100% Monkey in the Multiverse / Chapter 371: Myriad Worlds Infinite Realms!

章節 371: Myriad Worlds Infinite Realms!

The next morning, Hiro was brushing his teeth on the train when suddenly, he felt a mysterious calling...

He frowned and grunted before disappearing completely.


Yami was kneeling on one knee, bleeding all over his body as he stabbed his katana into the ground, glaring at a figure laughing in the air.

Yachiru was laying on the ground next to him, unconscious and covered in blood as well.

The figure sneered, staring at Yami in disdain, "Fool! You think I will succumb to fate?! I have been preparing for millennia for this opportunity to truly be free! You think I will let some weak child ruin my plans!? Impossible! Now die!"

Yami grit his teeth and glared at the figure, her smooth skin, perfect curves, a face that could only be described as perfect... He closed his eyes and muttered "I can't believe it would be you... after all this time... I thought you-"

The woman cut him off as she held her jade hand in the air, black mist swirling in her palm, distorting space around it while emitting a terrifying aura, "Hah.. Haha! HAHAHAHA! You thought I loved you?! You pitiful ant! I was simply using you! You were nothing more than a toy for me to play around with!"

She turned her gaze to Yachiru and pursed her lips in amusement, "And to think, she was so devoted to you that she would give her own life... Tsk tsk... Imbecile"

Yami turned to Yachiru, regret and remorse practically gushing from his eyes. The girl he loved with his entire heart, the girl he took for granted... She never complained at all... His blood soaked hand reached out slowly, caressing her cheek gently, as if afraid she would shatter.

Blood tears flowed from his eyes as he looked at her faint smile of satisfaction, he couldn't help but tremble. After everything that happened... She still protected him with her life... He only had one thought at this moment...

Even if he had to become a cripple, he wouldn't hesitate to save her.

He had to.

He would protect her for the rest of eternity, through every reincarnation to come.



The woman sneered at the sight and slapped her palm forward, sending a world ending blow towards the duo. Delight bubbling in her eyes as she anticipated them being destroyed under her overwhelming power.

She couldn't wait!

Only, a true tragedy would inevitably occur...


Hiro appeared in a vast plain and turned his head, looking at Yami and Yachiru, stunned.

He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, the woman's strike came.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared, obscuring the sight of the woman as she laughed psychotically.

A few moments later...

The woman choked on her laugh and stared at the scene in disbelief.

There was suddenly a man!

Not only that!

The man was only wearing strange underwear with pink slippers!


The man also had bite marks on his neck and shoulders along with claw marks on his back and lipstick stains on his cheeks!

She was stunned into silence, unable to comprehend...

The area around the man and children was completely normal, while everywhere else was a massive crater!

Hiro looked at the woman in confusion, muttering "What a warm welcome, I just fucking got here and some bitch is trying to kill me... People nowadays..." he shook his head and looked at Yami, asking "What's going on, why did I suddenly feel like you were gonna see me again in heaven?"

Yami opened and closed his mouth several times before crying, "Dad..." Hiro waved and paused before wiping his mouth with his hand. He narrowed his eyes and wiped the toothpaste foam on his underwear quickly before acting like nothing happened as he stared at Yami, saying "Spit it out, kiddo. Your mother is making breakfast and if I'm late, I'll have to kneel on the washboard again..."

He shuddered remembering that damn washboard. He scratched his neck, wondering if he should throw it out the train window when he gets back... His eyes lit up and he smirked, mumbling "That's not a bad idea! Hehehe..."

Yami looked at his dad and kneeled in front of him, crying "Dad! Yachiru! I! She! Waaaaaaah!" tears and snot came out of his eyes and nose as he grabbed Hiro's leg, bawling.

Hiro looked at the kid on his leg and sighed, he turned to Yachiru and looked in the air before grabbing the void with his left hand. He threw a white light into Yachiru's body and pointed at her, a golden light burst from his finger and engulfed her.

The light faded and Yachiru was revealed!

She was returned to life!

The woman's eyes widened and she shouted "That's impossible!"

Hiro ignored her and pointed his toothbrush over his shoulder, saying "Who's the jade beauty?" Yami crawled over to Yachiru and hugged her body, mumbling something to himself. Hiro sighed and the woman started to sweat, she turned and started running, unfortunately...

Hiro turned around and held his toothbrush holding hand on his waist, while his left hand shielded his eyes. He watched the woman run and whistled, "She ran pretty fast!" then he sneered, "Did she think she was fast enough? What do I look like to you? A side character?"

He pointed his toothbrush at the woman and she suddenly appeared in the air where she was standing before!

The woman turned pale and shook intensely, turning around and begging, "Expert! I have no e-" Hiro gave her a deadpan look and cut her off, "Yeah, yeah, you have no eyes and didn't recognize Mt. Tai. Do you have any idea how many books I've read?"

The woman was stunned and didn't understand what this guy was talking about. So she went with her sure-kill move!

She pulled her robe down, saying seductively "Senior~ We can let this little incident go right?" her entire being radiated charm and seductiveness...

But who was she dealing with?

The #1 Whipped Husband!

Er... No!

The #1 Best Husband in the entire Multiverse!

Mhm! Much better!

Hiro looked at her and rubbed her nose with a grin, asking "Tell me the truth... Which mentally deficient dumbass would fall for such a shitty act?" The woman froze and subconsciously looked behind Hiro.

Hiro suddenly heard, "Your son, father-in-law." He immediately put on a stern face and exclaimed "Damn! Such techniques! I was almost seduced! Young lady, have you ever thought of acting? You would win an Oscar for sure!"

Yami slapped his forehead and Yachiru giggled, jumping up and hugging Hiro, shouting "Father-in-law~!" Hiro smiled and turned around. He hugged Yachiru lightly and patted her back, replying "How's my favorite little in-law!"

Yachiru backed off and covered her mouth with her sleeve, giggling "What about Ace?" as her eyes turned into crescents.

Hiro's face turned black and he grumbled, "Who? I don't know anybody named Ace, only a dogshit bastard thief..." Yachiru laughed and Yami looked at her, feeling genuine joy as he sat on the ground, staring at her in a trance.

Hiro smiled at her and glanced at Yami, whistling "Oi! Jerkoff. Wakey, wakey!"

Yami snapped out of it and looked at Hiro, returning to his cold look as he said "Dad." Hiro rolled his eyes and stopped paying attention to this bastard kid. He looked at Yachiru and asked "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Yachiru nodded with a smile and started explaining, "So what happened was..." she took a deep breath and suddenly started talking like a machine gun, "We came to this world, it's a world with a huge amount of other worlds, there's 900 Million of them and all of them are going through some bad stuff! So we went out to help people and this vixen here seduced Yami! Then she started traveling with us and we got closer, when she sacrificed her life to save his, Yami accepted her into the family."

Hiro's smile turned stiff and veins started throbbing on his forehead, getting more and more obvious as Yachiru continued "Then we went through a whole time travel ordeal and ended up at the root of all the monsters in this world only to find out that it's actually a closed world behind a Gate and all the Monsters actually came from beyond the gate! Suddenly, the vixen absorbed the Super Monster's body and became the God of all Monsters!"

Hiro's eyes were slits and his smile was growing wider, Yami started trembling and Yachiru continued, "So then she revealed her entire plot about how she was never in control of her own fate as people kept forcing her to do things and how she was possessed by Fate Gods or something, but she devoured them and they turned into her power and she said that she did all this to take control of her own fate, but she has this face this that's apparently a monster from outside the gate that tells her what it thinks."

She stopped and looked up in the air, resting a finger on her chin cutely before suddenly continuing, "Then she wanted to kill us and destroy all 900 Million worlds..." she paused and added doubtfully, "Because... uhh... actually I don't know why, she just does."

Hiro smiled and rubbed Yachiru's head, saying "You must've suffered." Yachiru smiled and said nothing. Hiro could feel her emotions and glared at Yami, chuckling in anger as he turned around to look at the woman.

He waved his hand and a water ball appeared. He sucked the water into his mouth before spitting it out and throwing the toothbrush into the air. As it disappeared into the void, Hiro scratched his neck and said to the woman "You there, woman."

The woman looked up at Hiro and he asked "Are you a fucking retard?" The woman was dumbfounded and Hiro continued "So let me get this straight. You, the moronic woman, decided that after you were free from the Fate gods or whatever, you would destroy the world so you can be free?"

He paused and looked at Yachiru, asking "She was just freed?" Yachiru nodded and explained "Yami worked really hard to free her from the Fate gods just before you got here. this is probably the first time she has actually controlled her own body."

Hiro rubbed his forehead and said "What a stupid woman..." he turned to Yami and sighed "I thought I taught you better. If you're going to get another woman, don't pick one as stupid as this. Honestly..."

He paused and said quickly, "I mean, you should only have one wife! Where did you learn to get a harem from?! Your mother and I are truly disappointed! Look at how cute my daughter-in-law is! How dare you cheat on her and make her feel bad!" he quickly glanced around him secretly and felt the aura go away.

He secretly let out a breath of relief and turned back to the woman, "Anyway! You, the stupid woman, you want to control your fate, right?" The woman looked at Hiro and nodded, feeling like she might have a chance.

Hiro's lips curled upwards and he said "There might be a way..." the woman immediately said "Senior! No! Master! I'll be your personal maid! I'll warm the bed every night! You can do anything you want to me!" as she made a seductive pose, trying to grasp for her life.

Unfortunately, her 2 braincells couldn't even work together for a single moment.

Yami, Yachiru, and Hiro froze stiff at her words and Hiro felt fluctuations around him, he quickly said "Stupid woman! You seem to be misunderstanding something! I will give you a chance to live."

The woman looked eager and said immediately, "I won't even frown, Senior!"

Hiro chuckled and licked his lips, a cruel grin etching on his face as he said "Of course, of course. Very commendable! You will truly take change of your own fate from now on! Here, choose a card." he waved in the air and a few cards appeared.

One was a horse, one was a box, and the last was a sphere.

The woman looked at the cards and said "I choose the Box."

Hiro's grin widened and he clapped, "Amazing! Alright! I'm sure you'll be an amazing cultivator!" the woman smiled but her eyes flashed with disdain as she swore revenge.

It seemed as though one of her braincells triumphed over the other!

Hiro snapped his fingers and a rose tinted box appeared around the woman, he looked at her and said "All you have to do is survive! You ready? No? Okay, let's begin!" the woman looked around before looking up.

A little ball of black light drifted down and she reached out to touch it.

The ball of light instantly erupted with 10 Trillion times more power than the woman at her peak, instantly obliterating her very existence, even her soul wasn't spared!

Hiro clapped his hands and wiped his forehead, muttering "Dealing with idiots sure is tough!" the fluctuations went away and Hiro smiled happily, feeling as though he dodged a bullet, no! A washboard!

He turned around and looked at Yami before giving him a tight slap. Yami rolled on the ground and Yachiru ran over to comfort him, asking "Are you okay!?" Yami held his cheek and smiled, "Yeah... I'm sorry. I deserve it."

Yachiru had her words stuck in her throat as she looked at him, tears pooling in her eyes. Did he think that was enough? Disappointment flashed briefly before he spoke again, holding her hands, "Ruru, I'll never be a fool again. I'm sorry for taking you for granted, I... I never want to see you hurt again. you don't understand, when I saw you on the ground, I-"

Hiro coughed and looked at his son, muttering "Moron... This is where you take out the washboard and volunteer..." then he froze, "Eh? Damn! It's decided!" looking hateful, as though his worst enemy came back from the dead.

Yachiru and Yami looked at him, smiling stiffly.

Hiro coughed and said seriously, "Don't get into trouble anymore, I really don't have time to come save you every 5 seconds, if I have to save you again, I'm taking you with me." he narrowed his eyes and continued "I'll chain you to my side and train you until you break down and beg me to kill you, afterwards I'll butter you up, saying that it was only because I love you before putting you through even worse training when you recover enough, it'll be a cycle like that until you become the strongest being in existence or die."

Yami and Yachiru paled in fear while Hiro laughed, "I'm just kidding! Hahaha, look at you two! So scared! Hahaah!" before turning around and walking through a portal.

He stopped half way and turned back with a blank look, adding "Or am I?" before disappearing completely, leaving Yami and Yachiru scared and confused.


Hiro returned to the bathroom and looked at his Zerotwo underwear. He nodded to himself with satisfaction and walked out of the bathroom doing to the bed.

He stopped and looked around quickly before going under the bed and pulling out a briefcase. He quickly put in the code and opened it, sneering at the golden washboard inside, muttering "This is your last day, old enemy. Prepare to face your doom!"

He took the washboard out and cackled "Scream all you want, no one will come save you! Heh heh heh!" as he threw the washboard out the cabin window, laughing maniacally.

Zerotwo's voice trailed "Darling? What are you laughing at?" Hiro froze and coughed, smiling "Oh, nothing, Angel! Haha! What's for breakfast!" as he got dressed.

Her voice came after a pause "Mmm~ Your favorite, come quick~" Hiro's eyes lit up and he rushed out into the kitchen.

He came to see Zerotwo's back facing him and he asked excitedly "Did you really!?" She turned around and he turned as white as a ghost.

She grinned evilly at him and held out... the golden washboard!







In a white Void

A hand reached out and tore the white away to reveal a patch of black!

Hiro suddenly appeared from the patch of black and scratched his neck looking at you as he said "What are you still here for?"

You're confused and scared, is the Main Character in my favorite novel talking to me!?

*The thought fills you with determination!*

Hiro waved at you, asking "Why aren't you saying anything, are you a retard? What a shame..."

You quickly deny it and try to clear your name, but you realize that you might truly be retarded because you're talking to a main character in a book through a screen.

Hiro sneered at you and laughed "Did you just try to talk to me? Hahaha! What an idiot!" he smiled and gave you a thumbs up, "You got spirit kid! You too can be a hero!"

*MHA ost starts playing*

Hiro waved in annoyance.

*MHA ost cried and ran away*

You think this joke is going on for too long and you're wondering why you're still reading.

Hiro looked at you and said seriously, "Okay, here's the deal. This story... it's donezo!"

Your stomach drops and you're disappointed beyond words, you even have half a mind to hack into the pentagon and find out who the author is before locking him in your dungeon, forcing him to pump out chapters for a slice of bread and black coffee.

Hiro smirked "You stupid moron idiot clown dumbass! THIS story is Donezo, but this story isn't!" he winked and held a finger over his lips as he shushed you, whispering "Don't tell anyone I told you... But this story is getting re-written... I heard that deadbeat lazy bastard of an author promised to re-write the entire thing and not stop until he finishes it or dies! Hah! What an idiot! I give him a month tops!"

Your jaw drops in disbelief as you understand the implications... The author is talking shit about himself!

Hiro looked around and waved at you to come closer.

You subconsciously come closer to the screen for some reason, further displaying your unbridled idiocy.

Hiro whispered "It's free real estate." as he pointed down.

You immediately look down and see:

'Join the discord to participate in the re-writes! https://discord.gg/XPRbtXXnaD '

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