45.45% Harry Potter One Shots / Chapter 10: Cedric Diggory ✔ You're My Future

章節 10: Cedric Diggory ✔ You're My Future

I was six years old when my parents discovered that I am a Seer. A powerful one in fact, for that I could see the future years ahead. It all started with dreams. Silly ones. Some of it consisting myself. Something like I got to buy lots of candies. I got to play in a muggle park. Even playing with a muggle child. It was all childish future dreams like that. Dreams that all happened just like how I saw it.

But those silly dreams turn into nightmares when I started seeing the deaths of people that are close to me. I saw how my grandfather died from a heart attack, and that's when my family started hating me. They know it wasn't my fault, but they keep blaming me for it because I didn't tell anyone. If I did, they would've done anything to stop it. But how?! How can I tell them when doing so will put more than one life, in grave danger? I've tried. I tried to tell my father that mom will get killed by a muggle accident. He ends up dead with her. And I was left blaming myself for everything.

Eventually, I got tired of caring about my dreams, and doing so, made my life better. I got friends. Real friends. I got admitted to Hogwarts. I became a Prefect and a Head girl. Then I met Cedric Diggory and we clique. Quickly, in fact. I love him and he loves me. Everything is going fine. Better to be specific.

Until I dreamt of him... A dream that I can't ignore at all.

I saw it. I saw everything. From the point that he put his name into the Goblet of Fire, till the point where he got killed by a wizard I don't even recognize, after being transported by the Triwizard Cup into another place instead of where the maze started.

That's when I realize it. I can't ignore it anymore. Because, that'll mean, he'll die.

Telling people about it will cost another life, but I still can change the future without telling anyone. I just... I just need to sacrifice. A sacrifice that I never wanted to do in the first place, and will never think of doing if Cedric's life is not what I'm risking.

I broke up with him. I broke up with him a month before the Triwizard Tournament. It hurt him. It hurt him because I can't give any valid reason for doing so. But it hurts me more than anything to see him having a future, I don't belong anymore. I saw clearly how happy his future turned out after I broke up with him. He survived, but I am not with him anymore.

Like what I saw after the move I made, Cedric joined the Triwizard Tournament. He asked Cho Chang into the ball when it was supposed to be me. Cho Chang became the hostage he needs to save in the second trial when it was supposed to be me. He got out alive from the last trial and won the Triwizard Tournament. Then he asked Cho Chang to be his girlfriend, and I was left on the far side, watching him laugh with her when it was supposed to be me.

No one even finds out that I cast a Finite charm on the Triwizard Cup to eliminate any tampering charm. No one.

But I don't regret doing everything. He's alive and kicking. That's all that matters. I can never get used to the fact that he's not mine anymore, but I'll do everything I can to make him happy. If his happiness is being with Cho Chang, then I'll fade away from his life.

I am currently at the Great Hall, finishing my paperwork when Susan arrived.

"Are you done with your essay?" I nod my head in her direction and gather my things.

I smile at her before pushing myself up from my seat, my things clutch into my chest. I followed her towards the door of the hall, and that's where I saw him. Walking side by side with Cho, his hands intertwined with her's and both laughing at something.

Grazing my lip between my teeth, I push my chin up and walk past him. Ignoring the pounding heart of mine inside my chest. Pounding so hard, it felt like my ribcage is going to burst. The pain was unbearable, but I never show it on my face. Not when he's around.

The moment I got out of the hall, I collapse on the side, my hand clutches tightly on my chest as I try to grasp for air. It was just a pinch or a pricking feeling before, but then the pain became worst to the point that I keep ending up gasping for air.

I can hear muffled screams of my name, whispers, and even screeching. Though, I can't pinpoint anything. The pounding of my heart was too loud for me. Black dotted my vision as dizziness corrupted my mind. Then I collapsed.


I found myself in the hospital wing of Hogwarts when I came into. Susan told me that I collapsed after we got out of the hall. Madam Pomfrey conducted a short medication check-up and told me that I am suffering from continuous panic attacks. That was a surprise for me because I don't have a panic attack at all. I told Susan about that, but she only rolls her eyes at me.

"You got that from thinking about Cedric too much."

I accidentally spit out the medicine liquid Madam Pomfrey gave me earlier. Placing the small cup on the table beside the bed I am lying on and wiping my lips with the back of my hand, I gape at Susan.

"What did you said?"

"Don't give me that. I know everything about you. We're best friends."

I scoff at her and slowly lean my back on the headrest of the bed, before crossing my arms across my chest.

"Know everything? Are you sure, Bones?" I gave her a challenging look, which she playfully grin into.

"Are you testing me?"

"Knowing that I'll be spending a few more of my hours here, and I don't want to get bored... Hmmm... Let's hear it then."

Susan playfully slaps my arm for my act of amusement, before crossing her arms across her chest just like what I did.

"To be honest... I don't know anything. I don't know anything about your pain all this time and I hate myself for that. I am your best friend, for Merlin's sake, and I didn't even notice that something is going on."

I don't know what suddenly gotten into Susan, so all I did, was pat her head and playfully grin at her sullen expression.

"Don't be like that, Susan. We all know–"

"Stop acting like you're okay just for once!"

To say that I was taken aback by her sudden outburst, was an understatement. I was flabbergasted. I was planning to make a joke out of it again, but Susan's serious looks tell me that there's no escape anymore.

"What are you talking about, Bones?"

"Why didn't you tell that you're a Seer?!"

My head snaps in her direction, so fast it felt like a whiplash. My eyes are wide as I stare at her.

"What? W-Where did you hear that?! How did you find out?! I never told anyone!"

"I saw your diary."

"Did you touch my things?! I shouldn't have written anything down in the first place!"

"That's not the point here! Can you hear yourself?! Look at you! Look what hiding had done to you!"

"What do you want me to do?! Tell anyone everything I've dreamt of?! And what? Bring another life into peril just because I can't shut my mouth close?!"

Susan stands abruptly from the stool she was sitting on and point a finger at me. Tears I didn't even notice, streaming down her face.

"You don't need to tell me about your dreams. All I ask for is for you to cry on me if you ever feel crying! But you never did that! All you did was hide behind the shadows and act as if you're okay!"

"You won't understand –"

"How can I understand it, if you're not trying to make me in the first place?! For goodness sake! You suddenly had panic attacks just because you've been enduring everything from the start."

"Susan, please. Just stop."

"You've been enduring everything! Every pain! Every struggle to make your life better! Every suffering and every heartbreak! You've sacrificed everything you have for a man who didn't even know what you did in the first place!"

"I'll better shut up now, Susan. Shut up!"

"No! Cedric doesn't deserve you! I've read it. I've read everything in that diary of yours. He's supposed to be dead! You saw it in your dreams. He died in the Triwizard Tournament, and to prevent it from happening because you love him, you broke up with him to change the future. You've been breaking all this time, while he's out there! Savoring his new life with a girl he's not supposed to be with. Does he even said any thank you?! No! Because he doesn't know anything!"

"And everything is going to keep that way, Susan! No one can find out! Not anyone in this school. Not even Cedric! Did you hear me? If anyone finds out–"

"What?! We're not friends anymore? Then so be it! I can't believe you!"

I watch in pain as Susan made her way out of the room, without even glancing back. I never meant anything I said. Never. But if it means that everyone will be out of harm, then another sacrifice will be worth it.

I let out a tired sigh and caress my hair in frustration.

"It's for the best. It is for the best." I mumbled under my breath, trying to assure myself that everything will be just fine.

"Are you sure about that?"

My breath hitch in my throat at the sound of that voice. My heart is pounding hardly once again, and I felt like someone just poured a bucket of ice on my head.

I can't be wrong. I know that voice very well. I know it even more than I know mine.

My body tense instantly when the curtain on the side of my bed was pulled open. Revealing a towering figure, with a yellow tie. His eyes staring deeply into mine.

"Ce-Cedric?" His name felt foreign on my lips, even though this wasn't the first time I called him.

Maybe, it only felt like this, because he is now in front of me after how a year had passed by.

"H-How long have you been here?" I kept my head down to avoid his intense stares.

He had never looked at me in this way. Chills are spreading all over me. I feel like his looks can pass through my body.

"Long enough to hear everything."

Swallowing the lump on my throat, I didn't take any action of looking up at him, and that seems to irritate him because I found myself pin down on the bed.

His hands, on either side of my head as his stares continuously digging through me. My eyes are wide as I stare back at them and my hands are gripping tightly on the sheet of the bed.

"W-What are you doing?"

"I never asked for anything! All I want is for you to love me!"

I was dumbfounded. There was a glint of sadness and disappointment in Cedric's eyes that I could not pinpoint the reason for. I thought everything is going well for him. Was I that too oblivious about what he feels?

"I always loved you, Cedric."

"But you broke up with me!"

There was no denying it. He is mad at me. Mad at my stupid actions, but that stupid actions kept him alive.

"There are things you won't–"

"Understand? Is that what you're going to say?! Your friend was right! How would we know if you weren't trying to help us understand?! Do you know what makes me frustrated even more? The fact that all this time, I thought you grew tired of me, that's why you broke up with me. But you were just doing all of that to make sure I'll live. I never wanted you to do that!"

I tried to push him off me, but he just pushes my shoulder down back on the bed. Tears are freely streaming down my cheeks as I look up at him.

"Never wanted me to do that? Do you know that if I didn't did everything I've done–"

"I'll die. I know."

"Then why are you telling me that you never wanted any of it?!"

"Because living without you, has no difference from dying!"

His words rippled through the weak defenses I built in my mind and heart. Defense prepared to withstand this situation.


"I understand that you've done all of that to keep me alive, but why didn't you get back with me after all of that? You could've explained everything and we'll get back together. That's all I want!"

"Did you forget about the fact that you asked Cho to be your girlfriend after that?!"

"Just because I wanted to show everyone that I could live without you, even though deep inside me, I know I can't. I was a mess! Cho knows everything. She knows that I'll still love you no matter how long it takes to get you back. Don't you get it? I thought you're smart."

"I am!"

"Then why didn't you figure out that you are my future?! You're a Seer! Did you see my future living without you?"

"I did. I saw it."

"Are you sure? Have you look closely at the girl I was with?"

"I look–"

My words died down on my throat when I let his words sink into my mind. I've never said anything about seeing him with another girl. Then how did he know about it?

As if he had read my mind, a small grin finds it's way into his lips. He softly shakes his head, before burying his face into the crook of my neck. Softly letting out a sigh that causes haywire of a tingling sensation on my body, after his hot breath touches my skin.

"Susan made me read your diary. You can't imagine how lost I was after finding out everything. All my questions were answered by only a small notebook. That was my only assurance that you are still mine. Then... I saw your last entry. The one where you are talking about seeing me with a girl. Happy and laughing together. It was funny when I realized how descriptive you've been on that entry. I thought there's no chance that we'll get back together, knowing that you saw it and figuring out that you wouldn't change anything in that future because you want me to be happy. But you've been narrow-minded with the idea of my future, Babe. You didn't even realize that it was you, you're seeing with me in that future."

I find myself sobbing when Cedric lifts his head to look at me. There's a small sincere smile on his lips, as he carefully lifts his hand to dry my tears away with his thumb. I can hear the loud pounding of my heart in my chest as if they're beating right beside my ears, after Cedric close all the remaining space between us and brush his lips against mine.

I can feel the hesitation on his body after he stiffened at the soft touch I made to caress his face, but it didn't last long and he eventually relaxed in my touch. Cedric nips at my lower lip before chuckling when I tug on his. He softly wrapped his arms around my waist and lay his body on top of mine. His face once again, buried in the crook of my neck.

"Cedric..." I called, while softly caressing his hair.

Cedric didn't look at me but he hums as a response.

"What made you so sure that I was the girl in the future I saw?"

I shivered when Cedric blow air on my neck before peppering it with wet sloppy kisses.

"You said in the entry that you saw the girl wearing a silver necklace with a sun for a pendant, right?" I nodded my head.

I tense for a moment when Cedric made an action of pulling something out of his pants, and like what I predicted, he did pull something out. It was a rectangular black box with a red ribbon tied around it. He looks at me and hands it to me.

I look at Cedric, and he only nodded in my direction. With shaking hands, I pull the ribbon off and open the box. Revealing itself, was the same necklace I saw in the future. The girl in Cedric's future was wearing the same necklace. A silver necklace with a sun pendant.

"Cedric, I swear to every magic, that if you bought this after reading that entry just because you want me to be that girl in your future, I'll hex you. We can't risk changing another future."

"I didn't. I bought that before the day you broke up with me. I saw it in Hogsmeade and bought it after I remembered how I called you my Light in the dark and my Day in the night."

My eyes are wide as Cedric grabs the necklace from my hand and wear it around my neck, before kissing me again.

"You've been holding this for a year?"

"What can I say? We're meant to be."

I shake my head, before wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling him into another kiss that we will share forever and will never get tired of.

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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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