66.66% The Strongest Avenger {Indefinite Hiatus} / Chapter 6: First Mission

章節 6: First Mission

Today I will leave Poseidon. I have been living and training here for two years. During these two years, I worked on many projects and experiment. One of these was Project Revival. Project Revival is something I have been working on for the past 2 years. I have been improving it and refining it. At last, it is complete today.

I pick up the glass vial containing a clear liquid. I put in my endless bag and create a portal to Kamar-Taj.

I step through the portal, and a familiar scene greets me. New students are in the training grounds trying to open a portal.

I spot Master Mordo standing nearby, I smile and go to greet him.

Percy" Hello, Master Mordo."

Mordo" Hello, Master Percy. How was your journey?"

Percy" Really fruitful. Where is The Ancient One?"

Mordo" In her private room."

Percy" Thank You."

I walk towards AO's private room and knock on the door. After a few seconds, I hear someone telling me to come in. I open the door and walk-in. I see the Ancient One sitting and taking tea. I sit across from her and watch her as she pours me a cup of tea.

Percy" Hello, Master."

AO" Hello, Percy. So how was your journey?"

Percy" Great, MAster. I even brought a gift for you."

I take out the vial containing the clear liquid and pass it to the AO.

Yes, Project Revival is like the super-soldier serum but with magical herbs and more focused on increasing life-span.

AO" What is this Percy"

Percy" Master, this serum enhances the body and brain. It is designed to increase life-span with a minimum of 1000 years."

AO reluctantly takes the vial. Although she doesn't admit it due to her pride, she doesn't want to draw power from the Dark Dimension.

AO" Thak You, Percy. Actually, you just came at the right some demonic vampires are killing people in towns. I want you to go and deal with them. You will leave tomorrow."

Percy" Yes, Master"

AO" Good Luck, Percy."

I smile and leave the room. I go to my room. I open the door, and I see my room. The same as I left it. The books on the shelf, threatening to fall, the clean desk and bed. I sigh and enter the room. I lay down on my bed and go to sleep.

-Next Day-

I walk up slowly and rub the remaining sleep from my eyes.

I get dressed and start preparing for the mission. I got to AO to get the location of the Vampires. After getting the information, I create a portal a little away from a town called Bat Cave in North Carolina.

Ironic, isn't it?

You know... Vampires? Bat Cave? Nevermind...

The town is located in front of a mountain. There is an abandoned cave near hear, so I will go investigate there.

I start hiking towards the cave. When I am near the cave, I hear a commotion inside.

I order my nano-bots to turn into my Master robes. I create a magic circle in my hand go in slowly. After a few seconds, I reach a clearing where I see a man dressed in all black and fighting the 3 vampires. I go behind one vampire and try to bind it with The Crimson Bands Cyttorak, unfortunately, he evades it and the vampires and the person fighting them become aware of my presence.

Percy" I am on your side. Let me help deal with the vampires."

The person nods.

I rush toward one of the vampires at a speed faster than they can follow and punch with all my strength while using ryou haki.

As soon as the punch lands, the vampire is turned into mincemeat due to the air pressure and the strength behind the punch.

I then walk toward the second vampire who despite having an amused look on its face, has slight fear in its eyes.

I slowly start moving towards it. As I am about to punch it. I see the vampire 1 coming to attack me in my observational haki. I quickly evade the attack and take a side step.

Vampire 1" Didn't forget about me, did you?"

Both the vampires snarl and bare their teeth at me.

Percy"Tsk. Fine."

I hold out my right hand and think about turning my ring to a sword.

The ring almost instantly changes in a black katana giving off a soft white glow.

The Vampires' face change from anger to fear. They can feel the divine aura Excalibur.

I smile at them.

Percy" Not so witty now, huh?"

I flash before them in an instant. I swing my sword at the neck of Vampire 1.

It didn't even see it coming. I swipe the head of vampire 1 clean off. Continuing my momentum, I take a step forward and push my blade straight at the heart of vampire 2.

In just under a second, I kill the two vampires and they turn to dust.

Percy" Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen?"

I fell the white glow on the sword flash.

Percy' Huh. Must be because of the sword.'

I turn the sword back into its ring form.

I look at the other person fighting.

He is also close to finishing his fight.

He swings his sword at the vampire's neck, and it flies off.

He brings a lighter out of his pocket.

Percy" Want help."

I say while making a flame magic spell. He nods. I throw the flame at the vampire, and it instantly engulfs it. The vampire turns to ash after a few minutes.

The unknown person walks towards me.

Unknow person" So who and what are you?"

Percy" I am a Master of the mystic arts. Here to kill off those vampires. Who I am doesn't matter. What are you doing here?"

Unknow person" I am doing my job."

Percy" And what is your job?

Unknow person" I hunt those who feed on humans."

Percy' Wait a minute. That clothing, fighting vampires, and that line. Where have I heard it before? Oh SHIT. Isn't this ___________'

LectorBhai LectorBhai

Here you go.

Thanks for the support. I have decided that the byakugan is definitely going. Still 70-30 about the Sharingan, in the Sharingan's favour.

okay, peace out. How was the fight scene?

P.S the town bat cave is real.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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