Part of Walker felt bad that the meeting had ended so fast. However, he saw that there was a lot to do and it was understandable that they leave to begin preparations. Scylla and Alma left together. They had to formulate plans to begin putting in the aerial defenses through fields, the city, and even the outer patrolled lands. If a wyvern was to arrive before they had prepared then it would be on them for not moving fast enough. They needed to be proactive.
The king of the deep caves was surprisingly speaking to Markus Raven. The idea about the merchant groups becoming a merchant association that was equal to the guilds was a very big deal. As much as the king of the deep caves was more of a miner and not a king that dealt with other races, he had a responsibility. He could get his people in touch with those forming this group and make better progress.
Leon is like a fangirl for dragons a little lol