Along the way to where Shu Yao was waiting for him, Shen Xuefeng could not hold back her curiosity as she used the little time, she had together with him to ask all sorts of question. From simple questions relating to her cultivation and how she should prepare for reaching the Domain Lord Realm in the future, she also asked about the Sky Empire and beyond. Filled to the brim with curiosity about what lay outside the constantly expanding borders of the Star Shattering Sect.
As he didn't see any reason in not telling her about the Sky Empire and the world outside of it, Xuan Hao happily shared his most recent journey to the Blue Sea Empire, causing her to open her eyes wide in surprise upon hearing about the fight between the two Earth Immortals from the Blue Sea Empire and the snake demon beast that had similarly reached the Earth Immortal Realm.
waaaah~ plan to do timeskip soon~