34% Crash Into Hello / Chapter 17: CHAPTER 17

章節 17: CHAPTER 17

Genesis's POV


                 Words momentarily left me. As I stared into his bright blue eyes, I couldn't quite decipher the reasons he would think that. The reasons he even let those thoughts cross his mind. Since the beginning of our outing, he has been nothing but sweet with me. He has been a perfect gentleman. No one has ever treated me the way he's done and still doing.

While being here with him, I was very aware of the fact that so many girls like me will give up everything all to be in my present position - seated in front of this beautiful human - within the four walls of this luxurious empire and ready to be treated like a queen so what was wrong with me?

He chuckled, dropping his eyes on the table while scratching the back of his neck, "I'm sorry. I'm not really used to this. I just thought...I wanted to do something really great with you. Fuck...I thought...."


                "I wanted to try with you, you know. Because I like you. Fuck Genny. I'm so fucking mad about you. I'm sorry this wasn't what you wanted. I didn't really know what you wanted..."


                "I kind of wanted this to be perfect and I guess I just messed this up. I'm so-"


At the elevated tone of my voice, his eyes swiftly shifted up, boring into mine. They were large and panicky. Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brow. His lips were pressed into a thin line and a worried look etched on his face.

He scrubbed his hands over his face, groaning, "Fuck. Why am I so nervous?"

I blinked. My brows crashed at his revelation. My tongue became tied up. Ranging from his appearance to this very moment, he didn't seem a bit out of place. He seemed to have it altogether. I had thought I was the only one uneased. In some type of way, it laid my mind to rest for a bit. Being aware I wasn't the only one warring with my nerves.

I blandished, "Keegan." He gazed at me, the corner of his lips twitched for a fraction of a minute. "This is beautiful and I love it. You don't need to beat yourself up over anything. You're doing great and I absolutely love it here."

He gazed at me for a moment. With his stare, it felt like he was looking through my soul, searching my heart, looking for what I wasn't so quite sure for.

His reached for the untouched wine glass in front of him and took a sip. The knot on his throat slowly bopped as the liquid travelled down his throat. It became static for a bit and then moved again - only slightly.

Then he licked his lips, clicking his tongue, "How do I believe you now, huh?"

Instantly, my thoughts scattered. I was thrown off.

             "How do I know you're not just saying this to make me feel better, huh?"

What? "I-I'm not. I really mean it."

He shrugged, "How would I know? How are you gonna prove it, eh? I need something to back it up. I need more than words."

               "I wasn't trying to do that. I really love all of this. I mean it."

               "Come over and show me you mean it." He replied biting the edge of a smile.

               "I d-don't understand."

He glanced up and swiftly casted his eyes on the table and back up at me, "You see? How would I know anything?" He sighed, shaking his head. The corners of his mouth would perk up every now and then.

I felt lost and confused. I couldn't make out his direction. I could feel my insides swirm uncontrollably as I let my eyes fall on my thighs. With hands clasped tightly in front of my stomach, I constantly fiddled with my knuckles, weaving the fingers in and out of each other.

I whisked my head, letting my eyes wander around the overly populated restaurant and then turned to him, jaw slack, brain retiring. I couldn't make out what he wanted.

The corners of his lips were fighting back a smile, his eyebrows raised. "So I should tag you as dishonest?"

             "No please. Kee-gan, I d-don't know..."

             "So you're just lying to me, eh? You didn't mean a thing? You were restraining the truth from me and telling me lies? Wow. Just wow. Hurt me with the truth Genesis. Do not tell me lies." He rocked his head to the side and back, wrinkling his  mouth.

No more Genny? My stomach fell. "I'm-I'm not...I'm j-just...I don't know wh-what you..."

             "How would I believe you if you don't back it up with something, huh? Come over and show me you mean it. Do something." His brows crashed.

I breathed, "I k-know. I...."

He looked away. I could feel my pulse pounding so hard in my temples and my heart beating so fast against the cage of my heart. I gazed up at him. He wasn't even staring at me anymore. His eyes were roaming around the hall entirely, refocusing every now and then on different people. I wanted his eyes on me and not them. The soft pads of his fingers drummed against the table surface, his brow wrinkled.

Another quick glance around and I grazed the chair against the marble floors at an inchmeal creating the space needed to stand. My stomach knotted up. A slick smile spread, dimpling his cheeks in a way that will always leave me fascinated. He still didn't spare a glance in my direction.

A large dose of his strong scent of cologne infiltrated my nostrils as I traipsed closer. Closer and closer, eating away at the little space seperating us. Each step I took emanated a soft panic within me, that grew when my thoughts twirled into a vortex of nervousness.

The very moment I entirely closed the distance between us, a frightened yawp left my mouth. Surprised and shocked, I didn't just see what he did next coming. This was a ploy. A trap. One I fell straight into. Unpredicted and startling. I didn't think. I just never envisioned he would do something as mischievous as this. Christ, I felt so dumb. He actually played me.

I had fallen straight into his laps the second he grabbed at my arms. His shoulders heaved as he bursted into a loud cackle of laughter. My hands were wrapped around his neck due to his silly prank. I couldn't believe he did that. From deep inside his chest came a great shaking motion. It vibrated against my front.

I frowned and pulled away. Embarrassed I let him fool me. I could have seen he was only faking. I paused when he stopped me, firmly keeping me in place in his arms.

He chuckled into my ear, "I'm sorry." He laughed again. "I'm really sorry. It's just that....God, you should have seen the way you looked." I turned. The tip of our noses brushed against each other. I feigned a frown but deep inside, I was writhing in nervousness.

I whispered, "Why did you do that? I thought you were upset with me." I could tell from the look on his face that he wasn't done yet. His face muscles grew tight. I folded my arms, eyebrow arched, waiting.

In moments, Keegan's laugh was more like a bust water main arching into the brilliant summer sky soaking everyone around him with unrestrained gales that debilitated him to a thigh slapping and pick faced picture of glee. I wanted to stay straight faced, flip my hair and storm off - he was after all laughing "at me", not "with me." But before I could stop myself, my poker straight mouth twitched upwards and I was giggling despite myself.

                "You're not good Keegan."

He chuckled, "I'm sorry. I really am."

                "I thought you were mad at me."

                "I can't get mad at you."

                "Well, I am mad at you right now." I turned. The corner of his lower lip was underneath his teeth.

                "I said I was sorry. C'mon, kiss me." He puckered his lips.

I chuckled, shaking my head, "No."

                "Kiss me."


He prodded my sides. I jerked, laughing.

                "Genny, I'm not gonna stop till you kiss me. I hope you know that."

I buckled, "Keegan, please stop. We are in a public environment."


                "All the more reason to tickle you."

I squirmed on his thighs, bending over with laughter, "Keegan." I scolded. "People are watching."

He guffawed above me, "Let them watch. Then they would know whose girl you are. Kiss me. Then, I quit. We've got a deal."


              "You wanna be stubborn? Baby, I'm all for that."

              "I'm not going to...." I was splitting my sides with his tickles and prods. I tried to swat his hands away. Unfortunately, he caught both of mine and resumed his assault.

               "Okay, okay." I began to negotiate. "If I do kiss you, you'd let me go?"

He jerked back, "Let you go? Baby, I ain't letting you go anywhere."

Chuckling, I amended, "I mean back to my chair."

               "Oh. Yeah, sure."

I giggled and nodded. Closing the little space between us, I quickly planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

He frowned at me, shaking his head, "No, that's not gonna do."

I laughed again. I've been doing so much of that with him, "I did what you asked." I complained.

                "Come. I'll show you." He glided his hand around the back of my neck. My entire body grew taut as his head tipped up to mine. His mouth rested firmly against mine, intoxicating me further. I closed my eyes and let myself melt against him, flattening the palm of my hands on his stone-carved chest. Tongue stroking, lip biting, he swept a hand up my bare back and into my hair where he twisted and curled the locks in between his fingers, tipping his face to mine hence sending waves and waves of electric sensations through my every nerves.

Our kiss full of every kind of sensuality might have gone on for minutes, perhaps hours before a slight, deliberate cough intruded into the little world we created for ourselves. I turned around, stunned to see the waiter from before standing above us with what looked like a mini touch screen to take our order I presumed.

              "Oh God." I spun back so fast I was surprised my neck didn't snap, snuggling my face into the crook of Keegan's neck. He chuckled against my cheek. I could feel the heat burning my cheeks. I groaned, deeply embarrassed the waiter had seen us in that state. He laughed harder. 

I wasn't able to hear the exchange between them. I didn't put much mind into it either. I wouldn't be able to even if I tried.

He nudged me, "What do you want?"

I shrugged, nuzzling his neck, "I'll take what you take."

As soon as the waiter left our presence, I discarded his side before he could stop me and quickly resumed my seat. His laughter haunted me all the way.

I shook my head, giggling at what just happened, "It isn't funny, Keegan. Can you stop laughing? Please?"

              "How can I, Genny? You make me laugh."

I palmed my face, holding back bubbles of laughter, "You're crazy."

             "Yeah. I'm crazy about you."

I groaned, "God, please stop." He threw his head back again.

In front of me laid a serving of some type of food I haven't seen or heard before. The layout was impressive. No spillage or confusions. I couldn't quite pin-point what it smelt like and for starters, the name of the meal wasn't known to me. I glanced up at Keegan to find him stuffing a large portion into his mouth. He licked his fleshy lips and grabbed a handful of another unfamiliar food and began chewing on them.

Feeling motivated, I spooned the food on the right side and brought it up to my mouth. Slowly, I emptied the content. Immediately, it hit my tongue, I gobbed it back out. Regretful that I didn't read the menu. I grabbed it from the table in quick movements, squinting my eyes to read the words. Christ, they weren't even in English.

                "You don't like it?" I could see the worried look on his face. I instantly felt bad. I could have just dealt with it but the aftertaste was unpleasant. I couldn't help the grimace that crept up my face.

I shook my head in the negative and quickly reached for his plate, sweeping a piece of an unknown into my mouth. Instantly, I spat it out again, cringing. How does he eat this comfortably? I wasn't used to this kind of food. Perhaps, maybe that's what wrong.

I peeked at him. He was smiling at me, shaking his head. I instantly felt relieved. He wasn't upset. I didn't want him to.

                "You've got a problem with your taste buds. No shit. This is like the best food here."


                 "Well, my taste buds says they don't find it nice. Yours are pretty weird." He chuckled, popping a piece of an unknown into his mouth.

I watched him with disbelief lick his fingers clean. "Mmmnn...delicious." He smacked his lips. "You don't know what you're missing really."

I grimaced, "It looks like bread drenched in syrup and tastes like soap."

He dissolved into fits of laughter, shoulders shaking. "Damn, you're joking, right? No shit. Genny, this is Foie Gras. It's hella popular out there in France."

               "It's no wonder I never liked French back in high school. The highest I ever scored was a sixty-eight and I'm telling you even that was the highest score in class."

He chuckled, "Pretty smart, huh?"

                "For a sixty-eight?"

                "Here in Oklahoma, you just gained yourself a B."

                "Oh so an A starts from a seventy-five or...?"

He shook his head, "No, a seventy."

                "Wow. Must be pretty easy, huh?"

He chuckled, "Is that what you think?"

                "Yeah, I think it is. Well, I don't know. Can I ask what your GPA is like?"

                "I'm on a 3.42."

I flinched in surprise, "Really? That's like really big."

He laughed, wrinkling his brows, "What? A certain asshole has been on a fucking 4.0 since our second year. I think that's what's big."

              "You're doing great, Keegan. Isn't that a first class or something?"


              "But you can still get that, right? I heard a first class kicks off from a 3.5."

He smiled at me, "Affirmative."

I smiled back, laughing, "How did we go from the food to your GPA, eh?

                 "I've been trying to grasp it." He leaned back in his chair and tipped his head, "So tell me, what do you want?"

I glanced around the restaurant and turned, meeting his eyes trained on me. An eyebrow arched, awaiting my response.

I shrugged, "You don't have to bother with me. I'm fine."

              "You're not serious, right?"


              "I'll make do with this. I don't want it to go to waste. I can tell it is really expensive."

              "Genny, I took you out today because I wanted to spend quality time with you. I wanted to be with you. This is a date. A treat and the bills on me. You just said you don't like the meal. I could order something for you. You don't for any reason have to settle for something that doesn't at all appeal to you. I won't allow it."

              "I just don't want you spending so much on me."

              "Am I complaining?"

I pursed my lips.

He repeated, "Am I complaining, Genny?"

I shook my head, mumbling, "No."

               "So I ask again, what do you want?"

               "I don't know. Anything cheesy, I guess."

               "Like a pizza or what?"

               "Something chocolate. A doughnut would be fine. No, a chocolate frosted doughnut would be very great."

He smiled, "Like the dispenser thingy, huh?"

I covered my face, giggling, "Stop. Please, don't remind me of that."


He signalled a waiter to come over and repeated my choice food. The staff left and returned moments later. My mouth watered as I stared at my guilty pleasure. I try to eat healthy but I have soft spots for some foods that one probably shouldn't eat on a daily basis. Doughnuts are definitely one of them. To be honest, doughnuts are a gift from God Himself. Flour and yeast fried to perfection and coated with a sugar mixture and topped with lot of chocolate is pure heaven!! Nothing tops that for me.

I closed my eyes, savouring the irrestible taste. I heard Keegan chuckle across from me.

Eyes still closed, I offered, "Want some?"

                "All that sugar? Nah. Thanks."

I peeked out an eye, taunting, "You don't know what you're missing." Throwing his words back at him.

He cheered, laughing. "Ayyyee. Nice. Nice. Nice one."

Shrouded in a well ironed suit and dressed to finesse, a presumable staff clicked his foot against the marble tiles  sauntering in our direction. He acknowledged me while averting his eyes to Keegan immediately.

He gestured with a mannerism soaked with respect, "Good day sir..."


Keegan interrupted, "Keegan."

The man nodded, "Mr. Scott wants to see you."

His brow shot up instantly, jaw slacked, "Oh. He's here?"

               "Yes. In his office."

               "Okay. Sure. I'll be there immediately."

The staff turned and left. Keegan's eyes met mine. He smiled, rising to his feet. I frowned, disturbed. I wanted to ask. I really did want to ask.

                "I'll be back." He leaned in and glued his lips to mine, slightly biting the lower lip before letting go.

I watched him nod and smile to people as he ambled along the tiles, moving swiftly into the marbled lobby of the restaurant.

I turned back around, adjusting the strap of my dress. With nothing else to do, I let myself soak in the ambient music for a few moments, wondering what the words were and drinking in the fragranced air. I don't know how long I had my eyes closed, drowning in the soft music played by the pianist by the far end of the hall before I sighted Keegan walking down the stairs with a rather elderly man. He looked to be in his early fifties or presumably late.

Cladded in an expensive black tux which fitted him perfectly, he walked with grace and such grandeur that I had to rise up on his entrance on an impulse. Almost as tall as Keegan whose arm brushed his suit every now and then as they advanced further. His face wore a warm and kind smile which he casted in my direction. I glanced around, confused as to who the smile was for. It could have innocently been someone behind me.

His face was clean shaved but utterly serious, yet kind and welcoming. With a smile splitting his lips, he outstretched his hand towards me. Instantly, I became compelled to take it. I glanced at Keegan as if seeking for permission. He tipped his head, throwing me a wink.

His hand which nails were expensively manicured enveloped my own wholly. The instant he parted his mouth, a voice so deep it vibrated with power  and authority resounded in my ears,


                "My son has told me a lot about you." He turned to Keegan. "She is absolutely gorgeous in person. I can see that." He turned back to me. "I am Mr. Scott. The owner of this remarkable establishment. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you've been having a splendid time here."

My brain stuttered for a moment. My eyes froze wide open, as round as saucers.

I minced words, not entirely sure how to react. "Y-yes, I am. Thank you for the hospitality."

He nodded, still warmly smiling down at me, "I'm glad you are. We try to offer nothing but the best here."

                "I can see that sir."

                "Please, just call me Daniel. You are a friend of my son's?"

A quick glance at Keegan. My nerves were sparking like live wires. I could feel my palms turning sweaty.

He introduced me to his father? This could only mean one thing.

Not able to form coherent words, I gave him a slight nod, unknowingly nibbling on the insides of my cheek. Keegan leaned forward and came by my side, squashing me into his chest. I mentally appreciated his gesture for I needed some kind of support.

I forced the words to roll out of my tongue, not at all surprised at the trembling and quivering features they possessed. This man was very intimidating to the say the least.

               "My-my name is Genesis Reeds. I'm new at Oklahoma. I met Keegan in school, sir."

He smiled, "I know who you are. My son has told me already. But sadly, I'll have to take my leave. I wish I could know you better. Some other time would do. Perhaps, we could have dinner at a convenient time. How about that?"

Oh God, "Y-yeah. That-That would be fine, sir."

               "You can get used to addressing me as Daniel dear."

He turned, "Have you spoken to Dario today?"


              "Yeah. I have. Before I arrived here."

              "How is he? Please, tell him to give me a call. I need to know how that kid is doing."

He concurred, "Not a problem."

                "I'd tell you not to bother with the bills but we both know you'd never oblige."

He patted him on his shoulder and gave me a curt nod before turning his back.

I released a breathe I didn't even know I was holding, willing my heart to stop racing and my stomach to unknot.

Keegan nestled me into his arms where I closed my eyes, succumbing to relaxation he provided.

He mumbled above my head, "I'm sorry. I didn't know he was in the city. I know this was sudden."

               "It's okay. It wasn't so bad."

               "He must have caught the surveillance. I'm so sorry. He only wanted to meet you."

               "It's fine Keegan. I'm fine."

               "You wanna leave?"

I accepted. I did want to leave but then the bills. Those bills. Just the doughnuts I had eaten was priced at two hundred dollars for a piece and I had taken three. I never bought a doughnut that expensive. It was outrageous. I barely had fifty dollars in my purse else I wouldn't let him pay for that. Coupled with the French meals and the bottle of champagne. Thinking about it, I couldn't have let the waiter uncork it. Just a coke would have been enough for me.

I complained all the way out which only made Keegan laugh. How incredulous he didn't see anything abnormal in this. One thing I know is that I'm never eating at a fancy restaurant again and no one is ever taking me there either.

We drove around the city with no specified direction, talking about what not and laughing at the jokes we created. The music blasting from his stereo was my favourite part. It didn't matter the lyrics weren't all familiar with our tongues, we rose our voices to the beats and melodies of the music regardless, jamming to it and enjoying each other's company.

We passed by a bowling alley. I got excited and made him stop. He jokingly protested for a bit but parked in front of the building anyway. I had always wanted to bowl sometime and this moment only sparked the desire more. Apparently, he didn't like bowling but I witnessed some impressive skills he got. Above all, I was only able to take down two pins in all my thirty shots. They just kept rolling under. It was hilariously fun altogether.

So many places called to us. Scratch that, so many places called to me and he just went along. I preferred rambling around the city to using his car. There, I could breathe in the city of Oklahoma properly and take in the many beautiful places we came by. But my feet was proving to be an obstacle. I wasn't used to stilettos in general and they had begun to hurt my feet. We came across a boutique at the end of the road.

He made me let him carry me bridal style. I squealed in surprise, splitting my sides so bad when he sprinted down the road, towards the boutique. Moments later, we exited the place with a pair of flat shoes covering my feet and bags of what not hanging from our arms. I couldn't stop him from getting me other things I didn't at all need and won't probably use. I noticed Keegan was very skilled in using his tongue.

Fingers weaved into each other, we took the path in the direction of the car park location after hours of viewing the city. I was happy. I was content. Most of all, I was grateful. Grateful I was chanced to experience something as beautiful as this. Something this blissful. Of course, I couldn't have done it alone. I looked up at Keegan. Standing on my toes, I lightly pressed my lips to his cheek. He chuckled, smiling down at me.

I reciprocated, "Thank you."

               "For what?"

               "For this? Thank you."

He wound his arm around my neck, bringing me closer to his body heat.

               "Well thank you for choosing to go out with me. I'm a very boring guy."

I snorted, "Whoever told you that Keegan obviously lied to you. Today was so much fun. I had loads of fun all thanks to you."

               "I'm glad you think that way, shawty."

                "Is that a new nickname for me?"

                "One of many others."

I laughed. "Okay. Then, I'm going to search for one for you then. Maybe keekee would do."

He screeched, "What? No way. That sounds like something Lana would say. I can't have two Lanas in my life. One would do. No shit."

              "Lana is pretty nice."

He cringed. I laughed at his face he pulled.

              "She is. Really. I noticed you don't look like your dad."

              "Yeah, I've got my mum's facials. Only dad's physique. Lana took everything else."

                "Oh." I wanted to know so I asked, "How old are you Keegan?"

                "Pushed twenty two the day I saw you at the lobby."

                "Can I ask you something?"

                "Anything Genny."

                "How are you best friends with...with your best friend?"

He gazed down at me, "You mean Dario?"

                "Yeah. I mean you two are so different from each other. The contrast is much. I know it's none of my business but I can't help but want to know. It's just that he..."

                "Genny, I'd tell you anything you want to know. Dario and I have been buddies since we were fourteen. He came to stay with my family at that time. I introduced him to my friends and we grew up together. After highschool, the five of us decided to get a place to live together for college. We didn't like the idea of staying at different dorms."

I was confused, "The five of you?"

               "Yeah. Ian, Erika, Lana, Dario and myself."

               "But Lana stays in the dorm."

               "Oh yeah...uhh..."

               "You said he came to stay with your family. For holidays or a visit or...."

               "Permanently. My mother brought him home. I befriended him actually." He chuckled. "It wasn't easy though."

I frowned. "It wasn't easy. As in?"

                "Dario doesn't let just anyone in. It takes a lot to get on his good side. I am his bestfriend and yet I'm not fully in either."

I wanted to know, "Why?"

He sighed, "Dario is...Dario isn't any type of regular guy, Genny. He's different."

                "And I guess on the former, I'm a living witness and there are so many others."

                "He ain't that bad."

                "Sure but he's bad to me. Really bad."

He stopped walking. We both stopped. He turned, taking my face in between his palms, voice on a whisper "Does it bother you?"

Yes it does. It really does. I wasn't just used to having problems with anyone. It's either you never noticed me or I'm at peace with you but never this. Never a rift.

               "I would say he dislikes me but that wouldn't be the appropriate word to use Keegan. Your friend hates me. He loathes me and I don't even know why."

               "He is that way with everybody. It ain't really about you. Don't feel that way."

               "But mine is really extra."

He coaxed, "Hey, hey. Come here." He pulled me in for a hug. My arms stayed swaddled around his waist. "I'm so sorry about that."

His phone beeped. He made no attempt in checking it.

I pulled back, craning my head to look up at him, "What about my phone? Any progress?"

                 "Yup. Still working on it. It's at my house. Wanna go check it out with me?"

                 "Only if your friend won't be around."


                  "Nah. Just avoid him."

An hour later had us walking into his home. The last time I was here, the place was buzzing with people stashed around the entire building. I couldn't turn without bumping into someone but now, it was different. It didn't seem like anyone even lived here. If not for the well furnished living room and spotless places, you'd never guess correctly.

We trudged up the stairs. The route he was took appeared very familiar to me. Not until we passed by a door did I remember why it seemed so recognizable. Memories of that night came flashing back. Memories of my first kiss with him. Then, I only felt anger after the experience. I felt like he stole something from me but presently, when I thought back to that night, I couldn't exactly say the same.

Keegan's room was like a perfect magazine cover. The couch was cream but inlaid with a fine green silk; leaves embroidered so delicately that they might have landed there in spring and just sunk in, but I know they took hundreds of hours to sew.

The white curtains were linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust. A flat screen television with a wide inch appearance hung up on the wall, a bookshelf stocked with different variety of books and novels if it was really a Jane Eyre copy peeking out. The floor was a high polished wood, dark and free of either dust or clutter. I was afraid to sit on the bed in case I wrinkled the fabric or stained it with something I didn't even know was on my dress.

He dropped his suit jacket on the bed and unbuttoned his shirt, showcasing a thoroughly ripped body of toned skin and well scruptured arbs.

He groaned, "Fuck. I really hate suits."

I laughed, "You looked really good in them today." I went for the bookshelf asking, "You read novels?"

He chuckled, "No. Not at all. That's for Dario. I stole some from him."

I was stunned for a bit. "He's into books?"

                "Like it's no man's business."

That surprised me. "Have you read it? I mean the Jane Eyre."

                "I don't dabble in literature, shawty."

                "It's a good novel. It's really great. My favourite character is Mr. Rochester. You should read it sometime."

                "Would do. Anything for you. I've got to use the bathroom. You need anything?"

                "Just a little bit thirsty." He crossed the room to get to the door. I stopped him. "I'll go get it myself."

                "You're sure?"

I nodded, offering a smile, "Yes."

                "Cool. Last floor by the right. That's the kitchen."

I took the direction which he described. It wasn't a hassle finding the kitchen despite how big the house was. After gulping the cold bottle of water till it halved, I burped. I felt satisfied.

Finding the route back to Keegan's bedroom was harder than I envisioned. The halls looked the same. The walls, the doors we passed. Everything. I didn't realize how similar it looked until now. Every corner I turned led me back to where I started, almost like a maze. I couldn't just get across.

I walked down the stairs, roaming my eyes around, taking in the paths I treaded on. The halls were dark marble floors and white walls, not a hand print or scuff mark anywhere. 

As I sauntered further, the lights began to dim. Darker and darker it got as I descended the stairs. The doors at my my either sides were all closed except for one. It wasn't properly shut. I expected a ray of light coming from the room to infiltrate the stairs but that never happened.

Deeps groans and grunts emanated from the room. A faint ray of light drifted from the top of the ceiling, kissing the room medial. Above all, the room entirety was dimly lit. I could barely see through the space. There were shapes in monochrome. Though, the light was enough for me to notice the silhouette of an exceptionally tall bulky frame ruining a cylindrical bag hanging from the ceiling with his fists. I knew. I just knew. It was him. Even in the pitch black darkness. I could tell. In a crowd thronged with a thousand persons, he wouldn't go unnoticed by me. From his miens. His aspects. They were recognizable. They were unmistakable.

His moves were fast. His demeanour screamed fright. I watched his body move with such visciousity. So much brutality in every hit, every blow, every punch. Each and everyone of them told a story. Like he was beating out a gruesome torment from his bones. Muscles flexing and contracting. Cruel and without mercy.

Suddenly, he froze. I fidgeted. Like the suspended moment before a glass shattered to the ground.

Panic stricken, I willed my legs to move. To leave. To just go anywhere. Anywhere away from him. My brain declined working in conjunction with my feet. Any logical thought were immediately whisked away as soon as they sprung up. They fell into the shallow parts of my mind never to resurrect again.

My feet stayed glued to the ground, immobile, transfixed. I was paralyzed. The very moment his deep voice penetrated through every fibre in my body, I knew. I just knew...









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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C17
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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