To get rid of her boredom, Nindy came out of the house exercising jogging around the housing estate.
She did not expect that Frans Winata would suddenly appear at the park, he was also exercising there.
"You live here too?" Nindy put on a surprised face.
Nindy! It turns out you are good at acting! _ Nindy praised herself.
"Oh no! I was given the responsibility of taking care of Salman's company property.
"Ooooh!" Nindy said the word 'oh' in a long voice, pretending to be stupid.
Sometimes pretending to be stupid is good.
Nindy smiled to herself.
Frans Winata smiled. A smile that can make a woman fall in love and unconscious to give up whatever is hers.
But Frans Winata's smile meant nothing to Nindy anymore. Frans Winata will never be able to seduce himself again.
The current Nindy is Nagita, a cold and cruel woman.
Be careful, you Frans Winata! You become wolf bait (Evie Melody)!