89.01% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 81: Awakening of Martial Spirits

章節 81: Awakening of Martial Spirits

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After finishing the tropical island, the only project left for Xiao Long to do is the Warp Cannon, but that is just not that important, in the sense of time.

They have more than enough time, in truth several years even.

There is no need to rush, the Young Master has a lot of time to finish that.

Instead, he proceeded to relax, to spend time with his beautiful wives. 

Just a few days after finishing the island, Cang Yue had a huge smile on her lips as she walked over to Xiao Long's side.

The Young Master quite leisurely was building a tropical-style house. It will be something simple but very fitting for this place. He decided to use whatever he could find on these islands instead of bringing stuff from outside.

"Husband! I finally awakened it!" The Princess exclaimed happily.

"Hmm? You awakened your Martial Spirit?" Xiao Long stopped the moment he heard Cang Yue's voice. His gaze went to her.

"Yes! Look!" 

A being shimmered into existence behind her, it was a beauty dressed in blue robes, though what was strange was her existence, it was as if she was made from blue wind and blue flames.

Her clothes were made from flames and her body was as if it was a solid wind. 

The Young Master stroked his chin while looking at this strange Martial Spirit. He finally has proof that it doesn't need to fully be a human-like existence. Cang Yue's Martial Spirit is a manifestation of elements.

"...Interesting. What can it do?" He asked her, stopping his work and fully focusing on her.

"It's like a mix of Wind and Fire! It's like… bypassing the balancing, I— think it's related to my Equalising Physique." The Princess wasn't sure herself as she knew what it was but she couldn't quite put it into words.

"I can use it like that." 

She made the Martial Spirit move, creating blue winds that turned into flames becoming wind-like balls that are on fire. It is an extremely effortless mix of two elements. 

Knowing how this works she could easily fight beings above her cultivation realm just by using such seamless use of elements.

"This is not all, the Martial Spirit helps me refine pills as well."

As she said that the spirit flew into her and it was like a merger.

Her hair turned blue and it looked like it was the wind itself. Blue flames surrounded her.

'Sadly she didn't receive opposite elements like Water and Fire. I suppose the reason for that is that she only recently could use water.'

As he was thinking about that he watched closely how she was making a basic pill.

'Does her martial spirit improve overall cooking powers? I'm curious to see that.'

In just a few short moments she finished and handed it over to him. Xiao Long inspected the final product. 

He could feel quality radiating from it, the thing about her pill was that fire was on a completely different level. Like using Phoenix flames to make pills, those pills usually have small wisps of purifying qualities to them. 

However, what he got from this pill was simply a boost in quality.

"...It appears my Cang Yue's Martial Spirit is natural at alchemy. What a fascinating discovery." The Young Master said with a small grin. This is simply perfect.

"I-Is my husband impressed by this discovery?" She asked with a curious and expecting tone. The beauty wants to know if this is what he was expecting for her to develop. 

"Very, you do know that when our child is born he or she will have a pool of things to inherit, it would be fascinating enough if they would inherit your abilities."

The moment he started talking about their upcoming child she had a silly and very happy look.

"...Yes! I understand, but won't it have a higher chance to inherit your abilities?" 

He slowly nodded at her.

"My abilities will naturally come along, but they are basic foundations as we say. When the child is conceived it picks the most potent perks. At least that's what I have been aiming for." He said with crossed arms. 

His explanation made the Princess realise something. It's like he has been preparing for this much longer than they have been.

She even got somewhat embarrassed about her preparations as she was way behind. Hell, Xiao Long is making sure they have the greatest talent possible. Which makes her even more ashamed for not preparing more.

"...doesn't it mean he will most likely gain your Slaughter God?"

Cang Yue said with realisation, that she doesn't think her Martial Spirit is better than the actual True God turned Martial Spirit

"Can't. The godly essence needs to be specific, I have altered the blood to a blank state when it comes to Martial Spirit powers, what it will have to work with is the same as what their mother had. 

You could say that they have predetermined paths as the father's path is not that possible with the lack of Godly Essence." 

"...Oh…just how much you thought about this!?" She asked as her mouth was twitching from sheer bafflement. 

"The simple answer is everything." He casually shrugged at her disbelief. 

He is not as basic as the rest of them. His second childhood speaks for itself. His Xiao Clan was playing gacha in the most literal sense with their kids.

Trying to pull for that five-star talent. It has left an impression on him. So he decided to make sure they didn't end up like his cousins and half-siblings or whatever. Hell, he doesn't even know half of them.

Sure they may be considered the main Xiao 'bloodline' but there are just too many of them. 


"If you say so."

The Princess just sighed, she quickly ended up in one of his gentle hugs.

"Come, let's have a walk~"

She smiled silly for a second, the beauty enjoys such affection.

"Un, let's go."

Once again they proceeded to walk around the sand and enjoy the gentle waves.


Xiao Long decided to name the Martial Spirits his women have awakened. He is pretty sure he will be known as the Ancestor of specific Martial Bloodlines.

Xia Qingyue's Martial Spirit is to be called Frozen Lotus, and Cang Yue's is to be named Blue Wildfire.

He is certain that these Martial Spirits will appear again throughout history. As even if he left a blank spot for Martial Spirits to develop. Just like how children inherit traits of their parents he made sure that there is a high percentage for the child to awaken one of the parent's spirits unless he develops a different outlook on things, something he will make sure never happens.

And since his martial spirit has an enormous amount of Godly Essence, the precedence will go to the mother spirit. 

Thus martial bloodlines would appear. 

"Young Master." 

A mature female interrupted his thoughts. He turned around and looked at the well-developed beauty with crimson hair.

"Hmm? What is it, Xing Rouyu?"

"...I would like to ask, when are you ready for the ritual?" She asked nicely, as there was a certain expectant look on her face.

Xiao Long doesn't need to be a genius to know what is going on. What Xing Rouyu wants, is to have some fun with an excuse to get her son reincarnated. She might fool her daughter, with some justified speech, but she can't fool him who has seen this kind of look before. You start seeing through female intentions after seeing it over and over again. 

Not that he is running away from this. It's more like he is in no rush. There is no need for him to run towards something. He has more than enough time now.

In truth, he needs to wait for his sect's power to grow before they invade the Illusory Demon Realm.

"There is no need for me to rush, Rouyu, if you are that needy we can just do it normally." He said with a knowing smile.

This made her eyes widen and a deep blush erupted on her cheeks.

"...T-This is… I have no idea what you are talking about, Young Master." She said while looking away and stroking her hair with one hand.

She looked extremely shy when she was caught like this. That is to be expected, Who would have the balls to tease and mess with a previous Empress of a Royal Star Realm, as if her husband would even do anything like that? The guy is brainwashed by his legacy.

"Oh please…" 

He got up from his comfortable chair and appeared in front of her. With a casual push, he ended up pinning her down against a wall.

His actions made her blush even deeper, the beauty was looking away. It was unexpected behaviour from him, she never expected him to be this bold. 

"What? You think I won't do something like this?" He smirked as he got closer to her face.

"You scheming women are so amusing. Positioning yourself in the perfect position for a specific action. I assume you have sent your daughter to do something, and made sure you waited for the perfect time when there is no one around to approach me, and even seduce." 

His smirk only grew bigger as he saw how her whole body shivered, his words affected her and those wide eyes only confirmed that.

"Amusing, isn't it not? How many girls do you think tried this tactic on me before?~" He teased her as his hand went to her cheek. He stroked it tenderly.

"...I might have underestimated…"

She said with a deeply embarrassed blush, the mature beauty had underestimated the simple fact she never had opposition and had never been in a huge harem before. This was the situation she was in. 

"...Oh you did, and now you are in my hands. Alone, this means I can do whatever I want to you."

Just from saying that she started to get haggard, her breathing got heavy, and the embarrassment morphed into a needy look.

"Oh, someone indeed needy, well, it's only right that I fix this up." As he said that his hands proceeded to move lower. He is about to taste such a mature beauty. He needs to demonstrate to her what she is getting herself into.


Time went on, and more and more of his women started to awaken their Martial Spirits.

The Young Master is having the time of his life. He has opened doors to a new form of cultivation. He can see from his two wives who had their spirits for a while that they can develop their powers.

Xia Qingyue's Frozen Lotus can easily pin down someone and turn it into pure profound energy. Which she can absorb.

It is simply frightening. While Cang Yue can switch from field control to refinement effortlessly, her Blue Wildfire grants her manipulation level control over those two elements. Which mix and match together.

So he was extremely excited to see what his other beauties had manifested.

Xiao Long expected that Feng Xue'er would awaken hers right after his wives, hell he even thought she would awaken after Xia Qingyue.

After all, she has the greatest talent right after his wife and head Maid.

But, there was no reaction from her at all. This could be because she never practised dual cultivation and didn't touch or learn the Equalising physique.

The physique in a sense turns one into an anomaly, which can learn opposing elements, laws, and techniques, and even affect the mental state.

To reach the stage where you can have martial spirit, you would need to practise this.

At least this is what he has observed. After all, he spends the most time with Cang Yue and Xia Qingyue, they sleep with him and they spend quite a bit of time cultivating with him.

This means they practise the art as much as they can.

The third one to awaken her Martial Spirit is Xiao Lingxi. The Head Maid, and the reincarnation of the Ancestral Goddess. Which is debatable. 

"Well, let's see it." Xiao Long asked with crossed arms, he was waiting patiently, and part of him was slightly terrified of what she could have. As she is the Ancestral Goddess. Though he has no proof.

The only proof he has is her tier-2 talent for everything.


At that moment a woman manifested behind her, she had waist-long pitch-black hair with glowing stars, and the Martial Spirit was dressed in regal-looking clothes. And was holding a single sword.

"...What do you think? It looks…strange to me." The head maid said with a frown.

"Why do you think it's strange?" He asked her instead.

"...I don't know? I thought I would develop something similar to Princess Cang Yue's Martial Spirit. Her spirit is an image of her abilities." Xiao Lingxi explained to him with a small frown on her beautiful face.

"I see. Well, you missed the point. Her talent is alchemy and refinement, this is why she can manipulate wind which helps fire. 

Yours on the other hand—" 

This made her realise what he meant, she slowly nodded her head.

Her abilities are…everything…that reflects on her martial soul. 

Then this means…

'This should be Ancestral Goddess turned Martial Spirit? But, I doubt even if she is, her power would be beyond a certain point. It is after all limited by the Godly Essence which I only added sprinkles of.'

Xiao Long wasn't stupid enough to hand away the essence of True God. All he did was small sprinkle enough to manifest Martial Spirit.

However, it doesn't mean one is limited, martial spirits can grow after all.

"...Is everything— can we test out? I know what it can do, but I want to see it." Xiao Lingxi said with an impatient tone. It appears she doesn't understand how powerful it can be, this is why she doesn't want to disappoint him.

"But of course, I want to see it and record it, after all."


With a hand motion, Young Master created a target for her.

Xiao Lingxi mentally commanded her Martial Spirit which swung her blade.

Instead, the cut reached the target and countless cuts appeared from different angles.

Xiao Long's eyes widened to a huge degree because he sensed what was happening!

The Martial Spirit created those swings! It didn't even use Profound Energy! No, it was pure creation!

It used Nothingness to make it happen!

'Her Martial Spirit commands Nothingness but it's only bladed attacks. I don't know if I should be awed or baffled by this, maybe both…' The Young Master thought with a sweaty forehead.

Would Xiao Lingxi's kids develop different forms of Ancestral Goddess Martial Spirit? That would be a curious development.

"...What do you think?" She asked him with some fearfulness. 

"It's fantastic, your Martial spirit creates those cuts! It doesn't even use your Profound Energy."

The moment he mentioned that the head maid looked at her hands inspection her Profound Energy.

"...Y-Young Master! You are right!" She was so obsessed with her Martial Spirit performance that she didn't even pay attention to the upkeep! 

"D-Does this mean my Martial Spirit is above average!?" Xiao Lingxi asked with an excited look, if this is the truth then it means she is more useful to him than ever!

"It makes attacks appear from nothing, I don't think we will see anything like that again any time soon." He nodded at her question with a smile. This made her smile at him.

"This is great then!"

The head maid was borderline giggling when she heard his praise. 

Seeing her happy like this made him smile, though she quickly ended up walking closer to him.

"Does this mean I passed the request?~" She asked him with a suggestive look. Her eyes are glittering with desire.

"...It does."


"We will see."

She pouted at him when she heard that. The next moment she narrowed her eyes. Fine, since he wants to play this game she will make sure she gets his attention.

There are many ways for the head maid to make sure she is alone with him. After all, she is the one who manages the rotation of maids.


Since Xiao Lingxi awakened her Martial Spirit, Xiao Long dubbed it Star Sword Empress. It made the girls from Star God Realm pout at him.

It was not his fault that Xiao Lingxi Martial Spirit has more 'stars' than Xing Tong or Xing Rouyu.

The pair only have stars in their family name and some movies are named after stars.

Nothing of substance. Unlike the Star Sword Empress Martial Spirit.

Regardless, now that the three individuals have awakened their spirits Xiao Long started to see some of the patterns. Xiao Lingxi, Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue are the ones with whom he spends the most time, in bed and outside of it.

Some of the girls noticed that. Especially the most needy ones who want a child, Chu Yuechan, Qianye Ying'er, Xing Rouyu, Xiao Lingxi, and even other fairies like Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui. The Mistresses want that achievement which is amusing for the Young Master.

The atmosphere is getting quite tense, especially how silly and happy Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue look. The pair were on cloud nine and continuously infuriated the rest of the girls with such behaviour.

Eventually, a few short weeks later the fourth one to awaken her Martial Spirit was Chu Yuechan as she was right behind the other three when it came to receiving the affection of the Young Master.

While he was going to see her, Xiao Long was wondering how the Dual cultivation he was doing was helping them develop the Martial Souls.

It has to be with the whole Yin and Yang element which warps the laws.

'Well, whatever, I will figure this out eventually, I have quite a bit of examples to work with in the first place.'


For advanced chapters(5 chapters +18 chapters of lemons ) my pat: pat reon.com/DragonsFics


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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