85.71% The Puppeteer Gamer: Gaming Alone (Dropped) / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Dominate

章節 6: Chapter 6: Dominate

Chapter 6:

I looked at my watch, as I cut down another skeleton in my way. It was around 5:30 PM, I should probably go back. Picking up the drops from the horde of skeletons I had just killed, I started thinking. Since this dungeon has a necromancer behind it, does that mean that he knows I'm here and decided to send more stronger undead after me?

Or is it that the further I go in to the dungeon the stronger the creatures are?

I didn't have to see another group of zombies and skeletons to know they were there running towards me, I didn't have to look at them, I just sent a sharp razorblade of water at them.

Anyways, when I reached level 10 a new function was shown to me, the [Shop]. Clicking on it I could sell everything I had and buy some pretty cool stuff. I sold all the drops except the soul stones, they looked interesting so I kept them.

The skeletons and zombies now had weapons, ranging from swords spears, bows and shields. They also had higher levels which meant more EXP for me, I chuckled a bit. They now dropped their weapons as well, they also gave 350 EXP.

Since I didn't have a use for their rusted weapons I just sold them right away for some Gold which I could now use. When I reached level 10 and the monsters started getting better I started using my daggers instead, I would sneak behind them and activate my skills before killing them before they could notice the glow of my skill. Due to sneaking around I also got a new skill from it:

[Sneak] (Active)

Lvl 8 (34%)

You could now sneak around without being noticed a lot more.

+8% chance of not being noticed.

Finally, I had reached level 10, it took a lot of time but I reached it at least. I kept the stat points for now, after I reached Level 2 I put them all in Luck but for now I'll just keep them safe and when I need them I would use it.

Something that surprised was when both my [Slashing Strike] and [Piercing Strike] reached 10 each I got a notification:


Due to reaching level 10 in two very similar skills they have combined to make:

[Power Strike] (Active)

Lvl 10 (0%)

By supplying mana to your weapon you allow it to give out more DMG.

+100% Damage

Cost: 10MP/ Use

Delay: 10 Seconds


Due to reaching level 10 in three very similar skills they have combined to make:

Weapon Mastery (Passive)

Lvl 10 (0%)

You can now handle weapons better.

+50% DMG with weapons,

+50% Attack Speed with weapons.

I also got around 34 galleons today, I found out from Daphne that the average wizarding family makes around 10 galleons per week. Looking at my hands were the galleons from today were I put them back into my inventory, if this is true I could become rich in no time.

I also used my elemental skills a lot, but more for crowd control rather than attacking. My reason is that I could become too heavily reliant on a certain skill set, and that would be bad for me. If I became too focused on my long-ranged skills I would become neglectful of my close-ranged attacks and vice-versa.

Turning on [Sprint] I quickly made it back to the start of the dungeon and quickly went down the passage.

Seeing the end of the passage I quickly changed into a brand new set of clothes. It wouldn't do if someone saw me wearing rags.

Walking out of the narrow passage I turned on [Sneak] with [Sprint] still on, I could do this because of my level, I looked at my status.

Allen Arthur King

The Gamer


HP – 1440/1440 (127HP/minute)

MP – 1490/1490 (129MP/minute)

Lvl 11 – 315/41010

Race – Wizard (Muggleborn)

STR – 33

DEX – 37

VIT – 34

INT – 39

WIS – 38

LUC – 25

Points – 30

Money – 3,078G/14S/0K – 102,800G

INV- 112/370

Perks –


You're a wizard! Gain +1 VIT, +1 INT, and +1 WIS for every level. Able to cast spells and access mana.

Fox Sin of Greed:

Greedy Bugger eh? Makes you more greedy and susceptible to it. You want everything and anything that is material.

+80% Luck to loot drops and pursue of material possessions

+50% chance to fall into Greed's clutches when in a susceptible state.

+50% closeness to creatures that are: greedy, sneaky and/or mischievous.

My stats hadn't changed much but I had gotten a huge boost in both MP and HP, would this be noticeable to more experienced people? I thought thinking about Dumbledore, I still hadn't checked if he was manipulative but good, evil etc.

I sighed, yay, more things to add to the ever-growing list of things I need to do this year.

Looking at the shop as I walked I saw some really interesting things, the Heart of a Fire dragon, a Poisoneer's Ring and a bottle of Liquid Luck also known as Felix Felicis. Of course these things were easily out of my price range, but it's nice to know that they're there. But what I had on my mind was one very precious items that I needed, if I had it I could get around a lot of things without being known.

Before I had realised I was standing outside the Great Hall, I should probably go in. Reaching my friends sitting near the middle of the Ravenclaw house table, my friends noticed me.

"Where were you?" Anthony asked, stopping eating to talk.

"What?" I asked acting confused.

"Where were you this whole day? We couldn't find you" Padma questioned, crossing her arms.

"I was in the Library, like really deep into a corner. I found a really interesting book" I motioned to the giant doors of the hall. What I actually did was dismiss the box that told me I had created a new skill:

Lying (Passive)

Lvl 1 (12%)

You're a liar! Lying comes second nature to you.

+5% chance of people believing your lies.

They all sighed, I guess they can't really refute that. 'I am a Ravenclaw after all' I thought.

"Anyways come eat" Sue said patting a spot next to her, I took it and started listening to their conversation only talking a bit.

Listening in I heard that they're day was pretty boring, mostly just exploring the castle with some reading and other stuff.

Soon Dinner was over and we had to go to Ravenclaw tower.


As I was lying on my bed I took out the [Random Skill Book] that I had gotten from the Room of Requirements. A box popped up:

Would you like to learn this skill?


I couldn't see the skill itself? Interesting. I didn't have a reason to say no so I pressed Y.

As soon as I pressed Y a rush of information greeted me, filling my head.


You have learnt a new skill!

[Dominate] (Active)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The ability to make organisms and spirits submit to your will.

Currently able to submit:

Small Organisms

Currently submitted to you:


Set word activation:

Hmm… after thinking for a bit I opened my mouth: "Submit" I spoke clearly.

Word activation: Submit

This skill… if I levelled it up more could I even tame a dragon or Basilisk? With the thought of levelling my new skill up I went to sleep.


Today was the day of the flying lessons, two weeks had passed since the first day of coming to Hogwarts. As all the Ravenclaws stood side by side with the Hufflepuff standing across in a line in the chilly autumn breeze. The flying instructor Madam Hooch standing in the middle of both.

"Good afternoon Class" the stern witch called out, walking in between the two lines of students before reaching the other end.

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch" we replied in unison.

"Well now, step onto the left side of your broomsticks. Come on now, don't be shy" she said in a loud voice.

We all stepped to the left side of the broomsticks in front of us.

"Now put your right hand over it and say 'Up!' like so" she demonstrated for us.

I put my hand over the broomstick and said "Up" the broom stick hovered up a bit before falling a bit.

"Tch, UP!" I might be impatient but a stick should just listen, I leaked out a little bit of bloodlust and the stick practically jumped into my hand. Toning down my bloodlust, at least I had found out these broomsticks have a semi-sentience. Looking at the new box that popped up I saw that I had gotten a new skill:

[Bloodlust] (Active)

Lvl 1 (12%)

The ability to show your bloodlust by mixing it with magic and pushing it out

+5% chance to infect target with Effect: Fear, can only effects those whose levels are bellow yours or 10 levels above.

Effect: Fear:

Target is fearful of your presence while this skill is on and maybe weary after skill is off.

Target gets -10% to all stats.

Cost: 100MP/ Minute

Hmm… this skill is interesting, a bit costly but interesting. Sadly I wouldn't be able to test it out right now, I turned my attention to Madam Hooch. Now that all the students had gotten the brooms into their hands, Madam Hooch addressed us once again.

"Good, now mount your brooms and kick off from the ground lightly. Kick off too hard and you might break your neck" with the ominous threat present she left us to complete the task given.

To be honest it wasn't very hard, I have no idea how Neville wasn't able to do it. He must have some seriously bad luck. I was able to do it on the first try something I noticed I only was able to do. Everyone else took many more tries before they could safely hover on their brooms. Some of the less grounded students (pun intended) would fall splendidly on their face, and blush after hearing the rest of the class' chuckles. While doing sitting on my broom I also got a new skill:

Flying (Passive)

Lvl 2 (12%)

Who said man can't fly? You can fly up 20KM/ Hour safely.

Cost: 100MP/ Minute

Soon the lesson was over and nothing had happened, it was probably because the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are nothing like the Slytherins and Gryffindors. I snorted, for all the enmity they hold for each other they are similar in some ways as well. The only thing weird was Madam Hooch asked me to stay back after the lesson finished.

After all the students had all left she came to me and asked something I was wondering about.

"Have you thought about trying for the quiditch team?" she asked.

"Well it sounds interesting, so I think I'll try out" I scratched the back of my head with a smile. While the feeling of flying was amazing, I might have also done it because of the new quest:

Quest Alert!

Quiditch Champion:

Who said man couldn't fly? Prove them wrong.


Win the Quiditch House Cup.


Winged Sandals of Hermes

100,000 EXP

Reputation with Ravenclaw


Decreased Reputation with Ravenclaw



This was the reason I decided I will try out for the quiditch team. Guess I have another thing to add to my ever-growing list of things to do. With a sigh, I walked towards the Room of Requirement, time for some aerial training.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Notes:

So… this might have taken a long time. Who needs sleep? Sleep's overrated.

Also I will upload around once per week unless something happens. For the next 2-ish weeks I might not be able to right. Sorry if this has a few mistakes.

Also do you guys want me to make a status for him after every chapter? Anyways I'll do it.

Allen Arthur King

The Gamer


HP – 1440/1440 (127HP/minute)

MP – 1490/1490 (129MP/minute)

Lvl 11 – 1015/41010

Race – Wizard (Muggleborn)

STR – 33

DEX – 37

VIT – 34

INT – 39

WIS – 38

LUC – 25

Points – 30

Money – 3,078G/14S/0K – 102,800G

INV- 112/370

Perks –


You're a wizard! Gain +1 VIT, +1 INT, and +1 WIS for every level. Able to cast spells and access mana.

Fox Sin of Greed:

Greedy Bugger eh? Makes you more greedy and susceptible to it. You want everything and anything that is material.

+80% Luck to loot drops and pursue of material possessions

+50% chance to fall into Greed's clutches when in a susceptible state.

+50% closeness to creatures that are: greedy, sneaky and/or mischievous.


[Greedy Hands] (Active)

Lvl 5 (89%)

You got them greedy hands, you could be the first to steal everything of worth.

+40% chance of stealing what you are targeting.

[Observe] (Active)

Lvl 9 (78%)

Allows you to look at subject's current HP, MP, Detailed Background and Thoughts.

[Sprint] (Active)

Lvl 13 (29%)

Allows you to magically empower your legs and run faster.

+115% Speed

Cost: 17 MP/ Minute

[Power Strike] (Active)

Lvl 10 (0%)

By supplying mana to your weapon you allow it to give out more DMG.

+100% Damage

Cost: 10MP/ Use

Delay: 10 Seconds

Weapon Mastery (Passive)

Lvl 10 (0%)

You can now handle weapons better.

+50% DMG with weapons,

+50% Attack Speed with weapons.

[Wandless Magic] (Active)

Lvl 8 (83%)

The ability to do wand-less magic.

+13% increase to spells

-13% mana used when using wandless magic.

[Lightning Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 6 (35%)

The power to control, conduct and produce electricity. You're at the beginner stage of Lightning Manipulation.

+11% power to lightning-related skills.

[Fire Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 5 (31%)

The power to control and produce fire. You're at the beginner stage of Fire Manipulation.

+10% power to fire-related skills.

[Wind Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 5 (34%)

The power to control and produce Wind. You're at the beginner stage of Wind Manipulation.

+10% power to Wind-related skills.

[Water Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 6 (78%)

The power to control and produce water. You're at the beginner stage of Water Manipulation.

+11% power to water-related skills.

[Earth Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 5 (29%)

The power to control and produce Earth. You're at the beginner stage of Earth Manipulation.

+10% power to earth-related skills.

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)

Lvl 14 (16%)

Manipulating your own mana comes as second nature to you.

+19% increase to mana techniques.

[Danger Sense] (Passive)

Lvl 10 (41%)

A skill that allows you to sense danger and warns you of it. Warns you of danger in a 20ft Radius.

[Singing] (Passive)

Lvl 15 (11%)

The power of the voice! Not sword nor pen! Your voice and singing are very good!

People that listen to your voice now wants to listen to whatever you say,

Allows you to make anyone who hears your voice feel drowsy and eventually sleep.

Allows you to mimic some voices, people unless experienced and powerful would barely tell the difference.

[Bloodlust] (Active)

Lvl 1 (12%)

The ability to show your bloodlust by mixing it with magic and pushing it out

+5% chance to infect target with Effect: Fear, can only effects those whose levels are bellow yours or 10 levels above.

Effect: Fear:

Target is fearful of your presence while this skill is on and maybe weary after skill is off.

Target gets -10% to all stats.

Cost: 100MP/ Minute

Flying (Passive)

Lvl 2 (12%)

Who said man can't fly? You can fly up 20KM/ Hour safely.

Cost: 100MP/ Minute

Lying (Passive)

Lvl 1 (12%)

You're a liar! Lying comes second nature to you.

+5% chance of people believing your lies.

[Dominate] (Active)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The ability to make organisms and spirits submit to your will.

Currently able to submit:

Small Organisms

Currently submitted to you:


Word activation: Submit

Edenistic Edenistic

What would you like his class to be?

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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