late at night when Jungkook return back he saw you sleeping on the floor the same place where he left you.
he bend down and caress you looking at you with full of love and carried you to the bed laying you down before covering you with the blanket.
" You will never understand me, the pain I felt when you left me you will never know " said Jungkook .
Than he changed his clothes and laid down too.
The next morning y/n found herself sleeping in the bed with Jungkook sleeping next to her.
" Why are you doing this to me? sometimes you act so caring yet some other times you act so harsh to me what have you become " said y/n sighing than got out of the bed and freshen herself before changing.
After few minutes everyone was ready and
y/n thought that they were going back to Seoul but instead Jimin and Taemin went somewhere saying they needed to meet someone for business purposes while Jungkook took her to a studio but from morning till they arrive at Mark Steve studio they didn't talk to eachother not to mention even a slight glance.
" Thank you seagull for accepting I was afraid you would not come " said Steve.
"Of course I will "
"remember this is my career " said Jungkook and Steve nodded.
"oh y/n nice to see you again welcome to Steve studio " said Steve and you smile.
"nice to see you too"you said.
"okay than seagull you can go to your room as usual and I'll send someone for your wardrobe " said Steve and Jungkook nodded.
Y/n felt uncomfortable not knowing what to do when Steve showed her around his studio and introduce some famous model to her while Jungkook was having a shoot .
"Hey y/n tell me the truth are you Jungkook girlfriend " ask Steve and y/n shook your head.
"No I'm just his secretary " replied y/n and Steve chuckle.
" Really but the way he look at you tell otherwise "said Steve.
"Hey Steve he vuelto "( I'm back in Spanish)
" hey " Steve hugged the girl who was wearing a leather black jacket with tight denim jeans and ankle boots looking so cool.
Than the girl look at you " quien es ella? "(who is she) ask the girl.
"ella es Park y/n Jungkook amiga " (she is Park y/n Jungkook friend) replied Steve
" de verdad "(really)said the girl.
" hola soy Bella, encantada de conocerte " ( hi Im Bella nice to meet you) said the girl "encantada de conocerte también " (nice to meet you too) replied y/n in Spanish.
" you speak Spanish " ask Steve and y/n nodded .
" just a little bit" you said
" great OK than see you guys I have to go for a shoot now " said Bella in Spanish and y/n nodded.
" Y/n " someone shouted her name .
Steve and y/n immediately turn back and saw Taehyung smiling happily.
" Vantae " said Steve surprised to see Taehyung.
Taehyung ran quickly and hugged y/n happily showing his rectangular smile.
"I've missed you so much " said Taehyung.
" Wait! am I invisible Vantae " said Steve .
" hey Steve long time " said Taehyung and hug Steve as well.
" you guys know each other " ask Steve
and y/n nodded .
" When did you came Vantae? " ask Steve.
"just now" said Taehyung
"and you directly came here? "ask Steve and Tae nodded.
" I came to see y/n " said Tae looking at you.
"Wow y/n you're friends with both famous model if other women learns than they'll be so jealous of you" said Steve and you chuckle.
" yeah one day I was with him and I thought they would kill me just by the way they looked at me" said y/n jokingly.
" Steve hurry we need your help" said the girl holding some outfits on her hand
" okay than I have to go see you" said Steve and left.
" Hey let's go somewhere " said Tae grabbing y/n wrist.
"what about Jungkook? " ask y/n
" if he's having a shoot than it'll take long time so don't worry " said Taehyung and took you out of the building.
" Let's go to the cafe than its not long I'm afraid he'll get angry at me " said y/n when he saw the cafe shop outside the studio .
" okay than as you wish " said Taehyung and they both enter the cafe.
Taehyung talk about how he missed her and how he wanted to see y/n so much and that after hearing the news that she was here in London how he left his work just to meet her.
They talk about their friendship and joke around laughing at eachother.
y/n felt comfortable around him and thank him for coming to see her.
After few more minutes they decided to go back to the studio.
On their way One girl popped up before y/n and Taehyung making Taehyung to sigh.
"who is she and why are you with her? " ask the girl .
The girl was preety and she wore a pink dress, if one could describe it would be cute but Taehyung didn't look quite happy to see that girl.
"what are you doing here? " ask Taehyung.
" Of course you're here I should also be here and I ask who she is? " ask the girl again scrutinising y/n.
" I told you to stop following me " said Taehyung and grab your wrist but the girl blocked their way again.
" you're even holding her is she your girlfriend oh yes she seems to be familiar is she the girl who did a photo shoot with you as my replacement " said the girl making Taehyung angry .
" she's not your replacement she is better than you for your information and yes she is my girlfriend " said Taehyung and y/n open her eyes wide.
" you're lying " said the girl smirking when Taehyung pulled y/n closer hugging her shoulder and nudge her.
Y/n immediately understood what he was trying to say and side hugged him back.
" I'm his girlfriend for real now stop pestering my boyfriend " said Y/n and the girl scoff.
" you think I will believe your nonsense "
" fine" said Taehyung and the next moment he kissed y/n holding her tight .
while y/n was shocked and froze at the sudden movement unable to move the girl looked so angry clenching her fist .
Little did they knew that Jungkook was also Watching the while scene from the window of his room clenching his teeth with fierce eyes.
last night I told a bit spoiler and said the next chapter but I actually mean the next next...... chapter.....
sorry for the mistake....