57.14% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 52: Arriving at Frozen Cloud in Style

章節 52: Arriving at Frozen Cloud in Style

The fairies looked with wide eyes as they saw a pair of islands floating high in the air, slowly moving towards their Palace.

This was Xiao Long and his Sect! The Floating Cloud Sect, the Sect which floats in the skies.

When they heard about this a while ago, they could not grasp the concept at all. How do you even do this!? How do you keep a pile of dirt floating like this?

Profound Energy? Sure, it's at the core of everything, but how to keep it floating and how to keep it flowing? How much Profound Energy does one need to keep these islands afloat?

"I wasn't expecting that the next time I saw the Young Master, he would bring his whole clan with him." Gong Yuxian said, baffled. She is still trying to understand how big those floating islands are!

"You and me both, Yuxian." Grand Mistress said, trying to comprehend what she was seeing.

A few hours later, the islands were floating next to Frozen Cloud. 

Moments later, people started to descend from the floating island.

The pair of Mistresses were soon greeted by Xiao Long as they went to meet him midair.

They met a much more powerful Young Master!

'He is as powerful as I am! Just by the cultivation base alone!' 

"Xian'er, you look beautiful." Xiao Long smoothly 'greeted' Gong Yuxian.

The Palace Mistress blushed. It had been nearly a year since she last saw him, and it made her heart race just from seeing him!

"Y-You have grown more powerful than ever, Master Long." The beauty answered back. She won't be reduced to a blushing little girl just from a single compliment! 

"A little bit, yes." He then looked at Grand Mistress, who was as beautiful as ever. She was nearly a [Tyrant Profound] now!

"Grand Mistress, as gorgeous as ever."

His words even made the Grand Mistress blush as the beauty was waiting for his return. It doesn't feel right that Palace Mistress was properly claimed but not her!

So she is waiting for her moment!

"Young Master Xiao Long. It's a pleasure to see you again. We have been notified of your arrival. We are just wondering if there is a specific reason for your arrival?"

He smiled for a second before answering.

"Yes. I will be turning Frozen Cloud into a third island. Your Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace will become the Frozen Cloud Hall in my Floating Cloud Sect. This way, you fairies will always be close to me."

At that moment, their eyes lit up. 

"Of course! We will listen to whatever command you have for us." Gong Yuxian's words made Feng Qianhui nearly blush. How could she say it like that!?

"You ladies don't need to do anything. I will start by setting up the Formations and the Arrays. It should take around a week or two to lift the Frozen Cloud."

The pair looked at each other; they could not understand how quickly this could be done.

Regardless, the pair nodded at him.

"Understand, Young Master."

"Yes, Master Long."

"Good. Then girls, show the Mistresses around Xiao and Feng Islands." Xiao Long turned around and looked at Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan. The pair are the best for this kind of short mission.

"Understood/As you wish."

"We should bring the other three fairies, so that we won't need to do this again." Chu Yuechan proposed as she wanted to show that she could organise and be efficient as well.

"Sure, do that."

After hearing all clear from the Young Master, the fairies went to pick up the other three fairies, which were already waiting on the ground.


Gong Yuxian noticed how different Chu Yuechan was, the same with Chu Yueli and Mu Lingxue. However, the Feng twins were the same as they were back in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

'Maybe even more unhinged than before.'

"Xiao Island is the main island as it holds Young Master's Manor and his workplace."

'Hmm? Isn't this the place where the Xiao Clan first originated? Why is Chan'er not mentioning that the main clan hall is here?'

"What my sister wanted to say was that this is where Sect Elder Hall is. This is where all meetings are being held.

Mistresses, you would have been greeted by Xiao and Feng elders, but they are all busy cultivating. Master Long's cultivation tower has pushed almost everyone into closed door cultivation."

"How come?"

"The cultivation speed went up by five times or so. Everyone is racing to reach the Throne." Chu Yueli quite casually mentioned. As if It was not a big deal!

And it was not, after all; she only needed dual cultivation with her beloved Young Master, and she could experience a breakthrough. It's no longer an issue for her. What she is focusing on now is training her Swordsmanship just to impress Xiao Long. 

The rest doesn't mean that much anymore.

"F-F-Five times!? Is that even possible!?"

"Yes! I can sense how dense Profound Energy is here. But it shouldn't be that much!" The pair of Mistresses and the trio behind them nodded their heads.

"This is because we are not in cultivation-focused areas. Young Master has invented an Array which regulates the flow of Profound Energy." Chu Yuechan mentioned leisurely.

"This way, none of the excess Profound Energy flows out of the islands."

"I-I-I see."

'What they say sounds simple, but it's not simple at all!!!'

The pair of Mistresses wonder just how much their minds got warped on this floating island!

"Yes. Let me show you around."

The pair proceeded to show the Contribution Hall, the Elders Hall, where Young Master lives. They saw that his place was a semi Cultivation centre as well, with a selection of maids cultivating and a multitude of cultivation mats placed under a tree. Some were directly in sunlight or would have been in the sunlight, but as they were in the Ice Region, it's always cloudy here. 

"There should be more maids here, but Phoenix Maids moved to Feng Island to cultivate as it's too cold here to cultivate Fire Profound Energy." Chu Yueli explained to them.

"I see it makes sense, so what is this Feng Island?"

"Oh, we found a village of people with Phoenix Bloodline and Phoenix Trials. Young Master took that land and added it as another floating island, creating what you now know as Floating Cloud Sect."

"Phoenix Trials!?"

"Yes. He even helped the Phoenix to be reborn." Chu Yuechan quite proudly exclaimed."

"That's right. Sister, we should show them the egg." Chu Yueli suggested, hearing what her older sister said.

"You're right. Please, follow us." 

The fairies looked shocked and extremely intrigued! An egg of a Divine Beast like a Phoenix!?

"Not only that, but the egg is Master Long's contracted Beast. This means once it hatches, he will have a real Phoenix at his command."

"I-If this is true—" Feng Qianhui didn't finish as she could not process what it could truly mean. 

"The Divine Phoenix Empire has already fully pledged their allegiance to him."


The biggest Empire on the continent became his subject!? Why didn't they hear of this!?

As they walked over, they, for a second, looked baffled at seeing a sphere-like cocoon.

"Oh, right. This is the Princess of the Divine Phoenix Empire. She is going through a metamorphosis after learning two more stages of Phoenix Arts. Their Empire lacked them." Chu Yuechan swiftly explained as she then pointed at the egg not far from the flaming sphere.

"And that is the Phoenix egg."

The egg was light orange-golden. It was as if it was carved from ingots of gold. The Aura it was emitting was not powerful, but it had a 'presence'.

It was not a simple egg by any means. 

"Incredible. Does this egg generate all this heat in this place? Even though we are in the middle of the Ice Region, it is still so warm here." Murong Qianxue, one of the Fairies, noticed how this area had no snow and it was quite warm even! 

"This is because of Master Long's formations. He built this specific area so that he can cultivate plants and herbs with special properties." Chu Yueli explained as she pointed at very-looking herbs not far from them. 

"Now that Frozen Cloud will be added, he will be able to cultivate herbs and plants with water and ice properties." Chu Yuechan added some titbits of her own. She can't wait for Frozen Cloud to be added and fully assimilated into the Sect!

This way, she could finally get specific pills to increase her cultivation, and finally surpass those Phoenix Maids!

"I see. I suppose it does make sense. This Sect will be the most diverse I have ever heard." Jun Lianqie said from the side as she was still processing all of this. 

"That reminds me. Is it wise to leave those two unattended?" Mu Lanyi realised that the twins were gone.

"Hmm, don't worry. While they are a curious pair, they don't go overboard. Master Long has trained them well enough to know when it's enough."

As Chu Yuechan said that the pair of twins were back in Frozen Cloud, they gathered a group of fairies and proceeded to tell them the tales of Young Master and what they did when they were away.

Let's just say that they told things in their rose-coloured lenses.

~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~

It appears the ground is saturated with an extremely thick amount of Ice Profound Energy.

It will be quite a challenge to lift this place. 

For one, Earth Profound Energy doesn't dig in that well. So hot water it is, then.

First, there is a large amount of ice I need to deal with, before I can even reach the frozen ground.

'I should develop some sort of Artefact which will let me pick up islands easier.' 

As I thought about it, I proceeded to 'dig'.

Once I passed the ice,I reached the dirt.

'Hmm, let's use some Slaughter Energy here.'

At that moment, my Profound energy turned sharp like a saw and proceeded to channel into the ground.

Using Earth Profound Energy doesn't work, so I am improvising.

Mixing Water with Slaughter Energy and sending in a high-density stream, it becomes like a blade which can cut even extremely frozen ground. 


{You have created [High-Density Water Blade] art!}

'Right, next time, I should think in more of a xianxia trope style to get a better name when making a new art.'

I frowned when I saw how the art was named. 

It sounds far too basic. Yet, it's so deadly!

For example, I can concentrate just on my hand and send it in a beam-like fashion. 

That's what I did when I cut into the ground. 

So after a bunch of metres down, I realised that I ended up in places where a bunch of those ice crystals are. 

'If my guess is right, Mu Bingyun turned a desolate area into the Ice Region. She probably used her [Divine Sovereign] cultivation to do this.

The amount of power used has caused the creation of these crystals after all that time has passed. 

Right. No one in their right mind wouldn't take a mine with themselves if they can.'

After thinking for a bit, it's time to take a LARGER chunk of land. 

This means a larger formation and larger amount of Profound energy. Well, it's a good thing I have a small mountain of Purple Veined Heaven Crystals already created from all that excess energy the waterfalls have generated.

In simple terms, people can't absorb the energy fast enough, which is created by the waterfalls. By that, I mean two waterfalls.

The second one is created solely to give Xianxia Young Master's clan feel to it AND generate power for the Bloodline Forge.

But at this moment, the forge is not in use, so the power is flowing into Cultivation Tower or the Seven Floor Pagoda. However, there is simply too much, so the excess is sent to create Purple Veined Heaven Crystals. 

'According to the source material, if you have a room sized amount of Purple Veined Heaven Crystals, it can condense a few bits of Purple Veined Divine Crystals at its centre.'

Need to see if this is the case.

Regardless, it's time to create the next level floating island.

~~~~~~Feng Qianhui~~~~~~

The Grand Mistress looked at a mountain of frozen dirt piling up outside of her Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

Xiao Long has been digging for days now. It appears his previous schedule of lifting them in a week has been changed as he encountered a large deposit of Frozen crystals. 

So he is now planning to lift the entire mine alongside the Frozen Palace.

This will make Frozen Cloud Island the biggest of them all.

Though the Grand Mistress' mind was in a different place. She hoped that he would be done with this soon so that the island could be lifted and the Palace would officially be a part of the Sect.

Once that is done…

Thinking of this, she blushed. The Grand Mistress was wondering how to approach such a subject!

She already heard about the benefits of Dual Cultivation. How quickly one can increase their cultivation base, and how later on they cultivate an art which would improve their physique  and allow them to even practise the element opposing theirs.

"Now the issue is what will the other three fairies do?" Gong Yuxian asked the Grand Mistress, who was gazing at the mountain of frozen dirt.

"It's up to them." 

Feng Qianhui said without even bothering to think. 

"We always give them options. However, now that Frozen Cloud is about to be added to the Floating Cloud Sect, it's up to them to decide before it's going to be too late."


This was exactly the case. Murong Qianxue, Jun Lianqie and Mu Lanyi were the only fairies left from the Seven Fairies group.

This group was more or less dismantled by Xiao Long after his visit and when he took four out of seven fairies with him.

The Mistresses didn't even bother to try to replace them or even think about doing it. 

Their minds were far away from caring about this.

"What do you think we should do then?" Mu Lanyi asked as she was thinking about how to get cultivation materials and a good position in the upcoming merger.

What she learned from Chu Sisters is that the best thing she could do is to become one of the maids. More specifically, a battle maid. She is good with swords, just like her little sister.

"If we don't take any sort of action, then we will be just simple members of the Sect." Jun Lianqie said with a small frown. This was not acceptable. 

They worked themselves to the bone for cultivation, training and trying to master the Frozen Cloud Arts.

So, simply being reduced to the simple status of Inner Court or Core Disciple was not even an option. 

In truth, those rankings are only for youngsters, as after reaching a certain point, they graduate and become Deans or Deacons of pavilions.

Or something like that. They still don't know the ins and outs of this Sect.

But they are not planning to wait and get reduced to mere members of the upcoming Frozen Cloud Hall.

Conveniently or not, they forgot the existence of 'Elders', or they simply didn't want to think along those lines after seeing how powerful the other fairies had become after following Xiao Long.

"What do you suggest we do?"

"We should apply to become maids for Young Master."

The other two stiffened.

"Are you serious?"

"Why would I not be serious?" Jun Lianqie said with a small frown. She saw how Mistresses behaved when the Young Master was not around. They were strange. It had piqued her curiosity. So she wants to figure out what this is.

So becoming his maid is a sure way to learn about this. 

"B-But if we do that." Murong Qianxue didn't finish saying as she knew how it was going to end. 

"Fine. I will join the Battle Maids." Mu Lanyi said without even considering more. 

"Then we should go and see the Head Maid." Jun Lianqie remembered what Chu Yuechan said about the maid Hierarchy in his household.

~~~~~~Qianye Ying'er~~~~~~

The blonde breathed out as she had just experienced a breakthrough to [Seventh of Sovereign Profound].

'Finally, back in the same realm as that little brat.' 

She thought to herself as she got up from the cultivation mat. She walked out of her room in the cultivation tower. 

Her eyes looked up as she saw that it was snowing. 

'It's still so strange how the whole place is just moving; you won't even know what kind of weather one can experience when you leave closed-door cultivation.'

This was the first time for her when she left her cultivation room and went out into the snowy outside.

The blonde swiftly flew back into the manor as she had been away for a month to cultivate. She returned around the time she had her turn to be a maid for Young Master. 

Though the moment she was back, she saw three new women with Xiao Lingxi!

'Who are those!?

That aura. It's similar to those. Are they related to the Snow Song Star Realm as well?'

Once again, Qianye Ying'er is baffled by this Star. How do they have this many legacies in just one place?

"Ying'er, you are back. Cover me, I have to take these girls to the Talent Orb."

"Very well."


'More maids means the rotation gets longer! How can he just accept them so easily!!!'

Once again, the blonde was annoyed with how easily people are added to their ranks. It makes her feel cheap, not only that, she has no actual means to distinguish herself from the common rabble here!


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