/ Anime & Comics / Light Human In MHA

Light Human In MHA 原創

Light Human In MHA

Anime & Comics 109 章節 7.7M 流覽
作者: VeganMaster

4.52 (215 評分)

簡介 目錄


Disclaimer: I don't own anything
The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar

Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish.
I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy.
{I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

General Audiences


Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票




  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



The writing quality and the update are good. The summary of the 20 chapters is to train, defeat the villains and make you suspect that you are attentive. The MC is a masochist, the heroes call him worse evil than he has ever existed, despite getting his job done quickly without getting hurt or killed. And because of the forced way the author got him into UA, where he technically doesn't need to learn anything. At first I thought I would follow the vigilante route, enriching the story, but I decided to go the easy route. And not to mention that he let himself be discovered, a guy with the kizaru ability. MC's attitude is really complicated, he sometimes acts like a kizaru, and sometimes like a brainless idiot. I loved the beginning, but the last chapters are really maddening and I can't stand the mc. Keep up the good work of the author.


interesting start when he starts as a vigilante and it became a generic mha fic when he decided to be caught and even faking his defeat to the hero and he became a hero himself so the author can just follow the plot


i like it until the middle when he's still doing his vigilante worked and its quite different from all other fics but sadly the author ran out of ideas and decided to follow the generic route and join the UA


Waste of time Bullshit story Pika pika no mi wasted on mc Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Obligatory Shameless Author Review___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Dude, please. Don't give up your job. The idea is real cool and complete, the Admiral in the MHA itself is pretty cool. According to these universes, there are no works in which personalities are transferred like this, if you knew how I yelled for joy when I saw the title, description and then read the first chapter. I beg and I beg you, don't give it up. Yes, there are mistakes, everyone has them, but I noticed that the chapters are getting better, so do it further. Canon. Bro, can you not interfere with Midoriya? I am always waiting for the moment when he will interact with the future class 1-A. Make him as tall as in the original, Kizaru is 3.02 meters tall. Do not interfere with the development of Deku and leave the main events, focus Allan on more delicate topics? Like: giving interviews, spending time with the family, getting to know Eri about the classes, going to Eri's school himself so that she can be proud of you or even how he reacts to his fans who dress like him, or to figures, raincoats, glasses similar to him. That would be pretty interesting.


In the first chapter, the MC decides to go to the MHA-verse in order to have a peaceful life. Then, he promptly becomes a vigilante, running around left and right, and frantically trying to accrue power.


I read this upto chapter 10 and from what I red the mc is just basically copying Kizaru. I don't know what happen to his past life personality, it just disappear and got replace by the personality of Kizaru. Also he got the looks of Kizaru, his costume and everything. He is copying Kizaru cause he is a fan but if he copy even Kizaru's face and personality then I don't know what kind of fanaticism is that.

LV 1 Badge

How can you play it so stupid, I'm just at a loss. As if written by a 10-year-old child, holes in the plot. Unexplored ENT MHA, answering questions related to ent: This is fan fiction, everything can be different in it.... I'm what this is, this is one of the stupidest fanfics about MHA, I hardly read until the 7th chapter. Then I pass, good luck to everyone.


this is one of the best MHA fanfic that I have seen... I first thought it would be boring with the vigilante part but oh boy you gave a nice surprise.... And Kizaru's power are amazing and I love it... I would love to read many more chapters...


I’m addicted please give me more!


Grammar: Below average but barely understandable. Constantly swtiching between 1st and 3rd povs without warning inside one sentence. MC: Dumb. Really lacks common sense and his plot armor is a bit too strong. He really is dumb btw, not just saying it to express that I hate him. He is objectively as a matter of fact dumbass.


at the beginning and the midsection it was very good but the end is just shit he just fucking spares AFO (who btw. tortured his quasi wife) because his students and other teachers dont find it ok what he does to AFO (btw. nearly every one of them heavily injured and nearly killed) it is just frustrating to read and makes you hate the author im not even gonna end this pile of crap


so i read till chapter 13 and i got bored because mc is justice no killing type of guy.... plus his action and decision are not for my taste. the writing is good i must say but i dont like the mc so yeah have a nice day guys


Was great until the latest arc which ruined the entire fic for me :/ almost every comment after the arc hated the outcome so it wasnt only me but the story was one of my favs but it became a drop for me.... story might be for you idk goodluck with the story




I recommend this it has really good writing that you don’t see in MHA+devil fruit fanfics hope the author keeps it up👏👏


I suck at reviews. The MC's quirk is basically glint-glint fruit from One Piece. From what I can tell his appearance and personality are also influenced to a degree with Borsalino. So he's pretty powerful overall in the MHA setting, though it doesn't happen all at once so we do get to see him growing stronger. The MC isn't a psychopath, narcissistic edgelord with huge ambitions of world domination. Worth mentioning I think since a lot of MCs I read can usually be put in some of those categories in some degree or another. Best way I can describe it is that he is a very chill guy. Probably the way you'd expect, given who's power he's taken. I liked him, anyway. There are some pretty cool battles that take place in the story, though as one might expect it is overall rather one-sided due to the overwhelming strength of his devil fruit power. The story also isn't an harem. The MC even has normal conversations and cordial relationships with female characters that are purely platonic without any flirting overtones. He's pretty mature, all things considered, and acts his "real" age unlike a lot of stories of reincarnation. The focus of the story is pretty solidly centered around the MC, his girlfriend and their adopted daughter (I dont know if naming them is spoiler or not). So it has a lot of slice-of-life stuff that is rather nice, long as you're not opposed to that sort of stuff. Probably not for everyone but I liked it. It being focused more on the MC also means that while he does get involved in the original plot, he isn't even a student. So you won't be seeing a bunch of the original cast or things from their perspective. He's actually a teacher himself. Actually the students he interacts with most are in different classes from the main cast. It was refreshing for me since most MHA stories revolve around Midoriya's class. Finally, the story has the proud distinction of actually being finished. Not dropped, not hiatus, not week or month long updates. It has a start, it has an end. In my experience on webnovel fanfics, this is definitely a notable achievement.

LV 1 Badge

Начнём с того, что автор неумеха и из этого получается что главный герой не мотивационный раздолбай и выпендрёжник, а окружающие персонажи идиоты и лицемеры. Главного героя ищет полиция, сам он жестко палится, но его так никто и не находит... На счёт "сил" - единственное что может быть хуже безосновательного ограничения сил героя автором, это когда герой сам себя ограничивает, и как раз это он и делает! Силы лазеров - это смертоносные атаки, создавать дыры в головах людей легче лёгкого, но нет, герой моралист идиот и убивать никого не хочет. Он даже спасает пару "героев", которые в каноне погибли, и в ответ его хотят арестовать - ситуация очень неприятная, но вместо того чтобы ожесточиться, поменять своё мировоззрение, главный герой восхищается их "героизмом", а потом автор говорит что это не лицемерие и настоящие герои так и должны отвечать на спасение - попыткой арестовать... В общем фанфик хрень полная, читать при отключённом мозге.


卷 1

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作者 VeganMaster