25.67% The Rise of The Divine Sword / Chapter 19: After One Year

章節 19: After One Year

Four-Armed Demons, a humanoid monster with four arms, reddish brown skin, one eye and three horns. They were powerful creatures that had the power levels of at least Level 24 in the Second Step. And had extreme physical ability and wild instincts that made up for their lack of magical abilities.



An explosion resounded as a Four-Armed Demon's two left fists made contact with a young man's shield. As the fist flew, it created a sonic boom in its wake, but the young man had blocked it with extreme control of force and strong footing that dispersed the force on the ground. The demon was stopped in place for an instant, but within that instant...


Crackling sounds of electricity resounded and flames burst as another young man suddenly disappeared in place as he reappeared right beside the demon. He then swung his right fist and the blow created a powerful explosion 4 meters in radius. The demon was blown away, but as it landed in the ground, it could not stand up as a cage made of purple light trapped and kept it in place on the ground.


The demon roared, but the next instant, a voice reached its ears a bright light was falling from above.


The next instant, a intricate silver spear pierced its forehead, and it instantly died.


"Yeah!! I did it! I finally blew one of these bitches away!!!" One of the young men said. He had curly flaxen hair that reached the tip of his nose, and his bright emerald eyes gave a feeling of purity, but his words were nowhere pure.

It was Rayle, and after a year, he had grown taller, and quite fast at that due to his cultivation. He was now 165cm tall, and his sleeveless gear showcased his well defined muscles that emanated power. He was raising his hands as he shouted the achievement of his personal goal. But then, a woman with shapely figure, smacked him on the head as she complained.

"Hey! You blew him too far! I knew you said you were now confident in blowing one of those things away, but I was an idiot for trusting you! I missed because you went over the agreed distance! If it hadn't missed, we wouldn't have had to let Shin take the risk of approaching that demon!" She complained repeatedly.

The woman was Siri. Over the past year, due to her Level Ups, her body became much slimmer as it eliminated unnecessary fats, as it prioritized ease of movements. Thus she gained a bombshell of a body and her flexibility was insane for any normal human to replicate. Her long brown hair was now tied to a ponytail, and her face that had lost some fats, had become gorgeous as it was well defined now. Her dark brown eyes had a sharp sheen into it as her Guidance Method had improved it by an impossible margin. She could now see through 3Km of distance clearly.

"Whoah...Easy there, leader. Just let him off this time, at least it worked, and no one got hurt, right?" Said the young man with the shield. His long black hair that waved as it lengthened reached his shoulders as he carried a calm disposition and brought a feeling of security.

It was Argos. He was now the tallest in the group, being at 180cm and his handsome face had developed into a lady killer. He was now the group's tanker and he was the toughest guy among them.

"Yep, it's not that big of a deal. Besides, the main core of the strategy was to let our muscle-brain blow away the muscle-brain monster and then we stop it and then finish it of. A bit of change in plans aren't strange, you know." Said a woman with blond hair that reached her back. She wore a cloak with a hood, and her light purple eyes shone with mysterious light. Her expression wore the mask of mischief and she had a lot of gestures along with her words.

It was Sally. Now, a fine mage that could empower her allies and weaken enemies, she was relied on by the group during each combat, and she never failed to meet expectations.

"See?! You're just making a fuss since you're too overprotective of your boyfriend! Admit it!" Rayle accused.

Siri turned red at the word 'boyfriend'. It was open secret in the group that the two were lovers, and although they denied it every time someone asked, they admitted it through their gazes they give each other.

As for Shin himself, his meek personality was now gone as he was a confident warrior who Treaded the Heroic Path, although he was still a person of few words. He had short black hair and sharp red eyes that exuded fiery aura as he stood a height of 170cm while he held a silver spear with intricate patterns and simple design.

It was the divine weapon he had manifested, Divine Spear Acxelicht. A spear boasting a sharp edge and powerful penetrative abilities while having the ability to stay manifested for a while even after being separated from its wielder. It was currently at the 3rd level and had the passive boost of 20%.

Shin soon joined the group and saw Siri with a red face, and then spoke to Rayle.

"...You shouldn't...tease her...too much..."

"Wha!? How'd you know it was me?!"

"...No one's...as annoying as...you are..."

"How cruel!!"

Everyone laughed at the two who always quarrelled once they were starting to get the hang of fighting. It was even comical sometimes, there was even a time where they duelled to find out whoever was stronger, only to come back praising each other's strength.

Siri, who recovered after a while, cleared her throat and declared. "Ahem...anyway, we've done what we needed, let's go back before Lina starts getting worried."

And so, they returned home.


Oaken Town, a town abandoned by its own inhabitants due to a sudden plague that mercilessly killed all the warriors of the town as well as its mages.

However, when a scout appeared half a year ago and checked the town to see its condition, he was shocked to see that the town was clean and there was a powerful group residing within.

When the former residents heard the news, they returned to their supposed-to-be home as they pleaded the group to protect them, and they would make them a house and land as well as pay them tribute.

The group declined the tributes, but they gladly agreed to protect the place in exchange for a place to call home.

And thus, the town was healing. Albeit slowly, it was regaining what it lost.


As Siri, Rayle, Argos, Sally and Shin walked the streets, a lot of people greeted them as they cheered for the group that relentlessly protected their town. They would step aside to give way for their heroes, and some even shouted their confessions publicly. From a distance, of course.

Even though it had already been a year, some of the group still felt awkward with the scene everytime they came back. Like Shin, although he was playing it cool, his nervousness inside his head was something that threatened to leak.

As for the rest of the group's reaction, Rayle was waving his hands as he would occasionally blow kisses to some of the fair ladies, Sally was all smiles but was also nervous inside, and Argos was indifferent. He just walked at his own pace, but the stoic expression he had enraptured the ladies hearts.

Still, they continued to walk, to the place they called home.


"Ah! Welcome back, Everyone!" A little girl greeted them the moment they arrived inside their spacious house.

She had wavy golden hair as she looked no younger or older than 12. Every clueless person who saw her would undoubtedly assume so, but the inhabitants of the house knew better, as they had celebrated her 9th birthday not too long ago.

It was Ludivine. She also had azure coloured eyes that resembled the ocean as her delicate childish face was filled with innocence. She looked like a powerless child at first glance, but she was a merciless mage during combat as she had seen and known better than hesitate and pity the monsters who ate her parents a year ago.

The group greeted Ludivine back while Siri ran to hug the adorable child.

"We're back. Were you lonely?"

"A bit."

"I see. Then we gotta huddle lots and lots again today." Said Siri. She was treating Ludivine like a daughter rather than a sister, but it seemed that Ludivine herself didn't mind.

Not long after, a young woman with light brown hair came as she greeted the group. "Welcome back. Any injuries?" She then asked.

It was Lina, who had now grown into a beautiful woman with saintly disposition. Her dark brown eyes held gentle illusory radiance as her much more mature visage had grown in the past year.

Siri shook her head at Lina question. "No. It was only a Four-Armed Demon. Rayle had grown stronger than last time, so he was able to land a crippling blow as Sally restrained the monster. It was then finished of by Shin."

"I see." Lina said. "Then how about taking a rest for now? I'm sure you're tired." She then asked.

"Nah, I don't think we're as tired as you think. At the very least I still have energy for ten more fights." Said Rayle.

Siri ignored Rayle as she then asked. "Where's Lancell?"

Lina smiled and answered. "He left awhile ago. He said he had errands. Important ones."

Siri sighed as she grumbled. "Is it one of his mysterious trips where he suddenly comes back way stronger than before?" She sounded frustrated.

Lina made a wry smile as she said. "I don't know anything about the trip, but what you said is likely. Anyway, come inside now. I cooked something for lunch."


The group ate their lunch in peace as they occasionally made jokes to entertain themselves. The topic would sometimes shift into Siri's love life, Rayle's intellect, Sally's fashion sense, and any mundane subjects that helped them relax and forget the battlefield even for a while.

"Hey, Lina. Do you really have no idea about where Lancell gets his information every single time? I've never seen him interact with anyone else after all." Sally asked Lina.

"...Yeah...Me too..." Shin added. Everyone then looked at Lina with interest as she might say something this time but...

"Like I said, I really don't have any idea. I don't even see him talk to anyone." Lina answered.

"Come on! He's got to have something on you, right? I mean, that time we pleaded him to save us, he said he'd only take you." Rayle spoke with an accusation.

Lina's cheeks turned red as she then explained. "Like I said, it's not like that!"

"Then why would he save you? Give it up girl, Lancell's not here. You can't avoid the topic further." Sally said with a grin.

Lina made a reluctant face, but seeing the faces of her 'family', she finally admitted the truth of the matter. "Lancell said..." she said as she then paused and continued.

"...it was his mother's request."


"Yes, his mother is ali—"

"What lame excuse! Even I wouldn't use an obviously fake reasoning like that!" Rayle said.

"Yeah...Even I think that was a bit too much." Argos agreed with Rayle.

"...Didn't know...master was...this bad at love..." Shin added to the fray.

Lina's face was practically as red as an apple, and she wanted to defend herself, even though she didn't know from what exactly, she tried to speak but before she could, a voice came from behind them as it spoke in a sour mood.

"And what exactly are you talking about, idiots." The voice said, irritation and displeasure clearly conveyed in the tone.

Everyone's faces paled as they turned around, only to see a blond haired young man. His greenish blue eyes carried faint killing intent as he stood at the height of 175cm as his handsome face was twisted in displeasure.

Beside him was a young girl with long blond hair that shone the same colour as the young man, and her pure white skin, had a pinky blush into it, and her flawlessly delicate face was shown for the world to behold, while her long white royal gown was untainted with any other colour as it gently fluttered in the air despite the lack of wind.

It was Lancell, and his trusted partner Arkenvalle.

They had grown incomparably stronger the past year, and they had just returned.

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