83.62% SOLDIERs in Marvel's Hogwarts / Chapter 97: Chapter 114 & 115 - Cetra

章節 97: Chapter 114 & 115 - Cetra

2nd November, After Quidditch Game, Before Cloud went to Hogwarts openly,

"Sir, I found it."

"Hm," Cloud had barely walked out of Natasha's and Yelena's room when he heard from Shelke, "What?"

"I put together all the information we have collected, and there is a way for her to access magical energy."

Cloud looked towards the stairs, and he was about to sit down when he looked over his shoulder, "Let's go down and talk."

He went down the stairs, "Tell me there are ways other than Jenova Cells?"

"There are not."

Cloud's footsteps stopped, but Shelke kept walking, talking, "From what we know, the Two Universes used to be Different. Mm, no. This is a Multiverse, and there is a chance that the other one is also a Multiverse."

"A Multiverse…?"

"Yes, though much smaller than this one, and to the point that it might not even be called a Multiverse. Might be co-joined Universe, Twin Universes, Triplets or things like those, but there are realms inside it, and there are Dimensions in this."

"What's your point?"

"This Multiverse might have swallowed that one, but it doesn't change the fact that the Rules of Two Multiverses are different. It is a fact that it was only after 1989 that the two Universes started merging," Shelke created two lines, coming from opposite directions, meeting at one point, entangling with one other.

Cloud looked at the glass of the table, "We'd have to change that."

"Sorry, I'll do so," Shelke froze awkwardly, her hands behind her back, her head down, "Anyway, see these two timelines, they are merging, and so it'd be safe to say that it's easy to provide people of this universe with benefits from another, and vice-versa. But only those born after 1989. Before that…we land here; they were already born and existed when the world merged, so they were least affected by it."

Shelke stopped, looking up at Cloud, "You can't naturally give her magical energy; that's not granting, that's changing the causality. No, in this case, you would have to create a causality that didn't exist. The only way to give her powers is Artificial."

"What about Super Soldier Serum? A tamer version of it. Can it give her magical energy?" Cloud sat down on the floor, resting his head against the couch.

"It can give her enhanced stats, life force, anti-aging, and stuff like that, but never magical energy."

"What if we try things like Pym Particle? I can take in their Side Effects now. I am sure that as I am, I can."

"Again, not everything is all-powerful. Magic in the Universe of Magic doesn't come from blood or soul but the world. In this Universe, some people are born with magic, the reality of the Universe, and its nature. It's a unique characteristic," She shook her head, "Unless something can bypass that…and there are only a few things that can bypass it."

"What things?"

"Learning Sorcerer's Magic, if you can learn that, even a single thing, then you can learn this magic too."

"Ok, I'll try to teach her that," Cloud nodded, "She has genetic potential, smarts…she should be able to do it."

Shelke looked unconvinced, "Shouldn't you keep a backup plan?"

"Jenova Cells? No."

"Not Jenova Cells…Cetra."

"Hm," Cloud looked up in confusion, "Aerith's?"

"Yes, A tamer version of Super Soldier Serum, mixed with the core of Cetra Cells," Shelke nodded, "That should be good enough."

"Right, I was so focused on Jenova Cells that slipped my mind."

"A bit too self-absorbed?"

Cloud awkwardly scratched his head, "I guess I was. Thank you, Shelke."

"I have already taken her blood, and I shall put things into motion. I'd inform you as soon as it's done."

Cloud nodded, 'Echo. If Natasha is at the party, you can stop any side effects, right?'

[Yes. Though the chances of that happening is very little.]

'What is that supposed to mean?'

[Cetra holds such extraordinary powers, and they are the key to reaching the Promised Land, and yet, even in your world, no one was implanted with Cetra Cells. Ever thought why?]

'Cetra don't have Superstrength or anything…I mean, look at Aerith?'


[I see why you never gave it a thought. It would help if you looked deeper into Sephiroth's memories for answers, but I shall explain since you have little time.]

[Cetra cells might not have created Soldiers, but if spliced into someone loyal, they could have them find Promised Land, give it to thousands, and it'd be easier.]

'Then…why not?'

[Because Jenova and Cetra, while they may stand on the opposite side of the spectrum, mirror each other. One only knows how to destroy the planets and civilizations; the others hope to cultivate them. Had they survived, the whole Universe would have prospered. It's good that yours is a Multiverse too; in one possibility, they might become a Race that learns to travel through the Multiverse and make other Universes Prosper.]

'They mirror each other?'

[Yes. Like there is a Hierarchy of Will in Jenova Cells, there is one in Cetra too. While Jenova Cell's Hierarchy resides inside each Cell… Cetra's reside in the Planet.]

'Planet,' Cloud's eyes shimmered with wisdom, and he focused them, 'Without the permission of the Planet, you can't become a Cetra?'

[When they die, they become one with the Planet.]


[Cetra…they are a Collective Consciousness of all that came before them, fused with the Planet. That is the Hierarchy.]

Cloud leaned back, breathing in, 'If that were so, then they would have saved Aerith and her mother.'

[It's a Collective Consciousness; it's not good nor bad or neutral. While it does not infringe on human will, it does guide them. To a better future.]



Cloud closed his eyes, 'Is that why? She…ah…I…mm….'

He leaned forward, opening his face, 'Is that why she disconnected with her powers?'

[Only Aerith can tell you that. The answer to your question is that they couldn't have done it. Without the permission of the Collective Consciousness of Cetra, also known as the Planet Gaia, Shinra couldn't have created a being by splicing Cetra Cells.]

'But Aerith is the only Cetra here…so?'

[Yes. It is possible if Aerith Gainsborough allows for it to happen. Fair warning – System doesn't suggest that.]


[Cetra is a Race that follows an Idea. To Protect the Planet, they would fight to their dying breath to protect that ideal. In that world, there was already a Collective with the idea of protecting the Planet. In this one, it's different.]

[The idea, the collective would be highly affected by Aerith Gainsborough. Her idea is to protect you and Tifa Lockhart, among other things she wishes to protect. Her friends, Hogwarts, Magical World, Howard and Maria, Hank Pym, Wendy Lawson, Skrulls, this Planet, and so on.]

[Though, the Central Idea remains the same to protect you and Tifa Lockhart. Those who would be the ones to become part of the Future Collective would be affected by that idea. There is also a chance that the Romantic Feelings she holds so strongly might spill through.]

Cloud lay down on the couch, resting his forearm over his eyes. Hearing all of that only made his head hurt; he had no idea what she was saying, but the gist of it was giving it to others might cause them to have romantic feelings for him.

He asked her that, and Echo corrected him, telling him the summary from her point of view.

[The Gist of it is, while many of the Skills that System has granted are from your abilities. Harem Skill comes from Aerith Gainsborough's.]

"Ohhh," Cloud let out a relieved sigh, 'You could have said that at the beginning. It would have been much simpler to understand.'


'So, Cetra cells are a no-go,' Cloud buried his face in the sofa pillow, 'Jenova Cells then.'

[You'd choose Mind Control over Forced Love?]

'I think anyone would choose that, won't they,' Cloud closed his eyes, 'You heard? Shelke?"

'Yes. Sir. Thank you for sorting this out before the project started. The old research on the Jenova Cells should prove helpful.'

'Drain it until it's only a shell. I'll destroy any will inside those cells or DNA.'

He slowly fell asleep, only to be awakened by Winky, who was in her uniform, though still short, "Sir. It's morning already. Will you get up so Winky can clean and cook?"

Cloud opened his eyes, lifting his head from the pillow, "Uh…what time is it?"

"Seven, Sir. You have been getting lazier every day."

He sat up, taking deep breaths, 'I should have woken up at five.'

Cloud got off the bed and looked up the stairs, "Are they awake?"

"Not yet."

"I'll wake them then," Cloud slowly walked up the stairs, rubbing his eyes, suppressing a yawn that came to his lips. He only stopped when he reached their room, on the right, then the first door on the left. He knocked on it; not hearing an answer, he walked in, finding them sprawled on the bed. He softly smiled, walking up to them and sitting on the bed.

'It'd be fine if they sleep a little more,' He closed his eyes, lying on the corner of the bed, resting his head on his hand, crossing his ankles. Though he felt something move, one of them put their head on his stomach. Though right after he felt the other head happy, he put his arm and palm over their heads.

And he, too, slowly fell asleep, or so he thought, but he found himself on that Barren Land again, in front of that Starry Void, 'The Edge of Creation.'

His eyes went to the two Keyblade, which should have turned to dust but were still cracked. He touched one, Buster Sword one, and he got pulled in.

He took a step back, realizing he was in some square of a town, wearing a red cloak wrapped around his neck like a scarf. His left hand was covered in a mechanical claw, his right in a glove, and the Buster Sword was covered in bandages on his back.

Though, his expanded sight took in the presence of another, a boy, bright, grinning, and holding the Fenrir Keyblade in his hand.

"Sora," Cloud said his name first and later realized it was the boy's name.

"Oh, ohhh!!! Cloud!" Sora grinningly ran over, "How can I help you?"

Cloud glanced towards the Fenrir Keyblade and Sora; the cheerful young boy raised it, "This?"

"I got this—" Cloud cut him off in between and raised the wolf medallion head acting as a Keychain.

"How did you get this?"

Sora confusedly looked at Cloud and grinned, "It's the proof of our bond."

"Proof of our bond?"

He abruptly found himself back on the barren land, in front of the Keyblades, and this time he touched another, being pulled in again.

"Keyblades, they are mysterious weapons. They seem to choose their wielder or could be inherited by the right of heart," Cloud raised his eyes, realizing he was sitting on a bed. His eyes went towards a guy, cleaning his gun blade, "Leon."

"What do you think? Cloud?"

"Think about what?"

"Keyblades? Do you think we could ever get one?"

"I don't need it. I can kill the Heartless all the same," Cloud was talking, but he couldn't control what he was saying.

"No way those Keyblades are cool enough for Cloud; he's better without them."

Cloud glanced toward the girl, and he only had to see her face to remember her name, "Yuffie."

She waved at him, continuing, "Also, you are forgetting that no one knows how Keyblades are formed."

"Well, I might have a theory about that."

Cloud glanced at the guy with blonde hair, blue eyes, stubble on his chin, and smoking a cigarette, 'Cid?'

"Keychains are created from a Bond, a history, a strong connection. Then what do you think Keyblades are? The things that can harness that connection?"

Cloud wanted to know the answer to that, he needed to know, but he didn't ask it; thankfully, Cid didn't need him to ask.

"What is at the center of Keychains? The connections, the bonds, the history they shared?" He smiled and pointed at Leon's heart, "A Heart."

Leon put his hand on his heart, "Heart…? Well, that does fit with the theme of Keyblades, their power to release and save the Hearts that Heartless have swallowed. But I wonder how they could forge a Keyblade from Heart? Maybe only those Keyblade Masters we heard about could."

Cloud got pulled away again, but this time he wasn't on the barren land, on the Edge of Creation; he was in bed. He glanced over to Natasha, gently stroking her head, when his sight got pulled by the keychain on his wrist.

He raised it, seeing the two Keyblades on the medallion, 'Thank you for showing me that, but I can't exactly awaken a Keyblade for her, right? I don't even know your name. Let alone Master your Powers to awaken another.'

He wondered if he could talk to them when they replied, not outright; they only put him on the Edge of Creation and then back.

He confusedly shook his head, and they showed that to him again, and he guessed, "Edge of Creation? Oh… your name? Is it Edge of Creation?"

His palm was covered in shining particles, which made him feel that he was right, told him he was right. He rested his head on his hand, 'Is it possible to awaken a Keyblade in her?'

This time, Cloud found himself in a gallery, in front of a portrait, one of him in the room, and Natasha was floating in the air. A light came from his fighter, one that entered the keyhole behind the girl floating in the air, piercing through her heart.

'Unlock something? But what,' Cloud stepped forward, looking at other portraits, but they were all blank and remained black. He went back to the portrait, 'Awaken what?'

Abruptly, everything came towards him as if collapsing onto itself, and on portraits, people started to appear, their voices.

"Every," Aerith said, grinningly, wearing a red dress, and the next one was of Tifa, furrowing her brows.


















Cloud found himself back in the room, mulling over what the Keyblades said when Echo gave a warning.

[Do not awaken her possibility. It will lead to the destruction of this Universe.]

'Hm? Why? Is it her power?'

[No. It's the fact that possibility, whichever one you awaken, belongs in another Universe. Awakening it in this one will lead to an Incursion. That was the Source behind the destruction of the Last Multiverse and the Recreation of this one.]

'Awakening a possibility?'

[Yes. Someone tried the same thing.]



'Oh,' Cloud closed his eyes, 'Is it possible?'

[Power comes at a price. Unless you reach the Level Creator has now, you cannot change it. You can only reduce the price she pays, control it.]

'Back to Jenova Cells? Are we?' Cloud closed his eyes, 'What about Tifa? You awakened her possibility?'

[You three only exist in this Timeline. The system calculated the possibilities if you were in all of them and awakened one. Since you are not there, there is no chance of Incursion.]

'What is Incursion?'


Cloud opened his eyes again, looking at Natasha's face, "Good morning."

Natasha rested her forehead over his shoulder, closing her eyes, pulling on his clothes, "You are going to fall…come to the center."

"I won't," Cloud turned his eyes towards the roof. He tried to get up but couldn't, not without waking Yelena, so he lay where he was.

Natasha lifted his hand, putting it over her shoulder, "Cloud…if you are worried that I can't use magic, then don't be. I don't mind."

"Uh…who told you that?"

"You. It's easy to read your face, and I made sure when we went to Hogwarts yesterday. So…don't worry," Natasha smiled, looking into his eyes.

He patted her head, shoving it in the bed, "You are a good liar."

Natasha mumbled, unable to lift her head, squirming until she heard his voice, embarrassed maybe.

"My blood…it can allow you to get magical powers…be like a superhero…like…."

"You when you came to save us?" Natasha muttered, turning her head to the side.

"Unless their Will is strong enough…I can also control and read the minds of those who will carry this blood."

"If their Will is strong enough?"

"Then, they can probably read or control mine."

Natasha felt the pressure keeping her down shift and sat up, raising her eyes to watch him, "If I have your blood…does that mean…you'll be my dad?"

"I…." Cloud hesitantly looked away, whispering, "I fancy myself as one…now."

Natasha leaned forward, hugging him, burying her face in his chest, "Then…do it…I don't mind."

Cloud hugged her back when he heard a voice in his head, "It seems you weren't the only one scared of losing this connection. Use mine."

'Use…oh, right. I forgot all about your ability…you can absorb traits of others, and give the traits that you possess,' Cloud raised his right hand, seeing the keychain change, and a figurine, two dimensional of Angeal Hewley appeared. His clothes change, and Solider Uniform appears on his body, with Buster Sword beside him. The difference was that this one seemed new.

'What about degradation?'

"Use my ability, but don't use Jenova Cells."


"Kid, you are forgetting. Your cells have gone through Multiple Super Soldier Serums. Two of them were infused with Space Stone and Time Stone. The effects aren't known yet since the System destroyed those possibilities, but if you use them to infuse into her. She should be at least able to use magic. Let the System see for any side-effects and in case…they start to act up in the future. You can take them back."

Cloud's eyes darted around, and Natasha pulled away from the hug, tilting her head, "That hug became awkward long ago. How long will I have to wait?"

"Not long," Cloud smiled, patting her head, "Give me a day."

"Just one."


"Twenty-four hours?"



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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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