78.94% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 30: Operation Beifong

章節 30: Operation Beifong

When Korra jumped off the Bison on the island, she was greeted by Naga. She didn't look happy though, none of them did.

Kuvira had taken over Zaofu and had captured Kota because he stayed behind to grab the others.

"Korra?" Tenzin, Pema, Bumi, Mako, and Asami who had Harumi in her arms walked to her. They all gave her a group hug, but then noticed the saddened expression on her face.

"What happened, where's Kota?" Tenzin asked, looking around for his oldest son.

Korra couldn't look at them as she looked at Asami with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, but Kota stayed behind to protect all of us and Kuvira captured him."

"How?" Asami was in shock as she found out about this.

"There were too many mecha tanks going at him and he couldn't last longer than already had which was really long." Korra said.

Asami started to tear up and cover her mouth as she found out her husband was captured.

Korra and Mako were standing together while Asami was with Tenzin and Lin. Mako and Korra who was now in a new outfit was sitting next to him.

"I like the hair," Mako said, "looks good on you."

Korra snapped out of her thoughts and started to blush as she fiddled with it. "Thanks, you look great as well."

The two looked to see Asami who was now approaching them with Harumi in their arms.

"Asami, I'm really sorry about Kota," Korra said.

"It's not your fault," Asami said. "Lin is going to devise a plan to get him back." She said this as she was rocking the baby in her arms.

Korra couldn't help, but smile at the baby. Asami saw this and handed Korra the baby who started to say random gibberish at Korra.

"Hey there, Harumi," Korra said. "I'm Aunt Korra, Mommy and Daddy's friend."

They all were smiling until they heard an obnoxious voice call out for them.

"Mako!" Prince Wu called while passing by them, "The world leaders and I are going to a meeting."

Mako sighed and got up, "Sorry guys, I have a job to do."

"Do you have to stay by him?" Korra asked.

"No, just around the general vicinity," Mako said, "I'll see you guys soon."

"Arghhhhhhh!" Kota was screaming in pain as he was being tortured by one of Kuvira's men. He had been shocked, cut, and stabbed throughout the time he was held prisoner. He was currently being shocked as he was screaming his lungs out. When they stopped, Kuvira approached the older earthbender. Kuvira lifted his chin and looked at his tired face which was filled with anger and hate for Kuvira.

"You're quite tenacious, Kota," Kuvira said. "I've always looked up to you when we were kids."

"Piss… off…" Kota said.

Kuvira gave him a smug smile and let go of his chin, she looked at the two guards and nodded at them. When she left, the two guards then proceeded to shock Kota. As Kuvira was hearing Kota's screams, she couldn't help but smile at taking out a threat as big as the Avatar.

Suyin, Baatar, Huan, Wing, and Wei in a suspended prison and were able hear the screams of Kota and were mortified at their family member being tortured relentlessly. After a few hours of hearing his screaming, the guards brought the unconscious Kota to the same cell Suyin was in. Suyin and the family were in shock as they saw how charred his body was.

In the Republic City Council Building, the world leaders were having a meeting for what they should do regarding the Kuvira situation.

"I say we deal with this Kuvira situation, immediately!" Raiko said.

"Yes!" Prince Wu said, "Agreed. I know just how to get rid of her. We tell her she won an all expense paid vacation to a tropical island, then when she gets there we reveal it was a trap the island's a prison. BOOM got her!"

Tenzin with Lin standing behind him was sitting across from Wu raised an eyebrow, which made the Prince rethink his strategy.

"Or we march in with highly trained badgermoles," Wu said.

The rest of the leaders narrowed their eyes and Wu shrunk down in sadness. "Do we know if she has any allergies?" Wu asked.

"Look, I think we all know what must be done," Raiko said. "We take the fight to her."

Tenzin stroked his beard, "I don't think attacking is the right move. Since she hasn't done anything aggressive toward the United Republic." Tenzin said.

"Not yet," Lin said, "but Kuvira can't be trusted. She told us that she was going to turn over power and she didn't. I'm with Raiko, I saw we go on the offensive and start by retaking Zaofu."

The door opened and everyone turned their attention to Korra and Opal who were inspecting some spirit vines. "President Raiko I'm sorry to interrupt, but— what's going on here?" Korra asked.

"Oh hey Avatar Korra," Prince Wu said, "Prince Wu. We're just kickin' it world leaders-style trying to figure out what to do about Kuvira."

Korra narrowed her eyes at the leaders, "You invited him to talk about Kuvira but not me?!"

"Please Korra," Tenzin was trying to be reasonable, "it's not personal. We just thought perhaps we called you into action a little too soon."

"Again, him, not me?" She asked, referring to Wu.

"Korra we're in the middle of a meeting," Raiko said, "we can't just have people barge in whenever we want!"

"Guys!" a voice called out. Everyone looked back to see Bolin and Varrick running to them, "Oh perfect you're all here!" Bolin said panting.

"Bolin?!" Mako and Opal said together. While Korra was happy to see Bolin, Raiko was not. "What are you doing here?!" Raik said. "Guards, remove these traitors!"

As the guards proceeded to remove Bolin and Varrick, Bolin started to scream out, "No! We escaped Kuvira's army. We're back on your side now! We have top secret information for you!"

When Raiko heard that, he motioned for the guards to let go of the two former Kuvira troops. "Listen to me, Kuvira is making something that goes 'BA-BOOM! AHHH!' I don't know how it works, but it has this…" before Bolin could continue, Varrick stepped in to explain.

"It's a super weapon." Varrick said, "Like a regular weapon only supre."

"Let me guess," Korra said, "It has something to do with spirit vines."

"Yes, how did you know?" Varrick asked.

"I saw a vision of her taking spirit vines from the swamp," Korra said.

"If she figures out how to harness their power we are all doomed," Varrick said.

"She might use the weapon to attack Republic City," Raiko said, "the only way to protect ourselves is with a preemptive strike!"

"My airbenders will not be a part of an unprovoked attack!" Tenzin said.

"Neither will the fire nation," a female fire lord said.

"But Fire Lord Izumi," Raiko started, "Kuvira is a threat to the world! She has to be stopped!"

"The Fire Nation has spent too much of its history fighting nonsense wars!" Izumi said sternly, "And I refuse to drag my nation into another one unless there is no other choice. If you attack Kuvira, you will do it without my army."

"Fine," Raiko relented. "I'll hold off any plans of attack. We'll go on the defensive and fortify security on the borders."

"In that you'll have my help," Izumi said.

When everyone left the building, Opal was the first to get out. Bolin came running for her, "Opal wait! Please I just want to say that I'm sorry for… everything."

"I'm glad you're okay, but it's a little late for sorry," Opal said.

"I know, I know, I didn't listen to you and I sided with Kuvira and I helped her take over the Earth Kingdom and top of your home and get your Mom captured and your brothers and your Dad and your cousin… wow it sounds really bad when I say it like that, but I'm gonna make it up to you." Bolin said.

Lin cleared her throat as she walked out and saw Opal and Bolin talking.

"Pardon me lovebirds," Lin interjected, "but I need a word with Opal." Opal and Lin were walking together, but the Police Chief saw Bolin coming with time so Lin stopped him, "Privately."

As Bolin stayed back, Lin and Opal were talking a few feet away from him. "I'm sorry, Opal. But, Raiko couldn't convince the other World Leaders to attack Kuvira."

"So our family…" Opal started.

"Looks like we have to save them ourselves," Lin said with a hint of sadness.

"Don't you think some other people would agree to go with us?" Opal said.

"This is an unsanctioned and dangerous mission into enemy territory," Lin said. "We can't ask other people to risk their necks for our family, if we want to break them out, we have to do it alone."

In the president's office, Raiko had asked for Varrick and Asami to come over.

"Thank you both for coming." Raiko said.

"It's nice to be back with open arms," Varrick said.

Raiko rubbed his temples and shook his head. "Actually I brought you here out of necessity," Raiko said. "It's no secret I never liked you, especially after you tried to have me kidnapped."

"Allegedly," Varrick corrected.

"Right," Asami said. She snapped at Varrick who began to reel back in fright. "Everything you do is ALLEGEDLY. Like when you try to take over my company and bomb the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center! Not only that your former boss Kuvira, captured my husband!"

"I owned that building," Varrick was quick to defend himself, "a man has the right to blow up his own property and to be fair, I didn't know Kuvira captured your husband, honest!"

"Please," Raiko said, "Right now, I need you to put aside your differences. If Kuvira really is creating a super weapon, we're going to need the two brightest minds in the city working together to stop it."

"Whaddya say Asami?" Varrick asked, "Partners again?" He stuck his hand out for Asami to shake.

"Fine I'll help," Asami relented. "But don't think about double crossing me again."

Varrick nodded after they stopped shaking hands, Varrick remembered something, "I heard from Bolin that you and Kota have a daughter together, a baby right? I've always had a soft spot for babies. When can I meet her?"

"Never," Asami said while turning to walk away.

A freshly changed Bolin was walking around to see where Opal was and saw that she and Lin were packing things up on her bison. "Where are you going?" Bolin asked.

"We've got some family business to take care of," Opal said.

Bolin paused and then spoke out his mind, "Alright listen before you go I just want to tell you that I understand how you feel. I know there's nothing I can do or no big gesture that can make up for all my mistakes, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying to win you back because… I love you."

Opal blushed and looked away, "Thanks for saying all that."

After a moment of silence, Bolin looked down in sadness and started to walk away, but Opal stopped him.

"You know, there is a way to win me back."

Bolin was quick to this, "What is it, yes I'll do anything."

"Come on a secret mission with us," Opal said.

"Where to?" Bolin asked.

"Zaofu," Opal said, "we're going to rescue Kota and my family."

Bolin looked at Opal and nodded. Lin was looking at the scene and sighed, "If you don't mind, we have to get going and get Kota and the others, so let's get going."

The Opal's snotty bison landed on a cliff that had a birdeye's view of Zaofu as they got off, Bolin couldn't help but get excited.

"Alright let's do this!" he said, "Saving the Beifongs and saving our love, because I vow to repair the rift that has grown between us and make us whole again!"

Opal just stared at Bolin with an impervious look as Lin walked between them.

"You zip it, now!" Lin scolded at Bolin, "I had enough of your babble on the ride in."

"Yes ma'am." Bolin meekly said.

They all noticed that Zaofu had taken down their metal domes.

"Kuvira tore down all the domes," Opal said, "Why would she do that?"

Lin took out a telescope to see the area and noticed there were troops, "She's got a whole battalion of troops stationed there. There's no way we would be able to spot anything useful from here," Lin said. "We'll have to go in for a closer look."

"Don't bother," a voice said. "All the prisoners have been moved."

The three looked back to see Toph coming out of the trees. Lin stood up, "Uhh hey Chief."

"Hey Chief," Toph said back.

Opal ran to hug Toph, "Grandma!"

"You were only up to my waist the last time we were together," Toph said.

"Oh man," Bolin started to fanboy and Lin just facepalmed at Bolin's childishness.

"What, you have to pee or something?" Toph asked.

"No," Bolin said, "Well now, maybe. You're my hero, my name is Bolin, I'm dating your granddaughter, I mean kind of, I may have screwed that up, but that's why I'm here, you're my hero! Oh, I said that… may I have a hug too?"

"What's up with him?" Toph asked.

"He's an actor," Lin said. "So, you've checked the city for Su and Kota, how did you know they were captured."

"I have been living in the swamp and kept eyes on Zaofu through the vine," Toph said. "Also Kota told Korra about it and last I heard they went to Zaofu."

"Well, the Avatar is back in the city," Lin said.

"By the time I got here they were gone," Toph said, "I snooped around town and were taken away to some prison camp."

Opal looked at Bolin,"Where would that be?"

"There's a factory in a re-education facility not too far away," Bolin said.

"How do you know that?" Toph asked.

"Bolin used to work for Kuvira," Opal said.

"How did you find a dipshit who works for Kuvira?" Toph said.

"Used to," Bolin corrected.

"It's not a silver tongue," Lin said. "I'll tell you that."

"Please tell me that this attitude isn't hereditary to all the females," Bolin said.

As they flew around the factory, Bolin asked Lin and Toph a question. "So, how long has it been since you two have seen each other?"

"A little while now," Toph said, "Couple of years."

"Try 20," Lin said.

"Ugh, time flies when you get to be my age," Toph said, "surely you've felt it Lin, since you're a grandma now. Also I'm surprised you came to also save Su, I thought you would be here just for Kota."

"Su and I finally worked out our old grievances," Lin said.

"Good," Toph laid back, "glad we could put it all behind us."

"Right," Lin said with silent bitterness, "'we.'"

When the Bison landed near the factory, the four ran and snuck in. Toph used metalbending to open a wall and close it behind them. They looked around the room they were in and Bolin was stunned, "Woah, that's one big thing."

Toph stomped her foot and used Seismic Sense. "I think I knew where they are. Feel that cavern a few stories down? It seems empty, but it's guarded by an awful amount of mech."

Lin then used Seismic Sense as well. "Right, why would you need soldiers guarding an empty cavern? They must have them in some kind of suspended prison so they can't use their earthbending."

They all heard the door and Bolin looked at them, "Someone's coming, hide!"

They all took cover and saw Kuvira looking at the weapon.

"I didn't expect you to come until tomorrow," Batarr Jr. said.

"I just wanted to check in to make sure everything was on track," Kuvira said. "It looks wonderful."

"We've had a few minor functions," Baatar Jr. said, "but we should be ready for the test tomorrow."

The four saw Kuvira looking at Zhu Li, "You've been working on this the entire time Zhu Li. What do you think the problem is?"

"It's a very complex machine," Zhu Li said, "there are bound to be some bugs to work out."

"But you're doing everything to fix those, correct?" Kuvira asked.

"Of course, your eminence," Zhu Li said.

"She's lying," Toph said. It made Bolin happy, knowing that she was on their side.

"Tell everyone to come to the demonstration tomorrow," Kuvira said, "I want them to witness this incredible new weapon in action."

Bolin, Toph, Opal, and Lin were now outside the factory and were discussing plans, but Bolin was the only one to stare out at the factory.

"We should be thinking of a way to take out Kuvira while we have the chance," Opal said.

Bolin looked back at the group and approached them, "Or at least destroy the cannon. If she takes that to Republic City it could obliterate everything."

"I didn't come to fight with Kuvira or destroy a cannon," Toph clarified, "I'm here to save my family! It will take everything we have just to get out alive."

Bolin was now pondering, "Hmmm, Kuvira wants everyone to see the weapon test tomorrow. So the factory will be mostly empty then, that's our best chance to sneak in and free everyone without being spotted."

"Good thinking Bolin," Opal said.

"Thanks," Bolin said, rubbing his head, "Kinda have a headache now."

It was now night and Bolin was asking Toph about metalbending.

"So let me ask about Metalbending, Su tried to teach me, but I couldn't get the hang of it," Bolin said, "Kota has been teaching me advanced Earthbending techniques, but that's it."

"I used to have an academy to train Metalbending. Even blockheads like you can figure it out with the right instruction," Toph said.

"Yeah," Lin said. "You're a real sensitive instructor, good thing I taught my son how to metalbend differently than the way you had us train."

"I did learn how to lavabend," Bolin said.

"Really," Toph said in an impressed tone, "it's an incredibly rare ability, maybe you do have some talent."

"I can't believe you think I'm talented," Bolin said. "That means so much to me coming from my hero."

"Yeah, she's REAL encouraging." Lin said with sarcasm.

"Hey! I'm blind, not deaf," Toph said.

"So here's been something I've been curious about," Bolin interjected, "who's Lin's Dad?"

Lin looked back with a livid expression that resembled Kota's whenever he got angry which was rare.

"He was a guy named Kanto," Toph said, "nice man, but it didn't really work out between us. Just like Lin's and Tenzin's relationship."

Bolin didn't say anything and Toph was able to hear Lin's angry breathing. "Lin, I can hear your enraged breathing from here. Just say what you have to say and let's get it over with."

"Just get it over with?" Lin asked, "Yeah let's not linger on the fact I grew up with a father. No need to get all touchy feely about it, just one of those things right?"

"Hey!" Toph said, "I forgave you for all your garbage a long time ago and Su and I worked things out. You're the only one who wants to hold on to this family drama nonsense for the rest of your life."

"Forgave me for what?" Lin shot back, "And not knowing my Dad is nonsense to you? It was pretty important to me! I let my son get to know his father and even if his father wasn't Tenzin, I would have made an effort. You know, after I first patched things up with Tenzin and then with Su I thought, 'Maybe I should try to reach out to mom' but now we're together again, I remember why we stopped talking. You make me furious! And you don't even know why and when I tell you, you don't care! Once we save Su and my son, we're finished!"

Toph took a deep breath. "If that's your decision and it makes you happy then fine."

Kota was in the suspended prison that Suyin, Bataar Sr, Huan, Wing, and Wei were in. He was so tired and was aching so much everywhere. He was resting after an extraneous toture session from Kuvira's men and couldn't get up without hurting and suddenly woke up when they were swinging. He got up, but was hissing in pain. He was shirtless and you would be able to see burn marks, scars, cuts and bruised all over his body. Suyin helped Kota up and they saw Lin who was inside the prison now. She looked at her now beaten son and hugged him as he hugged her back, after the two separated from their hug, Lin put her hands on her son's cheek and massaged the deep eyebags he had.

"We'll get you out one at a time," Lin said. "Come on."

Lin picked up her son and got out through the opening, she wrapped a cable around him and swung down to throw him into a whole where Bolin and Toph were. When Bolin caught him, Kota weakly looked up at Bolin with a tired smile, "Thanks."

After they all were out, the alarm was raised and they got out of the tunnel. Opal came to them and blew her bison whistle for her bison to come to them.

"Let's move," Lin said.

"Kuvria caught Zhu Li and threw her into the town," Opal said to Bolin.

"What? No I have to go save her," Bolin said.

"Bolin don't," Kota said weakly, he stumbled and Wing was quick to help him up, "you will die, Kuvira's onto us."

"We've been through too much together, I can't leave her," Bolin said. "Toph you said Zhu Li was lying about fixing the cannon, she must have been trying to stop it."

"For all you know she could have been just covering her butt because she made a mistake," Toph said.

"No! Zhu Li doesn't make mistakes," Bolin said. "You guys leave, if we make it out we'll get to the city somehow."

"Bolin, no!" Opal called out. She heard her bison coming and sat on the neck, "You guys get out of here, I have to go with Bolin."

As Opal left, Suyin looked at Lin. "Could be our best chance to stop Kuvira."

"Maybe take out that weapon," Lin said.

"We can't let Opal be the coolest," Wing said.

"If you all want to get yourselves captured again or worse, that's your business," Toph said. "I'm through."

Suyin put a hand on Toph, "Watch out for Bataar Sr, Huan, and Kota."

When the others ran, Batar was sitting next to Huan on his right and Kota on his left.

"So how have you been Mother?" Bataar asked.

"I told you never to call me that," Toph said, "Only Tenzin is allowed."

"Guys look," Kota said.

Bataar and Huan looked and saw a purple beam of energy shooting out of the cannon. "That's not good." Kota said.

Later they see Opal' bison which also had Bolin and now Zhu Li come down to them and Huan and Bataar get on, Toph uses earthbending to help her and the weak Kota get on. When they flew over to where Lin and the other three were, they saw that they were surrounded by Kuvira's troops and mecha tanks, so Toph jumped down and used earthbending to take out the tanks and the troops.

Kuvira looked ahead and saw Toph, "You give metalbenders a bad name!"

They later arrived at a bamboo forest, "Thanks for coming to save us Mom." Suyin said.

"Yeah thanks, Chief," Lin said. "I'm sorry for what I said last night, I was just… you know."

"Look I wasn't a great mother," Toph said. "But one way or another, I ended up with two great kids good enough to risk my bony old butt for anyway. If you can just find some way not to hate me, maybe that's enough at least for me."

Lin approached Toph and gave her a hug, "Me too."

The now bandaged Kota looked at the scene and started to smile, hoping that thing between his mother and grandmother would now be better.

After the hug with Lin, Toph later saw Kota and gave him a smile, "I hope to one day meet your wife and baby, it's sad to know that she'll never get to meet her great grandfather." Kota nodded as the two got in for a hug. "Now, be safe when you all ride back to the city."

"Will do." She later walked off with a smile.

"I want to thank you for coming back to save me," Zhu Li said, "and don't be too hard on Bolin for working with Kuvira, his heart was in the right place."

"I think Bolin has worked his way out of the polar bear dog house," Opal said before kissing Bolin on the cheek.

"Yes! AHA!" Bolin was now ecstatic, but Zhu Li spoke up. "We should get going. I'm afraid I have bad news to deliver to Republic City."

Kota's eyes narrowed, "Is Kuvira going to—"

"She is," Zhu Li said to Kota. "In two weeks."

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