68.83% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 53: To Kill An Avatar Part 2

章節 53: To Kill An Avatar Part 2

Macai wakes up outside with his arms and legs restrained by dark grey clay. Macai is within a forest, but it does not seem to be the part he just fought in. The wood is amber brown, and the leaves are emerald green. The young man rubs his head and looks up to see Aang standing before him. Aang is furious and Toph is left of his position.

Aang points in Macai's face, "Why did you attack us?!"

Macai replies, "I wanted to protect my nation."

Toph responds, "You lost the war and we beat your loserlord already. Get over it."

Macai: "And yet you still oppress us."

Aang: "What?"

Toph laughs, "Oppress? Oh please. You idiots are the ones who ran around and almost burned this world down. Now you think you're the ones being oppressed? You got what you deserved."

Macai nods, "And if that's so then I still fight for the survival of my people. Every nation has been bad at one point. We should still be respected."

Toph interrupts, "Respected? Your nation should have the least respect for what it has done. But I agree on the survival part. You have to earn respect and that takes time."

Macai tests Aang, "What you don't seem to understand is that if you treat us too harshly, you will just cripple our nation. And if you do that, we'll rise back up more dedicated and determined to fight you again and again. Then this will never end and that isn't what you want; is it Avatar?"

Aang shakes his head, "No, that's not what I want."

Toph growls at Aang, "How are you reasoning with him? He just tried to kill you."

Aang gives Toph the hand, "Toph, it's ok. We need this to end and bloodshed is not the way to go. He's right, if we treat the Fire Nation more harshly then more remnant groups will rise."

Toph: "Then we'll just have to keep knocking them down."

Aang: "And more people will die. The more we knock down the more their friends and family will stand against us. Eventually, they'll change their tactics and find other ways to fight us. They may become more dangerous or at least more dangerous than the last times we beat them. Then all of this will have been for nothing."

Toph replies, "Not nothing, they won't rule the world."

Aang nods, "But if we can have a better peace, then I'm pursuing that."

Macai looks Aang in his eyes, "Listen to me Avatar. If the Fire Nation's colonies are taken from it and it is not appropriately compensated the stability of our economy will be compromised. It is largely built off the oppression we have caused. I'm all down for us breaking down that control but it must be done gradually."

Aang responds, "I've started to discuss that with Zuko."

Macai: "I'd also like to point out that our nation needs to be at the discussions and trade deals. Everyone needs to be included. I'm ok with the Water Tribe getting slightly-elevated positions at some discussions. The Earth Kingdom can have a little leeway for the next few years, but the Fire Nation can't be at the bottom of the discussions every time anymore. From now on, we will be respected and get a moderate benefit from all the big decisions."

Aang: "That often happens."

Macai: "And there have been times when the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe teamed up on us. There were times that we were forced to completely lose out to everyone. When your damaged nations took all the spoils and we took the scraps. That's disrespectful and you can't expect that to last."

Aang shakes his head, "This has happened a bit but Zuko started to address it. We're pulling back from this."

Macai continues, "But you're not doing enough. I need to see more."

Aang: "You're a soldier Macai. Things are changing and we're combatting this gradually. But I'm glad you've mentioned this because I can still see ways that we need to improve. And now I personally, will ensure the people respect your nation even after all the damage that has been done. More importantly, I will call for everyone at the discussion to love each other."

Macai smiles, "That's great Aang." Macai's back pops and he suddenly becomes more aggressive. Macai: "You better not be lying, Avatar!! My people are ready for another war!!"

Toph counters, "You're bluffing."

Macai: "We have massive armies on standby. All hidden and ready to strike."

Toph gets in Macai's face, "And we'll destroy them just like before."

Aang: "Toph this doesn't make sense, he was just calming down. Something is off."

Toph replies, "He's just an arrogant dunderhead, but I'll show him to respect us."

Macai shouts, "You stupid girl!! The only reason you beat me is because I was tired after my fight with Aang!"

Toph barks, "The only reason you knocked me down at first was because you attacked me while I was meditating. When we were both ready, I demolished you and I will do it again."

Macai: "Then let me out of these restraints and let's have a round two!!"

Toph: "I'll beat your head in." Zuko emerges in his black, red, and gold royal armor with a long cape. Zuko has two Fire Nation troopers as bodyguards. Toph looks at Zuko, "Who called you here?"

Zuko: "I called myself here. I heard there was a conflict recently between you three."

Aang replies, "Well, that's one way to put it. Macai waited for us to meditate then attacked us. We planned this and wanted to kill me."

Zuko looks at the commander, "Why Macai, why?"

Macai: "Because it's my destiny to defend my nation and our people!!"

Zuko shakes his head, "That's MY DESTINY TOO!! I'm the Firelord and you must not act outside of my guidance!!"

Macai smiles, "I remember when Ozai told me that. I did the opposite and you praised it."

Zuko sighs, "The Avatar brought peace to this world."

Macai glares at Zuko, "Peace? Do you really feel at peace?"

Aang: "This guy is crazy."

Toph: "Not as crazy as his ex-girlfriend."

Zuko: "We are getting better than we were before."

Macai: "Oh, I don't know about that Zuko."

Zuko clinches his teeth, "That's why we must work hard to make this work!" Zuko looks Macai in his face again and sees a purple flash in Macai's eyes after he blinks. Zuko looks back at Aang and signals for him to follow him. Zuko and Aang step aside while Toph continues to argue with the Fire Nation noble.

Aang: "What is it?"

Zuko: "I saw a purple flash in his eyes."

Aang asks, "What does that mean?"

Zuko: "I don't know. But he's never done that before. Something is wrong with him."

Aang: "Maybe he's brainwashed.'

Zuko looks back at Macai, "He kind of seems a little more aggressive than usual and like he's in a trance."

Aang: "How can we fix this?"

Zuko: "We can't, you're not experienced enough. But I know someone who can." Later that day Iroh arrives after he is dropped off by Appa (Aang flying bison) and Aang. Appa is a large creature with white fur, black dreamy eyes, two dark grey horns, a black round nose, and a grey arrow on his head.

Aang looks at Zuko, "How's it going?"

Zuko: "The same as before, they keep arguing." Aang and Zuko look at Toph. Toph is shouting in Macai's face and the commander defiantly shouts back at her. Toph loses it and slaps Macai in his face. Macai's right cheek turns red.

Iroh smiles at Toph, "That's enough little one, I've got this."

Toph raises an eyebrow, "Little one?" She turns and sees Iroh then is no longer angry. Toph hugs Iroh, "Hey, I missed you."

Iroh chuckles, "I missed you too, Toph. Let me have a look at Macai." Toph steps aside and Iroh emerges before him. Macai looks at Iroh, but doesn't say anything. Iroh examines Macai then leans closer to him. Iroh backs up and sniffs the air.

Zuko cringes. Aang looks baffled. Iroh stomps the ground then asks Macai, "What made you come here?"

Macai: "I came to protect our people."

Iroh: "Did you decide this on your own or did someone motivate you?"

Macai ignores the question. Iroh looks at his body language and backs up. Iroh turns and looks at Aang and Zuko. Aang asks, "So what do you think?"

Iroh: "He seems to be in a trance."

Zuko: "I saw his eyes flash purple earlier."

Iroh rubs his beard, "Interesting."

Aang: "Soo, any ideas?"

Iroh paces, "Yes actually. I believe he's been hypnotized but I know how to break this." Iroh takes hot tea and waits for it to somewhat cool. Iroh looks at Macai, "It's mainly cooled but it still might burn a bit." Then Iroh pours it down the restained commander's mouth. Iroh backs up and kneels then meditates. After two minutes the Dragon of the West rises and claps his hands against Macai's ears.

Macai's ears turn pink from the clap. Iroh shouts, "Lightness of the universe, I ask you to deliver Macai from this witchcraft." Iroh pulls his right hand back and slams his palm into Macai's stomach. Macai is not fat, but his stomach vibrates from the touch. The commander closes his eyes and briefly passes out. Macai slowly opens them.

Macai coughs, "T-thank you, Iroh."

Zuko confronts Macai, "Now tell me exactly what happened?"

Why Did it Have to Be Like This?

Macai explains his previous discussion with Hazo and his dream. Iroh: "That dream was likely planted in your head by Hazo after you drank his tea. He put a spell on you and you didn't even know it."

Zuko: "Is it safe for Macai to confront him or should one of us do it?"

Iroh: "This is Macai's mentor, he must confront him. But not alone."

Aang asks, "Can I go with him?"

Iroh responds, "You might be able to."

Zuko: "And me?"

Iroh: "No, you are not spiritually ready for such a challenge. None of you are, but Aang is the Avatar. With his natural ability, the other Avatars can guide him on this fight. He could overcome the battle. But I could also go, I have experience and protection against such magic."

Aang: "Can we both go?"

Iroh: "That would complicate things."

Zuko asks, "Then who should go with him?"

Iroh: "Let Macai decide. This is his journey."

Macai looks at them both with solemnity, "I have caused you both trouble in the past. I've fought against Iroh, who still treated me with love and mercy despite my malice. I attacked you Aang, but you still forgave me and helped deliver me from my bondage. I appreciate you both, but I've always handled things the Fire Nation way in the past. The Avatar is the future, he will face great challenges and can be a powerful new ally for me. I'd be honored if you'd stand by me (to Aang)."

Iroh nods, "Good answer."

Aang lifts his hands and a gust of air releases his constraints. Iroh looks at Toph and Zuko, "After Aang and Macai have finished their quest you both may regroup with them. But for now, they must confront Hazo alone."

Zuko comments, "I just want to point this out. A lot of assassins have been active recently and he could be connected to Ozai's loyalists. Keep that in mind Macai, he may not have made this decision on his own."

Iroh: "Also before you go, I'd like to train Aang for the spiritual battle ahead." Iroh and Aang meditate together.

Meanwhile, Macai looks at Toph, "I apologize for the past."

Toph: "Don't worry about it, you weren't yourself. I hope to get to know the real Macai one day, but if you ever cross me I'll knock you out again."

Macai laughs, "You are a great warrior I'll give you that, but I always have something different under my sleeve."

Toph rolls her eyes, "Sure you do."

Zuko pats Macai on his back, "I'm sorry about Hazo."

Macai: "He made his choice and every choice has consequences. I just hope he makes the right one next time." Aang returns from his meditation and looks at Macai.

Aang: "I'm ready."

Macai: "Alright, let's go." Macai and Aang depart.

Aang: "We're leaving with Appa, my flying bison." The large creature soars from the ground and lands a few feet in front of them.

Macai looks in awe at the magnificent animal. Macai beams, "Well hi." Appa growls at Macai and the Macai falls in the dirt. Macai quickly rebounds and extends his hands in a peaceful manner, "Appa, relax." Appa rushes toward Macai and the commander hops left. Appa turns and rushes at him again. Appa stops when he is right in front of Macai.

The creature looks the commander in his eyes. Macai pets Appa and hugs him. Appa is receptive to the hug. Macai: "I'm sorry buddy." Appa licks Macai and he falls over.

Aang smiles, "He likes you, he just had to warm up to you." Aang leaps on Appa's neck and Macai climbs on his midsection. Aang flaps his reigns and Appa soars in the air.

Macai grins, "This is amazing. I wish I could fly around like this all the time. It reminds me of Rosh's teshtans."

Aang asks,"What's a testhan?"

Macai: "You haven't ridden a testhan? They're smaller flying creatures from the Fire Nation. You've got to try it sometime."

Aang: "As long as Appa's ok with it."

Macai beams, "Maybe he'll make new friends." Macai and Aang descend outside of the Hazo's city Habenentu. Macai walks with his friend through the town as they reach Hazo's estate. Macai knocks on the door and no one answers. Aang enters his battle stance. Macai: "Good thing I have a permit."

Aang pumps his right hand forward and knocks the door open with an earthbending move. Macai looks around, "His maid isn't here. She normally would have answered the door."

Macai looks around and notices incense candles. The smoke flows from the candles and enters his nostrils. The young prodigy becomes dizzy and starts stumbling. Aang notices and the incense starts to flow inside of him as well. Aang becomes dizzy then extends his hands and a gust of air blows the sent away. Macai catches his breath and rises to his feet, "You have my thanks Avatar."

Aang nods, "You're welcome." Aang searches the first level of the home and finds nothing. Aang looks at Macai, "Do you think he'll be on the second level?"

Macai replies, "No, I can check it anyway while you look in the backyard."

Aang: "Sounds like a plan." Macai walks up Hazo's stairs and searches the second level of the home while Aang enters the backyard. It is a relatively large field but Aang sees nothing more than plants and leaves. After Macai finishes his sweep, he regroups with Aang.

Aang: "Nothing?"

Macai: "Nope, but there is one more place to look. And that's in his basement. I've never been there but I know he has one."

Aang comments, "Basement? I didn't see any entrance." Macai paces around then locates a brown wooden square.

Macai: "Over here Aang, this might be our ticket in." Macai examines the brown objective and notices a silver lever on the bottom of the device. The commander kicks the lever and the square flips open; revealing a staircase that leads to a dark area. Macai slowly moves down the staircase and Aang follows him.

The duo reaches the basement. As Macai prowls in the room, Aang moves left of his position. They can barely see anything but Macai uses a white flame to guide their path. The basement has several book shelves, many of which contain spell and enchantment books. Some accursed vases sit against and decorations hang on the walls.

Macai and Aang notice Hazo standing on the other side of the room in dark purple robes. Hazo turns his body to greet his intruders, "Well if it isn't an old friend and the Avatar. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before. I'm sorry Macai couldn't finish his mission, now I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you both."

Macai: "Hazo this is your last chance to surrender."

Hazo comments, "Surrender? Where is my trial? What case do you imbeciles even have? Nothing, nothing at all."

Aang shouts, "You used magic?"

Hazo laughs, "Magic? Where is your proof?"

Aang: "Iroh will confirm."

Hazo: "How? What evidence does he have? You think superstitions will win you a case?"

Macai: "You think they'll put your word over the Avatars?"

Hazo nods, "I don't know with the current leadership. But if I am convicted without evidence that will only fuel the resistance movements in this nation."

Macai: "I'm sure we can give your home a search."

Hazo smiles, "Good luck with that." Macai gets the feeling even officials could be manipulated that investigate Hazo. Perhaps it's possible Iroh could try to counter Hazo's spiritual energy so the trial goes well. But every day someone like Hazo stays around, the worst things will get. Macai decides to use a different approach.

Macai: "How could you Hazo?! You were my mentor! You were like a father to me! I trusted you, I loved you."

Hazo: "I never stopped caring about you Macai. But I won't let you stand in the way of our nation's survival and legacy!! Think about more than just yourself."

Macai counters, "Think about the people all around the world who suffer due to your actions."

Hazo replies, "We have to worry about our own people."

Aang's eyes suddenly glow and become white. Hazo yells, "Oh no!! I won't let you."

Hazo sways his arms and speaks an ancient Fire Nation language, "Rakkk shane tu-penemo!" Hazo stomps the ground and an orange surge of flames flies at the pair. Aang blows and a gust of air doses the flames. Hazo slaps his hands, "Key putu mouy!" Aang shouts and feels a sharp pain in his ears. Aang kneels on the ground and Macai's ears also start ringing.

Macai falls on his knees and doesn't know how to deal with the spiritual attack. Macai's muscles stiffen and he is unable to move. Aang still struggles on the ground, shaking side to side. Both of their skin turns indigo as oxygen steadily flows from their bodies.

While Aang is squabbling Hazo runs up and kicks him in his belly. The bald teen slides several feet backward and starts coughing. Hazo: "You are no match for me! I have powers beyond your comprehension."

While Aang shakes on the ground he looks up and notices the old Avatar Roku. Roku has long white hair, a long beard, brown eyes, and pale skin. Roku: "Get up!" Roku pulls Aang up, but all Macai sees is Aang standing up.

Hazo extends his right hand, "Vanden row lan!!" Aang gets a massive stomach ache and kneels.

Aang nears the famous Avatar Kyoshi behind him. She is a tall, has dark brown hair, yellow skin, white face paint, and is a dominant figure. Kyoshi orders, "Get up!" Kyoshi stomps the ground and Aang leaps back on his feet. Hazo looks in surprise because his stomach attack is enough to floor most people.

Aang extends his arms and a swirl of wind knocks Hazo against the wall. Hazo hits tries to get up then Aang shouts, "Ra ken weii!" Aang's voice reveals a different tone and spiritual frequency than Hazo's. This reveals light energy that's separate from Hazo's dark energy. Hazo's legs become sore and he is unable to completely stand.

Hazo gasps, "I don't believe it, how did you learn spiritual interference so quickly?!" Aang slaps his hands and an invisible hand slaps Hazo. Hazo's cheek turns pink and Macai watches in surprise as he is still on the ground. Aang lifts his left hand and Macai is able to stand back up.


Hazo shouts, "No, never!! My dark forces will free me."

Aang comments with his normal voice, "They have already been defeated." Aang calps his hands and two tall golden men emerge beside Hazo.

Hazo looks back at Macai, "Macai I'm sorry. I just wanted what was best for my nation and I got in with the wrong people. Now I see that. Whatever you do, don't forget about where you came from and make sure we are respected. And stay away from sorcery, it's bad business." The men snatch Hazo and they disappear. Only Aang sees this, Macai sees Hazo die.

Aang returns to his normal state and falls to his knees in exhaustion. Macai holds Aang as his new friend regains his strength. Macai then looks back at Hazo only to see his corpse. Aang looks at Macai, "There is a saying to remember them for the good they did and not the bad."

Macai shakes his head, "No I'll remember him for everything. The good and the bad."

A few weeks later, Macai waits in black with several other 31st members. Hazo's son and daughter are at the event (Ruki). It is a rainy day with a faded grey sky. Hazo's son has black hair, peanut butter brown eyes, light skin, and round ears. Hazo's daughter has dark brown hair, pale skin, light skin, and a thin nose (Pelvina). Ruki is in his early twenties and Pelvina is nineteen.

Pelvina looks at Macai, "He viewed you highly Macai, I'm so sorry." Macai hugs Hazo's daughter.

Ruki confronts Macai next, "Thank you."

Macai asks, "For what?"

Ruki: "For giving my father a purpose for much of his life. He loved your training sessions and always viewed you highly. Even now that he's gone, I ask you to be the best man you can be in memory of my father."

Macai nods, "I will."

Kett arrives at the event, "I'm sorry this had to happen, Macai."

Macai hugs his friend, "It's good to see you, Kett. How is the movement going?"

Kett: "Oh it's going. We're making good progress but we have a lot of work to do."

Macai: "As always, maybe once day the 31st will do something with your unit."

Kett nods, "I'd like that."

Macai leaves the event with Rosh, Kanna, and Aiya around him. Aiya: "Wow, I can't believe Hazo's gone."

Macai: "He's gone, but what he taught us will always be remembered. Let us learn from Hazo's tragedy, to never put our own ambitions or desires over the universal good for all. The easy or the fast path is not always the good one and the selfish one rarely is. Let us find an everlasting peace that can only be bought through compromise and sacrifice."

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