69.55% Different Sex Story / Chapter 482: Caretaker Mom

章節 482: Caretaker Mom

Caroline sat in the classroom grading essays.

It was the last day of Fall semester, and at that late afternoon hour, most of the students had already left the university campus. She sat in the back of the room in a student's desk as she read the papers.

"Still here?" a woman's voice asked from the hall.

Caroline turned to see her friend Jane, the university Dean, standing by the doorway. Jane was also middle-aged, and she was dressed like a prim and proper woman.

"I'm still here," Caroline replied. "As you can see from this big pile of papers, I'm going to be here for a while. I'll take the rest home after I'm exhausted."

Jane smiled, "Mind if I have a seat? I'm sure you could use the company."

"Please do."

The Dean sat down in a student's desk, next to the professor.

"So what's the rush?" Jane asked. "Are you still working on your first novel?"

"Basically. I have what people call, writer's block. It's a bummer."

"It happens. A lot of writers go through that."

"Well, I'm not exactly a writer yet. I'm still working on it."

Jane gave a sympathetic nod. "Writers have to start somewhere."

"I know. I'm hoping to grade everything by next week, for all of my classes. Then I'll use the winter break to write as much as I can."

"How much have you written so far?"

"Over 100 pages," Caroline replied. "Not a lot. I'm always busy."

"Maybe there's a way that we could help each other."

"What did you have in mind?" Caroline asked.

"Do you remember that secluded winter home my husband and I bought a few years ago? I showed you pictures of it before."

"Sure, I remember. Beautiful place."

"Well, my husband and I were supposed to go there this winter, but something came up, and he has to travel to Europe for a while. So, we decided to have our winter vacation in Europe this year."

"That sounds like a pretty nice change of plans."

"It is," Jane replied. "We're making the best of everything. But that means our winter home will be unattended for a while. We tried to make arrangements with our usual caretaker, but she had already made plans to do other things. So, Caroline, how would you like to be the caretaker of that beautiful home for the winter?"

Caroline was taken aback by the offer. The winter home was beautiful and fancy. It was much classier than anything she was used to, since she lived on a modest professor's salary.

"I don't know what to say. Are you sure about this?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure," Jane replied. "It's a win-win situation. The house would have someone to look after it. And you would have a solitary place to write your book. Are you interested?"

"I'm not exactly sure yet," Caroline replied.

"Which is fine. It's understandable if you don't want to make a decision right away. It's a big responsibility. It's also a big time commitment."

"Is there anyone else you could ask?"

"Sure. There are a few other people. But as soon as my normal caretaker turned down the offer, I thought of you. Like I said, it's a win-win situation."

"That's very nice of you to think about me," Caroline replied. "I'll consider it. It's definitely an intriguing offer."

"Great. But please, let me know your decision in a few days. My husband and I plan on leaving soon."

"Would you mind if my son came along?"

"The more the merrier," Jane smiled. "It's probably better if he did. He can help you with chores and carrying wood for the fireplace. You know, little things like that which are meant for men."

"I'll consider it. I'll give you an answer soon."

Jane flashed a big smile. "I'll email you later today with all of the details of the arrangement. It'll help you make your decision."

The two friends exchanged more pleasantries and other details about the offer. Jane left the classroom and Caroline continued with her work.


That evening. Caroline sat in front of her bedroom computer, looking through all of the details and provisions which Jane had emailed her. The offer was tempting. There were pictures of the home, along with pictures of the mountain view. Everything looked stunning. It seemed like the perfect place to write a book.

The oven timer rang and dinner was ready. Caroline turned off the computer and quickly headed down the stairs to remove the food from the oven. She let the food rest while she prepared the plates.

Matt came down the stairs to help. He was an athletic and handsome college student, who was always full of energy

"Smells good," he said as he helped prepare the dishes.

"Thanks. I spent extra time to prepare your favorite."

"Oh yeah? What's the occasion?"

They both sat down to eat after everything was prepared.

"Do you have any plans for the winter break?" Caroline asked.

He thought for a moment. "Not really. Normal stuff I guess. Nothing special. Why?"

"Jane had a last minute change of plans, and she needs a caretaker for her winter home. So she offered me a chance to look after the place for the next month. It's a few hours drive from here, in the mountains. It's a really beautiful home and the scenery is breathtaking. I think you'll love it. It's also a great place for me to write my novel."

"And you're asking me if I want to stay there with you for the next month?"

She nodded. "That's the offer. If you won't go, then I won't go."

He thought once again. "I don't know mom. That's a pretty long time."

"I'll email you the pictures later. I'm sure you'll love it once you see it."

"I don't know," Matt said again. "I've got a lot of things going on, you know, with my friends and everything. Plus I'll be bored out of my mind staying in an outdoor place for that long. Are you sure you can't go alone?"

"I'm afraid to stay there alone, to be honest. And frankly, I'm afraid of leaving you here all by yourself," she joked.

"For good reason too," Matt smiled.

"Is your final answer 'no'? Jane wants an answer soon."

"I'm sorry mom. But that's a really long time to be away. I don't think I would like it very much."

Caroline nodded. "It's okay. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to begin with. I'll call her tonight and let her know."

"Sorry. It's just that, it sounds boring. I've never been a nature person. There won't be anything for me to do besides watch tv and use the internet all day."

"Well, it's on a mountain, so there's a slope on it for skiing and snowboarding. There's also a fancy hot tub, a brand new gym, a home theater and a bunch of other neat stuff. Jane and her husband are fairly rich. Anyway, I'll call her after dinner to let her know the decision."

Matt's eyes widened. "Whoa whoa whoa... did you say snowboarding and home theater? And all that other stuff?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Why didn't you mention that before? I thought you were talking about an empty log cabin or something. Send me the pictures tonight. I want to see it."

"I thought you weren't a nature person?" Caroline asked playfully.

"I'm more of a snowboarding person. I also like the private home theater, and all that other stuff. This sounds like it has a lot of potential. I'm officially interested."

"You know, I'm glad that we'll be able to spend some quality time together, plus I get to work on my book. This trip could actually be a lot of fun."

"Exactly. Let her know that we're interested," he said, before taking a big bite of the home cooking. "And this food taste great."

Caroline smiled at her son's youthful enthusiasm.


Later that night. After washing the dishes, Caroline went to her bedroom and took another long look at the pictures of the winter home. She wanted to make sure she was making the right decision, since it was a major commitment. The more she looked at the pictures, the more she fell in love with it.

Caroline emailed the pictures to Matt, who immediately replied, stating that he loved it. Caroline then picked up the phone and called Jane:

"Hello," Jane answered after a few rings.

"Hey. I hope I'm not bothering you at this hour."

"It's fine. So have you looked at the pictures yet? What do you think?"

"That's why I'm calling," Caroline replied. "My son and I have talked about the offer, and we'd love to be the caretakers for your winter home."

"Wonderful news! Believe me, you'll be blown away once you see it with your own eyes. The environment there is so relaxing and beautiful. The home is simply gorgeous. Wait until you get there. You'll never want to leave."

"That's the idea. I'm hoping the peaceful environment will help with my writing. Matt loves it also. He's so excited to go snowboarding, and to enjoy all of the perks of that lovely home."

"So, your son is actually coming with you?" Jane asked, almost suggestively.

"He is. Why? Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing. It's just that I remembered something about that area. That's all."

"What is it?" Caroline asked nervously. "Did something bad happen there?"

"Just the opposite, actually. I still remember my first winter vacation there with my husband, and my oldest son. It was so romantic for our family. There's something very special about that area. There's a serene energy. I can't put my finger on it, but you'll feel it once you're there. It's really something extraordinary."

Caroline was caught off guard by the way that Jane reminisced on the winter home. Caroline found it odd that Jane would describe a family vacation with her oldest son as being "romantic," but she tried to ignore it. Maybe Jane had simply used the wrong wording since it was late at night, Caroline thought to herself.

"Sounds interesting," Caroline said. "I'm in desperate need of a good vacation. And I think the atmosphere would be perfect for my novel."

"Is there going to be romance in your story?"

"Some. Not a lot. I'm still working on the plot details."

"Trust me," Jane replied, slightly suggestively. "This vacation is going to do wonders for your first book. I'll email you tomorrow morning with more details. We'll finalize the agreement as soon as possible so you can move in quickly."

"Jane, you're the best."

Part 2 of 4: Stories of Love & Incest

Nearly two weeks later. Caroline looked through the bedroom window of the secluded home. Snow was falling, more than the news had predicted. She turned her attention back to her laptop. There wasn't much progress on the story. She knew the story she wanted to write, but she didn't know how to write it. It was like the words were struggling to be released.

She stared aimlessly at the word processor on her computer. An email came. It was from Jane:


We're in Germany now. About to catch a flight to Spain. How is everything? Are you enjoying the home? Any troubles? How is the story coming along? Let me know!


There were pictures attached to the email showing Jane's trip to Europe. The weather was in sharp contrast to the mild snow storm that Caroline was going through. Caroline picked up her phone and took pictures of the outside weather, and pictures of the nearly blank screen on the word processor.

She replied:


I hope your trip to Europe is going well. It looks like a blast. Everything is going great here. Matt and I love this home. This is a wonderful place. The weather is a little rough, which means no snowboarding today. I've attached some pictures so you can see it. As for my story, I'm trying my best. Writing a book isn't as easy as I expected. But it's slowly coming along.

Thanks for checking in!


The email was sent, and Caroline tried to get back to work writing her story. Once again, she was at a loss for words. There weren't any good ideas waiting to be written.

Another email came:

I'm headed to the airport soon. If you need some inspiration for your book, try looking at some of the boxes in the basement. There's plenty of literature there. If you need some romantic inspiration, the adult kind, try looking at the top shelf in the closet of the main bedroom. Those are my private things. Our secret. : ) See you in a few weeks.

Let me know if there are any interesting updates...


After reading the email, Caroline suddenly became curious. She wondered what Jane meant by romantic inspirations. She was curious, and there was no point in sitting around wondering. She got up and headed towards the closet. She stood on a chair to search the top shelf and then she found a large box.

The box was slightly dusty. She put it on the floor and opened it.

To Caroline's surprise, the contents of the box seemed tame. There weren't any sex toys, pictures, or videos, as she had expected. Instead, there was a small stack of paperback books. Caroline sifted through the stack and noticed that all of the books were very old and that they were all erotic stories.

The last book in the pile caught Caroline's attention. The book looked old and worn out. It was very large. On the cover was a naked man and woman. It was entitled, Stories of Love & Incest.

She was slightly taken aback that a highly respected university Dean would own a book of incest stories. It briefly crossed her mind that Jane had mentioned a "romantic" winter vacation with her husband and son. Maybe Jane had been reading too many dirty stories and got confused, Caroline thought.

After sifting through the pile, Caroline realized that none of the books would be useful to her. She wasn't planning to write a romance book or erotica. She was attempting to write something classy and respectable. She put the books back inside of the box, and she placed it back on top of the shelf where it belonged.


Later that day. Caroline made hot chocolate and called her son for a mid-afternoon drink. She had spent most of the day trying to work on her book, and things were getting lonely. Matt came down the stairs soon after and joined his mother at the table.

"Looks like there won't be any snowboarding for a while," Caroline said.

He took a sip of the drink. "Yeah, unfortunately. But there's still a ton of movies to watch on the home theater. And my video games look great on the flat screen here. So there's other fun stuff to do."

"I miss being young," she smiled. "Your enthusiasm is nice to watch. You're always doing fun things."

"No one is stopping you from having fun, mom. Ever since we came here, you've been in your room most of the time working on your book. You should come out more. Enjoy the surroundings."

Caroline looked towards the window at the outside snow. "That won't be happening for a while. Not for the next few days according to the weather reports."

"Yeah, but you could still have fun around the house. We could watch a movie together later."

"That sounds nice. Maybe a good movie will help give me inspirations."

"You're really taking this book thing seriously," Matt noted.

"I am. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at writing it."

Matt cracked a smile, "An English professor who isn't good at writing? Your class should be easy to pass."

"This is different," Carline replied with a faint smile. "I'm struggling with ideas. I know what I want to write about, I know the topics, but the words won't come out."

"Well, what do you want to write about? Maybe I can help."

"I'm writing about a woman who explores life in her later years. Right now I'm torn with how much romance to incorporate. I want to write a truthful story about women, but I don't want to alienate certain readers with sex."

"Sex sells," Matt replied. "You don't have to be an econ major to know that. Just look at today's market for books. Romance and dirty stories are the big things that women want to read right now. If you want my advice, you should put as much romance as you can. Otherwise no one is going to read it...except for me of course."

"That's probably good advice. But even if I want to use more romance, I have no idea how to write it."

"You want to be a writer, don't you?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, but this is different. I never intended on..."

Matt cut her off mid-sentence. "Then you better get some practice and do it. That's the only way to learn."

"I guess you're right," she conceded. "Jane has a stack of erotic literature in this home. I'll probably look at it later tonight for inspiration."


"Care to read some?"

"No thanks. I prefer to use...umm...nevermind."

Caroline smiled, "Don't bother answering that. I don't even want to know."


That night. After the dinner plates were cleaned, Caroline went straight to her room with a renewed vigor to write her novel. She sat on the floor with her laptop and wrote passionately about the character, drawing inspiration from her own life experiences, and from other women she knew.

It was the most she had written in a single sitting. Her creativity was on fire. She was on a roll. The lead character in her story was on a trip abroad, alone, when she met a man.

Then, Caroline's creativity stopped.

Her imagination came to a complete halt, but she still wanted to write. Then she remembered Jane's erotic books.

Caroline went back to the closet, stood on a chair, and grabbed the box full of dirty stories. She put the books on the floor and sat down. There wasn't a strategy or a particular book she wanted to read. There wasn't time for that. She just wanted some ideas on how to set up an erotic scene.

She briefly flipped through each book in the stack. The books on top of the pile weren't very interesting from what she could tell. Some of the books didn't have much sex or eroticism. The other books which had a lot of sex were poorly written.

Then Caroline reached the bottom of the stack and saw the book that intrigued her earlier, Stories of Love & Incest.

She looked at the back of the book, and then the table of contents. Her assumption was confirmed. The book contained a variety of short incest stories by different authors. There were over 50 different stories. Glancing through the story descriptions and titles, she saw that the stories contained various combinations of incestuous relations. Some were father/daughter, others were brother/sister, or even sister/sister. The most common appeared to be mother/son stories.

It was an intriguing moment for her. Caroline wasn't a sexually naive person, and she never judged anybody for their fantasies or fetishes. But incest? It was a fetish which seemed hard to swallow. But nevertheless, she was curious about the stories. She was curious about the world of erotica and lust.

Caroline opened the book and briefly skimmed through a random story:

1) The first story was about a single father. He was a good man who did his best to raise a rebellious college-aged daughter. Things took a sexual turn when the father discovered that his daughter had considered doing porn. He confronted his daughter, and she confessed. She explained that she thought it was exciting and that she needed a job. He hired her as his secretary, and she got paid. But she still needed sexual excitement in her life.

The story left Caroline feeling extremely uncomfortable, and strangely aroused. She knew plenty of single fathers. The thought of them having sexual relations with their daughters was disturbing, yet oddly stimulating. It was a dirty feeling she had never felt before.

She flipped to another random story:

2) The second story she read was about a brother and sister who were planning to attend different grad schools. They had always been best friends growing up. They were heartbroken and sad to leave each other. The night before the siblings were to depart from each other, they made an impromptu decision to meet by the lake at midnight, and to swim naked. From that point, things escalated.

What surprised Caroline the most about the two incest stories she had read was the emotional pull they had. The stories were well-written, and the sex scenes were incredibly well done. She was slowly understanding the appeal of family relations as a fantasy. It was the ultimate taboo.

When she flipped the page to read another story, she stopped in her tracks when she realized it was a mother/son story. As a single mother living alone with her son, the story topic made her particularly uncomfortable. But she continued reading anyway.

3) The third story was about a prim and proper woman who struggled to balance her busy career as an attorney, with being a single mother to a rebellious college-aged son. After receiving a long-awaited promotion, she realized that her work schedule was about to become a lot more chaotic. She knew she wouldn't have the time to deal with her son's antics anymore, so she made him a deal: She offered her son sexual favors in exchange for him behaving himself. Every weekend, she would go to his room and pleasure him. Their relationship blossomed from that point.

Caroline took a deep breath. She read the story fast and felt emotionally vested by the topic. She felt like the characters were almost real, and she wondered if such a story could even be possible.

She looked at the clock and it was already past 12:30 am. She had been reading nonstop for over 3 hours. Her vagina had become wet, and aching for attention, but her eyes could barely open. She had already spent her energy on reading and writing. There wasn't enough energy to masturbate, at least not in the way that she needed.

After placing the books on the desk near her laptop, she washed herself in the bathroom, turned off the lights, and went to bed with a newfound confidence in her storytelling abilities.


The next morning. Caroline did some writing immediately after waking up. Her hair was still a mess, and she was still in her nightgown. The erotic books she had read the night before served as powerful inspiration as she typed away on her laptop.

Afterwards, she took a long shower and gave herself the much needed sexual release using the smooth bottom of a hairbrush inside of her vagina. She had an orgasm thinking of the semi-erotic scene she had just written for her novel.

When she finished, she went down the stairs in a sweater and sweatpants, and cooked a large breakfast. She knew the smell of fresh food being prepared would be enough to bring Matt to the kitchen. Nearly 10 minutes later, she heard his footsteps coming down the stairs.

"You look like a million bucks," she said sarcastically, noting his sloppy appearance.

"Thanks mom. So do you. You look way too happy for this kind of weather."

It almost made her laugh inside. The source of her glowing skin and vibrant morning appearance was the nice orgasm she had given herself earlier, but he'd never know. It wasn't his business.

"You're right on time. The food is ready."

Caroline got two plates and filled them with hot food from the stove. She brought it to the table and got two cups and filled them with fruit juice. They both sat down and began to eat.

"Did you work on your book?" he asked, in between eating. "You said you were going to read some stuff last night. How did that go?"

"It went well. Jane actually has a pretty interesting collection of literature. It opened my eyes to a lot of new things, which has really helped with my writing."

"Cool. Maybe I can read some of those books later."

Caroline nearly choked on her food. "Really? You've never been much of a reader."

"I used to have a shelf full of books remember?"

"Those were comic books and scary stories that I bought for you a long time ago. I've never seen you read literature unless it's part of your college curriculum."

"You seem kind of defensive over those stories," Matt said with a faint smile. "They must be some pretty provocative stuff."

"Not really," she replied in a coy tone. "I need those books with me. You know, in case I need more samples to look at while I'm working on my story."

"Fair enough," Matt nodded before returning his attention back to the food.


After breakfast, Caroline went back to work on her novel. She typed a few paragraphs, but found her mind wandering back to the collection of incest stories. She stopped what she was doing and picked up Stories of Love & Incest to look at the cover. The cover was beautiful. The drawing of a naked man and woman was artistic and bold.

Her eyes skimmed through the table of contents. Each story specified what type of incest it was. Caroline found herself drawn to the mother/son titles. They were much more taboo, provocative, and relatable to her.

Caroline noticed that one of the mother/son stories listed in the table of contents was underlined with a pen. There was also a small asterisk next to it. Whoever marked that story probably had good reason.

She flipped to the story page and began to read:

4) The story was entitled, The Winter of Ecstasy & Pleasure. It was about a mother who lived in a rural area with her college-aged son. A rare blizzard came which forced all residents to stay indoors for several days. All of the residents were well prepared with food and water. The power went out during the snowstorm. For the next few days, the mother and son used their time to connect in a way that they had never done before. They had always been close, but they found themselves bonding emotionally. The mother revealed intimate details about herself, and so did the son. On a freezing cold night, the mother climbed into her son's bed and held him tightly for warmth. It was the beginning of a sexual relationship, and the beginning of their new lives together.

An hour later, Caroline breathed a sigh of relief after finishing the story. It was touching, warm, and extremely erotic. Most of all, it was relatable. She felt like the main character of the story. Caroline's relationship with her son was the same as the characters in the story. Yet, the female character in the story eventually found her way into her son's bed.

Caroline found herself wondering how a decent person could actually commit incest. She was aroused. Her panties were wet. Her heart rate had risen. Her body became warmer after reading the story.

On her desk was a picture of her and Matt. He was handsome. He looked almost like his father, and he had many of the same personality traits.

She leaned back in her chair and slid her right hand down her sweatpants. Her hand went underneath her panties and she began to touch herself sexually. She had already came earlier that morning, but she was in desperate need for more relief. For the very first time in her life, she fantasized about her son. She kept her eyes open and looked at Matt's picture on the desk.

Caroline imagined herself in the same position as the female character in the story. She imagined sliding into bed with Matt at night, feeling his athletic body. She imagined the reaction on his face, the look of pure shock. Then she imagined her head going down under his blanket to look for his penis. Then she imagined sucking his cock.

She came.

An orgasm ripped through her body the moment she imagined her lips touching her grown son's hard penis. It was a disturbing thought, which she found oddly arousing. She regained her senses, breathed heavily, and wondered what she had just done. My little secret, she thought.

When she recovered from the orgasm, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and she used a wet paper towel to wipe the orgasm between her legs. She also needed to change her panties.

She went back to her laptop and tried working on her story once again. She couldn't. All she could think about was the new fantasy with her son. It was a jarring and heart-shaking thought. How could I think of such a thing? With my own son? Why did I enjoy it so much?

Once again, she had to remind herself that it was her secret. No one would ever know.

Part 3 of 4: The Winter of Ecstasy & Pleasure

One week later. After waking up early in the morning, Caroline went back to work on her story. Her hair was still a mess, and she was still wearing the nightgown she slept in.

The novel she was writing had nice progress to it. She developed a routine, where every time got stuck, she would read some of Jane's erotic stories. Especially the incest stories. At that moment, she thought of Jane. She still couldn't believe that a successful and influential person would even own such a book. She wanted to see if she could find out more.

She opened her email account:

Dear Jane,

I hope your trip to Europe is going well. Things are fine here in the home. There was a snow storm last week. Things cleared up for a while, and Matt and I were able to snowboard outside again. But, there's another snow storm right now.

Anyway, I'm writing to let you know that everything is going great. Matt and I are very happy. Thank you for letting us stay here. And thank you for letting me borrow your erotic literature. They have been REALLY helpful to the story that I'm trying to write.

Talk to you soon,


After the email was sent, she went back to work on her novel, typing away on her laptop.

The house phone suddenly rang. It rang in the bedroom. It never rang before. It was an old landline phone with no caller id, but she knew it was her friend.

Caroline picked up the phone.


"Caroline, good morning. It's early morning right?" Jane asked.

"7:49 in the morning to be exact. It's good to hear from you again. What time is it over there?"

"You don't want to know. I was checking my email and I saw your message, so I decided to give you a long distance call."

"A call from you is always welcome," Caroline replied. "Everything is going great."

"I saw the weather forecast online. There's another snow storm already?"

"Yeah, it's pretty bad already. We're stuck in the house again"

"That's unfortunate," Jane replied. "It usually doesn't snow that much in December."

"It's okay. I don't mind. I'm indoors most of the time anyway."

"I'm sure Matt minds, doesn't he?"

"He can get pretty annoyed if he's stuck in the house all day. But he loves using your home theater and the rest of your nifty electronics."

"Good. I'm glad. And I'm glad to hear your story is going well."

"It really is," Caroline replied. "Your box of adult literature has really helped me with inspirations."

"Any favorites?"

Caroline thought for a moment. "The large book on the bottom of the pile. The one with the man and woman on the cover. I think that one is my favorite."

"Oh really?"

Caroline could almost feel her friend grinning on the other end of the phone line.

"It's certainly a provocative book," Caroline replied, trying to sound indifferent about it.

"What did you like about it? Tell me?"

"I liked the writing, the dialogue. I also thought the suspense and sex scenes were very well written. That really gave me a lot of inspiration."

"What about the incest aspect of it," Jane asked bluntly.

"What about it?"

"Did you enjoy reading about family members having sex?"

"It was interesting," Caroline replied calmly. "I've never read anything like that before. It was unusual, but I can understand why people enjoy reading it."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I suppose I did."

"You're being evasive," Jane replied. "You can tell me the truth. Obviously I'm not in a position to judge you. It's my favorite book. No one knows about it, except for you and my husband."

Caroline took a deep breath. "The book was eye opening for me. Honestly, I thought it was weird that you would have something like that. But I was curious, so I read some of it. Frankly, I really liked it. I don't know what else to say."

"Any particular preference? Do you like the father/daughter stories, or the mother/son?"

"I've read a couple stories so far. They were all nice."

"Did you read the story that I underlined in the table of contents?" Jane asked.

"Are you talking about The Winter of Ecstasy & Pleasure? I read it last week. It was... interesting. The writing was very good. I'm surprised I enjoyed it so much."

"Be honest with me Caroline, we've been best friends since high school. Tell me the truth. Did you fantasize about Matt after reading that story?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Because after reading that story, it changed my life for the better," Jane replied.


"Answer the question first."

Caroline paused for a moment. "I fantasized about him a few times after reading that story."

"Can you keep a secret of mine? An extremely personal one. I'm willing to tell you because I want you to experience the same joys in life and because I trust you."

"Of course I can keep a secret," Caroline said. "I promise."

"Check the bedroom closet again. Look on the floor. One of the floorboards is loose. If you look underneath, you'll find my secret life. Don't worry, my husband knows. He loves it. I want you to experience the same thing."

"I'll have a look. I won't tell anyone about it."

"Good. I have to go now."

"Thank you for everything," Caroline replied. "It was nice hearing from you again."

"There's no need to thank me. You're doing me a favor. Bye."


The conversation ended and Caroline hung up the phone. It was the most bizarre conversation of her life. Not only did she reveal her most intimate secret, she learned that Jane had a major secret as well.

Caroline went to the closet and looked at the floor for a loose board. It was difficult to find, but she found it. She managed to lift the board using a screwdriver. She reached inside the open floor and picked up a small box. She went back to the center of the bedroom where there was plenty of light, and she sat down on the floor to examine the box.

When she opened the box, she saw another book. It was old and wrinkled. It was an instructional for sex. She flipped through the pages of the book and saw all of the different ways seduction could occur. There was a variety of pictures showing different sexual positions, and how they should be done. There was also different techniques for oral sex.

She continued searching the box and she found a large photo album. She looked inside. It had recent pictures of Jane, her husband and her college-aged son. The pictures were all taken at the winter home. The pictures were all innocent. The more Caroline flipped through the pages, the more scandalous the pictures started to look.

Caroline's heart nearly stopped when she began to see naked pictures of Jane's middle-aged body in the photos. She was posing nude in the bedroom, and around the house.

Caroline gasped when she saw naked pictures of Jane's son.

The final shock came when Carline turned the page and saw pictures of Jane performing oral sex on her son. There were several explicit pictures of the oral encounter. Then there were several pictures of Jane and her son having sex in the main bedroom, on the bed which Caroline had been sleeping in at night.

She slammed the photo album shut. She couldn't look anymore. Her stomach was in knots and her mind was spinning. Questions arose. How could my best friend do such a thing? That's not the person I know!

Despite the shock, there was a burning feeling in her pussy which refused to go away. It was aching, and it was yearning to be satisfied. After a few minutes of being in awe, she finally gave in to the desires and she reached inside her gown to rub her pussy. It wasn't enough.

She leaned her back against the bed while she was sitting on the floor. She opened the photo album again. She looked at the pictures of Jane naked, looking like a complete slut. She flipped the pages again and looked at the pictures of Jane sucking her son's cock.

She came.


The next day. It was another day of home isolation. The cold winter weather continued. There was no chance of going outside.

Caroline wore her exercise outfit in the middle of the afternoon and headed towards the home gym. Matt was already there using an exercise bike. He was nearly covered in sweat. They smiled at each other. It was awkward for Caroline to stretch and warm up in front of him, but there wasn't much choice. When she was ready, she got on an exercise bike next to him.

"How many miles have you done so far?" she asked.

"About 4."

Caroline started to move her feet on the exercise machine.

"Impressive. Good for you. I'll be lucky to do half of that."

"That's because you're always in your room," Matt replied. "You hardly move."

"You're right. My hips and thighs are really starting to show it. I've probably gained at least 5 pounds since we've been here."

"Well, let's take care of that. Come on, mom. Let's go faster!"

Matt moved his feet swiftly on the exercise bike. The bike was being pushed to its limit, and Caroline struggled to keep up.

"I can't!" she replied, picking up some speed.

"Of course you can! Faster! Get those legs in shape!"

The sweat poured off Matt's face as he went full speed on the bike. Caroline tried her best to keep up with her son's pace and encouragement. She rode the exercise bike as hard as she could. Sweat poured from her forehead. After several grueling minutes of an intense workout, her body showed its age and her legs came to a full stop.

She groaned as she got off the bike to lay on the floor. Her legs were curled. Matt got off his bike and immediately went down to help her. He put his hands on her legs, unsure of what to do.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

Caroline held her thighs tightly. "My legs are killing me. I'll be fine though."

"Sorry. I was only joking around."

"Help me up."

"I think you better stay on the floor for a while," Matt replied. "It looks like you have a cramp or something."

Caroline stayed on the floor. "It's going away. I'll be fine soon. I haven't exercised like that in a long time."

"You'll probably be really sore tomorrow."

"At my age, I'll be sore for a week."

Matt looked towards the other room. "Why don't we use the hot tub? It'll help with the soreness. Plus I owe you a massage."

"You certainly do," she joked.

He helped Caroline to her feet and they walked to the hot tub. He turned on the heating system and activated the tub. Caroline took off her shoes and socks. Then she sat down on the edge of the hot tub and put her legs in the warm water.

After a moment of relaxing, Matt reached down to massage his mother's legs.

"You shouldn't," she said. "I was just joking. I don't need a massage. I'll be fine."

"It's okay. It's my fault you hurt yourself."

Matt squeezed her legs with his strong hands. He reached in the water and massaged her sore calves, making her even more relaxed.

"That feels nice. It's been a long time since I've had a massage. I didn't know your hands were so talented."

"We learned about this in some of my sports science classes. Just relax."

Caroline wanted to moan each time her son squeezed her aching legs. She closed her eyes, and her mind started to drift before she brought herself back to reality. She opened her eyes and looked at her handsome son.

"I really need to workout more," Caroline noted. "I used to be in great shape when I was your age."

"What's stopping you?"

She thought for a moment. "I work too much. It's all I ever do. Nowadays the only thing I do is work on my book."

"You don't have to write the whole thing now, you know. I don't get why you're rushing so much. Most authors take months or years to write a novel."

"I know. But it just feels like something I have to do. That's what writing a story feels like. It feels like an obligation to yourself to get the words and ideas out."

Matt continued massaging his mother's legs. His hands moved up and down.

"So I guess your story is coming along well," he said.

"Better than I expected. I've actually learned a lot about myself in the process."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know," she smiled. "But it's been keeping me busy."

Matt continued the massage. "I think I know what it is."

"You do?" Caroline replied, raising her eyebrow.

"It has to do with those erotic stories you've been reading, right?"

"What makes you say that?"

Matt smiled, "I know a lot about women. You mentioned before that you wanted to add romance to your story, and that you've been reading Jane's erotic books. Since then, you've had a glow on your face whenever I see you around the house. You look like a satisfied woman. It's subtle, but I can tell. I'm guessing you have a newfound interest in light romance stories."

"I didn't realize that you were an expert on middle-aged women."

"I'm an expert in all sorts of women," he smiled again, with his hands massaging tighter.

"If you only knew..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you have no idea what you're talking about," Caroline replied. "Women are much more complicated than you think."

Matt continued massaging his mother's legs. The look on his face showed an intrigue towards his mother's cryptic comments.

"Why don't you enlighten me about women then?" he asked. "Now you've got me interested."

Caroline thought for a moment. "Well, what I'm saying is, don't be surprised if women have the same dirty fantasies that men have."

"Does that include you?" he asked cautiously.

"Maybe it does."

Matt's hands suddenly stopped massaging. He moved his hands away because they were completely exhausted from the long massage.

"My hands are done," he said. "I can barely make a grip anymore. I hope you enjoyed that massage."

"I did. It was pleasurable. And arousing," she said with a friendly wink.

Matt looked taken aback. "That's an interesting choice of words."

"If you're interested in what I've been doing lately, I've been reading incest stories in my bedroom. A lot of them. Some of them are romantic, some aren't. All of them have steamy sex scenes which really get me going. It shocked me at first, but now I love it. I guess it's a new fetish of mine."

Matt's jaw nearly dropped hearing his mother's revelation. Caroline smiled at her son's priceless reaction.

"You...uh...that's interesting..." Matt stuttered.

"Have you ever had those fantasies? I did some research online. Apparently it's common for men."

He looked down briefly, "I guess I have. A long time ago."

"Really?" she asked curiously.

"I guess."

"Anything in particular?"

He suddenly looked embarrassed. "Not really."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Matt. These are perfectly normal feelings. We shouldn't judge each other for something like this."

"You're right mom."

"I need a long shower. Thank you for the massage."

Caroline got out of the hot tub with water from her legs dripping everywhere. She gave her son a simple kiss on the cheek, and they briefly looked each other in the eyes. She turned around and grabbed a nearby towel to help dry the lower half of her body, and then she left.

Part 4 of 4: Between Mothers & Sons

That night. There had been a power outage earlier. It was the first time that they had no electricity since the trip began. They ate dinner using candle light and a few lamps. The temperature of the house was slowly beginning to drop, especially with the snow storm outside. They wore thicker clothes to keep warm.

Caroline's room was lit by candle light and a lamp. She tried working on her story by using a battery pack to power her laptop. As always, she had the set of erotic stories next to her. She picked up the sex manual and looked at it. Then she wondered if Jane had used those same techniques on her son.

Caroline flipped through Jane's photo album again. It looked like Jane used the sexual techniques from the book on her son. It was appalling, yet irresistible. It was unholy, yet it looked so right. How could my best friend do such a thing?

Her eyes studied the different pictures. She lost track of how many times she had looked at them. The sight of actual incest was shocking. It always made her moisten between the legs to look at the pictures. She looked at the sex manual a few more times, and then she tried to go back to work.


10:43 that night. The house had gotten colder by the hour. She heard Matt's footsteps down the hall as he used the bathroom and went to his bedroom. She heard him closing the door. Caroline's eyes were sore and she decided to prepare for bed as well.

She brought the lamp to her bathroom and washed herself with cold water. She removed her clothes and examined her naked body with only the lamplight. Her body was starting to look old, and it was starting to sag, especially around her breasts and rear end. But she still looked desirable. Then she put on her nightgown.

An impulse flowed through Caroline's body. It was a cold night and she needed someone to hold. It had been a very long time since she had been in a relationship. She hadn't been romantic in months. It almost made her laugh to think that she was just like the female character in The Winter of Ecstasy and Pleasure. Then it made her aroused to think that she could commit incest like the lead character.

She lifted the front part of her nightgown and looked at her pussy in the mirror. It was wet and in desperate need of male attention. Caroline looked at her face in the mirror. She was pretty. And she was lonely.


Caroline took the lamp and left the bathroom. She walked down the hall towards Matt's room. There was no light under the door, which meant that he was trying to sleep. She knocked lightly on the door, knowing that Matt hadn't fallen asleep yet. Matt told her to come in.

When Caroline entered the dark bedroom, she saw her son faintly with the lamplight. He was under his thick blanket, and it looked like he had just finished adjusting his clothes. There was a box of tissue next to his bed. She had an idea of what he was doing, but she wasn't sure.

"Do you need something?" he asked from his bed.

"My room is freezing. I was lonely. Do you mind if I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Through the darkness, she saw the look of hesitation on his face.

"Sure mom. If you want..."

Caroline walked towards her son's bed and placed the lamp on the nearby counter. She got underneath his thick blanket and laid next to him.

"Thank you. You're so sweet."

"No problem."

"And your blanket is so warm," she noted. "I should have done this sooner."


The lamp light was still on, and Caroline snuggled in the warm bed next to her son. Her hands moved around as she got comfortable, and she felt an empty piece of tissue underneath the blanket. She picked it up and held it under the light.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Nothing. I have allergies sometimes."

"Were you, you know, touching yourself?"

"No," he said defensively. "Of course not."

She gave him a motherly look. "Don't be embarrassed. It's perfectly natural. Especially for a young man your age."

"I guess I was," he reluctantly admitted. "How was I supposed to know that you were going to be coming to my room?"

"Sorry for the intrusion."

"It's okay. It's a little embarrassing, but I'll live."

Caroline smiled at him in the near darkness. "So, what were you thinking about? Anything good?"

"Now you're just trying to give me a hard time."

"I thought you were doing that before I got here?" she quipped.

"Very funny."

"Were you thinking about me?" she asked. "Were you thinking about massaging my legs earlier? It's okay if you were. I'm just curious."

"Would you be mad if I was?"

"Of course not."

"You have nice legs, mom," he replied vaguely.

Caroline reached under the blanket and touched her son's hand, caressing it softly.

"You have nice hands."

"What are we doing right now?'

"It's a freezing cold night," she said. "I'm lonely. I haven't been with a man in a very long time. For the past week, I've been masturbating furiously to incest stories. I've also been studying a sex manual, which I'm eager to try. If you're interested, we can explore new things together. If not, I understand."

"I never thought you would offer."

Caroline held his hand tighter, and she leaned towards him to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Then she moved her head down, underneath the large blanket. She kept the blanket over her head as she lowered her body. She moved on top of Matt's body.

She reached inside of his boxers and touched his penis, which was semi-erect. She couldn't see it because of the darkness, being underneath the blanket. But her hands rubbed in gently, and she imagined what it looked like. She gave it a kiss on the head. She could feel that Matt was nervous based on his slight squirming in bed. She was nervous too. Caroline gave the head of the penis another soft kiss. Then a lick. The tip of her lounge briefly swirled around the head of his penis. She gave the hard shaft a nice lick. She savored every lick. She loved making him squirm.

With the raging hard cock still in her hand, she remembered all of the oral sex tips she had read in the sex manual. She opened her mouth and took the head of the hard cock inside. She wrapped her lips tightly around her son, and then she sucked. Her mouth lowered inch-by-inch. She kept in mind every piece of advice from the manual. It was Caroline's first time with her son, and she wanted to make sure it was special.

Her left hand held the base of his cock. The other hand rubbed the shaft in an up-and-down motion. Caroline remembered all of the oral sex tips she had been reading. She touched all of his pleasure spots with her tongue, lips, and hand. She moaned with the hard cock in her mouth, knowing that men liked the humming feeling.

"Oh god...mom..."

Hearing Matt groan sent a jolt down her spine while she continued sucking. It was a stark reminder of the act of incest she was committing, the ultimate taboo. Oh god...my own son...

Instead of backing away, she only sucked harder and bobbed her head faster. She had never been so aroused in her entire life. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. Between her legs was a small river of vaginal fluids. Caroline continued sucking her son's cock, and she felt all of the tell-tale signs of an impending male orgasm.

She wanted to make him cum. She desperately wanted to taste his cum. But then she realized that it was their first time together, and it had to be special, just like in all of the incest stories she had been reading.

Caroline released her son's cock from her lips and sat upright on his thighs. She pushed the blanket away and Matt was able to see her. They made eye contact while she was wearing her nightgown, and Matt's hard cock was still exposed.

"How do you feel?" she asked. "Are we going too far? Did I cross the line?"

"No. God no. Mom, I'm aching so hard that it hurts."

"Do you need me to take care of it for you?"

"More than anything."

"Good. I desperately need release too."

Caroline grabbed the bottom of her nightgown and pulled it overhead. She tossed it to the floor, leaving her completely naked on top of her son. In was the most vulnerable she had ever felt in her life. She watched Matt's eyes roam over her naked body. The lamp light was more than enough for Matt to have a good look at her nudity. Her sagging, average sized breasts were completely exposed. Her large brown nipples hardened. Her bush was on full display. It made her wet beyond belief seeing Matt desire her so much. She massaged her breasts and played with her hard nipples to make him even more aroused.

Once they got used to the nudity, she used her fingers to hold her son's hard cock straight up. She positioned herself over the hard cock, and she slowly lowered her body. They made eye contact the entire time. They never looked away from each other, even as the tip of his erection touched her labia. She lowered herself even further, allowing the hard cock to penetrate her pussy. She moaned softly. She lowered herself even further, allowing the cock to enter her, inch-by-inch, until it was all the way inside. Caroline's body sat down on her son's crotch, with his hard cock buried in her.

"You feel so good in me," she groaned. "We're a perfect match."

Before he could reply, Caroline clenched her vaginal muscles, just as she had read in the manual, which caused her son to gasp out loud. She continued to clench her vaginal muscles as hard as she could, and she slowly released the grip so they could have sex.

As her body adjusted to his cock size, Caroline reached underneath her son's tshirt to rub his stomach. Her hands moved upwards and she caressed his bare chest. Matt returned the favor, reaching up to fondle his mother's breasts, squeezing them, and playing with her hard brown nipples.

Caroline's body began to move in a sexual motion. She slowly rode her son's cock, wondering if this was actually happening. Looking into her son's eyes let her know that it wasn't a dream. Feeling his cock in her hot pussy let her know that it was real.

"Oh god...mom. Just like that," Matt groaned.

Hearing him call her 'mom' only added to the pleasure. It was the ultimate taboo, and she was committing it with him. It was an unholy coupling, and she was loving every second. Her pussy became even more soaked. She rode him harder, and she squeezed his chest harder too.

"Call me 'mom' again," she said with lust in her voice. "Call me your mother again."

He obliged. "Fuck me, mom. Fuck me, mom."

The taboo felt surreal as Caroline continued to ride her son's cock. It was just like the incest stories she had been fantasizing about, only it had become reality. She felt like she was living a sexual dream. She screamed out loud as she continued to ride him. They continued making eye contact. They continued rubbing each others bodies. Matt's hands continued squeezing his mother's tits.

Caroline clenched her vaginal muscles once again. The grip was tight. The reaction on Matt's face let her know that it was working. She looked him in the eyes and saw his expression of complete disbelief. She continued clenching her vaginal muscles while riding him, and soon his body arched and his mouth widened.

He shot a load of cum inside of his mother's pussy. Caroline felt his ejaculation, and she could tell from his body movement that he was in a state of massive orgasm. She continued clenching her pussy while riding him, milking him for everything he had.

Before long, and intense burning feeling developed between Caroline's legs. Her pussy was on fire. She rubbed her clit furiously. She came along with her son, while she fingered herself. They orgasmed together. Her back arched violently. Her vaginal and leg muscles contracted. She screamed at the top of her lungs from the powerful orgasmic feeling. They were in a secluded area, so she didn't care how loud she was. She continued screaming and shouting as they came.

When it was over, Caroline collapsed on top of her son. The bed sheet was soaked with both of their orgasmic fluids. They breathed heavily against each other. Sweat had formed on their bodies despite the cold temperate. Caroline showed signs of consciousness again, and she expressed her gratitude by giving Matt a gentle kiss on the lips, then another. Then they gave each other a passionate wet tongue kiss.

"I love you," she said. "I always have. And I always will."

"I know," Matt replied, giving her another kiss on the lips.

They held each other that night. They kept each other warm in the cold weather. When they awoke, they continued their love making.


Mid January. Caroline was in her office on the college campus. It was late in the afternoon and she had already finished teaching her first course of the semester. With the extra time she had, Caroline continued working on her novel.

Thirty minutes passed, and footsteps came from down the hall. Caroline looked up to see Jane standing in the doorway.

"Always the hard worker I see," Jane playfully noted.

Caroline playfully shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a hard worker."

"No one can deny that. You've won Professor of the Year plenty of times. But you look far too involved on that computer to be sending emails to students, or to be working on new curriculum. I'm assuming you're working on that novel."

"Nice guess."

"How is it coming along?" Jane asked.

"Nicely. I've contacted a few publishing agents about what I've written so far. I haven't heard anything back yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed."

"You're a good writer. I'm sure you'll get a solid deal."

"Thanks," Caroline replied. "And thanks again for letting me use your winter home. It was so much fun. I had such a great time."

Jane smiled, "Don't mention it. I should be going now. I'll leave you with your story."

"I want to show you something first," Caroline said, reaching for her phone to access her pictures.

After quickly browsing through her pictures, Caroline thought to herself for a moment.

"Nevermind, I guess I don't have it with me," Caroline lied. "Maybe I'll show you another time."

"I'm looking forward to it. I think I know what the pictures are. You're not comfortable talking about it yet. Maybe we can meet for lunch later this week to discuss it. We can share stories from our winter vacations."

"I'd like that," Caroline smiled. "That sounds wonderful."

"Great. I'll email you later tonight for arrangements. Bye."


After Jane left, Caroline turned her attention back to the pictures on her phone. They were nude selfies she had taken with Matt. The nude pictures were taken in different rooms of the winter home. Most of the pictures were of them kissing. Other pictures were more explicit, with images of Caroline performing oral sex on Matt. There were also pictures of them having sex.

Caroline closed her computer and headed home. Her pussy was becoming wetter by the moment. She desperately needed her son's attention.

The End

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