52.13% MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin / Chapter 61: Mr. X and Friends

章節 61: Mr. X and Friends

The fried Hive's ceiling started crumbling apart, somehow putting off the fire additionally. I moved left and right, avoiding slabs of rotten flesh that were as thick as an elephant. A few bursts of electricity didn't help either as I got stung once in a while. But I couldn't care less as all I think about was getting out of this place as fast as possible.

Those packs of flesh drown both the Winter Soldier and the Tyrant inside, but it could only hold them off for a while longer. I make my way toward the Control room to find Jill. As I ran, a hand grabbed my ankle, halting me in my tracks. It was the tyrant's right hand. His body started to emerge from the crumbled Hive as if he just got out of the swimming pool. I took out Blackbeard and shot his head.


But he evaded to the left while pulling his right hand to deliver a fresh punch to my face. I couldn't evade it, but before it hit, he was interrupted by a knee kick to the back of his head from Winter Soldier, making the punch's trajectory move slightly. In return, I could effortlessly avoid it by tilting my head to the left.

I shot the second bullet of Blackbeard at the Tyrant's hand that was still holding my ankle tightly, almost ripping off his right hand. As the Tyrant released the grip, the Winter Soldier stomped his face, making him stumbled backward. And the force from his stomp propelled the Winter Soldier toward me as he pulled his titanium hand behind him and launch it once he got close. Too bad, I was already prepared for it once I stood up.

The punch missed and went through between my left shoulder and my head. I wrapped both my hands and locked his steel arm into submission. I wanted to twist my short leg on his neck, but he didn't give me a chance as he tried to hurl me away. I stick on him like a desperate monkey on the mating season, not letting go of this rare chance. Finally, he tried to smash me onto the hard asphalt, but the recovered Tyrant tackled Winter Soldier's waist. I accidentally released my grip and twirled in the air, once I regain myself, I decided to aim for the run, but the Tyrant's hand grabbed my ankle once again.

This time it used me as a weapon, tossing my body to Winter Soldier that was getting up from the ground, throwing both of our bodies to the wall right behind us. The wall shattered as we burst through it and then rolled on the asphalt a few times. Dust drifted before us as I coughed while looking around, finding myself back on the main road where I came from. I could see the tyrant walking toward us at a calm pace. A numbing pain suddenly pierced my left shoulder

"Shit! It got dislocated." I muttered. My left arm felt numb, and I can't move it properly. Although there was a bit of pain, I could bear it for now. Winter Soldier recovered much faster than me, and he didn't seem to be hurt at all. It feels sucks to stand in between these two maniacs.

The fight resumed once again with both of them charging at me. I tried as hard as I can to survive and not become collateral damage between the two. But with a disabled left hand, it was impossible to fight these two altogether. I vanished into smoke, finally deciding to use Stealth to run away, something that I should have done in the first place.

However, as if he knew, Winter Soldier dashed in front of me and send a swiping kick to my stomach. I bounced backward as my body appeared from within the thick black smoke. The Tyrant that stood near my landing area tried to stomp my chest, but I rolled sideways and stood up while holding my left arm.

"How did he know I was there!?" I asked Regina, panic clearly drawn on my face.

[He probably had an S-Rank or higher tracking ability, Sir, nullifying your Stealth.] explained, Regina. She then continued, [The Winter Soldiers was a regiment built by Hydra for covert and stealth mission. Having that kind of skill is a must. Usually, it was done after brainwashing them which allows the operatives to 'install' this knowledge inside their head. Just like how I did to you when I installed the firearms and linguistic knowledge back then in Paris.]

I was baffled by the sudden revelation that Regina just told me. It made fighting him, even more, scarier now. I keep trying to run away, but those two keep getting in my way. I feel like that kid that wanted to go home but couldn't because his friends keep holding him back so that they could play more. I got pissed off just by thinking of it.

"This way!"

Suddenly, I heard Jill's voice from far away behind me. I looked back and smiled widely inside the helmet. My savior has come!

"See you later, losers!"

I make a run toward her, leaving the two alone. The two monsters, who seemed to get triggered by my word, ceased their ongoing fight and started chasing after me.

"What the fuck!? Keep fighting! Why are you teaming up against me?"

Like those kids that didn't want to be left alone with each other, they just had to stop me from going home with my mom.


The Tyrant's body was suddenly hit with an explosion, halting his charge. The Winter Soldier was startled and glanced at the big guy's body in reflex, what followed after was another explosion, but now it hit him instead. With both thrown off by the grenade launcher in Jill's hand. I could make a full sprint without worrying about them catching up. Jill fired a few more shots to keep them away, and thus we finally escaped.

'What a rough day...'

After running for a while, we found a corner at a hidden alley and rest there to catch our breath. I sat while holding my left arm, I don't know how to fix a dislocated arm, so I left it for my self-regeneration to kick in, maybe it could fix it automatically.

"Is it hurt?" asked Jill, seeing me holding my arm. She feels it a few times and found the area that got dislocated. She asked for my permission to fix it and I just nodded. While my regeneration might help, it would take some time. Who knows what would happen during those intervals. She continued, "I'll fix it in three, so take a deep breath and start counting."

I prepared myself and follow her orders, I took a deep breath and started counting, "One..."


"AaaaaaAa...! You said threeeee!" I complained to her, but she just chuckled and grinning, seeming to find my childish response amusing.

"But it feels good now, isn't it?" she said.

"Well... yeah." I stretched my arm and twist it a few times in different directions. It was completely fine, although I could still a bit of lingering pain. She fixed by pulling my arm, guiding the ball of my arm bone to the correct place. Although it sounds easy, you need to practice for that.

We relaxed on the floor for a bit, the next thing on our list was to fix the train tracks trajectory. I took out the intercom and made a call. It went through immediately and Nick's voice came from the other side. "How is it going in your sides?"

"Everything went well, we're going to the station's control room to change the train's tracks," I replied. Jill earlier said that the train couldn't operate yet because a few gates were either currently blocked by debris or for some other miscellaneous reason. She met a few UBCS members at the Subway, who explained the subway's condition to her. From her description of their feature, it seemed to be Carlos's group.

"We?" inquired, Nick.

"I met officer Jill Valentine, a S.T.A.R.S. member, on the way. We intended to cooperate until this mission was done." Jill just stood there, listening to our conversation with great interest. She wondered about which group I came from. CIA? FBI? Spec Ops? But who would hire him? From my small figure, Jill assumed that either the person in front of him was physically a dwarf or a child, with the latter, seemed too absurd to be true.

"Anyway, had a bit of a problem mid-way. A man with long hair, a mask, and a titanium left arm was in the Hive when I arrived. He seemed to be collecting those Spider-Flea that was inside." recalling him taking those things without hurting them still didn't make sense. What was he going to do with it?

"Is there a red star symbol on the titanium arm?" asked Nick.


"We're tracking on his whereabouts. Currently, he was the prime suspect to be the one responsible for this whole thing to erupt out of order," explained Nick.

"How sure are you?" I asked. If it was true, then that would make my plan to backfire on me in the worst way. I shouldn't have involved Hydra. But regretting would give me nothing. Those tenacious bastards should better be prepared when I get out of here.

"90%. We had some recordings of him and witnesses," replied Nick.

Before ending the call, I warned Nick of the next thing I met, "Be careful, a huge man in a trenchcoat and fedora appeared out of nowhere, he seemed to fully intent on catching both me and the titanium arm."

"He also comes for you?" asked Nick.

'What do you mean you too?' I wanted to ask that, but suddenly I got a bad premonition. What is it? Think! Think! Flashes of the screen of the game that I played in my previous life appeared around me. I started to gather them pieces by pieces. From the beginning of my arrival, I already knew that this world's Raccoon City was from the Remake version. But it didn't mean all of the games before them didn't exist. The train attacks and the Mansion event still exist. Then, there was a possibility that the Original version still exists, although partially. Which means, there is a possibility that the other Tyrant or T-00 also existed.

"How did you meet him?" I asked.

"It wasn't me, but Natasha and Clint were attacked by the same thing that attacked you. Their description of him also the same as you, a big guy with a fedora." Nick explained.

"When they got attacked?" I asked again.

"Around 15 minutes ago, and it lasts for another 10 minutes," he replied.

That was the same time as when the Tyrant I face came, which means, it was a different guy. As if struck by a thunderbolt, every screen I thought of earlier connected in the right position. The other five Tyrant also existed. They should have been deployed at Umbrella's Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A, which was responsible for handling NEST's excessive waste, where they fought with U.S. Army's special force. However, Nick said that the U.S. Army had a battle yesterday with some unknown forces and UBCS.

This means, the Disposal Plant event didn't take place and those other fives were here with different missions for them to do. My eyes then moved to my gauntlet, Limbo. Blackbeard proved to be much more effective against the T-00, unlike the super-regenerative G-Tyrant, or the hard-skinned Nemesis. The chance to kill them is still there, waiting for me to snatch it.

After ending the call, we resumed our advance toward the Subway Station's control room. There were nothing unusual on our way back, except for some wandering zombies. Right before arriving at the control room, I finally leveled up, reaching level 26.

<Edward Kavka>

<Level 26 - Mercenary>

<Mental Power (MP) - 210/470

<Experience Points (EXP) - 100/397.000>

<Strength (STR) - 29>

<Dexterity (DEX) - 29>

<Constitution (CON) - 29>

<Intelligent (INT) - 47>

<Unused stat points - 5>

[Do you want me to add the stats like before, Sir?] asked Regina.

"Nahh, add to intelligence so that I could get a new skill," I replied, whispering. Having a new card on my sleeves was a much better decision than holding it off until another level up. If it's Intelligent, it should add power up for my mental power, right? Or something close to that.

[Then, I'll add 4 points to INT and 1 point to DEX]

A new notification suddenly appeared after Regina assigned the points.

<Congratulations for reaching another breakthrough in Intelligent Stats. Rewarding A-Rank Special Abilities, Physical Movement Prediction.>

"Huh? That came out of nowhere." I muttered.

Jill heard my voice and asked, "What happen?"

"Ah nothing, I just thought it was odd that we arrived without any problem," I replied. Although I just made up that excuse in reflex, Jill finds it odd as well.

"Well, I prefer it better this way," she responded.

While she led the way, I clicked on the skills explanation.

<Physical & Matter Movement Prediction - A-Rank>


<An ability that would allow the user to predict any physical body or object matters movement and changes, after making a simple observation.>




With a single tap, the communication with Edward ended. Inside Nick's mind, Edward's last words still linger like mosquitoes.

'There's six of them in the city, be careful.'

"Six? One already put them in a pinch. Now, he's telling me there's another five of him?" muttered, Nick.

"What's wrong, Sir?" asked a young policeman that accompanied Nick.

"Ah, nothing. You said your name's Leon, right? I heard your story from Clara." said Nick, shaking off the giddy feeling inside his mind.

"Yes, Sir. Although this is my first day, I hope I could be of some use to you." said, Leon.

They were currently walking inside the Police Station's Parking Lot, going to the Jail cell, where a reporter that knew a lot about the current situation was held under Chief Irons's order. Nick got interested in his information and asked Marvin Branagh to let him meet with the reporter. Without Chief Irons to worry for, Marvin ordered Leon and another policewoman, Rita Phillips to guide him.

However, before they went further, a trio of mutated hound appeared from the corner. Nick and Leon brought a gun, but Rita left hers at her locker, not knowing she was going to meet a zombie inside the police station.

The three hounds were too close when they charged at them. Leon knowing that Rita didn't bring her gun, stood in front of her to start shooting. Nick also reached to his inner pocket and brought out his handgun, a Glock-19. The hounds, although fast and agile, moved in a straight line, making them an easy target. After holes were drilled on their chests and heads, two of the hounds fell lifeless on the floor. Leaving one to jump and bared its bloody fang on Leon's face.


But, another shot made it in time to prevent the worst to ever happen. However, the body of the hound still hit him, pushing Leon down on the ground. Nick and Rita thought the hound was still alive so they kicked it away, leaving the speechless Leon still imagining his face being rip by it.

"Oh my friend, I thought I lost you right there. Did you pee your pants?" asked Nick, to ease the atmosphere.

"No, it's just blood." But Leon just answered rather stoically, making the atmosphere tense again. "But it's not my blood."

"Ahh man, I thought you got bitten in the... you know choo-choo," said Nick, mimicking a machinist pulling a wire.

Rita, with a red face from embarrassment of not taking her gun, combined with Nick's train joke, asked, "But who shot the last bullet?"

Both Nick and Leon also had the same question. They both know that the last shot didn't come from them as the bullet bore a whole from a different direction.

And the answer came right after. A footstep produced by high heels resounded inside the Parking Lot. All three of them turned their head toward the source, finding a short-haired Asian woman walking toward them with a gun in her hand. She wore sunglasses and a buttoned coat with a knitted scarf wrapping her neck.

"What a surprise to find some people here," she said while flashing her CIA badge. Nick, who saw her badge, frowned.

"CIA? I thought you guys only dealt with foreigners?" commented, Nick while also flashing his FBI badge.

"You might forget, but Umbrella is a corporation from Europe, it still falls under our jurisdiction. Well, if only you guys from FBI did your job correctly, there's no need for us to work as well."

Nick got offended, even though he was not actually an FBI Agent, "So you say, CIAs are hard workers? Is that why we keep having problems with other nations spying on us? Because you guys worked so hard, you forgot to take a rest and missed them?"

"At least our records this year are much better than yours combined in the last decade." retorted Ada Wong.

Both Ada and Nick were baring their fangs toward each other. And both were fully inhabiting the role of their own fake identities. Leon, seeing the constantly escalated arguments interrupted both of them while Rita was left dumbfounded by the two's conflicts.

"I'm sorry to interrupt both of you guys, but we have another major problem to be dealt with. Zombies appeared inside the Police Station's area, we have to warn the others of their presence," said Leon.

Nick and Ada harrumphed at each other, and stopped talking. Leon sighed, not knowing what to do.

"Thank you for earlier, you really saved my life," said Leon toward Ada.

"You're welcome, next time you wander around, you better take a much more professional man. Unlike those that worked in FBI, but couldn't handle some rabies dogs alone," whispered Ada while walking away, leaving the trio alone.

"I head that!" said Nick, complaining.

"At least you have working ears."

Nick then wanted to counter again, but Ada already left. Without anyone to vent his anger at, Nick started stomping the hounds to cool himself. Leon and Rita looked at each other and just sighed.

NightHowl NightHowl

I can't believe I wrote 3.1k word.

Ahh... anyway, there's the new ability for Edward.

What do you think about it? Is it too OP? Because it basically allowed Edward to predict any physical movement, both object or person. But only after he observed it beforehand.

Anyway, leave your opinion on whether I leave it alone or add some changes to nerf or buff it even more.

See you in the next chapter!!

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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