{Read authors note}
They never stop coming, even when I kill the big ones they just retreat and come back with more. I've been at this for hours now, and if this continues the way it has I'll die. I'm not a perfect fighter and I've taken damage and used my strongest skills, but they keep coming back stronger. I'm out of time and energy, I cant continue on like this. There is only so much I can do by myself, and I'm at my limit. They retreated a few minutes ago, and they haven't returned yet. I know its only a matter of time, I don't even have the energy to look at how low my health has gotten. My whole body feels like jelly every time I take a breath, and when I try to move it feels like fire and knots in my muscles. I'm on my hands and knees trying to catch my breath, but I can already feel the ground rumbling.
Dear Novel_Equilizer
I see your reviews, and they are completely biased and lack any sort of real reason the story is bad. Even if you post a bad review over and over I'll delete it, I'll always delete it. I delete bad reviews only if they show no real criticism or logic. Most people like you find any reason to hate on a person, I've inspected your profile and seen the comments and reviews you leave on other stories. So do yourself a favor and stop reading this story. If you fail to see this, then I'll just post it at the beginning of every chapter. Just because I'm the author of this story doesn't mean I'm going to let you say or do whatever you want with my creation. There are hundreds of thousands that disagree with what you say. So leave my story alone.