Hazel and Ruby find themselves at a table in a dimly lit room. Glynda is talking to them about responsibility but Hazel is just staring at where Ozpin will be. Glynda finally slams on the table getting a yelp from Ruby but no reaction from Hazel. Ozpin finally walks in with Cookies and milk. He puts them both down and watches as Hazel starts to enhale them. Ruby nudges him a bit and he stops eating them about halfway through and slides them to Ruby who has stars in her eyes.
Ozpin finally days "Ruby Rose you have silver eyes." And just stares at her for a bit before looking at Hazel. Hazel decides to speak first and say "You might want to wait before you talk to me." Ozpin just nods normally he would just do what he wants but he saw Hazels golden eyes and decided to wait. Ozpin then talks to Ruby about where she learned to fight and all. Then he finally asks if she would like to attend beacon to which she agreed. Ozpin then let her go. As she was leaving she waved bye to Hazel who waved back and gave her a wink.
Now it was just Ozpin and Hazel and Glynda in the room. Ozpin starts off by saying "Hazel you have golden eyes and I only know of two other beings who have those eyes." Hazel just nods and says "Well I am technically brothers with those three." Ozpin looks absolutely shocked and said "I thought there was just two." Hazel shakes his head "Well there is a light and a dark but why would you think there wouldn't be a gray as there has to be a balance point and I am the fourth." Ozpin understands and asks "Well where do you fall in?" Hazel thought for a minute and says "Honestly I don't really know I'm just here to do my thing they sent me here to clean their mess up but I'm not sure on how I want to do it." Ozpin gets a little angry and says "Wait your not going to help me beat her." Hazel thinks again "Well I probably will help you but I need to get stronger. (Hazels thoughts I don't think Ozpin is a bad guy and a lot of stuff he does in the anime makes sense he is just not sure what he should do plus I think he still has feelings for her.) so how about I join RWBY in coming to Beacon soon. Also I want to be partners here and not work under you and before you say anything I know more than you (Hazel leans in and whispers) Ozma." This got Ozpin to be a little shocked and angry.
"So what do you think Oz will you let me go to beacon." Hazel said. Ozpin thought for a moment before saying "yeah we can work on this together I want you to know the only reason i trust you is your eyes." Hazel got up and was getting ready to leave but paused for a second "You know what if I was wearing contacts." This caused Ozpin to dead pan. " I'm just kidding oh great wizard don't worry about it." Hazel said as he walked out. This actually got Ozpin to chuckle a bit.
Hazel finally got out of the police station they let Ozpin use. As he was walking outside he bumped into a girl with pink and brown hair and eyes with pale white skin. She was wearing a pink and brown dress as well and carrying a pink umbrella. Hazels heart immediately skipped a beat. He finally met Neo and it happened way sooner then he thought it would. "So sorry about that here let me help you up." Hazel said as he knelt down and gave her his hand. She got up and dusted herself off and gave him a thankful nod. Hazel didn't want to miss this chance and stuck out his hand. "Hi I'm Hazel nice to meet you." Neo shook his hand and just gave another nod as she pulled out a sign and said "Hi my name is Neo." Hazel decided to act oblivious and asked "You can't talk?" Neo shook her head. Hazel put on a thinking pose for a moment and snapped his fingers. "Hey I have been working on something that heals muscles and I assume it is your throat that allows you to not being able to speak. It's not done yet but if we meet again would you like to try it to see if you can talk." Neo nodded her head really fast and wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Hazel. Hazel saw that it was Neos number. He smiled and patted her head saying "I will let you know when I figure it out." Neo then looked at him really hopefully and walked away. Hazel didn't have any idea how he was going to help her he was hopeful that something in the store would be able to help him.
Neo skipped the rest of the way to this abandoned warehouse by the ocean. Upon arriving she reached to Roman in the back of the warehouse. She then explained to Roman why she was so happy. Roman nodded his head and said "Well you shouldn't get your hopes up think of all the other treatments you have tried. By the way what did this guy look like we can always kill him if he lies to you." Neo wrote down Hazels description and showed it to Roman. As Roman was reading he slammed the desk causing Neo to jump back. "This is the brat that stopped us today along with Red that caused us to not be able to steal any dust. Be careful of that guy Neo we might need to end up trying to kill him." Neo just nodded her head and walked away she was a little sad though that the guy turned out to be an enemy.
Back to Hazel the next day
Hazel was on the ship to beacon. He was currently taking a nap waiting for the ship to reach beacon. When he kept feeling someone like his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked in front of him. He then saw that it was Ruby poking him with her sister behind her. He looked up causing the two to see his eyes as the cowboy hat was previously blocking his eyes. Hazel smiled and said "Hey Ruby how are you doing." Ruby smiled back and said "I'm good I wanted to introduce you to my sister Yang." Hazel stood up stand at about 6'2" surprising Yang by how tall he was as Yang stood at 5'8". Hazel put out his hand and said "Hi Yang my name is Hazel nice to meet you." Yang shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you to and thank you for helping my little sister last night." Ruby then poured and said "Yang I could have handled it myself but thanks Hazel." Hazel smiles and said "No problem I just happened to be at the right place at the right time." Yang smiled and said "Ruby told me you are aggressive to by the way." Which caused Hazel to look at her with an eyebrow raised. Yang continued and said " You know with the fact you actually kill people." This caused hazel to put on a more angry and frustrated face as he said "Some people just don't deserve to live." Which caused Yang and Ruby to look concerned for a moment but then Hazel said with a smile "Well that doesn't matter anyways it's nice to know I at least know two people now who are going to beacon." As he was saying this they all watched a certain blonde haired boy go to a trash can and started to puke. They all started laughing as Hazel said " I guess the view isn't for everyone." Causing Ruby and Yang to laugh more. As they finished up their conversation the ship started to land and they stepped out. As Hazels mouth opened wide as he was shocked by how good beacon looked in real life.