The evening was quiet in Udrad, but nothing was as quiet as Alanor. He was busy thinking of all the things that could have happened and the possibility that someone was lying to him.
He sure hoped that Fahima hadn't lied about sending a message to Greroth, because then, he would distrust his mate, and that was frankly not what Alanor wanted. Not for himself and certainly not for his bond with Unar.
Alanor may have been hesitant to accept his mate or even acknowledge him, but he liked Unar, and he would possibly say that he was in love with Unar already.
However, Alanor had learned the hard way not to put emotions before his mission and desire for revenge, and that was something that would remind himself, until the day he watched Edison's empire fall, and Edison himself, take his last breath. That was the only goal right now.
Well, seems like Ulrike's message reached Udrad, finally! But will Alanor figure it out in time?