92.06% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 55: Goddess of Love

章節 55: Goddess of Love

A/N: Sorry for late update. I'm depressed, and I'm always tired, despite laying on my bed 24x7. I'm trying, but the chapters don't come to me that well anymore.


"So, let me get this straight. Your Divinity was the Sun, and because you 'thought' it was Sun and Light, your magic was fighting with itself? So when you officially took over the Light Realm, merged it with the Fire Realm, and then merged it with yourself, you turned it into Solheim?" Lorelai asks, looking at me in disbelief.

Hela had gone to her room by the start of my tale, leaving me with Lorelai, who was sitting on my lap, her head resting on my chest, and my arms around her hip.

I'd told her everything else, from Hogwarts, Avalon, and Lady Jord, to Phoenix and Solheim. Then, I'd also told her about Hela, but warned her not to mention her to anyone.

Nodding at her, I look at her weirdly and ask, "You believed me when I said I laid with the literal personification of the Phoenix Force, but me taking over a whole outer Realm is what you don't believe?"

Lorelai shrugs, and says, "I know you. If you said you fucked the Phoenix, you did. But, outer Realms are a bit hard to swallow."

Smiling, I ask, "Would you like to go there?"

Lorelai snuggles closer, and says, "Maybe some other time. I just got here, and I want to stay here, with you."

Looking down at her face, I kiss her cheek, and whisper, "I missed you, Lorelai."

Kissing my kips, Lorelai whispers, "And I you. Now, take me to your room. I haven't had sex in 400 years, and I'm horny."

That immediately makes me pause. I look at her, and telepathically confirm that she's Lorelai. Yup, she is. "You haven't had sex in 400 years?" I ask, disbelief in my voice.

She's Lorelai, she likes sex as much as I do! And even while missing Lorelai, I had 10 years of continuous sex with Phoenix, some 400 years ago, and then Selene, just 100 or so years ago.

Pouting, Lorelai gets up, and sits down on my lap, pressing against me. She says, "In the beginning, after I'd left Asgard, I tried. I tried to find someone to lay with, without any commitment. But.. 4 men, and 2 women later, I realized that I did not want any of them. Sure, it was fun, but.. it was not as much fun as it was with you. I wanted you."

Looking deep within my eyes, as I hold her hips, feeling touched, and emotional, she says, "I realized that I'd come to like you, in those years we'd been together."

"We did have a lot of fun, didn't we?" I ask, smiling at her.

Lorelai smiles back, and kisses my forehead. She says, "That we did. And that fun made it so that I couldn't feel it with anyone else. I even tried Contraxia whores, but still nothing. So, Baldur.. are you going to take me, or should I convince you some more?"

Standing up, taking her up with me, I whisper, "I'm taking you, alright. And then you'll tell me about your travels."

As she opens her mouth to answer, I kiss her to shut her up, and walk through the portal I'd made, right into the bedroom.


After having a very long reunion, all alone in my room, Lorelai began her tales.

She'd begun in Midgard, where she stayed for a few years. After that, she encountered a Kree team, kidnapping humans for experimentation, and decided to "help the mortals out."

While Amora is more Magically adept amongst the two, Lorelai was better at fighting. She was just a bit behind Sif, which was saying something. So, Lorelai knocked out the Kree within a few minutes, and then took over the ship so she can go anywhere.

She then freed the Midgardians, and took over the minds of the 4 Kree soldiers, and 2 scientists. Making them take the ship outside Supreme Intelligence's control, and remove the trackers, Lorelai took the memories of how to operate it out of their minds, and then killed them all.

That was progress, already. If it was the same Lorelai that tried to have Thor and Sif lay together with a potion, she would have simply used the Kree as slaves, and then taken over Hala too. Or at least tried to.

Then, Lorelei simply used the ship to roam around the galaxies, staying in different civilizations for a decade or so, before leaving. She's already lived amongst the Kree, Nova, Shi'ar, and even the Sovereign, simply by making everyone believe she was their citizen.

She was last on Xandar for 2 decades, before she decided to return home to Asgard. She stayed there for a decade, waiting to see if I would come, before Mother told her to find me on Midgard.

And now, she was on Avalon.

"So, what else happened with you while I was away?" Lorelai asks, as we're sleeping on my bed. It was still evening, as we'd met in the morning.

Humming, I tell her, "Alot. And we have time enough to share our tales. Are you staying here? Or will you go to Asgard?"

Looking up at me, with a surprisingly nervous look on her face, she says, "As of now, I'm staying with you. If you don't mind?"

Shaking my head, I reassure her, "No, I don't mind at all. You can stay in the castle. If you want, I can have the Elves prepare a room for you."

"Oh." Lorelai says, and drops her head back on my chest. She mumbles, "If you want."

We stay silent for a while, after that, as I keep my eyes open, and thumb her hair. After a minute or so of silence, I ask, "Hey, Lorelai?"

"Hm?" she hums.

Taking a risk, I ask, "Would you like to stay in my room itself?"

I feel her smiling on my chest, and she nods. She says, "I would like that, Baldur. I would like that."

"Alright." I say, smiling in return. I hug her, and bring her on top of me, making her yelp. Pinching her hip, I start our reunion again, and say, "Now, let me show you how much I missed you, Lorelei."

Kissing me, and moving her hips, she answers, "No. Let me."


A few days later, after I'd shown Sol and Omega to Lorelai, I was taking her to Solheim. While we did have lots of fun, and expressed how much we missed each other, a lot, she wanted to visit the Realm I was ruling.

Hela had gone back to Midgard, deciding to just roam around, and letting "the lovebirds have their fun", her words. I did warn her to not kill anyone, and not take off her necklace, as it also hid her from Heimdall.

Without any delay, once Lorelai was dressed up in her clothes, I focus on my connection to Solheim, and open a portal with a thought.

Making portals is really easy to get used to. After a hundredth or so time, it takes barely a wave of the hand for a Sorcerer to open the portal. This is especially true for Realm Lords.

While the Realm Lord Baldur can't open a portal directly to Avalon or Midgard, because of the wards that prevent the Realm Lords from getting into this Plane, I can do it with barely a thought. I'm a mortal.

On the other side of the portal, is the Realm of Solheim. Orange and yellow void, with a green moon sized Land floating in between. The Land was flat, like Asgard, but had two different islands on it.

It used to be just one single landmass, but it separated a few centuries ago. When Groot became a Solheim God, in fact.

"Wow! This is Solheim?" Lorelai whispers, looking through the portal.

Smiling at her, I say, "That's my realm. I'm the Skyfather of this Realm. Well, not this me, but a more powerful one."

"What do you mean?" Lorelai asks, frowning at me.

Shaking my head, I pull her through the portal, and float in the void after closing the portal. Picking her up, I slowly fly towards Groot's land. Groot's land was a few miles wide. The adult Groot, when he died, had turned into a giant tree, using the Sol Energy to grow bigger than it was possible.

By my estimation, it was close to half a mile long, and a few hundred feet wide. Groot, the God of Nature, stayed in a house he'd built right under the tree. It reminds me of Naruto, to be honest.

Flying towards the tree, I answer Lorelai, "When I became the Realm Lord, I'd left my body back in the mortal world, and only brought my Astral self here. Since Realm Gods are not allowed to interfere in the Mortal world, much, my Realm God self decided to turn my body, this body, into an Avatar of his."

Lorelai frowns a bit, and sadly asks, "So you're not the real Baldur?"

Pinching her ass, as I was still holding her in a bridal style, I glare at her softly, and correct her, "I'm still the same Baldur you knew, and I'm more. My other self separated a fraction of his power, and transferred it to the body I'd left behind on Avalon. I'm just as real as my Realm God self is."

Before Lorelai can say anything, we drop down on Groot's land, and in front of Groot's house. Groot, the Solheim God of Nature, was sitting on a chair, reading a book, and basking in the energy of the realm.

The only difference between this Groot, and the one that I had sent to Solheim, was the height. This one was 20 feet tall, and he was still a teenager. Even his magic was stronger than mine. I could feel that this Groot can kill me and Lorelai with a finger.

"I AM GROOT!" He says, excitedly, and starts shrinking down to the regular size.

"Hello to meet you again, Groot! Wow you've gotten stronger!" I say, hugging the now 5 feet tall Groot, as he hugs me back.

He looks me over and says, "I am Groot, I am Groot."

Snorting, I hear Lorelai snorting beside me. I ask, "Is it really that bad? I don't think I and Phoenix are that loud."

He simply stares at me, and stays silent. I get why, when we hear the sound of moaning come from the palace of SolHeim. Which was 100 miles away, at least.

Blushing, I simply say, "Sorry, Groot. For not believing you."

Lorelai chuckles, and asks, "Is that the Phoenix? She sounds wonderful."

Glaring at her, I say, "Sorry Groot, I did not introduce you. This is Lorelai. My.. what are we?"

Rolling her eyes, Lorelai offers her hand to Groot, and says, "I'm his friend, and occasional lover. Nice to meet you, God Groot."

As another loud moan sounds out, I wave my hand, casting a silencing enchantment around Groot's lands, and look at him apologetically.

Chuckling, Groot shakes Lorelai's hands, and says, "I am Groot!"

Lorelai laughs, and says, "Yes, he is like that. Don't worry."

Shaking my head, I turn towards the Palace, feeling something, and seeing a wave of energy fly towards me at amazing speeds. and mumble, "Oh boy."

Immediately, a wave of energy comes from the palace, golden in colour, and slams into my body.

~~~A few seconds earlier, Solheim Palace: RG Baldur POV~~~

As I lay down, after the most recent bout of fun with Phoenix, I feel a pull towards my right. Not physically, but I feel my mortal self in Solheim.

"Your mortal self is here." Phoenix says, looking in the direction of the Tree lands, where Groot stays. Squinting her eyes, she adds, "And he's brought a woman. That lover of his, Lorelai."

I open my mouth, to say something, when the pull gets stronger. Instead of fighting it, I turn myself into pure SolForce, and go with the pull. Exiting the palace, I barely have a second to warn my Avatar, before I slam into his body, merging with it.

As soon as I merge with my Avatar, I see all the memories of what he'd been up to in these years, that I'd stopped keeping an eye on him. The last time, was when Tilda began feeding off of Solheim to live longer, and it's been millions of years since then. Or has it been only a few days? I don't know.

My body begins growing, and keeps growing, as I feel some of the surrounding energy enter it. Sighing, I let it all happen, as I know it's simply merging the Avatar and me together.

All the while, I feel Lorelei being shocked, but held back by Phoenix, who'd appeared behind her. Groot was simply watching the show.

A few minutes later, I stop growing, and open my eyes. I look down, to see Lorelai, Groot, and Phoenix, all looking at me wide eyed. I had to look down, a lot.

I was about a hundred feet tall now, and I know Phoenix could get this tall too. Groot's maximum height was 20 feet for now, but he will grow the longer he stays here.

I had Ljosgeirr in my right hand. My chest had the Golden armour on it, which was still absorbing the SolForce, little by little. I'd kept the two in a far corner of Solheim, so they can absorb SolForce without any interruption, but they'd somehow come to me, and even grown with me, as I'd grown bigger.

Focusing on it, I start shrinking, and go back to my previous height. Although, now I feel stronger than before, somehow, but not by much.

Smirking at Lorelai, I say, "As I said, both mortal Baldur, and the Realm God Baldur, are real. This is the merged form of us."

Phoenix, who had finally let Lorelai go, comes towards me and kisses me on my lips. She whispers, "And you are amazing."

Lorelai gets out of her shock, and looks at me wide eyed. She whispers, "I.. I can feel it. You're stronger than even the AllFather, right now!"

Smiling at her, I put my palm on her cheek, and say, "Well.. I am a Realm God, the Skyfather of the Sol Pantheon, and the God of Sun. This is Groot, my God if Nature. And this is Phoenix, my Goddess of Rebirth. Well, I say My, but Phoenix is her own Entity."

Lorelai finally looks at Phoenix, in reverence, bows low, and says, "My Lady! It's wonderful to meet you!"

Smiling, Phoenix takes a step forward, and pulls her up. She says, "It is nice to meet you as well, Lorelai. Baldur has lots of nice memories with you, and I feel like I know you just as much as him."

Shaking my head, I gloat upwards, and offer Lorelai my hand. I ask, "Would you like to come to the palace?"

Lorelai nods, and takes my hand. Using telekinesis, I float Lorelai upwards, and go towards the palace, while Phoenix follows. I really need to name this place.

Ignoring our usual rooms, that Phoenix and I use to sleep, I take Lorelai towards another Hallway, which has smaller rooms. This was built especially for visitors, like Lorelai. Our regular rooms were for 30 feet tall beings, and the room keeps growing as we grow taller. Well, I grow taller and Phoenix increases her height with me, to be just shorter than me.

Smiling at the wide eyed Lorelai, I ask, "What do you think?"

Lorelai looks out the window, and whispers, "It's beautiful. Everything is beautiful."

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I say, "Everything that you see, belongs to me. This whole Realm is mine. This whole Realm is.. Me."

Sounds conceited, but it is the truth.

Turning around, Lorelai asks, "Can I join? SolHeim, I mean. Can I join Solheim and be it's Goddess?"

Raising my brow, I ask, "You want to be my Goddess?" Lorelai nods, so I smirk, and ask, "And what made you think I won't make you mine anyway?"

She widens her eyes, and asks, "You mean it?" her voice, in a whisper. Her emotions are everywhere, and I can see that she was afraid. Afraid of me rejecting her, afraid of me leaving her for Phoenix.

Wiping her tear away, I hold her cheeks, and answer, "Remember when you said to ask you in 500 years if you want me to court you? Well, it's been 450 years. Would you like it if I court you, Lady Lorelai?"

Sniffling a bit, Lorelai closes her eyes, and whispers, "Yes. Make me yours, Baldur."

Turning back, I see Phoenix smiling encouragingly at me, while she burns away her clothes. Smiling back at her, I turn to Lorelai, who was still waiting patiently, eyes closed, and kiss.

Only this time, instead of just kissing, I use the SolForce around me, and manipulate it to start making Lorelai.. like me. A Realm Goddess. My Realm Goddess.

At the same time, I open a small portal, and send our Physical bodies back to Hogwarts' medical wing while keeping Lorelai's spirit in Solheim.

After a few seconds of kissing, Phoenix joins us, and helps me in imbuing Lorelai with the SolForce, along with a bit of the Phoenix Force.

This proves too much for Lorelai, and she becomes unconscious, falling down in my arms. Picking her up, I lay her down on the bed, and look at Phoenix with a raised eyebrow.

She shrugs, and says, "This way, your Physical form won't feel like he's cheating on any of us." Looking at my shocked face, she chuckles, and says, "You have a strong mind, Baldur. But every Psionic power comes from me. I know how to get around your shields easily."

"I am sorry, Phoenix." I say, honestly. I did love Phoenix, even if it started only as fun. Just like I did Lorelai. I just realized it only after I was alone.

Phoenix smiles, and flashes us to our Room, letting Lorelai rest. Solheim will do the rest of the job by itself, and turn Lorelai the Asgardian, into Lorelai the Goddess.

Kissing me, and taking off my clothes, Phoenix says, "I know you love her, and that you intend to make her your Queen. I don't mind. I am yours, and she is yours. Which is why I put some of my Energy in her. While Lorelai and I are separate, she also has a bit of me in her, now. So, you don't have to feel like you're being unfair to any of us. Now, she'll be unconscious for a few years. So, continue with our fun?"

Smirking, I pick Phoenix and slam her on the bed. "With pleasure." I whisper, and kiss her fiercely.


A few moments, months or years later, Lorelai wakes up. Time is weirder here, thanks to the presence of the former Light Dimension Energy. Well, after Phoenix and I had had sex for a few dozen times, sending even more energy into Solheim, Lorelai woke up, anew.

Lorelai had no control over her newly made body yet, as it had been made around her Astral form by the SolForce, so she rose to her full height of 25 feet, and hits her head on the wall.

"Ow!" Lorelai yelps, rubbing her head, which makes me chuckle.

Phoenix had gone out to roam, while also keeping an eye on her Energy that was in the mortal plane. It was currently travelling to another host, which had been selected by a small shard, on the capital of Shi'ar.

Lorelai pouts, looking at me, and sayz, "It's so weird! Everything is smaller, and I can feel everything around Solheim! How do I get shorter?"

Growing to be her size, I hold her hand, and say, "Focus on decreasing your height, and you will. Sense my energy."

As I try to become smaller, inch by inch, Lorelai pouts again, and mumbles, "Your energy is everywhere. How the fuck do I sense for it?"

Flicking her forehead, I say, "You already have the knowledge of Magic. What do you use to take over the minds of anyone?"

"Intent. Oh.." Lorelai answers, and then whispers. Closing her eyes, I guide her magic to make her smaller, and back to her original height of 5'8.

Once back to the regular size, Lorelai frowns, and says, "This.. feels uncomfortable."

Smiling at her, I pat her head. Pulling her out of the small room, I answer, "Of course it does. It's not your original size. So, it will always feel uncomfortable. You either get used to it, or you always stay bigger."

Lorelai looks around, and then stops on her spot, wide eyed. She asks, "Baldur! What about the mortal world? My sister! Are we trapped here for ever?"

Shaking my head, I wave my hand, showing her the illusion of our bodies, resting on Avalon. I say, "I sent our Physical bodies back to Avalon, as soon as you'd decided to become mine. We will simply have to transfer a fraction of our energy to them, and let our Avatars live our lives."

Lorelai nods, and opens her mouth in an O. She turns to me, and asks, "This is what you meant by both you and.." she points towards my Physical body, and continues, "...him are one."

Nodding, I say, "Both I and my Avatar have the same memories, and we think the same. There is no difference between us. If he dies, I can make another Avatar. If I die, he can come here and take over the Realm in my stead, becoming the new.. me. We are one, and we are different. It's a bit hard to explain, but you'll realize when you make your Physical body your Avatar."

Lorelai simply nods, rubbing her forehead. She says, "This is too much knowledge to get in.. How long have I been here?"

Kissing her, I answer, "No idea, My Goddess of Love. No idea at all. Time does not exist here. This Realm is eternal, so Time has no need to come here."

Moaning at the kiss, Lorelai asks, "How do I even wake my Avatar up?"

I shrug, and answer, "Fuck if I know. I used my hair to send my power to him. Whatever works for you is not something I can tell you."

Saying that, I start walking towards the throne room, to create one more Throne for Lorelai. Although I do have three thrones, one for Groot, Phoenix, and I, in that order, Phoenix usually just sits in my lap. Sigh, I'll have to make my own throne bigger, as there's no way Lorelai is sitting beside me while Phoenix is on my lap.

Lorelai walks with me, as I'd held her hand, but she's in deep thought. As we reach the Throne room, I raise a Throne on my right, for Lorelai to sit on.

Sitting down on my own central Throne, through which I usually observe the Mortal world, I see Lorelai still in thought, ignoring the giant Throne, and sitting right in my lap.

Getting out of her thoughts, she looks up at me, and asks, "What did you call me?"

"Huh? When?" I ask, remembering if I'd ever called her fat or something, dreading if I actually did.

Lorelai pats my chest, and asks, "After I'd just woken up. You called me the Goddess of Love, right?"

I nod, and expand, "Your domain used to be Lust, but thanks to Phoenix, it became a bit more purer. And I, being the Skyfather, know that your Lust, has become Love." Rubbing her cheek, I add, "Just like how the lust between us slowly turned into Love, simply by staying away from each other."

Lorelai blushes, having found out. She mumbles, "I am not going to say that word yet. While I do like you, and I'm sure it's a bit more, I want you to know everything about me, and I want to know everything about you, before we can call it Love."

Opening my mind to her, I whisper, "I am already yours, Lorelai. You need not be afraid. However, I will still keep a few things Secret from you, and I expect you to do the same. Maybe after a few years together, I will tell you, but not right now."

Lorelai nods, and gets rid of her own shields. She says, "While I know you've already been in my mind, to confirm my identity perhaps, this time, I'm opening myself up to you."

Smiling at her, I lean forward, and kiss her. As she turns around, and grinds her body to my own, I vanish our clothes. We're Gods, and two of the four Gods currently living here. Modesty is not something I have right now.

I feel Lorelai in my mind, viewing my memories, and I do the same. Understanding her plan, I pluck a hair out of my head, just like last time, and send as much energy my mortal form originally had into the hair.

Taking a bit of Lorelai's energy, which she gives freely, still kissing me, I send it to Lorelai's body through a small portal I open up, along with my hair.

Lining myself up to Lorelai's entrance, I whisper, "You ready?"

Lorelai nods, and kisses me, gasping as I start my job. My Goddess. My Queen. I just hope my mortal form does not mess up.


Barely 5 minutes after we had left to go to SolHeim, I wake up with a gasp, and look around. Ljosgeirr was back in the mortal plane, and so was the armour, which was on my chest.

Looking to my left, I see Lorelai, breathing, but there was no life in her. Knowing what to do, I go towards her, and softly kiss her lips, and stay there. I feel a bit of my life going inside Lorelai's body, and she starts kissing me back, waking up.

As Lorelai gasps, and coughs a bit, waking up completely, I point my hand and summon Ljosgeirr.

Smiling widely, I hang it on my back, a holder forming out of my armour, and wasn't this something new. SolForce was awesome.

Just by staying inside Solheim, Ljosgeirr had become more that 10 times stronger than before. I don't think even Hela can break this spear now. And she could break Gungnir! As for the Armour, it had become more.

That's it. It had become more. While it did improve in it's durability, and defensive nature, it also constantly absorbs the Cosmic Energy and turns it into SolForce. I can say, that whoever wears this armour will become like me, a user of the SolForce.

"Baldur?" Lorelai asks, bringing me out of my fantasies.

I turn to her, and ask, "Yes dear?"

Chuckling, as that was also the first thing I'd said to her, while actually conscious of my thoughts, she asks, "I did not dream being in Solheim, did I?"

I simply shake my head, causing Lorelai to squeal in excitement. Jumping from her bed, directly on my hips, she lands kisses all over my face, and lips.

I hold her on my body, my hands on her wonderful butt, and ask, "What was that for?"

Raising her eyebrow, she asks, "For making me a Major Goddess, and a Realm Goddess. And a Queen." The last part was whispered, but I still hear it, and even the excitement in her voice.

Shaking my head, I point out, "Out here, you're not actually a Queen, you know. I'm not a King here."

Frowning, Lorelai just looks at me. And keeps looking. All the while, I'm holding on to her body, my palms holding her up, and her hands are around my neck.

Sweating a bit, I offer, "You can be the Queen of Hogwarts, once we get to that stage in our.. relationship?"

Lorelai pouts, remembering that we haven't properly courted yet, but nods. She says, "Fine. It'll do for now." Kissing me once, she adds, "But no more women. I'm okay with Phoenix because.. well, she's Phoenix. How did you even manage that! She's hot!"

"Okay, ouch. And to answer your question, I'm an amazing lover." I answer, sitting down on the bed, Lorelei on my lap, with her legs still around my hips.

Lorelai nods, in a 'you're right about that' way, and says, "Yeah. So, except her, I won't accept any other woman in your life as a romantic partner. Partly because her energy is coursing through me, and I know she will never try to come between us, except when it's for fun. But more because we are courting now. I want it to be just us."

Smiling at her, I point out, "Well, Phoenix is only in Solheim. While she does have most of her Energy in the Mortal world, she mostly acts through Phoenix hosts. So, she will not be coming between us, but between our Godly selves."

Lorelai thinks on it for a minute, and then shakes her head. She mumbles, "You're going to give me a headache."

I kiss her, to get rid of her headache of course, and start walking towards my Bedroom.

Lorelai is back with me, and she's now My Queen. Although, not in the Physical world, we will get there. I know her that much.


A/N: Okay, I am going to slow my speed, a lot. My depression is coming back to the forefront, and the criticism, while probably fair, does make it worse. My replies to you will probably hint how aggressive I have become.

Sorry about that, in advance.

Anyway, thank you for sticking with me for this long, even after I brought Lorelai back. But I was always going to bring her back.

While when she left, they did not love each other more than platonically, they did have sex. A lot. And they started missing the other, thanks to their absence. Which, in turn evolved to actual love.

They won't be marrying the next day though, don't worry. They probably won't even marry yet. Probably. It all depends on my own mood.

Oh, and, for those who were complaining about Lorelai already having had sex with a lot of people. How many people do you think your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister dated/had sex with before being stuck on their significant other.

Let me give you a hint, it ain't one. And in the most polite way possible, the past don't matter, as long as she's his only one after getting together.


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