You and Lady Anabel make your way through the crowd to the princess.
"Well, there you are?? Where did you go to? I thought you should entertain Lord Dobson? Where is he?"
The princess's face changes from happy to serious to excited like she doesn't know what kind of emotion she's supposed to show you, then she giggles.
"I...uhm...the King requested an audience with Lord Donson, your grace. So I-"
She holds up a hand to quiet you. Then she clears her throat.
"I'm sorry Lady Winters, could you please repeat that?"
"Uhm...okay...the King requested an audience with Lord Donson and I-"
She holds her hand up once more and her face turns pale. She waves you off.
"You may go....go keep yourself busy or something"
She covers her mouth with her hand and then both hands to her forehead. She turns to Lady Elizabeth and you only hear some words as you walk away.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god. What if he knows?!"
"The princess is acting really strange, don't you think?"
"Yes, but isn't she a little strange always?"
Lady Anabel takes her finger and turns it in circles on the side of her head. You both laugh and make your way to the crowd dancing. You don't see Lord Dobson for the rest of the night and your heart feels light.
You make your way back to your room after the ball. You only saw the King briefly and your heart feels sad that you couldn't see him more. You walk softly past Lord Dobson's room, making sure not to make a noise. You see the handle of the door opening. You start to run to your room but you struggle with the key in the door to open it. His room door open and you stop to breathe, you feel tears threatening. His door opens and to your surprise, you see Lord Walton. You give a loud sigh of relief.
"Lady Winters, everything alright?"
"Yes, yes, thank you, Lord Walton"
"I just heard someone outside so I just wanted to see if everything is alright"
"Thank you but everything is okay. Have a good night, Lord Walton"
"You too, Lady Winters"
You finally get the door open and go inside. You fall on your bed and start to smile.
(He actually listened to me. He moved Lord Dobson to another room. Thank you, my King)
You get dressed for bed and you crawl into your bed, feeling safe falling asleep. Your dreams consist of the King and how things could be if you were to be together. After a few hours, you hear a soft knock on the door. You get up and open the door slowly. Before you stand the man of your dreams.
"Lady Winters, may I come in?"
"Of course, your Highness" You open the door and bow before him.
"Would you mind closing the door? I don't want anyone to know I'm here?"
"Yes, yes of course"
You close the door. When you turn around you see the King looking you up and down. You suddenly realize you have your sleepwear on and quickly grab a gown.
"So sorry, Sire"
"Please, please don't apologize to me about you being in your sleepwear, it is, after all, me that came to you in this ungodly hour"
"Sire, if I may ask, what are you doing here at this time?"
"I came here to let you know that you don't have to worry about Lord Dobson anymore, he has been....well.... let's just say, he has been dealt with. He won't be bothering you ever again"
You feel hope rising in your chest again. You are so grateful that the King handled Lord Dobson for you.
"Really? Oh, your Majesty, you don't know how much joy and relief it brings me. You have done me a great service. I thank you, Sire, from the bottom of my heart"
"I'm very glad that I could be of some assistance to your trouble"
He turns around and walks to look out of the window. He sighs deeply. You see how the weight of the world rests upon his shoulders. You walk closer to him.
"Sire, forgive me but it seems as if you have trouble in your own heart. You have done me such a great service and I would very much like to return this service, if at all possible?"
He turns around and walks closer to you. His hands are inches away from yours and he searches your eyes. You smell his musky scent and it prickles all your senses. You don't know if it's his dark brown eyes staring into your heart or the way his face glows for you but you feel excitement brewing between your thighs.
"Lady Winters, it's so kind that you see into my soul and show me your affection for my trouble. This is what attracts me so, to you. You don't just see the King but you see me. I have a lot of troubles, Lady Winters but when I'm with you, every last one disappears"
"Sire, you aren't just my King but so much more and I would see it as a great honor should, you choose to confide in me"
"Angel, you consume me so..."
He moves even closer to you and your desire for each other pulls your lips together. You close your eyes and memorize this moment. You taste his lips between yours and you're aware of how his stubble caresses your soft skin. He gives a deep groan in your mouth.
"Mmm...I don't know for how long I would be able to control myself around you. I couldn't sleep tonight after I saw how enchanting you looked at the ball. My thoughts aren't my own..."
He once again touches his lips with yours but this time it's isn't gentle but more urgent. He put his hands around your waist and you grab his collar of his jacket and pull him even closer to you. You feel a subtle trembling filling his entire being. His breathing changes to heavy, shaky breaths.
He pulls an inch away from your mouth and you feel his breath against your mouth.
"Would you do me the honor of calling me by my name?"
You feel your heart trying to break through your ribcage. You know that no one is allowed to call the King by his first name except the ones that he allows. You move your lips to his ear and say his name in a whisper.
You feel his grip on your waist tighten by the sound of his name. Then he let out a soft moan. He curses in your mouth as he kisses you again.
" know you're mine, angel"
"I hope to be yours, for as long as you'll have me"
"Oh god, it's so good to hear that"
He kisses you one more time. Then he pulls away from you with much effort. He holds your hand in his, taking a deep breath.
"I have to talk to you about the princess"
"What about the princess, Sire?"
"Please, I beg of you, call me James" You smile shyly and nod your head.
"She must know that I have an interest in you. She's the one that's behind Lord Dobson's unforgivable behavior. She told him to pursue you. She's trying to shake you up…"
Thank you for reading!
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P.S. Next update Thursday