100% Muv-Luv: Alternative- Shogun's Blade / Chapter 7: What's a childhood without a crush?

章節 7: What's a childhood without a crush?

[AN: A friend of mine mentioned that I barely ever describe scenery or give descriptions outside the most basic things like hair or eyes...And so I went and read through what I had already written on my stories and found that to be true. So, I'm going to try and be more, descriptive, you could say, from now on.]

[1st POV]


[Takamura Household Dojo]

*Click* *Clack*

I quickly stepped back to avoid a stab at my chest that Darui launched towards me, his Bokuto just barely missing. The sharp eyes of the referee were all that kept him from getting a hit called. We both fell back into our ready stances, my left foot inched forward as I prepared to go for a quick overhead slash. Darui lowered his stance slightly while holding his Bokuto tip out in contrast to my own pointing upwards.

With a step forward I twisted my waist and shoulders to put enough force to hopefully break his guard but he predicted my move and instead redirected my strike to his side and attempted to slash at my side while stepping to my left. I was just quick enough to intercept his strike, but due to his height and strength advantage, he forced me back as I had to hastily block his attacks while trying to regain my momentum, I couldn't fight according to his tempo.

I blocked a slash from my left and attempted a stab but he sidestepped it and swung at my head from the side, in a split-second decision, I leaned forwards instead of backward and tilted my Bokuto to the side as I quickly shuffled around him, drawing the 'blade' across his armored stomach.

"That's enough!" I heard the trainer/servant that was refereeing call the match and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, hearing my heartbeat in my pound in my ears while my hands shook with adrenaline... It was a euphoric moment, to triumph over a challenge, which Darui was. Not only was he two years older than me, but he also had both height and strength over me, making my victory that more sweet.

"That was some quick thinking, Kei-san." Darui complimented me while getting some revenge by using my nickname. "It was an amazing fight, Darui-san, I look forward to our next spar!" I said energetically while sharing a brohug™ with one of my best friends. There were only a few kids in the dojo at this time, since it was around 6 pm, not counting Darui and I, there were only 4 others and the servants. It was times like these I appreciated our noble status allowing us to live at home instead of the school dormitories.

While I was talking with Darui I noticed through the open door of the Dojo that there were a group of people talking with Takatsukasa-sensei who was sitting on a bench next to the koi pond. I could see two men and one woman dressed in the red Imperial Royal Guards uniform along with a girl around my age and a boy a little older than me. Both of the children wore blue as their primary color so I assumed they must be from the regent houses. With a motion to Darui, we walked to the door and stood to the side out of view to try and listen in, as curiosity dictates.

"Takatsukasa-sama, you surely realize that there is no obligation keeping you here teaching these children, you need to return to your home where you can continue your treatments...." I heard one of the Security guards try to convince the old man, though I was confused as to why he would need treatments, I didn't know he was sick.

I heard the signature grunt of Takatsukasa-sensei before he spoke in his deep, and seasoned voice, "This illness is not one that can be 'treated' by the snake oil of the doctors...I shan't lock myself away to wither like a store of wheat; I said I will pass on my knowledge before it goes as well and that I shall do...Once I am a blubbering fool incapable of helping myself, you will shoot me as I commanded...But for now, I will pass on this rotted minds knowledge to my best ability..."

"But Takatsukasa-sama!," The guard tried to convince him once again, "The Alzheimers may cause you to forget your station or cause you to dishonor yourself!"


I heard a loud noise as if Takatsukasa-sensei had hit the table


The sound of porcelain breaking sounded next.

"You will mind the words you speak, boy. You speak of dishonor yet you talking to me as you are is already a dishonor. Leave, before I use this forgetful mind, old bones, and old steel to separate your head from your shoulders. Go, do not prattle to me any further."

The finality of his words ended any argument the guard had, and soon I heard three sets of footsteps leaving, meaning two had remained, most likely the children. "Sofu(1)...I haven't seen you in so long...You barely come back home anymore, don't you wish to see us?" I heard the girl speak sadly to the older man; it was easy to tell she cared deeply for him.

"Kyoko...I do wish to see you, but I must first see these boys finish their training first, and it is much easier to stay here than cart myself between two places. The youngest of them will be ready in three years...I am only 82, I will yet live longer. Oh, I know, Kyoko, Takatsugu, why do you not go into the dojo and play with them, it is not good to stay locked behind the palace doors your whole childhood."

"But Takatsukasa-sama, that is improper, they are only plebians-" Whatever this Takatsugu wanted to say was interrupted when Takatsukasa-sensei said, "They are your retainers and train tirelessly to support you; while not royalty, they are nobility and you will show them the respect they deserve, or I will beat the respect into you in your fathers' place..." The boy gave no response and instead gave a response of, "Hai, Takatsukasa-sama," through clenched teeth.

When we heard the footsteps begin to approach us, Darui and I quickly retreated to the center of the Dojo and grabbed our discarded Bokuto, and began circling each other to pretend we weren't eavesdropping.

With the two of them heading our way, so too did the servant that was overlooking our match who had walked off and he near-instantly scolded us for sparing without supervision. It was also now that I got to see the two children clearly.

The boy was the embodiment of a pretty boy, with his long black hair and black eyes alongside a look on his face that appeared amiable at first glance but the more you looked the more fake it appeared.

The girl on the other hand had blue hair that was tied into a bun, leaving curly bangs that framed her soft blue eyes. She looked not too dissimilar to a porcelain doll dressed in the royal blue outfit given to the regent houses. I almost forgot to give a bow after locking eyes with her, which elicited a strange feeling in my chest. While I gave a textbook proper 35-degree bow I couldn't help think, 'Why did look at her makes my chest feel tight?'

"Do not stand on ceremony with us, please lift your heads." the little girl ordered, which Darui and I obeyed, though Darui looked like he was about to have a panic attack for a different reason than mine. "Now, what is it you two are doing?" she asked with a bright smile that made my stomach do a strange flip-flop along with a barely audible groan from my throat that drew a confused glance from Darui.

[A few minutes later]

When pleasantries were done being exchanged and casual talk, for Kyoko at least, was done, Takatsugu pressed that he wished to spar against Darui seeing they were the same age, Kyoko, feeling left out, forced me to partner with her. If I could read someone's mind off of their eyes, the Servant would most likely be saying, "LOSE ON PURPOSE, DON'T HIT HER OR ILL KILL YOU!"

"H-Have you ever practiced Kendo, Takatsukasa-sama?" I asked the girl who I was showing how to wear her Bogu. "Please, Genkei-san, call me Kyoko, I am well aware of how unwieldy my family name is." Kyoko quickly tried to correct my speech to which I quickly said, "A-Ah I do not think it would be proper to do that...."

She stared at me for a few moments with her blue eyes, which seemed to have flames within them, which caused me to unconsciously gulp before squeaking out in embarrassment, "H-Hai, Kyoko-sama." She took another step towards me before enunciating clearly, "Kyoko-SAN" I tried to ignore the combined death stares from Takatsugu and the servant when I said, "H-Hai, Kyoko-san..."

[A few moments later]

I was thankful that the helmet hid my face because it wouldn't do good to show the shock on my face as I blocked the flurry of strikes Kyoko sent towards me. She had claimed to never have studied kendo, but she had clearly studied some other sword style, and I had no idea on how to counterattack. Without having to fake a loss I was hit on my right shoulder when she pirouetted around my stab and slashed my shoulder with her Shinai.

"K-Kyoko-san, you amazing! I couldn't even find an opening.." I complimented her genuinely, forgetting for a moment my embarrassment and her station as royalty. Kyoko puffed out her chest at my praise and accepted it with grace, not showing any egotism or putting me down as inferior. "You were skilled as well Genkei-san, I would have thought it impossible to last that long against a Mugen Kidou user."

I tilted my head to the side and parroted, "Mugen Kidou?" in confusion causing her to giggle at me. "F-Forgive me, I meant not to laugh at you, it is merely that I forgot most do not know of it...Mugen Kidou is the sword style unique to Imperial Royal Guards and the Regent houses such as myself. Its speed, fluidity, and unpredictableness are its strong points. It also doesn't rely much on raw strength but instead finesse, making it great for me since I'm a girl." She finished her proud explanation with a twirl of her Shinai before saying, "Let us continue, It is not often I get to spar against those my age!"

And with those words we were back to sparing. I had even forgotten the eyes of Ikaruga Takastugu boring bullet holes into my back.

(1: Sofu=Grandfather)

[AN: Uh-oh, Genkei is going to have fun dealing with these strange emotions for sure...I wonder what his sisters will think about it? Nehehhehehheeheh! Thanks for reading and have a great day!]

[AN2: Btw, I know that Kyoko and Takatsugu are younger than this, but I'm writing them in early due to my personal tweaks.]

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