40% Spartacus Khalos: Rebel King / Chapter 2: Chapter II: Ilithyia and Shrew Maneuvering

章節 2: Chapter II: Ilithyia and Shrew Maneuvering

I can still feel the searing pain of being branded. A great 'B' marked forearm for Batiatus.

The days that followed the final test were crucial. Spartacus nearly got himself killed in the original story because he was overzealous and deluded himself by thinking he was of a status he was not.

Luckily, I am of that status. But I will not waste a moment trying to leap to the top and jump. No, I plan to aid wind to my sails. To send tounges wagging of the legend building around me and the need to see just how I will fare against the undefeated Gaul. But by that time, the shadow of death will come, and I will dissipate it to bring rain to this barren land.

The next morning, I train hard like I was still a recruit. I trained like I still had to prove my might. From the slaves to the Doctore and Batiatus, my work ethic and resilience is what will command respect amongst them. Victory in the arena will on sweeten the pot like the honeyed mead before the coming of wine.

During lunch is when I began to maneuver once more. Crixus was conflicted. He wanted to gut me but also wished to have words with me. I could see the words I had spoken to him were lingering in his mind. It never hearts to add a little magic from the gods to my reputation in this ancient world. After all, my wife is a prophet, maybe. Perhaps a seer or outright witch.

That also got me thinking recently. If Sura is a prophet of the Gods and the Gods sent me, Sura most know of what I plan for the future. She may even know that I am a reincarnated man. Being in the middle of the storyline has me thinking of many things. Like how Sura always knew she would die and the hallucinations that Spartacus had of her were all too real. What is Sura? I thought. For the first time, my wife was a mystery to me.

In a non-fantastical show, Sura's abilities are vastly overlooked. Even I thought she was probably a pious woman reading too deep into her dreams. Until I think about how she appeared to Spartacus and prepared him to become the Bringer of Rain. The woman has to be touched by the Gods, that could mean the Gods want her dead.

Anyway, After I found a table, I was accompanied by Ashur. He brought word coupled with coin.

"Ahh, Spartacus. You have substantial winnings. As agreed, I have taken three coins to repay your loan. That leaves you with 33 coins."

"You're wrong. The odds were 12 to 1. I bet 3 coins. The payout is 39 coins, you take 3 to cover the loan, and I get 36. Try again, Ashur." I spoke as ate, with ease and little care.

Ashur chuckled. "Of course. What shall you do with your winnings?"

I finally stopped eating. I looked over at Varro and thought about his wife and son. Sura prophesized unfortunate things. Varro and his family had no idea what was coming. I stand to win money with every victory. So I took care of my ally for now.

"You see that man." I gestured to Varro.

"The curly-haired fuck?" Ashur asked.

"Yes. I will write a letter, and you will take that letter along with twenty coins and give it to his wife. And if word of this ever spreads, I will gut you from cock to throat." I went back to my meal. Ashur moved to fetch what I needed.

"And Ashur." I called out. "something to write with is half a coin. Another half for delivery and one coin for the favor. I'm counting."

All of the gladiators looked Spat me and then at Ashur. Many of them had no idea something to write with was half a coin. Many glared at Ashur, and I could feel my renown growing.

One roman coin of silver, a denarius, was currently 16 asses, 16 coins of copper. A half coin is the equivalent of 8 copper coins. But when people refer to coins, they're talking about the denarius.

The money a Gladiator won was usually small in sum. To flaunt my knowledge of coin was to gain allies and further keep Ashur in check. He may have handled the money, but it was still the money of the Gladiators. And the more they knew, the less power the snake had—the power I don't want to diminish but control.

"What the fuck was that about?" Varro asked as he slid into the seat in front of me.

"Business. We have a game coming up. You should bet on me, Barca, Rhaskos, Hamilcar, and Rabanus." I tell him.

Varro looked confused. "What games? And how do I wager without knowing the odds."

"I told you what you need to do. You must do it while the fates stay true. I have 14 coins with Ashur. Talk to Ashur and disperse them amongst the name that I gave you. Do not wander." I spoon some more porridge into my mouth and focus on my meal.

That night I wrote a letter to Varro's wife and sent the money. I urged her to stay silent about the money and promised to send word of Varro's wellbeing.

Days passed, and it was nothing but painstaking training until my body dried out, and my muscles gave out. Sun up to sundown, the training never ceased. Then the day came when Batiatus gave Doctore the word to begin my trial.

Man by man, I beat, disarmed, and dropped on their asses to climb my way to a spot in the Vulcanalia games to come. I was savage, had no mercy.

Then a two weeks later, in the scorching heat of Capua. Doctore stepped into the sad and Said, "Attend! The Vulcanalia games of Capua."

The Vulcanalia games is a festival to ward of wildfires. A widespread occurrence during these dry times.

I slap Varro on his bare chest. "I told you a game was coming. I hope you trained well. I would hate to see you die so soon."

Varro chuckled. "I may not be blessed by the Gods, Khalos, but I will not fall in these sands," he replied.

"I know, friend."

Once the Gladiators gathered, Doctore spoke his piece. "Dominus Batiatus has seen fit to fight twenty at this year's Vulcanalia. His gift to the people of Capua! Our lowest shall fight at dawn. Eight pair to follow. After which, your master will present his Primus."

I could feel Crixus's gaze on me. I look at him with a smirk and just shake my head, telling him, 'not this time.'

"Two of our finest, to meet in the Arena!" Doctore finished, then walked away.

Varro leaned close to me and asked, "What of Crixus?"

"What of the goatfucker?" I reply.

"You gave me odds for a few. Why not Crixus? Will he die, or do you plan to fight him?"

"I don't know. That's up to fate. And no, I will not be fighting him. Come, let us finish our training."


The next day Varro and I were having a meal as he talked of legends of the arena. As he spoke, I watched Batiatus leave and rose to find Ashur.

"Did she receive my letter?" I ask him.

"With Gratitude, good Spartacus. But I must inquire, did you tell her your name?"

"Of course," I answered.

"Hmm. So what can I get for you today?" Ashur asked.

"A woman. One of the beauty in the villa." I tell him.

"Oh, now that will cost you." Ashur cooed.

"How much?"

Ashur explained the ins and out of planning secret meets between slaves in the villa and the gladiators. He also spoke of the risk, then said, "five coins."

"Make it happen. But I want her to be a ghost. An unseen. No one too close to Domina."


The evening came quick. Along with it, the last meal of the day. Crixus stomped over and pushed Varro over before sitting down.

"What the fuck is your problem, Thracian. And speak plain."

"I'm at a loss. If you have words, set your tongue to the task." I tell him.

Crixus's jaw tensed, and he glared at me. "What do your words mean? "

"Just as I said them, Gaul. Now, I must wash. But first." I look to Varro to send him away.

"I saw you looking towards the balcony today. Did something your eye?"

"What fuck is it of yours?"

"Tread carefully and trust no one, or the Domina will have your head." I gave my warning then left Crixus alone.

Like me, the man is brutal and uncouth, and like me, he also has reason. But unlike me, he is a slow learner.

The night in the baths, we gladiators washed and shaved in peace. Doctore arrive with Ashur and did his theatrics. When he left, the gladiators swarmed Ashur and took the parchment that had the pairings for the game from his hand.

Varro and I stepped up and took for myself. I hoped to the Gods that my hard work paid off. Putting with a different opponent to match my skill. But no, I was still against Varro, as the first paring of the game.

"Did you gain position?" Varro asked.

"As did you," I replied with disappointment. "We are set to fight each other at the start of the games."

"The first match?!" he asked with contempt, "The slot of the meek and insubstantial!"

"Calm yourself, bother. I will maneuver. But if I fail, you must ask for mercy when I face you. I do not want to kill a brother?" I tell him with brimming sincerity.

A slight fear shows in Varro's eyes. "You knew..." he gasped. "The winnings of the bets I would place. They were to go to my wife once I perished."

"They are to be sent to your wife once we return to the Ludus once the Vuclanalia is over. Varro! I will maneuver as shrewd as I most."

I turned away and went after Doctore. I petitioned him to speak to Batiatus. I had the crowd on my side, and someone of more difficulty will serve to inflate my reputation. A difficulty that Varro could not bring.

Doctore sighed. "I will brooch the matter with Dominus."

"Doctore, I need an answer tonight. If not, do not fault me." I warn him with hard eyes of intensity.


The next day of training was intense. It was all in preparation for the games. I jumped through a contraption of spinning swords to work on my dodging, jumping and ducking.

But Doctore had to give me word of Batiatus' decision. As I finished the course. Varro and I spoke of the games. He spoke boastful words but could her foreboding tone beneath them.

I Then saw Gnaeus as he was in the show, throwing his little net at the small wooden man. I knew what I had to do. Face Crixus, and I would have to kill him as the Gaul would never beg for mercy.

I was walking towards Gnaeus. I called out his name and prepared to taunt him when Doctore shouted my name.

"Spartacus! You have been summoned!"


I stood before Batiatus once more with Doctore at my back.

"I here your tongue wags with corrections to my games." Said Batiatus.

"Not corrections, Dominus. Merely an observation." I reply.

"Well, fucking speak!"

"I have the crowd. I bested six of Salonius's shitwhores. But the crowd didn't know they shitwhores. I escaped execution, and all of the Senate knows the real reason I was sentenced to execution. Glaber may not give you a reward, but the others will. Why not use me to take advantage. In Roman society, gossip is all. A gladiator with growing esteem is more than a reason for a visit or inquire of me. The Senate will love the stories of my war with Glaber. But first, I must bring the crowd closer. Killing Varro, a man that has never seen war or the arena, will not serve the cause."

Baitiatus threw his hand up to stop me from speaking as his brain worked. He then looked at me and asked, "Why?"

This was my chance. "Two reasons." I decided to be honest, "Varro is my friend. And You have set to reunite me with my wife. Now I live to repay the debt in any way I can. Right now, I can serve you by bringing coin and honor to this house. Use my momentum to inflate my momentum."

"Hahaha!" Batiatus boisterously chuckled from the depth of his belly. " I see now why Glaber feared your survival. You will fight Nasir in the fourth match. Varro will be pitted against Kantos."

"Then it's settled. However, If you lose, I will find your wife, buy her and sell her to the mines to be a whore of their workers." Batiatus threatened.

"I will not lose. Ever." I swore.

Batiatus laughed joyously as he sent me on my way. Now I just hope Kantos was the man he fought initially.

"Ahh. Spartacus!" shouted Batiatus. "A significant guest will be attending tonight. Behave yourself, maneuver as you have this meeting. Woo her with your barbaric charms. "

"Your will, my hands, Dominus," I replied.

Batiatus looked at Doctore and the shared brief look of bewilderment. I had used the Doctores very words spoken to Batiatus not long ago, except their conversation was private.

Batiatus waved me off, and I happily took my second win. Though my mind was turning, I knew this would happen sooner or later, the more I changed the plot.


"How did you do it?" Varro asked.

"It does not matter. All that matters is that you win your match. Keeping winning and someday, who and I will be free of this place." I reply and continue to wash in preparation for the reception party. I had to make a good impression. Tonight I could turn a queen into a pawn by the grace of the Gods.

Batiatus didn't want to tell me who the significant guest was, but I knew exactly who he was referring to.


Third POV

Ilithyia, Daughter of Senator Albinus and wife of Legatus Claudius Glaber, was escorted into the Villa by Lucretia, the wife of Batiatus, for the reception of the Vulcanalia games.

Ilithyia has long, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes and is of average height. Due to her father's wealth, she is always seen wearing lavish dresses and extravagant jewelry, whatever is fashionable amongst Roman society's higher levels.

She is a coquette and devious young woman underneath her more innocent appearance, individual and manipulative without her husband's aid. In contradiction, she is highly fascinated by the other gladiators. She admires their strength and ferocity in battle, coupled with her interest in dangerous and socially dubious actions, Spartacus marked her as his next target in the game.

Ilithyia had a slight discomfort for Spartacus due to the impact that his actions had on her husband standing in the Senate. But it wasn't outright contempt or dislike. The two had never come face to face, and her growing admiration of Gladiators served as a door for Spartacus to step through. All he had to do his take the right steps to clear the threshold.

Ilithya wore an aquamarine dress of silk and linen with a jaded necklace. "All dust and heat. It worsens by the hour," she spoke as she walked with Lucretia.

"Id yet be in Rome if it weren't for the games," Ilithyia adds. She then spun on her feet to face Lucretia. "You must promise to visit while I'm here. my father's villa is beyond depressing."

"Yes. It's unfortunate that your husband couldn't make it," said Lucretia. "How fares the Legatus?"

Ilityhia made a subtle face of disinterest to the changing topic. Though she replied anyway.

"In a mood." she said, "Since his return from Thrace, The Senate has become his mistress. Her demands on him are boundless."

"Men and their ambitions. You know they should really appreciate the finer things in life." Lucretia spoke as she discreetly brushed her hair aside to expose the emerald necklace she had recently purchased around her neck.

Ilithiya took notice and gave words, ""That necklace. I adore it." Ilithiya reached out and stroked it.

"Oh, this? It's a trinket." Lucretia moved to downplay the necklace she hoped to impress Ilithyia with.

"It calls to mind a piece I had from Ramel one season." Ilithyia deftly began to slight Lucretia with all the grace of a higher roman woman, "When the emerald was still in fashion."

Ilithyia wore a bright, taunting smile and that obliterated Lucretia's boasting mood.

"I hear it's coming back around. " Said, Lucretia

Ilithyia thought, horseshit, but replied, "Oh, Perhaps I'll root mine out, then."

"Friends, old and new!" Batiatus called out and indirectly save his wife from an embarrassing conversation. " Gratitude for honoring the storied Ludus of Batiatus with your presence this eve."

Batiatus moved around the room as he spoke in an energetic tone to entice the crowd. "Tomorrow's Vulcanalia promises many glories in the arena. But tonight... may I present to you the finest gladiators in all the Republic!"

Crixus stepped forth, pointed his sword to the sky, and then at the entrance where nineteen torch holding gladiators march out in a single file line. The crowd gasped with excitement.

"Look! Touch! Feel the quality of the Stock!" As Batiatus advertised. Ilithyia looked like a bitch in heat as she marveled over the forms of the passing men.

"Place orders for any of the men you covet! Come! Don't be bashful; they won't bite!" Said Batiatus as the gladiators lined the edge of the rectangular-shaped dried pool. "And if they do, a ten percent discount!"

Batiatus watched as his guest flocked to Spartacus. The women touched and caressed his body as they moaned and giggled amongst each other, thinking profane thoughts.

Batiatus sighed as he stepped next to the Doctore. " The fucking Thracian was right. The crowd fancies him. "

"A curiosity, born of his fortune against Solonius' men." replied Doctore.

"Better curiosity than indifference! Move his match to the fifth slot. Allow the crowd to become wet with anticipation. Tell Nasir to make it his best fight yet, and his reward will be double."

"Is that wise?" asked Doctore.

"I have feelings about this Spartacus. He won't be dying anytime soon."

During the talks of business and pleasure, Ashur walked freely amongst the Romans and paced a cloth along to Crixus. But Ilithya and Lucretia were there immediately after sending Ashur on his way.

"Your Gaul is of a fine cut, is he not?" Ilithyia asked as she strutted around with her fourth cup of wine.

"None finer in all the republic." Lucretia sang his praise.

Spartacus smirked to himself. 'I wonder if she would sing my praise if I put my cock in her?' he thought to himself.

Ilithyia reached out and nearly touched Crixus' chest but pulled back as if hot to the touch. "I tremble to see him again in the arena." she cooed as she moved on to the next gladiator and then next, finally stoping at Khalos.

Her eye went wide with shock: excitement and disgust.

Khalos relaxed his body and face. He turns to meet her eyes with indifference: no hate, lust, rage, nothing. Khalos then gives her a slow, acknowledging nod of the head then looks straight ahead boldly as Ilithyia asks, "The Thracian yet lives?"

"For now," Lucretia replied as she pulled Ilithyia along.

Once Ilithya passed Khalos' vision, he tracked her once more with his eyes. This time with a hint of desires. This confused Ilithyia. She was about to say something to slight but suddenly stopped and pulled her arm free of Lucretia.

Lucretia worried that the wine was robbing Ilithyia of her senses. "Do you know who I am, Thracian? "

Khalos turned his head, "This is my first time seeing such beauty in Capua."

Lucretia was shocked. She figured that Spartacus Khalos had no idea who Ilithyia was. Lucretia then moves to pull her away once more, but Iliythia stopped her as she too was flabbergasted by Khalos's reply.

"I'm Iliythia --"

"As beautiful as the woman herself." Khalos interrupted.

Ilithyia blinked then said, "Wife of the Legatus Gaius Claudius Glaber."

Khalos sighed. "What a waste of such a woman. And he leaves her to play with boys and old men."

Khalos stopped speaking and looked towards the wall. He didn't want to edge too hard. But he still had Ilithyia's attention. She eventually looks away then empties her cup of wine.

"I think I better take my leave," she says.

"Of course, but there is one thing I thought you might enjoy before leaving. Something of a much more physical nature." Lucretia coaxed the lascivious women.

"You." Lucretia called for Varro, "Come with me."

Ilithyia looked at Varro then felt Khalos's gaze. She looked to her left, and he was indeed staring at her. " No." Ilithyia said, "He will do just fine."

Iliythia gestured at Khalos. As she walked by, she whispered, "Plays with old men and boys? Let's see if your even half the man he is. Think of it as a parting gift before you die in the arena."

Lucretia sighed. She worried about how the night will end. Batiatus saw Khalos in tow and moved towards the Doctore. "Make sure Sparatacus behaves," he growled.

"Yes, Dominus." Doctore immediately went after the group and left Batiatus with a headache.

A moment later, Khalos was in a room surrounded by people as they watched him pound into the hairy wet cunt of a slave. Khalos was going hard and stroked her deep at an impressive speed. What was more impressive was his stamina as he didn't slow or lose power in his thrust.

The all to silent slave could no longer hold her moans as her cunt overflowed with juices, soaking the bed beneath her legs. Khalos held her by her thick black locks as he thrust home. Heis left hand held the woman's arms behind her back. Her face was towards the ceiling, her tits bounced in open glory, and Iliytha could see in full view they Khalos fucked and stretched the slave's cunt with his full length.

"I've never seen a gladiator fuck before..." Ilithyia gasped and produced a small laugh of excitement. "Look at the way he rams her! Toying with her body with no regard for well being."

Iliythia caught her breath as it had long been erratic. "Like an enraged bull! No, a monster! Belched from the bellows of the underworld!"

Lucretia looked at her the horny bitch with a smirk and began to advertise Khalos, "Spartacus is the newest project of my husband's. A gladiator with talents well beyond the sands of the arena."

Iliythia ignored the Domina. She merely handed Lucretia her cup of wine before moving closer to the show, ensnared by the wild pleasures of the flesh.

Lucretia followed Iliythia ever close to her ear, whispering, "As lovers, they are said to be ravenous beasts."

Iliythia looked as if she wanted to snatch Khalos from the bed.

"You can touch," she said.

Iliythia reached out slowly. She gently pressed against the Khalos perfectly sculpted chest of muscled. Unlike the original Spartacus, Khalos had worked his whole life to be the best warrior. He is a man chiseled from tungsten, by the hands of Jupiter himself.

The slave wailed with pleasure as her cunt squirted around Khalos's raging cock. The roman looked on in awe and wonder. Pah! Khalos thrusts into her tinder cunt again, fucking her to madness as she bucked and spasmed on his cocked. So tender and susceptive the girl cam once more before Khalos emptied his balls deep into her belly.

He then pulled out with a sloppy wet pop, and his cock stood erect, wet, and dripping cum. Khalos tilted his head and looked down at Ilithyia's hand pressed against his sweaty chest, trembling to the feel of his body as orgasm died out. He looked at her and waited for her to open her eyes. When she did, she stared back at him with flaming intensity and brimming lust.

"Do it again," she said as she breathed heavily.

She looked at Lucretia and said, "make him do it again!"

Khalos smirked at Iliythia and paid no mind to the words of his Domina. "I think she's done," he spoke to Iliythia, referring to the soiled slave girl spilling his seed from her cunt and trembling ever so slightly. She lay there panting, basking in the sensation that had yet to flee her body.

Iliythia glanced at the girl and said, "Get another one!" she looked done at the hard cock then added, "before he deflates."

"I won't." Said Khalos with complete confidence.

The other women were moist between the legs, and the men had engorged cocked that tented their togas and tunics.

Lucretia looked around when a woman said, "Her! Fuck her! A beast should be her first!"

The spectators voiced their agreement and excitement. Lucretia looked at a girl with long brown curly hair and alabaster skin with big steel blue eyes. Supple tits and tiny plump ass. Khalos indeed was a beast next to her. Lucretia planned on making the girl her body slave. She had just reached her eighteenth year of life and fifth years in Lucretia's service.

"Destroy her." Iliythia cooed as one woman was taken from bed and replaced by the rip unvarnished young woman.

Khalos did no such thing in the beginning. He displayed what most women on their first time want, at least the time to get accustomed after the first thrust. But Khalos' previous show already had her fresh cunt prepared.


When Khalos was finished with the fresh servant girl. He was escorted back to his station by Doctore. Batiatus gave Doctore a look of 'what the fuck took so long?'. Doctore just shrugged.

Khalos had the stamina without a doubt, but the servant girl surprised everybody with endurance and enthusiasm.

"Good Citizen!" said Batiatus, "You've enjoyed my food! My wine! My Spartacus!"

The few that watched the show nodded to that. Batiatus then finished, "The aphrodisiac presence of my beautiful wife!"

Batiatus stood by Crixus and said, "Now marvel at the announcing of tomorrow's Primus! Crixus, the champion of Capua, will stride across the sands and face Gnaeus Retiarius!"

The crowd cheered



Before you ask, why not fight Crixus? 1. Theokoles 2. Rebel General. 3. After Theokoles, Crixius will fall to the bottom.

Why Iliytha? Because my MC is petty, and it already happened in the show. I'm just developing the unrequited attraction earlier in the season. Finally, Ilithyia bad asf' and I have a few storylines I can create by acknowledging the bond the two will share in the later chapters.

Why help Varro and his wife? Varro is the most solid friend Sparatacus ever had in the series. So yes, ima save him and his happiness by making sure his wife and son are straight.

Finally, Sura. Don't ask because I haven't decided.

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