2.83% If The Crown Fits / Chapter 3: Define Babysitting

章節 3: Define Babysitting

"Can you please bring me five pairs of trousers, t-shirts and shoes fit for um.....say 5 year old kids?" I was in my room talking to a maid just outside my room. I left the door slightly open so I can talk to her without showcasing my room.

"Yes, princess..." The maid wore a strange look on her face at my request. In which I felt the urge to throw in some sort of excuse.

"I-It's my hobby! I....want to um.....dress my pillows and pretend that they are kids. You know. Practice for parenthood. Ahe he....." Now I want to slap myself and wished that I kept my mouth shut.

Fortunately, the maid didn't say anything more as she left to get me what I asked for. As soon as she was gone did I let out a sigh of relief and locked the door behind me.

After the princes became babies I immediately rushed them in my room wearing only their oversize T-shirts and polo shirts. Well of course Custard helped me since the twins seemed to find his tail fascinating and used it as bait for them to follow us. I figured that if anyone else would see the princes in this state it would cause a ruckus. If only I can get to the queen. Maybe she knows how to turn the princes back to normal. Of course I cannot do that with them wearing.....well something inappropriate.

"Gimme! That is my pillow I found it." I looked up to see baby Nate pulling on to one of my pillows that the twins sat on. His red hair is in a tangled mess as he fought with the twins.

"You left! You left! Therefor it is ours." Baby Dan said holding on to his big brother baby Ren.

"Don't be mean to my brother, vampire, or I will hit you." Baby Ren puffed out his chest trying to look menacing, but from my point of view, instead of a bear he looks like a teddy bear.

Baby Fred is where I left him. Sitting on a chair while his eyes looked around in wonder. As for baby Ace, he kept on trying to open my balcony door by jumping up and down. Well actually he already managed to open my window and is now about to jump-

"HOLY CRAP, ACE!!" I immediately scrambled to my feet and dashed for the balcony where baby Ace is about to jump. I grabbed a hold of him just before this little devil kills himself and carry him back to my room. I then locked the balcony door and placed a vacant chair in front of it to prevent Ace from doing anymore suicide mission.

I looked down to see baby Ace glaring at me. If he were his old self I would have glared back, but looking at him now, chubby cheeks and all while glaring I just can't help but think. Awe.

"Stop laughing at me. I am a PWINCE!" He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah sure you are, your highness. Now would you please go and sit somewhere and behave?"

"NO. Not until you help turn us back." Hm.....and turn him back into a jerk? Ha! Not a chance. At least not yet. I want to enjoy seeing them as kids because.....well cuteness is enough of a reason.

"I'll give you a cookie." I bribed. And just like any kid I saw his mouth quiver and shake.

"F-Fine." He says and goes to another vacant chair to sit.

I breathed out a sigh of relief thinking the worse is over, but I was wrong. Sitting on the floor near my bed is Nate crying.

Oh boy.

I got up from my chair and rushed to Nates side. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asks.

Baby Nate points at the twins. "They won't give me my pillow! T-They v-von't even l-l-let me sit on the b-bved!" He hiccuped as he cries.

"There there." I patted baby Nates back to comfort him when he suddenly hugs me as he cries. I look at the twins, both looking guilty as they sat on my bed. "Why don't you let Nate on the bed?" I asked sternly.

"H-He's a vampire. A-And he was being mean to my brother." Ren muttered while playing with his finger.

"Even so. Nate is your friend so be nice to him. How would you feel if I do the same to you what you did to Nate?"

At this Ren snapped and looked at me. "Y-You'll hate me?" Ren's mouth started to shake and his eyes squinting and filling with tears. Uh oh...

Before I could stop him, Ren started crying too. "R-Ren? Hey stop. I won't hate you. Shhhh." Carrying Nate with me I moved to Ren to comfort him.

"Y-You made by brother cry. Y-You hate him....after all I did to make you two happy!!" Dan started spouting nonsense and joins the two as he cries.

Great now I have three crying kids! Now I want to cry too. Even Custard as he tries desperately to block their cries by covering his ears.

As I was sitting on the bed trying to calm the three kids I felt someone pulling my skirt. I looked down to see Fred about to cry. "Fred? What's wrong?"

"I-I hate crying." He whimpers as tears rolls off of his cheeks. Someone help me I have four crying kids!

I looked at the stop where I last saw Ace to find him sleeping despite all the sound. Well at least the little devil is sleeping and not crying.

"Tell my brother you love him!"

"Don't hate me!"

"Give me my pillow."

"Stop crying everyone..."

I was starting to get a headache with all of this. "Guys please calm down or I'll be the one to cry!" Of course it was half a joke, but as soon as I said it everyone stopped crying. Wow.

"Don't cry, Rose. Don't cry."

"My brother and I will be sad."

"I would give you my pillow. Just don't cry."

"I hate crying. Especially if it's Rose."

Well this is awkward yet so sweet! Even as kids they still care. This is so very touching that I couldn't help but smile. "Awe. Thanks."

We suddenly heard a crash as saw the flower vase beside Ace fell. He first looked at the fallen vase before looking at me - no guilt in his eyes for breaking the vase- before going back to sleep.



The clothes arrives and I have no plan on dressing them. Especially the bottom part. They may be kids but they really aren't - if that makes any sense. So what I did was hand them their clothing and left to change. Fred, Nate, and Ace seemed to me doing fine dressing on their own whereas the twins uses them to slap each others butts.

"Hey quit playing, you two, and get dress." I said.

"Aw....you are no fun." Ren pouted.

"We are going on a little adventure after." I said in a sing song voice. By adventure I meant looking for the queen.

The twins shared a look of excitement and hurried to the bathroom to change. I looked at Custard. "Please watch them and make sure they don't slip and die." I said. Custard whine a bit but followed after the twins.

"Turn us back." I look down to see baby Ace glaring up at me once again. So cute~

For good measure I decided to tease him. "I.Don't. Wanna." And made farting noises with my tongue.

This irritated him and he looks quite amusing when he bares his teeth at me. "I'm a PWINCE! Do as you are told."

"Nope. Not when you can't properly say PRINCE. Pfft!"I laugh at my own joke.

"Urgh!" Baby Ace suddenly charge at me and I laugh as I placed a hand on his head stopping his advance while he throws punches in the air trying to reach me. "When I turn back-"

I laugh again. "I could do this all day. Ow!" BABY Ace stepped on my foot. The little devil! I glared at BABY Ace. "That wasn't very nice." I told him.

In response he stuck his tongue out at me. The nerve!

The door to my bathroom opened and Ren and Dan came out along with Custard. Both were now properly dress, but their hair was in a mess. "Aw. Look at you two." I cooed and forgot about BABY Ace as I walked towards the two to fix their hair. Dan was pretty cooperative and kept grinning as I comb his hair with my fingers. Ren on the other hand doesn't want me to touch his hair, but in the end, I was able to fix it.

"Alright then. We shall now go on an adventure to find the queen. Who's with me?" All responded positively except for Fred who was staring at the door.

"Fred? What's wrong?" I ask.

Fred pointed at the open door and says, "PWINCE Ace just left the room."

I looked at the opened door and my jaw dropped. How did that little twerp open it?! "Fred, why didn't you say something?"

"You were busy taking care of the twins and I thought that if I disturb you while you were busy that you would get angry and think of me a nuisance. Am I-are you upset with me?" He sounded a little picked at this point and it makes me wonder if this is actually Fred when he was a baby.

Come to think of it. The princes aren't acting themselves lately. They act more like kids than adult. Nate would not cry that easily, Ren and Dan aren't that childish, Fred isn't this quite, and PRINCE Ace would not get so worked up over me messing with him(trust me we fight all the time). Perhaps the effect of that strange liquid not only turned them into babies from the outside but from the inside?

No wait. Thinking about it the first minute they turned into babies they were more like themselves. But after a few hours they started acting like....like babies! Maybe the longer they are in this state the more likely they are to act how they were when they were kids.

"Ren? Dan? Do you guys know the proper way to introduce yourself to one with a higher title?"

"Yep." Dan responded.

"You put two fingers up your nose and make farting sounds with your lips." Said Ren.

"Then you run as fast as you can so you would not get scolded." Finished Dan.

Okay not bad.

"Nate? Do you know what fork to use on a salad?"

"Um...the big spoon?"

"That's for serving. But close." I shrugged and looked at Fred. "Fred, do you know how to waltz?"

"Mom says I have two left feet so I can't right now until she hires Mckenly. He's a famous dance instructor."

Well that is a good.


At the mention of this Ren's eyes sparkled in mischief. "I declare a race!" he said and Dan immediately supported his brothers idiocy. "Whoever finds Ace first wins!!" Then the twins bolted out of the door.

"Hey wait up!" Nate followed and so did Fred - not wanting to be left alone.

"Wait! Don't you guys dare." I screamed and almost thought of throwing my slippers at their heads to knock back some sense in them, but then again they are kids and that is just too cruel. "After them, Custard!" We ran out of my room only to find out that the idiots split into two teams with Ren and Dan going one way and Nate and Fred on the other.

Now I was torn which way I should go.

"Go where Fred goes. Yes!" I decided and did a mini fist bump. Beside me Custard snorted and gave me a pointed look. He doesn't agree with me. "What? You are more worried about the twins since they are too retarded compared to Fred and Nate -" I paused as I pondered over my words. "Ohhhh, right." I sighed. "Come on, Custard." Against my will we headed off to where the twins ran.


Finding the twins was a piece of cake tanks to Custard. He was able to sniff them out in the Garden where Dan seems to be picking flowers while Ren was just standing there talking to his brother. "Brother, don't pick on the flowers. They'll witter and die."

"Some sacrifices are to be made brother. You are giving this to Princess Rose." said Dan.

"Why me?" Ren whined.

"Ah ha! Caught caught you you little buggers. One more stunt like that and I'll take your wolf nose away." At the mention of me taking their noses their hands flew to cover them.

"As if you can!" Dan challenges me.

"Yeah. Noses are permanent!"

"Well then I'll use magic!"

"You can't use magic!" They both shouted at me.

"Okay then." I bend over them. Got a hold of their noses and made a popping sound and pretended to have their in mu hands.

"Got your wolf noses!" I wave my empty hands in the air.

"Our noses! Give us back our noses!" Ren cried while Dan seemed to be on the verge of choking.

"If you will come with me I'll return them."

"Never! You can't boss us!" Dan said seeming to recover from choking.

"I'll throw your noses." I said in a deadpan voice.

"Like we care!" Said the twins.

Stubborn little brats. "Alright then." Turning away from them I threw their invisible noses. Just then did the twins run pass me screaming and crying as they tried to find their missing noses.

"My nose! My wolf nose!" Ren cried digging through dirt.

"Wah! Not no longer beautiful." Dan well....he is just sulking in the garden and letting his brother do the job.

Honestly? Instead of feeling sorry for them I started laughing. Such gullible kids! Now I really don't want them to change back now.

Custard nipped at my leg making my attention turn to him. "What?" I ask. Custard was giving me a look of disapproval as I laugh at the twins. I sighed. "Oh alright. Fine." I grumbled.

"Yo snot faces. Come back here and I'll give you your noses back." I yelled and when they didn't come I added, "if you won't I'll feed them to Custard." At this the twins scrambled to their feed and race back to me eagerly. Both were still clutching their noses and eyes wet from crying. "Now listen here. I will returned them if and only if you guys will follow me and not cause any more trouble. If you do, I will curse your noses and turn them into pig noses. Are we clear?" Both nodded.

"Good. Here you go." I leaned forward and made a popping sound as I placed their noses back. "Alright then. Let's go and look for Fred and Nate. Umm Custard? Can you transform into Beast wolf? To....you know. Carry these two knuckle heads on your back?"

Custards reply was a short bark and a wag of it's tail. I'm guessing that means yes.

"Okay so.....what do I have to do?" I ask and Custard started eyeing my fingers and I immediately remembered how he first transformed after he took a drop of my blood. "So...you need blood?"

Custard bark. Still thinking that is a yes.

"Alright. Here." I said offering my fingers to Custard. Custard then but my finger tips and drew blood. After that we waited.

And waited.


Nothing is happening to Custard.

"Um? I think you're broken." I pointed out in which Custard glared at me seemingly offended by my comment. "Okay okay. Sheesh. Why are you not transforming?" Custard gave out no reply but just stares at me as if it was all my fault. "Well you know what let's mind it later. As of now we need to find the others."

Fred and Nate were not really hard to find. Really. Just listen to the girls scream and you can see Nate crawling under their skirts while Fred was standing in a corner telling Nate to stop.

"She's wearing blue! Hers is white! Hers is....oops she's wearing an invisible one." Nate all but announced the colors of their underwear.

As soon as Fred saw us, he seemed really relieved. Same as I until I felt someone getting under my skirt, but before Nate could peak baby Ren hit him hardly on the head with his baby fist. Baby fist or not it knocked Nate back.

"Can't say he doesn't deserve it." I mumbled as I picked Nate up from the floor. He was crying and glaring at Ren at the same time.

"I'll get y-y-you b-b-back for that, m-m-mutt!" Nate said, teary eyes as he glared.

"Language." I flicked Nate's forehead.

"Wow! Rose. That hurts." He said.

"There there no one cares so let's now go find PWINCE ACE."

"O-Okay. Can you carry me? My head hurts from where Ren hit it." Looking at Nate I kind of pity him because it did look like it hurt Nate. Vampire or not he is a kid right now.

"Well okay. Get some rest and - GAHHH!!" I screamed when I felt where baby Nate's hands were. "YOU ARE WALKING YOU HEAR ME?! WALKING YOU BOOB GRABBING PERVERTED CHILD! WHERE IS YOUR INNOCENCE?!"

And so, now that I have found the four kids we were now set on finding PWINCE ACE. At first I asked Custard to track him down and it lead us in front of the library where Custard seemed to be pacing for the long time. To which I am guessing is a sign that Ace was here wanting to get into the library but can't because he was banned from it.

After a long period of time Custard finally moved and went straight to the third floor where we went left and right at the next turn. After that we stopped and turned left to the door leading to the queen's office.

"You guys don't think the queen has seen him....have you guys?" I looked at the kids and they all shook their heads no. "I think we should knock first. Should we knock?" I asked them again and they all nodded.

"Alright then." I sucked in a breath and prepared myself to knock. But before I could, the door to the queens study suddenly opened revealing the queen herself. At her side is PWINCE ACE dangling in the air like a kitten as the queen held him up by the back of his shirt.

"Is he yours?" The queen asks.

"Your highness please let me go. I am a PWINCE. I should not be treated this way." Said Ace looking lifeless as he turns from left to right in midair.

"W-Well, my queen. I-I don't..." I look at baby Ace as saw him glaring daggers at me. I glared back. "Well I must say I have never seen such an ugly child in my life! Is he yours your majesty? Congratulations!"

"No he is not mine." The queen said plainly as her eyes darted behind me. "But maybe you would like to explain something to me?" She said gesturing to the kids behind me.


"You did not give birth to them right?"

"Your majesty!" I yelled.

The queen started laughing. "Oh I'm kidding!" She laughs again. "I think I know what's going on but you have to give me the details. Well anymore details aside from the one PWINCE ACE gave me."

After that she ushered us inside her office where we began to tell her how we ended up in this mess. Long story short, the queen was able to make a potion that would reverse the effect of the one that caused them to turn into kids. Of course, everyone was eager to turn back to normal that we forgot one teensy little detail.

As soon as the princes drank the potion they immediately grew back to their original size and age. While doing so their clothes ripped and barley holding on to their adult bodies.

Also, barely covering them.

"Eep!" While I still have the decency to cover my eyes, the queen, on the other hand, gasped.

"Oh my." And started giggling.

"Brother, what happened to our pants? Oh nice abs by the way."

"Thanks brother. You too, great muscles, but um.....I think we need new pairs of clothes."

"Hey is that Rose over there?" I heard Nate asks.

"Yeah. Why is she crouching over their covering her face? Is she in pain or something?"

"Or something!" I muttered still feeling myself blush as I hear them scuffling around in the torn with torn clothes looking like Abercrombie Models.

Just then I notice a presence in front of me and saw PRINCE - not PWINCE - standing there. Torn pants that now look like girly shorts and ripped T-shirt like a lion tore into it or something. Also, his hair was a complete mess. "What are you doing?" He asks. If that wasn't enough, the rest of the gang came up beside him looking like Tarzan. Nate doesn't even have a shirt on.

"Rose? You look sick. Are you alright?" It was Fred. His shirt now looking like a necklace around his neck.

Me, being sane as any girl out there, manage to let out a laugh. "Boys grow up so fast."

This is it was Ace who answered as he leaned forward inches away from my face. "I told you didn't I? When I grow back you are going to get it?"

Well that sentence alone brought me back to my senses. "Yeah well.....not today. CUSTARD, ATTACK!" I yelled and threw Custard at his face.

Now with Ace distracted I rushed out of the room and race back to my own room. I can hear the princes calling my name and could not help but tear up a bit.

Why do they have to grow up so fast? And damn did puberty hit them.

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