

"Alright, enemies down. Split up! Suzuki, stand guard near the back as we get the hostages out. Escort them to the LZ once all buildings are secured." My mom said.

We went through the back of the camp, and when we got in, I set my eyes on a certain building where I saw shadows and lights on.

I saw 2 shadows specifically, along with a couple others, and I grabbed a flashbang from my pockets.

I threw it near the window, but not through it, waiting for the explosion and a reaction from the inside.

I heard a random phrase in Russian, and I heard the flashbang go out. That's my cue.

I kicked the door down, seeing that the Russians are still looking out the window. I aimed my M4A1 at them, looking down through the sight, and fired two bullets at each of them. Then one more when they finally got shot to the ground.

I put my rifle to my side, and I went to the nearest hostage.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Arigatou-gozaimasu!" They said.

"Run to the back of the camp. There's a guy who can escort you out safely."

They nodded.

I untied them, they went out the building, and started making a run for it.

"Alright, time to go to another buildi-"

BOOM! Another mortar goes off.

"What the fuck?! I hope the hostages are good!"

'I mean, I know why. There could be some Russians lingering around, but remember the risk! I mean, I'm pretty sure my squad is skilled enough that we can practically go against an army!'

I went to more buildings and saved more hostages while shooting a couple Russians in the way. In the process though, I got shot in the left leg on the 3rd building. Well, that's the 3rd scar that shall be in my body until the day I die.

"Ah, fuck..." I said as I leaned against the wall after shooting the Russian that shot me.

"A-Are you okay...?" A Japanese man asked.

"Just go! I'll be fine! Now, move!"


He, along with the others, ran to the back, and I got a bandage in one of my pockets.

"Dammit, I'm letting Akina-neechan take care of this. Even if I had the ability to pull the bullet out, I'd die from hemorrhage. Besides, it's not like it's a short-term thing." I said to myself as I wrapped the bandage around my left leg.

I locked the bandage in place since the ends of it stick to itself, so I put the bandage on firmly, and breathed out.


Last building...

I got my rifle, and leaned against the wall as I stood up. By this time, I doubt there are any Russians left. At least at the outside. There's surely a few more lingering around.

I went to the last building, shot the 3 Russians inside with my rifle, vaulted over the window with my left leg first then my right leg, and untied the hostages.

"Alright, last one...."

The last man I was currently trying to free gasped all of a sudden, and shouted "BEHIND YOU!"

I stood up and turned back, seeing a figure in a ski mask with the uniform that the Russians wore, which was a winter outfit similar to ours, just that theirs is black and white while ours was dark blue and white.

The figure was hella quick, cause just before I was about to roll, I got kicked in the face from my left jaw.

"FUCK!!" I shouted as I got launched to my right. I made sure to grip tight to my gun though.

I was about to aim my gun towards her, which was my rifle, but she kicked it to my right, and that was also when I pulled the trigger, so I missed her entirely.

"YOU MOTHERFU-" I let go of my rifle and prepared to push the figure with both of my hands, and I grabbed the figure's wrists, but surprisingly, I couldn't even push the figure back entirely. We were still fighting against each other, seeing who'll submit to who in this standstill.

"Run!" I shouted to the hostages.

They nodded quickly, and went to the door.

'Hopefully that's the last of the hostages.'

Now that I looked at the figure more closely, the chest seems big, like a woman's. She's rather solid too. Doesn't look puny. She's not slim either, she looks like she built her body, but not like a bodybuilder though, she just seems firm.

She suddenly grabbed my wrists back, and pulled me closer to her as she headbutted me. I grunted a bit, but I had to keep my vision up. Since I released her quickly, I thought that now would be a good time to get my FN Five-seven and shoot this girl in the face, but at the same time, she grabbed my pistol, so it was another standstill.

"Grr...!!" I groaned as I tried to kick her, but she rammed me into the wall, making me grunt once more, and I got my pistol out.

However, she was able to give me an uppercut to my stomach, and that made me soften my grip from my pistol. That alone was enough to let her win that small fight and finally take hold of my gun.

'D-Dammit! No! I don't plan to fucking die today!"

Last resort. My knife. My handy KA-BAR knife.

I ran towards her with the knife, but she jumped backwards and instead of pointing the gun at me, she released the magazine of the gun and threw it in the opposite direction of the mag. Strange...but I ain't complaining. I now have the upper hand!

I saw she got something from her foot, which was a knife that these Russians possessed. I knew she was gonna throw it, so I turned my chest to the left and leaned to my right, barely missing me. Just a little bit and my top would've gotten a cut. The knife then stuck to the wall behind me

I decided to try the same trick she did to me just now, and threw it at her. Tricky bitch rolled to her right just in time, and because the walls were wooden, my knife stuck to it. Guess we both failed to do what we needed to do.

I ran towards her, getting ready to jump and knee her chin, but the moment I did, she ducked and rolled to my left. I checked where she was going.

'Oh? That's why you dove there? To get my knife? Damn, time to disarm this bitch.'

I landed back on the ground, and tried running to her, but when I did it, it all happened too fast. Not to mention, I was too late.

She picked up the knife, and made a slash, but instead of hitting me in the chest which might've been her intention, I felt the edge cut through my lips like when you try cutting jelly. From a bit to the left from my left nostril, to almost touching my right chin. That's when I finally felt the actual pain from the cut.


'Fuck! That headbutt really did an impact on my head, didn't it...?' I thought.

I stepped back. I wanted to hold my mouth badly, but I didn't want to be at a disadvantage. I needed to continue while my mouth was bleeding, even if I had to let it bleed, causing a bit of blood loss, which in turn would make me slightly light-headed.

I shook my head, and clenched my teeth. I had to fight with an open-wounded mouth now, even though it's like trying to endure fire that's burning your mouth..

'Calm down, Shiro...! You can do it! Just kill this motherfucker and you can go back with your mom!'

Me and this woman continued our close-quarter combat, despite our difficulties. She did seem a bit slow at times. Not just from the headbutt, but the actions overall looked quite...weird.

As we continued fighting, I noticed a lot of patterns. Very very familiar patterns.

Switching from Pekiti to Judo. Kickboxing to Karate. A swing of the knife, and then a back kick. It finally came to my mind...

'These are like mom's attacks...exactly like the moves we did when we sparred. Let's confirm who this bitch is.'

She threw a straight right, but I grabbed her wrist with my right hand and gave her my left knee in the stomach. She grunted a bit while arching her back from the knee, letting go of the knife she held on her other hand.

I switched my right hand with my left hand, and grabbed her neck with my right hand, raising her up, then throwing her to the ground. I heard another grunt from her and a loud thud from the impact.

When she finally fell to the ground, I got on top of her and grabbed the ski mask.....

I could not believe my fucking eyes...my mind should be playing tricks on me, but I blinked twice before getting off of this woman...


She chuckled a bit, and giggled afterwards as she laid her hands on the ground as she sat up.

"Shiro...your training was not in vain. You're way stronger than me now....You're definitely fit to be a General..." She stood up as she tried to regain balance.

She looked at me.

"I wanted you to finish me off. I wanted you to kill me...no, I needed you to kill me." She said with a bittersweet smile.

I grabbed the ski mask tightly and threw it to my right very hard as I looked back at my mom.

"Why, mom....Why?!"

I grabbed her collar with both hands tightly.


My eyes started making tears as it fell down from my eyes up to my chin. Though it was a lot, it hasn't touched my chin yet.

I couldn't even believe that in this situation, I would cry. Then again....how would you feel if somebody that you trusted, ever since childhood, would stab your back like this...?

My mom just looked at me with a smile. The same smile she gave me throughout my whole life.

"I'm becoming older, and as you grow old, you also become weaker...The weak will die, while the strong persevere. I'm not like before, Shiro..." She said as she held my right cheek.

"I'm supposed to retire right now, but I can't stop doing this work...Nobody could ever come to the same level of skill as you. Your friends may have the same skill, but you were so unique..."

She giggled.

"I'm a terrible mom for doing this to you...Kill me, Shiro. I know you want to...I can't forgive myself for this either...Do it."

I clenched her collar harder and clenched my teeth harder. I couldn't even tell if she's being fake or not, but...

"You....fucking.....GRR....!!!!" I raised her collar more, and I just couldn't feel at least an iota of her aura wanting to fight back. She really wanted me to kill her, huh...? I mean...she's 46 years old...

I don't blame her though. I do wanna punch the shit out of her....

"...Stop this bullshit, mom. Let's go back to the chopper."

But can I? That's my mom, dammit. She took care of me ever since I was a baby. When my parents left me out in the streets, she saw me there, sleeping in the basket. It was a miracle. I am forever thankful to my mom. I'd rather kill myself than to kill the one who took care of me and molded me into who I am.

She sighed, knowing we both have to go back now.

"Shiro. You can kill anybody without regret, but as soon as it's me that's the target, you start to hesitate?"


"..." She stayed silent.

"...We'll talk about this when I recover from my wounds." I said as I crouched and got my pistol, my knife from the wall, and went out of the building.

I saw a lot of destruction as I went out. Fire, bullets, dead bodies. Basically what you would expect from a battlefield. The mortars really did their work. One building though was damaged. The other buildings were hella lucky.

"'I was attacked by a Russian, and I unfortunately got my mouth sliced. My mom was able to save me in time, and that's how I got this wound'..." I said.

"Hmm?" My mom asked.

I looked at her, still having the tears dried on my face.

"That's the story of how I got this wound. We shall fake it." I said while wiping the dried tears.

"I did that to you though. Are you really just gonna let me get away with it...?"

"...We both know the truth anyway."

As we went back to the chopper, 4 of our men were slightly injured. One showed no signs of injury.

"We're glad you came back in one piece." My mom smiled.

"What happened to Shiro's mouth?" The safe one asked. He was Suzuki, the one who guarded the back and escorted the hostages.

"...Shiro?" My mom asked.

'Huh....her guilt just couldn't speak the nursery story I made up?' I thought and chuckled silently.

"...A Russian sliced my mouth. My mom helped me when she finally caught up to me. I will be honest, it was quite a fight..."

Not to mention, when I went to the 2nd building, I was actually surprise-attacked by 1 Russian. He punched me square in the face cause I didn't react quick enough, and I'm supposed to be quick, so that's saying something. I did neutralize them though, so it's a half lie.

I just looked down in disappointment as I put my gun aside. I applied pressure on my mouth as I could feel the burning, and I could taste the iron in my blood.

The chopper flew, going back to the base, knowing our operation was a success...at the cost of me and my mom's bond breaking.

I had Akina-neechan take me to the hospital to remove the bullet that was stuck on my left leg, which was successful, and I also had the doctors patch up my mouth, which meant that my mouth had to be covered with patches, so I felt really awkward knowing I look weird as I lay in my room.

Though, for the whole month of September...it was really awkward, I could barely make eye contact with my mom. Even when I went back to the base and got promoted, I would make eye contact, but not as much as I used to. Not even as much as I'd like to.

And that day...October 28, 2020...was the day where I had to talk with my mom about "that incident".

"Mom, do you know how dumb this is?!"

"I'm aware it's a stupid thing...but nobody here is stronger than me, except you."

"But still, why?! Didn't you want to see me grow up?! Didn't you wanna see me 'till the day you die-"

"That was supposed to be the day I die."

"Well, suck it, mom! I didn't kill you! If you're gonna die, then you could've just....not to be offensive or anything, but you could've stabbed yourself in the stomach when we were there and make it look like the Russians did it!"

I grabbed my head as I sat down, still upset about the incident, and I shook my head.

"Mom, you can kill me if you want, but I will never kill you."

"Shiro, I'm growing old, and I can't do my duties like before. Sure, I can still do missions, but what goes up must come down. I'm starting to become weaker. I can't do duties properly like this. Imagine a 60-year old woman going to the jungle and saving hostages. You'd think I'd still be as agile as before?"

"Then just retire! Simple!"

"I won't retire from my duties yet. If I quit military work, then I shall do it while dying. I have a lot more to do anyway."

I clenched my fists.

It makes no sense...no logic...Somebody could've taken her place by now, even me....Why me? I know others who are just as skilled as I am, who also would like to be promoted to that position...then again, I am following in my mom's footsteps. I'm in a higher position than my friends...but this is just ridiculous.

"...Mom, I'm not staying here anymore."

I stood up and clenched my fists.

"You're not regretting this one bit...?" She asked.

"No. Not at all..!"

A slight pause between us came in, before my mom decided to break it.

"Heh....alright then."

I widened my eyes and gasped. I mean...I sorta expected it, but at the same time, didn't. This seems....rather odd.

"What are you..."

"I'm sorry...I'm being selfish....but as long as I'll live, I'll never stop this work. That's just me."

She looked me in the eyes.

"Shiro, ever since you came into my life, I decided to give you the life I never had. I hope you'll be happier living by yourself...even if it makes me sad knowing you're going away."

I clenched my fists.

"Women are fucking stupid..."

"Yeah, we're stupid, all right." She giggled.

First, I had a girlfriend, and she broke up with me cause I killed people, then I found another girl and made her my girlfriend, but then she backstabbed me by wanting me to becoming her sex slave, and now this?! FUCK IT! WOMEN ARE LITERALLY THAT IDIOTIC? IT TOOK ME 20 YEARS IN MY WHOLE LIFE TO FINALLY REALIZE THAT SHIT!

"Do you want to have a retirement ceremony?" She asked.

"Screw that. I mean, it's not imperative, is it?"

"Not necessarily...you're gonna retire now?"


Well, this was gonna happen, sooner or later. Even though I do love being a soldier, I did also see myself retiring at some point to finally do the other thing I love…

Music. Creating content for an audience.

Though, it's just been a couple days since I became General. Welp, that was short-lived.

"You do know you can't come back here anymore unless you're recalled, right?"

"Yes. I know every consequence I'm gonna be facing, and I'm 100% sure about it."

I won't meet my buddies that much anymore, and especially my mom, but I can be free from military work, and now I am free to do another job.

"Well, let's get you retired then...shall we?"


~November 12, 2021 9:00 AM~

I packed all my things. My anti-rad glasses, pens, notebooks, and everything I needed right now. I looked back at my mom while holding my bags that would be considered heavy to civilians, but is like carrying 2kgs for us army folks.

"I'm gonna go now....so please take care of yourself, mom....and don't get involved with me anymore unless necessary..." I frowned.

"Take care of yourself too, Shiro." She closed her eyes, and smiled.

I wanted to smile back, but....I only recovered slightly from that incident still. It's just...awkward.

"Before you go, take this." She said.

She held out 2 black masks.

"My old masks. It can help in covering the scar that I made on you."

I pushed her hand away gently while looking away.

"No..." I mumbled.

'...Wait, what am I doing...? She's trying to help my ass here, but here I am, trying to embarrass myself in public...Whatever, I'll just-'

Tears started flowing from her eyes. It wasn't fast, but enough to know that she was hurt in the inside.

She laid the 2 masks on my right hand, and closed it.

"Please...I don't want you going around Japan with a big wound on your face and knowing people will look at you different...I'm sorry for doing this to you." She giggled.


She wiped her eyes, and looked at me.

"I want to see you going on with your life now. You like doing what you like, right? That's the son I want to see. So please, at least wear a mask to hide the wound that was made by your old hag."

I got the mask on the top as I opened my palm again, and I put it on with slight hesitation. I looked at her after getting the garments around my ears.

'The scent...it smells exactly like mom...' I blushed a bit.

"I'll be going now...mom."

She nodded.

"Goodbye, Shiro...I'll send your other things the following days."

I flinched my hand a bit, retracted a bit, and just thought 'fuck it.'

I gave her my last hug. My last warm hug that we both know won't happen again anytime soon.

"I l-...."

I kept hugging for 3 seconds before finally letting go, and grabbing all my bags.

"Better not keep your taxi waiting." She said.

"Yeah....bye, mom." I said.

"Remember, I gave you 400,000 yen in your bank account. Remember to pay the rent for 3 months. I'll contact Tanigo about the school."

I used to be home-schooled by the teachers that she hired, but now...I gotta wait for my Old Man. She said that she shall reserve a slot for me in the new school called "Entertainment Academy", where aspiring entertainers will learn everything they need in the field they wish to be in, and especially for aspiring idols. I heard it's a restricted co-ed school though, so boys especially need to pass a special test.

When I got out of the base, went inside the taxi, and it started driving me to an apartment near Tokyo, I still kept rewinding the memory in my head...the memory of my mom slicing my mouth, my thoughts of her being a Russian, only to find out it was my mom, and our little talk...I remember it all too well. It's too vivid that it's almost unreal.

I clenched my fists, wanting to get rid of the memory, but I just can't. It's like trying to forget traumatic memories. Almost impossible.

I would've been fine, honestly, still trusting girls despite the heartbreaks. However, what my mom did crossed the line. It's borderline misogyny. Hell, I think Juice WRLD was right.

"All girls are the same." I mumbled.

I reached the apartment. The rent was around 100,000, as expected, but I didn't care. I mean, I have like more than 22,000,000 in my account that I barely touched within the years. I set up everything, from my laptop, headphones, clothes, etc.

I took a shower, still remembering the memory in my head, and even after I took a shower, dried my hair and lied in bed with just boxers on, I still rewound the memory.

I turned my phone on as I lay on my left side and saw the time was 11:30 AM.

"...This is my life now..."

My life with her is now in the past. My life begins anew, and this is the start of it without her....

I could feel my tears raging to get out of my eyes, but it just couldn't. Held by an unknown force to keep it at bay.

I turned to the ceiling and clenched my fists.

"...Why did you have to do that, mom?!"

I slammed my bed with my right fist. I could feel hardness and softness at the same time when I did that. I breathed quite heavily, and I still wanted to vent out my anger more.

"...No. This bed'll break if I kept punching it."

'Breathe, Shiro....breathe....'

"...Well, I could start now, but....sigh, I'm not in the mood right now. Youtube, your recommendations better be good, or I'll be disappointed..."

Minecraft....short and old golden clips that I already watched...FL Studio tips...Eminem, Juice, XXX, NF, Jack Harlow, Polo G, XXL Freshmen.....Guitar covers....

"Of course, nothing new-...Hmm?"

Interesting title...

"The Nakiri....Ayame....Experience...?"

The thumbnail was this shrine-looking background with an anime girl in black & white that is an oni.

"...It's giving me Kizuna Ai vibes..."

Now that I think about it, I only watched a bit of her videos then I stopped...and that was a year ago...I will admit, she was cute, but uh...that's about as far as I remember. I don't know too much about the so-called "Vtubers".

"Aight, I got nothing better to do. You better be interesting at least, fucking bitch."

I pressed it. The channel's called Kabukibuki.

Before I made it fullscreen, I scrolled down a bit to check more videos as to what I might watch after this. All of those were instantly filled with stuff about this girl.

"...Okay, she's a cute one, not gonna lie." I chuckled.

Great girlfriend material, if I say so myself.

The intro started with 3 Nakiri Ayames. Two on each side and one in the middle.

"...Oh hell nah. She's not a thot, is she...?"

Her actions seem thot-like. I mean, maybe that's how Vtubing culture is? But I mean...I'm not really used to seeing "in real life moe".

"...Let's keep watching...it's too early to judge..."

After that little intro, she did a little "peek".

"...Heh. Okay, I think that's just her. It's cute as hell...."

It finally showed her top body, and I think my pupils dilated. At this point, my mind was overwritten, and my thoughts only consisted of this girl.

"...Woah....First off, it's 2d...anime comes to life?" I chuckled.

It seems a bit stiff too. She must be new or something? I don't know how they actually do this...

"...Hmm...so they have established characters too, I'm assuming?"

"...Don't be nervous. You already got their heart..." I giggled.

If you're gonna take mine, you're gonna have to do better than that though-

".....The audio was to the left? She didn't know that?"

She's a real human too...

"...Alright. Alright...!" I giggled.

"What's her name again..? Nakiri Ayame, right? Damn...Okay, I won't deny anymore. She's the definition of cute. Fuck my other anime waifus. This is the one. This is the one I would marry if I were in the anime world." I giggled more.

It went to the Minecraft clip.

Ayame: ....Eh?! Why?! Eh?! Wh-

It was the clip where chickens escaped her farm, supposedly. It made me inhale through my teeth and immediately pause the video.

"....Okay, pause. PAUSE! PAUSE FOR FUCK'S SAKE....!"

I bit my bottom lip while smiling like hell.


Of course, I didn't mean that. But...she's just really really really cute. She already got my heart, I won't deny.

I continued the video, and I saw another girl.


'Naruto's dad?' I chuckled.

"...Oh damn. OH DAMN! YES! I'M SORRY, AQUA GIRL, BUT FOR MY WAIFU, PLEASE DIE TO THAT CREEPER! KAHAHAHA!" I covered my mouth with my right hand.

So this Aqua girl is her friend huh...?

"Hmm....Oh, I'm in for a treat....she seems interesting too..."

She's not like a thot streamer. She's actually a down-to-earth streamer. I like those streamers.

I kept watching other clips, but before I knew it, I already felt weak. I could actually feel my arms slightly shaking.


I checked the time again.

"...Oh damn, it's 12:30 PM. I haven't eaten lunch yet."

I spent quite a lot of time on Ayame, and a good handful of other friends of hers.

"Now that I think about it....they all shared one thing in particular. 'Hololive'..."

I do remember my Old Man talking about it before. A company he owns that's full of girls that stream and sing...

"...Wait a fucking minute....Hol' up. I just need to...."

I went to Chrome in my phone quickly, and searched "who owns cover company." And when I saw the result, I could not believe my eyes. I even dropped the phone on my bed.


Oh...I'm in for a deep rabbit hole, aren't I? The deepest rabbit hole since Harry Mack.

"Welp. I shall take lunch first. I'm coming back for you, Ayame."

Well, I guess I have a new pastime now...watching "Hololive".

"Hehehe…..I'm a hypocrite. I know that, but....Ayame, I wanna hug you..!~~~" I whined.

~~December 01, 2021 10:00 AM~~

"Another 40-line sprint, here we come...Let's beat 49 seconds...." I said, playing Jstris.

'Dammit Suisei. Please let me take over your spot. I wanna bully you and hear your cries, dammit!' I thought.

While I was setting down the blocks though, I got a buzz from my phone. I had to stop and pick it up.


I double-tapped the message, put in my password, and the message read:

"Shiro, I heard Tanigo said that if you want to apply in this academy, you need some sort of presentation output. It can be anything, depending on what type of entertainment you do. You have one of those rap songs, right? You can email it to him. It's optional to give him lyrics, but if you don't have any, it's fine. Just wanted to inform. Here's his email:


After I saw that, I quickly thought of "The Sailor" by Rich Brian, and started getting ideas for writing. So many ideas for this one song.

I got my old notebook where I used to write my songs in, and I got my pen, ready to let my mind take control of the paper.

I'm hoping the people in the school could sympathize with this.....Kendrick Lamar and Eminem were my biggest inspirations. I'm hoping people will look at me the same way...

MinecUwUberif MinecUwUberif

Hey, it's your Cube author migrating from Wattpad, squarey bois! Yes, that's gonna be my fanbase now *points gun with no hostile intent*. I hope you all will like my book. If you don't, and you're gonna criticize me, at least do it like Fantano. That's all, squarey bois, bye!~

Edit: I finally finished my book, and am rewriting the whole thing again!

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