28.57% The Puppeteer Gamer: Gaming Alone (Dropped) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A New Feeling

章節 2: Chapter 2: A New Feeling

As I was there sitting in my compartment I got curious about my wand, I hadn't seen it yet. When I took it out of my pocket I began to look at it, it was about 12 inches and-

Skill Created!

Observe (Active)

Lvl – 1 (0%)

By observing a target you can find out more about it.

Lvl 1 – allows you to see short description, Hp and Mp.

Oh, this is a useful skill. I observed the wand in my hands.

Allen's Wand – Rank: Special

Created by Garrick Ollivander, made of cherry wood with the heartstring of Hebridean Black. Currently bonded to Allen Arthur King.

Magic spells cost 50% less magic

Magic spells are 50% more powerful

Hmm, did I get cherry wand because I practised kendo in my last life? Things to think about for later.

I took out a book I had in my trunk; 'a beginners guide to transfiguration' by Emeric Switch.

As I took the grade 1 book out of my trunk, a window popped in front of me, hmm this is gonna be annoying.

You got the skill book [A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration]

Will you learn this skill?


That's pretty neat, but I pressed no for now, wouldn't want it turn into dust like some other gamer stories if it's the case.

I began reading and I must say this is pretty interesting, in the books didn't Mcgonagall say it is the magical subject closest to science. Once I turned the last page, a pop up appeared in front of me followed by a ping sound.


Due to studying you get +1 INT

After I finished reading the box, I heard a knock on my compartment door. I opened it and found 5 girls standing behind it, they seemed to be around my age, first years as well I am guessing.

[Lisa Turpin] Lvl 2

[Padma Patil] Lvl 4

[Parvati Patil] Lvl 3

[Sue Li] Lvl 6

[Mandy Brocklehurst] Lvl 3

The girls were Lisa Turpin, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil Sue Li, and Mandy Brocklehurst. They're all supposed to go to Ravenclaw aren't they?

"Hey, can we please come in? There doesn't seem to be any other compartments that have a lot of space" Parvati cheerfully asked.

"Sure, come in" I moved to the side to let them come in with a small practised smile.

Since they don't look like they're going to talk about themselves, I guess I have to break the ice.

"Hello, my name is Allen King" I started as I put my hand out for a hand shake.

The one who took it was Parvati.

"Hi! I'm Parvati Patil and this is my twin sister-" she practically bounced while introducing herself.

"-Padma Patil, pleasure to meet you" she concluded with a bit less enthusiasm,

"Hello, my name is Sue Li" Sue introduced herself gracefully with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Mandy Brocklehurst" she introduced herself with a wave and a smile.

"My name is Lisa Turpin" she grunted out, huh not really the social type?

"Do you galls know which house, you want to go to?" I asked them.

Lisa seemed confused, she probably didn't know what the houses are.

"The houses are 4 groups that are what the student body is split into, Gryffindor are the more courageous and brash"-"Hey!"-"Hufflepuff are the hardworking and loyal, Ravenclaw are the most intelligent and curious and lastly are the Slytherins they are the plotters and the most discriminatory out of all the houses mostly compromising of pureblood scions.

"I'm going to Gryffindor!" proclaimed Parvati,

"Unlike my sister I'd prefer Ravenclaw" stated Padma, hiking her thumb at Parvati.

"Ravenclaw for me" answered Sue Li.

"Ravenclaw for me as well" answered Mandy

"I'd prefer Ravenclaw" said Lisa,

At this they all turned their heads to me, sigh, the pressure.

"I think Ravenclaw is the house for me" I said as I gestured to the half open book in my hand.

I mean after thinking about it, it should be obvious. I don't want to go to Gryffindor to stupid for my liking. Hufflepuff are pretty much ignored and don't have any actual talents aside from working hard- but is that a talent? Slytherin, hah! Imagine a muggleborn going into a pretty much racist house like Slytherin, yeah no. Finally, Ravenclaw, this house I could work with, there's not much people snooping about your business, people learning and just generally being quiet.

After that, we all just spent the rest of the time reading our books, quizzing each other on them (Parvati would always get last) and just bonding in general.

When the trolley lady came around, I had no idea what to pick so I just got a chocolate frog.

When I observed it, I learned something new:

Chocolate Frog – Rank: Magical

A frog shape chocolate that is enchanted to act like a frog for 5 seconds after packaging is opened.

Restores 5 Mp when eaten

So if I eat certain things I could regenerate mana? Would this work for health as well? Hmm I need to experiment later.

When I opened it, the frog practically flew away from me. I heard giggling coming from the girls seeing them just watching me trying to catch the frog until it finally stopped moving, damn frog making me look bad.

From the look of surprise on my face, the giggling intensified. I slowly peeled the frog off of my face where it decided to stop moving.

"you can eat it you know, it's not a real frog" said Sue, finally calm enough to not burst out laughing but still had some redness on her face.

"Oh really?" I fake questioned with a mental eye-roll, I'm still a muggleborn that's recently come into this world hence I have to act like it.

"It's just enchanted to act like one, and there should be a card at the bottom of the box" answered Padma, oh yeah I forgot about the card. Which one do I have?

'Observe' I thought

[Chocolate Frog Cards] - Rank: Collectible

A chocolate frog card for the wizard Salazar Slytherin, also one of the founders of Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin was said to have had a scuffle with the other founders about who could learn at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it was rumoured that he had created a secret chamber under the school.

"Hey, which card did you get?" asked Padma.

"I got Salazar Slytherins, what about you?" I gestured to the card in her hand.

"I got Rowena Ravenclaw, you can have it, I've already got one" she told me as she took out more cards from her pockets.

"Ok thanks" I replied, actually this is the perfect opportunity to ask about the wizarding world.

"Hey" I called out to get their attention.

"Do you guys know what it meant by having a scuffle over who could learn at Hogwarts?" I asked faking confusion, I already knew why I just said that to start a conversation about other Purebloods and how the law system works.

"You're a muggleborn right? Well, Slytherin wanted only purebloods to be allowed in to the school, while the others were against it. This led them to go against each other and Slytherin to eventually leave, since I haven't explained yet I'll tell you. Purebloods are people who are people who's both parents are Pureblooded which means they don't have muggle-non-magical- blood in them, halfbloods are those with one pureblood parent and one muggleborn parent." Sue explained in rapid succession, this is my chance to ask more about the magical society.

"Why would Slytherin only want purebloods to go to Hogwarts?" I asked

"Well, he thought that the purer the blood the more entitled they are to learning magic, some other noble houses have also adopted this outlook hence a lot of them are discriminatory while also being in power" Mandy broke in to the conversation and explained.

The conversation soon broke into a Q&A with me asking questions of all sorts to them and they would answer the best they could, I also saw in the corner of my eyes Lisa listening in as well. Hmm she's a muggleborn as well huh? So I guess she was curious as well.

Soon the Q&A stopped as I seemed to have gotten a lot of information, did you know there's no such things as a magical guardian? Nor a magical binding marriage? Well the last one there is, it's just a one way ticket to Azkaban.

Soon it was nightfall and we had to change, I opted to go stand outside as they practically got kicked out as they changed, vice versa and soon we were sitting back down.

In that short time we became pretty good friends, something that I didn't have a lot of in my past life.

Soon the train stopped as we got off, we'd reached Hogsmeade train station. Standing tall just like in the books and movies, Hagrid was there calling out for 1st years.

"Firs' yers' firs' yers' come over 'ere!"

It wasn't very hard to find him, I mean how could it be? He was around 8ft tall! And pretty wide as well!

A few students were muttering to each other fake tests they would have to do, really? Fighting a troll? I had to hold back a snicker at some of the faces of the muggleborns that heard that.

He led us, crowd of first years towards the boats. We found an empty boat and carefully got on one at a time, I was first and helped the others get on. Together we sat down and waited in silence as the boat moved back and forth on the waves of the lake.

Soon the boats started moving across the lake, I didn't even feel the ripples of the waves we just cut through the water like a blade cutting through. A student fell out of their boat and was put on by a… tentacle? It was hard to see the in the darkness.

We all silently watched as we went under a bridge only to go find gasps awaiting us on the other side, a small amount of awe bubbled inside my chest but nothing more than a short gasp came out of my mouth. The other students though held no reservations as they gasped loudly and broke the silence and started a round of excited whispers.

In front of us was Hogwarts in all of its glory, blinking lights around the walls allowed us the see the tall walls and high towers that pierced the sky. It shone like a beacon in the night sky, Heh, I strangely felt my mouth form a small smirk. What a foreign feeling, not bad… just new.

Edenistic Edenistic

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