87.8% Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed) / Chapter 72: Persephone & Zeus I

章節 72: Persephone & Zeus I

Zeus opened his eyes and looked up to see a wooden ceiling. He slowly sat up and looked at his body before smiling wryly. He was covered in bandages head to toe, must be Chopper's work. He looked to right right and his eyes trembled, he reached out and gently pulled Persephone and Bonney into his embrace.

They didn't look so good.

Zeus pulled their sleeping bodies close to him and squeezed them slightly as he laid back down. He looked at them and kissed Bonney on the forehead before kissing Persephone the same. He paused for a second and looked at Persephone while stroking her hair softly.

He remembered the first day he met her at the park, a long, long, time ago. Zeus looked at the ceiling in a daze, falling into his old memories.


A few days after the park

Zeus went to school with his backpack. He lifted his collar, covering the bruise on his neck, as he walked into the classroom.

He was nervous. He had just moved here not too long ago and this was his first day at the new school. The teacher introduced him to the class and Zeus stood next to her and bowed saying "Um, Hi. I'm Zeus!" before going to sit in the only empty seat.

He sat down and looked next to him, there was a girl looking at him fiercely. He tightened his brows, wasn't this the girl from the park?

Sure enough

Persephone said "You're Zeus!" Zeus nodded and said "You're the girl from the park." Persephone smiled and said "Yep! That's me! Wanna play at recess?" Zeus scratched his cheek and said "Okay." Persephone smiled and class started.

A while later

Zeus and Persephone were playing tag outside, when someone tripped Zeus.

Zeus fell to the ground and scrapped his knee. Persephone ran over and said "Are you okay?!" she turned to the kid who tripped him and said "What's your problem?!" Zeus looked at his knee and said nothing, it really didn't hurt at all, after all he had much worse..

He looked up and his eyes flashed a cold light, just because it didn't hurt, it didn't mean that he was going to let it go.

The kid sneered "Nothing. He just has a stupid name!" Zeus got angry and said "You have a stupid name!" the kid gasped and said angrily "What did you say to me?!" and kicked at Zeus.

Zeus caught his ankle and pulled it up, causing the kid to fall and bang his head on the ground. The kid started crying and Zeus stood up, grabbed Persephone's hand and ran away. He couldn't get in trouble, not after what happened last time.

Persephone was in a daze, that was the biggest fight she had ever seen! She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her from that near death experience! Later she would tell her friends she almost died then, if not for Zeus saving the day!

Needless to say, the other kid was practically the spawn of Satan from Persephone's mouth.

Persephone looked at her hand and let go saying "Idiot! What if I get pregnant?!" Zeus was confused and said "Are you stupid? You have to kiss to get pregnant." he shook his head as if he knew everything.

Persephone gasped and said "You do?!" Zeus nodded and said seriously "That's why I can't kiss any girls or else my father will.." he caught his words and changed the subject by touching Persephone and saying "You're it!" and running away.

Persephone gasped and said "You!" before running after him.

The incident didn't end without consequence and later Zeus was called to the principal's office.

Zeus walked in and saw the kid, who tripped him along with his mother and Zeus' father, sitting in the chairs.

Zeus trembled and sat next to his father looking down to the ground in fear. The principal didn't notice and said "Zeus, your first day and already an incident? This isn't your old school, you must conduct yourself accordingly here. I've already heard the story, considering you apologize to Josh, I will let you off with a warning."

Zeus was stunned and looked up saying "But he was the one wh-" Zeus father shoved his head down and said "Of course, he'll apologize. Right Zeus?" Zeus trembled and said "I'm sorry."

Josh sneered and the principal nodded before saying "Go home for the day and start fresh tomorrow." Zeus' father thanked the principal and dragged Zeus out of the school to the car.

Persephone watched from the window.

Zeus' father tightened his grip and abruptly pulled Zeus towards him as he said "Seems like you didn't understand my warning this morning?" Zeus cried "He started it! He kicked at me, I just defended myself!"

Zeus' father slapped him and said "So? I said no incidents! I'll make you understand what that means when we get home! Not only did you make a mess that I had to clean up, I even had to come from work! Next time I have to come here because of you, you won't eat for a week, do you believe it?!"

Zeus nodded tearfully "Believe." Zeus' father said "Good." and opened the car door before throwing him inside and driving off.

The next day

Zeus wore a hoodie to school and sat in his seat. Persephone looked over and said "Hey! That Josh is a big bully don't worry about him!" Zeus nodded and Persephone frowned, she reached out her hand and said "Are you oka-" Zeus slapped her hand away and said "I'm fine!"

Persephone was startled and Zeus said "Sorry. I'm tired.." Persephone nodded and said "Do you want to play at recess today?" Zeus smiled a bit and nodded.

Years passed

Zeus was going to highschool now, he and Persephone were still going to the same school.

Zeus was walking down a hallway. The beatings had gotten worse and most days he had severe bruises, but that wasn't the issue. The issue was he was getting more violent himself and mimicking his father's actions to others.

That wasn't good.

Zeus saw Persephone looking distressed as a guy was aggressively pinning her against a locker.

The kid grinned and said "Come on Persephone, just be my girlfriend! It's better than hanging out with that loser all day!" his face inched closer to hers and Persephone held her books to her chest as her back as pressed against the lockers, when had she ever faced such a situation? Never was the answer. She didn't know how to react and just shook her head.

The kid said "You can't deny me!" he reached out and was about to touch her chin but his head was grabbed and pulled back before getting his face slammed into the locker, right next to Persephone's head.

Zeus stood behind him and pulled Persephone out, bringing her behind him as he sneered "Fuck off. The next time I see you harassing her, I'll break your legs, do you believe it?" the kid spat out a tooth and said "You sure you want to do this today?"

Zeus became ice-cold as he said "Seems like you didn't understand my warning. Let me make it clear for you." he upper cut the kid in the stomach and grabbed his head before kneeing him in the face and saying "Do not touch her!"

The kid fell to the ground and Zeus was going to continue, but Persephone grabbed his shirt and said quietly "Zeus, enough. People are coming." Zeus looked over and saw people were walking this way. He grabbed Persephone's hand and hid in an empty classroom.

Zeus sat on a desk and shook his fist as he smiled softly at Persephone saying "Are you okay?" Persephone walked in front of Zeus and said softly "Show me." Zeus played the fool and said "Nothing happened!"

Persephone frowned and lifted his shirt herself, she saw a bunch of bruises all over his torso and snapped "Why don't you do anything?! You beat up everybody here! Why don't you fight back against him!"

Zeus pulled down his shirt, secretly letting out a breath of relief that she didn't take it off as he said "It only gets worse if I fight back, you know that." Persephone teared up and said "But I'm worried about you! My superman is always hurt, I-"

Zeus cupped her cheeks and grinned "Nothing can hurt superman." as he wiped the tears from her eyes. Persephone pouted and looked into his eyes, Zeus felt his heartbeat increase as he looked at her and he said "Persephone, I-" the door opened and a girl walked in.

The girl saw Zeus and Persephone and snorted "Persephone, let's go." she sneered at Zeus and dragged Persephone away saying "You shouldn't hang out with him anymore! That guy Troy likes you but he seems to have been hurt today. I hope he's alright."

Persephone looked back at Zeus and Zeus smiled before waving. Persephone sighed and waved with a smile before she disappeared.

The day passed and school was over.

Zeus and Persephone were walking together and Zeus said "Can I come over?" Persephone brightened up and said "Okay! My mom is going to be so happy! She asked about you the other day."

Zeus smiled and said "Yeah?" Persephone nodded before turning a bit red as she said "She's always asking if we're together.." Zeus blushed a bit and asked "What did you say?"

Persephone was silent before saying "I just ignored her." but she mumbled right after "After I said yes..." Zeus grabbed her hand and said "I hope she doesn't ask me. Talk about being put on the spot.."

Persephone giggled and smiled warmly as they went to her house.

Zeus walked inside and took off his shoes as Persephone's mother looked over and said "Zeus! Ahh, my little son-in-law is here!" Persephone said "Mom!" Zeus blushed and smiled as he said "Hello, Aunty. How are you?"

Persephone's mother grinned and said "Great! How was school?" Zeus grinned and said "Good." Persephone rolled her eyes, other than beating people up, this guy only sleeps in class. It was fine because somehow without studying or anything he always got top marks, she was in one of his classes and she swore that he slept probably 90% of the time but when he got called up to answer a question, he answered perfectly before going back to sleep.

He was never called on again and the teacher just left him alone. Even the teacher couldn't explain it, it's like he was sleep-learning or something.

Persephone was, in her own words, 'super jelly' of him. She had to study all the time to get the same marks as he did, when she asked Zeus he just said "I'm just lucky~" with a stupid mysterious smile.

After speaking with Persephone's mom, the duo went to Persephone's room.

Zeus sprawled out on the bed and groaned in comfort. He was on his stomach and his shirt slid up, Persephone looked over and saw a bit of purple peeking out on his back.

She frowned and jumped on him before lifting his shirt and looking at his back, she was immediately enraged and she said angrily "Why didn't you tell me before?!" His back was covered in welts, cuts, and bruises.

Zeus smiled wryly and said "I forgot?" Persephone pressed on a welt and Zeus hissed in pain, Persephone said angrily "You have to tell me!" Zeus said quickly "Okay! Okay!" Persephone lifted her finger and nodded before saying "Stay here!" before running out of the room and coming back with a clear jar.

Zeus looked over and said "Wha-" Persephone snorted proudly "My secret concoction!" Zeus shivered and said "Woah, would you look at that! It doesn't hurt anymore! Wow!" Persephone felt a vein pop on her forehead as she said "Stay still!" before pouncing on him.

After a struggle

Zeus was on his stomach and Persephone smeared her 'secret concoction' on his wounds. Zeus hissed and said "Doc, it hurts more than before!" Persephone chided "Shush! I'm working!" Zeus smiled wryly and Persephone said "Flip!"

Zeus knew he heard wrong and said "Strip?" Persephone said angrily with a giggle "I said flip! Not strip! You big pervert!" Zeus chuckled and flipped over, Persephone lifted his shirt and carefully smeared her stuff on his chest, but it was different this time.

Her movements were slow and gentle, also as if caressing a treasure afraid to break it. Zeus watched her in a daze, she was so beautiful at the moment. Kind and caring, diligently taking care of him.

Persephone was also absentminded and ran her fingers on his muscles.

Zeus said softly "Persephone." she looked up and Zeus sat up.

He inched his face closer and stayed silent, the two stared at each other's eyes and their lips touched. Zeus wrapped his arms around her waist and Persephone closed her eyes, dropping the cream from her hand as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Zeus fell backwards and kissed Persephone, letting her feel his emotions for her. Persephone was lost in the kiss but felt what he meant and responded with her own.

Their lips separated and they stared at each other, in a daze, before both their faces turned red and they got off each other.

The atmosphere was awkward and Zeus picked up the cream saying "So secret concoction eh?" Persephone burst into a fit of giggles, Zeus smiled embarrassingly and scratched his head. Persephone looked over and said "Won't I get pregnant now?"

Zeus laughed and hugged her saying "I don't know, hopefully not. The old man will beat my ass." Persephone giggled and leaned into his chest, Zeus stroked her hair and said softly "Persephone. For a long time, I-"

Persephone's mom walked in the room and said "What do you two want for- oh! Sorry!" she giggled and quickly left.

Zeus and Persephone were embarrassed, especially so when they heard Persephone's mother saying "John! It's happening!" another voice was heard "WHAT?! IT IS!?" and Persephone's mother again "YEAH!" two voices this time "Woo!"

Zeus burst out laughing and Persephone covered her face, the tips of her ears turning red. She elbowed Zeus and said "It's not funny!" Zeus curled up and held his stomach as he said "Who's the violent one again?"

Persephone giggled and said "Never fear! I still have my secret concoction! My superman will never have lasting wounds again!" Zeus chuckled and said "How does it work, O great doctor!"

Persephone pushed up her, non-existent, glasses and said "Well, let me tell you! You see, once this is smeared it is impossible to feel pain! Not only that! It makes the person smeared, the most handsome guy in the world!"

Zeus gasped and scooped a bunch before rubbing it on his face and saying "Am I handsome now?!" Persephone blinked before bursting out with laughter and saying "Of course! Even I cannot help but fall in love with you!"

Zeus froze and his hands trembled as he looked at Persephone, who still had her proud smile with her eyes closed, but her face was getting redder and redder by the second.

Zeus said shakily "D-Did.. Did you m-mean that?" Persephone nodded softly and Zeus abruptly pulled her towards him and kissed her fiercely before laughing and saying "Me too! Hahahah"

Persephone smiled widely and Zeus rubbed his face, coated in cream, on her face as he said "I love you, Persephone!" Persephone spit out the cream and smiled while saying "Alright big dummy, I get it! You're getting cream all over me!"

Zeus grinned and rubbed her more as he said "What was that? Rub more cream on me? If you say so!" Persephone giggled and said "Noooo! Opposite! Go back! Ahhhh!"

A week later

Zeus tapped on Persephone's shoulder from behind as she was putting something in her locker. He leaned over and whispered "Your handsome boyfriend is here~" Persephone looked around and said "Where!" Zeus clicked his tongue and said "He must've left. I'm superman, nice to meet you!"

Persephone giggled and slapped his chest, Zeus' face flinched briefly but he covered it up quickly. Not quick enough though, as Persephone spotted it and growled "Zeus. Did it happen again?" Zeus winced and said "Not that bad!"

Persephone grabbed a jar from her locker and slammed it shut before dragging Zeus off.

They went around a corner and Persephone said "Show me." Zeus lifted his shirt, revealing long thin lines of bruised skin. Persephone said angrily "What is that! A stick?! Show me your back, right now!"

Zeus struggled and Persephone narrowed her eyes before pulling it up herself, even more long thing bruises revealed themselves, along with cuts and old scars.

Persephone grit her teeth and rubbed the cream all over his body before walking away saying "I'm calling the police. I've had enough." Zeus caught up to her and grabbed her arm saying "Persephone, please don't! It's getting better! He'll stop soon! Just don't call anyone, please! I'm begging you."

Persephone turned around and saw his pleading expression, she teared up and said "Why don't you care about yourself?!" Zeus said "I'm used to it. I just want you to be happy, I'm happy when I'm with you. If you call the police and he finds out it's you, he might hurt you."

He caressed her cheek and said "I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you, just please trust me okay?" Persephone gave him a hard look and said "If it happens again, I will. Understand?"

Zeus nodded and smiled "Thank you." He kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand as he said "I'm coming over today okay?" Persephone nodded and smiled as they walked together to class.

A while later

Zeus and Persephone were in her room and Zeus grinned and said "Want to watch a show with me?" Persephone said "What is it?" Zeus coughed and turned his head as he said "It's an anime.." Persephone burst out laughing and Zeus blushed saying "It's cool!"

Persephone rolled her eyes and said "Fine~" Zeus cheered and turned on her computer before putting on One Piece. Persephone said "Wait, wait! You have to start from the beginning! I won't understand if you put it halfway!"

Zeus nodded and restarted it from episode one before Persephone snuggled into him and they watched together.

(Author's Note)

Part 1 of 2! I know it might be a little strange but bear with me~

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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